Anger at Trump spilling Over at GOP Townhalls

The RESISTENCE is beginning to pick up steam.
In town halls all over the country...
Anger at Trump because people want to keep their healthcare.
Anger at Trump about his Muslim Ban.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump about his ties to Putin.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump for violating the Constitution with the Emolument Amendment.
On and on.
This uprising makes the tea bagger movement look like a child's tea cup party.

Swarming crowds and hostile questions are the new normal at GOP town halls

Phony narrative. Paid protestors. We know the deal. You are obviously an astro turfer who just arrived, or an alternate account for another one of the astro turfing, false flag, gaslighters who already reside here. Pathetic, and you aren't convincing anyone, lol!
please continue to believe that...! :D

Don't have to, I know it to be true. Sorry, the old lefty protestor narrative no longer works, BUT PLEASE CONTINUE TO BELIEVE THAT-)
This is MORE THAN the baby snowflakes lost....

this is the sign of a possible Democratic LANDSLIDE come 2018 imo.

Alright. Why should we believe that?
Just past History...
Wrong the republicans won easily in those districts this is nothing more then Soros paying people to agitate.
please keep believing that...!
You did not learn a thing from the beating you took the last 2 elections keep on doing what you have been doing it worked so well the last 2 times.
This is MORE THAN the baby snowflakes lost....

this is the sign of a possible Democratic LANDSLIDE come 2018 imo.

Alright. Why should we believe that?
Just past History...

What past history?

Cause past history of these protests make it look to me as if this is the same AstroTurf the left has has for decades.
When she says past history, perhaps CARE4ALL means her fantasies of a Clinton landslide.
Obstructing the Barrypuppet? What incredibly great legislation did the Barrypuppet propose that would have helped the middle class? Lots of people knew that the Barrypuppet was a communist and a muslim. His REAL father was a communist, he hung arounmd communists and his cabinet was full of people with communist ties and the muslim they would have MY best interests in mind? You see, I am not a piece of communist garbage and I agree with the immigrant in your first video. The only good commie is a dead you have a problem with that?
No, I have a problem with dumbass Americans, such as yourself, making the rest of us look bad. Why don't you pony up the evidence to prove what you say, big mouth?

You're a perfect example of why people are angry.
What's your source Putin got anyone elected over here? What Americans are seeing is what leftists really are. Immature and demanding. You think it moves things in your direction when people are disgusted by your behavior. I predict this summer will be the year water canons are finally employed.
I haven't seen any evidence the Russians hacked the election. None. As far as I'm concerned, this is just a conspiracy theory. Personally, I like Trumps relationship with Putin. Because you don't fight friends. You don't go to war with buddy's (unless they're doing your wife).
Wow. You found two guys. That balances out all the malcontents on the left showing their asses.
No, I gave you two examples of the violent right.

You have to go all the way back to the protests of the Vietnam War, to find the equivalent of the violent left.
Wow. You found two guys. That balances out all the malcontents on the left showing their asses.
No, I gave you two examples of the violent right.

You have to go all the way back to the protests of the Vietnam War, to find the equivalent of the violent left.

So the left was torching Starbucks during vietnam and we are looking at old footage??
Obstructing the Barrypuppet? What incredibly great legislation did the Barrypuppet propose that would have helped the middle class? Lots of people knew that the Barrypuppet was a communist and a muslim. His REAL father was a communist, he hung arounmd communists and his cabinet was full of people with communist ties and the muslim they would have MY best interests in mind? You see, I am not a piece of communist garbage and I agree with the immigrant in your first video. The only good commie is a dead you have a problem with that?
No, I have a problem with dumbass Americans, such as yourself, making the rest of us look bad. Why don't you pony up the evidence to prove what you say, big mouth?

You're a perfect example of why people are angry.

You don't need any help making yourself look bad. Have you ever heard of Joel Gilbert's documentary "Dreams From my Real Father"?? You should check it out. Barrypuppet's sperm donor was Frank Marshall Davis that took nudie pics of Ann Dunham for fun and profit. Frank Marshall Davis was a card carrying commie and was a mentor to the Barrypuppet. He was also a member of the socialist demcrat offshoot called the N.E.W party back in the 90's.....something the lamestream media tried to hide.
You don't need any help making yourself look bad. Have you ever heard of Joel Gilbert's documentary "Dreams From my Real Father"?? You should check it out. Barrypuppet's sperm donor was Frank Marshall Davis that took nudie pics of Ann Dunham for fun and profit. Frank Marshall Davis was a card carrying commie and was a mentor to the Barrypuppet. He was also a member of the socialist demcrat offshoot called the N.E.W party back in the 90's.....something the lamestream media tried to hide.
What's wrong with nudie pics of Ann Dunham?
The RESISTENCE is beginning to pick up steam.
In town halls all over the country...
Anger at Trump because people want to keep their healthcare.
Anger at Trump about his Muslim Ban.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump about his ties to Putin.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump for violating the Constitution with the Emolument Amendment.
On and on.
This uprising makes the tea bagger movement look like a child's tea cup party.

Swarming crowds and hostile questions are the new normal at GOP town halls

Groups of crybabies are attending town halls now.

Polls show a much different picture.

The protesters do not represent anyone but themselves. Judging from what you claim they are angry about, it's clear they are grossly misinformed people who have nothing better to do with their lives.

Guess what? People wanted to keep their health plans and doctors before Obamacare was shoved down our throats. More suffer because of Obamacare than are helped by it.

There is no Muslim ban. Trump wants a temporary halt to immigration from countries that the Obama administration labelled as terrorist hotbeds. Many Muslim countries also banned them. United Muslim Emigrates and other organizations support the temporary ban.

All we have here is paid protesters and ignorant people who are not mature enough to deal with losing. The manner is which most of the protests/riots have been conducted, it's clear we have some dangerous idiots out there.
The RESISTENCE is beginning to pick up steam.
In town halls all over the country...
Anger at Trump because people want to keep their healthcare.
Anger at Trump about his Muslim Ban.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump about his ties to Putin.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump for violating the Constitution with the Emolument Amendment.
On and on.
This uprising makes the tea bagger movement look like a child's tea cup party.

Swarming crowds and hostile questions are the new normal at GOP town halls

Groups of crybabies are attending town halls now.

Polls show a much different picture.

The protesters do not represent anyone but themselves. Judging from what you claim they are angry about, it's clear they are grossly misinformed people who have nothing better to do with their lives.

Guess what? People wanted to keep their health plans and doctors before Obamacare was shoved down our throats. More suffer because of Obamacare than are helped by it.

There is no Muslim ban. Trump wants a temporary halt to immigration from countries that the Obama administration labelled as terrorist hotbeds. Many Muslim countries also banned them. United Muslim Emigrates and other organizations support the temporary ban.

All we have here is paid protesters and ignorant people who are not mature enough to deal with losing. The manner is which most of the protests/riots have been conducted, it's clear we have some dangerous idiots out there.

What Clementine said is correct! The leftist narrative is losing, and to be honest, most of us are laughing at your 1970s retread. Oh, sure you have your paid people bitching, but you have been outed, and we have the footage, lol. You THINK you are getting somewhere, and that may be true, but it is probably bassackwards-)

For the 1st time in at least 20 years, it is apparent that the left is losing in votes, narrative, and in the minds of most Americans. They can propagandize and pretend if it makes them feel some power, but in all honesty..........they are in a sh**hole of their own making, they over played their hand, and it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of Marxist's!
You don't need any help making yourself look bad. Have you ever heard of Joel Gilbert's documentary "Dreams From my Real Father"?? You should check it out. Barrypuppet's sperm donor was Frank Marshall Davis that took nudie pics of Ann Dunham for fun and profit. Frank Marshall Davis was a card carrying commie and was a mentor to the Barrypuppet. He was also a member of the socialist demcrat offshoot called the N.E.W party back in the 90's.....something the lamestream media tried to hide.
What's wrong with nudie pics of Ann Dunham?

Would you want nude pics of your mom put out there for public consumption???? Don't you think that it's a tad embarrassing that the CEO of USA.INC had nude pics of his mother being shown all over the globe? That doesn't embarrass you but those like me that oppose communism and supports a return to the organic constitution does?

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