Anger at Trump spilling Over at GOP Townhalls

So basically a reverse Tea Party. It will be interesting if conservatives get upset about this or support their foes' freedoms of speech
Please link information about tea party riots.

Nobody has a problem with protest, btw...except lefties. We do have a problem with hysterical rioting, intimidation, obstruction.

I never said the Tea Party rioted. I don't know why that's relevant to the my comment.
That's because you are a halfwit. You said the left was just doing what the tea party did.

Because they are. Can you point to a town hall where rioting broke out?
You morons were the ones who started the fake news mantra. Funnily enough, when you did it, it was fake news because you were seeking to silence real news in order to restrict information.

That table turned on you. Nobody believes anything you retards say now.
WTF are you talking about? Can you give me the particular fake news you were referring to?
Wrong PAID agitators are disrupting meetings. But then you idiots will believe anything won't you?
There's a difference between what you believe and what we believe....

...we don't make ours up out of thin air. like to believe what fits your negative mindset and which the media feeds you.
Imagine all of those liberals working in New York for the media, busy dreaming up ways to trick you gullible idiots into believing them over and over again.
Nobody has a problem with protest, btw...except lefties. We do have a problem with hysterical rioting, intimidation, obstruction.
Like this guy?

Or this guy?

And don't give me this shit about obstruction. That's all you fuckers did for the last 8 years. You didn't do squat while this nation went down the tubes. Now you're trying to cram the worst of the worst down our throats. And the moment we start protesting these horrible nominees, you go off! We are sick of your alternative facts.

2 + 2 will never = 5. like to believe what fits your negative mindset and which the media feeds you.
Imagine all of those liberals working in New York for the media, busy dreaming up ways to trick you gullible idiots into believing them over and over again.
And you like to believe that you know what I believe.
LOL, the babies lost and they are still throwing a tantrum. And they will for at least four years. The right didn't like a damn thing Obama did but we didn't act like little spoiled children.

You want to rule by tyranny and overthrow our democratic system. It's not happening. What will happen is people will lose patience and you all will be beat down and stuffed into meat wagons and sent off to jail. When it hurts and costs money, you'll learn.
You realize that not paying attention to protests simply because you don't agree with them is the definition of tyranny right? Tyranny is only pursuing the goals of those in power while ignoring the voice from the masses. It is the same thing you accused Obama of doing when he was in office and you didn't agree with his that Trump is in office and millions don't agree with him...well, obviously it is the fault of the millions not to get with the program right?

I guess, in your mind, we should #MakeAmericaNorthKorea
Nobody has a problem with protest, btw...except lefties. We do have a problem with hysterical rioting, intimidation, obstruction.
Like this guy?

Or this guy?

And don't give me this shit about obstruction. That's all you fuckers did for the last 8 years. You didn't do squat while this nation went down the tubes. Now you're trying to cram the worst of the worst down our throats. And the moment we start protesting these horrible nominees, you go off! We are sick of your alternative facts.

2 + 2 will never = 5.

Education Secretary DeVos blocked from entering school by protesters - Hot Air
LOL, the babies lost and they are still throwing a tantrum. And they will for at least four years. The right didn't like a damn thing Obama did but we didn't act like little spoiled children.

You want to rule by tyranny and overthrow our democratic system. It's not happening. What will happen is people will lose patience and you all will be beat down and stuffed into meat wagons and sent off to jail. When it hurts and costs money, you'll learn.
I refer you to the Tea Party and the subsequent actions at town hall meetings throughout the following summer of 2009.

You may want to dismiss that history, but all of us remember it.

A lie there were no TEA PARTY riots, or any looting, or any fires, You cant prove there were, the only shit you dogshit had was a video by a lying news source of rioters that were LIBERALS taken years before that they tried to pass off as Tea partiers. The got caught and said oh the videos got mixed up ACCIDENTALLY, KINDA LIKE "i didn't have sex with that woman" "what is the definition of sex" "i didn't have any classified emails on my server" "i gave them all of my emails" "the emails erased were of things like >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" Liberals you waste your time YOU ARE THE PROBLEM we are the ERASERS and REWRITERS. having the schools, is about to be over. There will be a new school policy and a new school curriculum soon. It will be the reinstatement of REAL HISTORY, REAL ECONOMICS, REAL CIVICS and REAL SOCIOLOGY. Most of the liberal indoctrination centers will soon lose their accreditation.
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Actually it seems that support for Trump defies the media war and the Soros funded demonstrations. Despite fake polling data it seems that the overwhelming majority of Americans support Trump's executive order.
LOL, the babies lost and they are still throwing a tantrum. And they will for at least four years. The right didn't like a damn thing Obama did but we didn't act like little spoiled children.

You want to rule by tyranny and overthrow our democratic system. It's not happening. What will happen is people will lose patience and you all will be beat down and stuffed into meat wagons and sent off to jail. When it hurts and costs money, you'll learn.

The broken record plays on.
If you think a resistance for big government is going to start in Utah, you clearly don't pay attention.

If anything I could see residents being angry that after three weeks they haven't repealed Obamacare or cut taxes among other things.
The RESISTENCE is beginning to pick up steam.
In town halls all over the country...
Anger at Trump because people want to keep their healthcare.
Anger at Trump about his Muslim Ban.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump about his ties to Putin.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump for violating the Constitution with the Emolument Amendment.
On and on.
This uprising makes the tea bagger movement look like a child's tea cup party.

Swarming crowds and hostile questions are the new normal at GOP town halls
Grow up

Did you say that to the Tea Party protestors?
The Tea Party didn't act like petulant children

The RESISTENCE is beginning to pick up steam.
In town halls all over the country...
Anger at Trump because people want to keep their healthcare.
Anger at Trump about his Muslim Ban.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump about his ties to Putin.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump for violating the Constitution with the Emolument Amendment.
On and on.
This uprising makes the tea bagger movement look like a child's tea cup party.

Swarming crowds and hostile questions are the new normal at GOP town halls

I have seen the video from Chaffetz's townhall bashing in SLC, specifically Cottonwood Heights. I lived in Cottonwood Heights for several years and it's very much a family community, 99% strict Mormon demographic. So many there looked to be from the inner city area, as it's ironically very, very liberal (despite having the main Mormon Temple right in the middle of town). And I have NO problem with the liberals coming out to Cottonwood Heights and kicking Chaffetz's ass. It was a beautiful thing to see.

The liberals are just doing what the Tea Party did in 2010. All good. Except we didn't wait around a year, we started the day after this motherfucker was inaugurated.

When did the tea party wear genitalia costumes? When did they beat people up?

You realize the tea party wasn't about protesting Obama. It was protesting for limited and constitutional government. We weren't upset about not being in control of everyone else's life. We were upset about the government continually interfering in our life.

We want to be left alone. You want to control us. The movements are nothing alike.

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