Anger at Trump spilling Over at GOP Townhalls

The RESISTENCE is beginning to pick up steam.
In town halls all over the country...
Anger at Trump because people want to keep their healthcare.
Anger at Trump about his Muslim Ban.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump about his ties to Putin.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump for violating the Constitution with the Emolument Amendment.
On and on.
This uprising makes the tea bagger movement look like a child's tea cup party.

Swarming crowds and hostile questions are the new normal at GOP town halls

I have seen the video from Chaffetz's townhall bashing in SLC, specifically Cottonwood Heights. I lived in Cottonwood Heights for several years and it's very much a family community, 99% strict Mormon demographic. So many there looked to be from the inner city area, as it's ironically very, very liberal (despite having the main Mormon Temple right in the middle of town). And I have NO problem with the liberals coming out to Cottonwood Heights and kicking Chaffetz's ass. It was a beautiful thing to see.

The liberals are just doing what the Tea Party did in 2010. All good. Except we didn't wait around a year, we started the day after this motherfucker was inaugurated.
The protesters at the Chaffetz town hall were bused in from Phoenix.

You're so full of shit. Google corrected your spelling and you're still a liar.

Anger erupts at Republican town halls - -
15 hours ago - Jason Chaffetz of Utah and Diane Black of Tennessee wereeach ... #Chaffetz town hall post-game: Protesters who couldn't get in are still ...
Hundreds Confront Congressman Chaffetz at Rowdy Town Hall
2 days ago - #Chaffetz town hall post-game: Protesters who couldn't get in are still ... other Republicans were met by a group of 75 to 100 protesters at an ...
Missing: phoenix
Jason Chaffetz Utah Town Hall Disrupted By Swarm Of Angry Protesters
18 hours ago - Cong Chaffetz Town Hall crowd chanting "Do your job!" He's having a hard time ... Citing sources who were in the room, Politico writes:.
Missing: bussed ‎phoenix
Protesters swarm Chaffetz town hall | TheHill
2 days ago - Demonstrators repeatedly booed Chaffetz when he mentioned President Trump.
Missing: bussed ‎phoenix
Angry protesters......where have I seen that before?
The left blaming their nefarious acts on us yet again.
btw, it's resistAnce. Like I said, the commies count on idiots and lunatics to do their bidding.
Your man/child president stirred up a hornets nest and demonstrations and resistance is the new normal now. Better get used to it. Each and every week this Doofus in Chief's support is dwindling.
People are appalled.
You have the hardest job in the world trying to defend the indefensible policies of this serial sex offending, racist clueless arrogant piece of shit.

Reasonable was sarcasm, I get it.
Back in the day the right said all the demonstrations against the Vietnam War wouldn't stop the war either.
How'd that work out for you.

Turn on the tv and watch democracy in action and listen to all the pissed Americans angry at Trump.
So basically a reverse Tea Party. It will be interesting if conservatives get upset about this or support their foes' freedoms of speech
The RESISTENCE is beginning to pick up steam.
In town halls all over the country...
Anger at Trump because people want to keep their healthcare.
Anger at Trump about his Muslim Ban.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump about his ties to Putin.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump for violating the Constitution with the Emolument Amendment.
On and on.
This uprising makes the tea bagger movement look like a child's tea cup party.

Swarming crowds and hostile questions are the new normal at GOP town halls

I have seen the video from Chaffetz's townhall bashing in SLC, specifically Cottonwood Heights. I lived in Cottonwood Heights for several years and it's very much a family community, 99% strict Mormon demographic. So many there looked to be from the inner city area, as it's ironically very, very liberal (despite having the main Mormon Temple right in the middle of town). And I have NO problem with the liberals coming out to Cottonwood Heights and kicking Chaffetz's ass. It was a beautiful thing to see.

The liberals are just doing what the Tea Party did in 2010. All good. Except we didn't wait around a year, we started the day after this motherfucker was inaugurated.
Please link the tea party riots.
The Trump Humps are waiting for Alex Jones to check in so they can follow his lead.
So basically a reverse Tea Party. It will be interesting if conservatives get upset about this or support their foes' freedoms of speech
Please link information about tea party riots.

Nobody has a problem with protest, btw...except lefties. We do have a problem with hysterical rioting, intimidation, obstruction.
All this is happening in the first damn month.
This anger and demonstrations wil just keep getting larger and larger and involving more and more Americans.
Somewhere Putin is smiling at what he created at getting this man/ child elected.
No, your fake news makes it up for you....:lol:
You fuckers made up the "fake news" mantra, because you're too pussy to take ownership over the shit things you do and say.
You morons were the ones who started the fake news mantra. Funnily enough, when you did it, it was fake news because you were seeking to silence real news in order to restrict information.

That table turned on you. Nobody believes anything you retards say now.
So basically a reverse Tea Party. It will be interesting if conservatives get upset about this or support their foes' freedoms of speech
Please link information about tea party riots.

Nobody has a problem with protest, btw...except lefties. We do have a problem with hysterical rioting, intimidation, obstruction.

I never said the Tea Party rioted. I don't know why that's relevant to the my comment.
So basically a reverse Tea Party. It will be interesting if conservatives get upset about this or support their foes' freedoms of speech

Of course I support their freedom of speech. I expect them to support mine. Their rights end where mine begin.
All this is happening in the first damn month.
This anger and demonstrations wil just keep getting larger and larger and involving more and more Americans.
Somewhere Putin is smiling at what he created.
I would love to see you try to explain how that works.
Now Flynn is saying he can't remember if he spoke to Russia about sanctions for Russia.
..after saying he didn't.
This administration is a total clusterfuck.
So basically a reverse Tea Party. It will be interesting if conservatives get upset about this or support their foes' freedoms of speech
Please link information about tea party riots.

Nobody has a problem with protest, btw...except lefties. We do have a problem with hysterical rioting, intimidation, obstruction.

I never said the Tea Party rioted. I don't know why that's relevant to the my comment.
That's because you are a halfwit. You said the left was just doing what the tea party did.

Selective memory is the affliction of.all those who engage in pudding headed relativism.
All this is happening in the first damn month.
This anger and demonstrations wil just keep getting larger and larger and involving more and more Americans.
Somewhere Putin is smiling at what he created.
I would love to see you try to explain how that works.
You don't know where all of Assange's info came from?
You play dumb real convincingly.

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