Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

One thing the supporters of this action to defeat the bill should know. I don't EVER want to hear about how a kneeling athlete is spitting on our veterans and those who died serving. At least the athlete has the dignity to kneel quietly. He does not refuse them the care they were promised. He does not shit on their sacrifice by telling them they are on their own, despite that the illnesses are directly related to their service.

You either support our veterans or you don't. Those that voted 'No' on this don't.
And those LYING about the bill having added pork don't support our vets. They are willing to LIE to keep from helping vets.
Independent militias? Like a military of local, armed militias? You have GOT to be kidding.
These guys.....
Yep, as they should. Republicans stopped the democrats from using veterans as a front to push through billions for pet projects. You're not fooling anyone. People are awake to your phoney games.
The conservatives need a clear voice. These leftists are such unreal pieces of crap. They just go with victimization and the real pathetic part is how they shed their crocodile virtue signaling tears for veterans.

As if they care. They use everything and everyone and that is the reality of demagoguery.

Here since so many see me saying it and may don't know what that means.

That's what happens when we have all been fooled and misled through controlled education, lies and propaganda that we were ever supposed to be a democracy.

As a result of this and the fact that we grow closer and closer to that, we see the result.

You see how the left yell about POPULAR VOTE every election? That means mob rule followed by absolute DICTATORSHIP.

Authoritarian rule. That's our reality!!!
Look, I will prove precisely what I previously stated.

That is a comparative print showing the differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. Just a scratch out of a statement about "other purposes" at the beginning and a scratch out deep within the text of the non taxability of buy-out agreements for doctors treating the vets.

Now here is what all the caterwalling is about,

Immediately upon enactment of the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022, expenses authorized to be appropriated to the Fund in subsection (c) shall be estimated for fiscal year 2023 and each subsequent fiscal year and treated as budget authority that is considered to be direct spending

Direct spending, that means precisely what many of you are clamoring about. It is not "discretionary" and would be "locked away", only to be spent on the care of those veterans every year.

Furthermore, there is no additional spending items in the entire bill, unless you count the water problem at Camp Lejeune. The entire bill is devoted to the VA. McConnell is a LIAR. Like I said, he is pissing on your leg and telling you it is raining.
Was always mandatory spending

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