Anger at Trump spilling Over at GOP Townhalls

It appears that the story title is misleading.
Paid radicals are showing up at GOP townhalls and trying to disrupt them.

Cite? any proof of that at all?
Course there's not proof. You couldn't find that many liberals in Salt Lake City, Utah to fill a town hall, It's Mormon Central.

The Trump is, Trump is the president and he hasn't screwed over his base nearly enough. They aren't suffering like they will. But don't worry, it's happening.
Come on, this is hilarious.

What are Republicans going to do when even their own minions laugh out loud at their lies?

And then he calls them "children".

Take a good long look. That is NOT a liberal crowd. Those are Republicans.
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It appears that the story title is misleading.
Paid radicals are showing up at GOP townhalls and trying to disrupt them.

Cite? any proof of that at all?
Course there's not proof. You couldn't find that many liberals in Salt Lake City, Utah to fill a town hall, It's Mormon Central.

The Trump is, Trump is the president and he hasn't screwed over his base nearly enough. They aren't suffering like they will. But don't worry, it's happening.
Your statement is nothing but ignorance and false stereotypes.
I think you should try living in several states and countries so you can discover that the South isn't nothing but rednecks, the West isn't full of cowboys and indians, and Germany isn't full of Nazis. The United States is the most diverse country in the world, and a state line doesn't divide us like you think......that is, not every state line. There are enough liberals in Utah to fill an 80 seat town hall meeting. They have a right to be there, but the media has no right to make it look like Republicans are angry with the GOP right now...this soon. That is nothing but a lie.
Come on, this is hilarious.

What are Republicans going to do when even their own minions laugh out loud at their lies?

And then he calls them "children".

Take a good long look. That is NOT a liberal crowd. Those are Republicans.

If you say so. I hope they all produced their voting records. Or are they like your protesters.....none of them took the time to even vote in the last election because they were too busy getting high on heroin.
The RESISTENCE is beginning to pick up steam.
In town halls all over the country...
Anger at Trump because people want to keep their healthcare.
Anger at Trump about his Muslim Ban.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump about his ties to Putin.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump for violating the Constitution with the Emolument Amendment.
On and on.
This uprising makes the tea bagger movement look like a child's tea cup party.

Swarming crowds and hostile questions are the new normal at GOP town halls
Yeah... Keep telling yourself that... Whatever helps you sleep at night. You fuckers are so desperate, that I almost pity you... But the truth is that I'm loving every minute of y'alls flailing in angst.
The RESISTENCE is beginning to pick up steam.
In town halls all over the country...
Anger at Trump because people want to keep their healthcare.
Anger at Trump about his Muslim Ban.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump about his ties to Putin.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump for violating the Constitution with the Emolument Amendment.
On and on.
This uprising makes the tea bagger movement look like a child's tea cup party.

Swarming crowds and hostile questions are the new normal at GOP town halls
Yeah... Keep telling yourself that... Whatever helps you sleep at night. You fuckers are so desperate, that I almost pity you... But the truth is that I'm loving every minute of y'alls flailing in angst.
Yup your liberal ignorance that you keep playing to has done so well the last 2 elections eight? Keep on doing that.
Would you want nude pics of your mom put out there for public consumption???? Don't you think that it's a tad embarrassing that the CEO of USA.INC had nude pics of his mother being shown all over the globe? That doesn't embarrass you but those like me that oppose communism and supports a return to the organic constitution does?
Well, since my mother died this past Wednesday, I guess my answer would be, "no".
Would you want nude pics of your mom put out there for public consumption???? Don't you think that it's a tad embarrassing that the CEO of USA.INC had nude pics of his mother being shown all over the globe? That doesn't embarrass you but those like me that oppose communism and supports a return to the organic constitution does?
Well, since my mother died this past Wednesday, I guess my answer would be, "no".

Dude, I am really sorry about that....I apologize for the comment.
The RESISTENCE is beginning to pick up steam.
In town halls all over the country...
Anger at Trump because people want to keep their healthcare.
Anger at Trump about his Muslim Ban.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump about his ties to Putin.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump for violating the Constitution with the Emolument Amendment.
On and on.
This uprising makes the tea bagger movement look like a child's tea cup party.

Swarming crowds and hostile questions are the new normal at GOP town halls
Soros paid protesters. The have nothing in common with the vast majority of sensible Americans.
The RESISTENCE is beginning to pick up steam.
In town halls all over the country...
Anger at Trump because people want to keep their healthcare.
Anger at Trump about his Muslim Ban.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump about his ties to Putin.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump for violating the Constitution with the Emolument Amendment.
On and on.
This uprising makes the tea bagger movement look like a child's tea cup party.

Swarming crowds and hostile questions are the new normal at GOP town halls

Even if the above were true, clinton was still worse. There was actually no choice but Trump for a voter that wanted someone honest as president.
You have now officially entered the Twilight Zone. The man/ child lied his ass off each and every day of his campaign. Then started his presidency with 5 lies the first time Sean Splincter showed his face on the scene. Bold brazen lies from Trump to Spicer's lips.
In the first debate everything both candidates said were fact checked. The serial sex offender told 45 lies. Hillary 6.
And that mimicked the whole campaign in the truth dept.
You choose to live in a false reality and you think you're surrounded by tangerine trees and marmalade pies.
The RESISTENCE is beginning to pick up steam.
In town halls all over the country...
Anger at Trump because people want to keep their healthcare.
Anger at Trump about his Muslim Ban.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump about his ties to Putin.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump for violating the Constitution with the Emolument Amendment.
On and on.
This uprising makes the tea bagger movement look like a child's tea cup party.

Swarming crowds and hostile questions are the new normal at GOP town halls

Even if the above were true, clinton was still worse. There was actually no choice but Trump for a voter that wanted someone honest as president.
You have now officially entered the Twilight Zone. The man/ child lied his ass off each and every day of his campaign. Then started his presidency with 5 lies the first time Sean Splincter showed his face on the scene. Bold brazen lies from Trump to Spicer's lips.
In the first debate everything both candidates said were fact checked. The serial sex offender told 45 lies. Hillary 6.
And that mimicked the whole campaign in the truth dept.
You choose to live in a false reality and you think you're surrounded by tangerine trees and marmalade pies.
So-called "fact checking" is fake news.

Ann Dunham was Obama's mom....but I hate it that you lost your mom........that totally sucks...only have one of them.
Looking back on it, you were right. I would not want to see naked pictures of Obama's mom.

BTW, even though I voted for him, I withdrew support for his policies 18 months into his Presidency and never looked back. I waited 2 years before drawing any conclusions about Bush. And for me, the jury is still out on Trump. I'm going to give it time and see what he does in office, before I start drawing conclusions about him. There are things he says I don't like. But there are things he says, that I do like.
Ann Dunham was Obama's mom....but I hate it that you lost your mom........that totally sucks...only have one of them.
Looking back on it, you were right. I would not want to see naked pictures of Obama's mom.

BTW, even though I voted for him, I withdrew support for his policies 18 months into his Presidency and never looked back. I waited 2 years before drawing any conclusions about Bush. And for me, the jury is still out on Trump. I'm going to give it time and see what he does in office, before I start drawing conclusions about him. There are things he says I don't like. But there are things he says, that I do like.

I voted for Bush in 2000 and I have yet to be able to wash the stench off of me for defending that disgusting pile of shit and his "Skull and Bones" CIA shadow government and pedophile father George H Bush. Once the blinders were removed and the scales fell from my eyes? I started seeing as to how I had been manipulated. I really wished that Obama had been the real deal but his communist background and how he continued the same policies of the prior three regimes was just a continuation of the CFR, Royal Institute For International Affairs mandate of global domination. Trump may turn out to be another globalist puppet...but is it so wrong to hope that an outsider with the help of the white hats within the alphabet agencies are trying to resurrect the republic? Without any kind of hope, one might as well not exist. We are up to our necks in shit and this cabal of "Deep State" operatives have only become stronger since they killed Kennedy, the last president that wasn't a puppet...not even Reagan understood what he was up against and when they tried to kill him shortly after he was elected? He caved and folded like a cheap chair.

Trump is at least trying to make good on his promises so soon after getting into office like axing the job killing TPP and securing the southern border but maybe that's all a ruse as well. We deserve so much better than being debt slaves. The technology that we don't know about that is hidden from us could totally change the world and free the world of petroleum based fuels....have you ever seen that movie "Phenomenon"? The movie where the character George O'Malley has these amazing abilities because a tumor that is stimulating parts of his brain? How he gets pissed because he is frustrated that he knows all these things but can't express it in a way to get through to people? That is exactly how I feel sometimes but not in a genius like the way he could...I just know a lot of things and have connected the dots and the picture is so clear to me but yet I lack the ability to put it in a way that people can grasp. It's like I am walking by a house that is on fire and I run in and try top wake up the occupants and they just brush me of and go back to sleep......
The RESISTENCE is beginning to pick up steam.
In town halls all over the country...
Anger at Trump because people want to keep their healthcare.
Anger at Trump about his Muslim Ban.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump about his ties to Putin.
Anger at Chaffetz for not investigating Trump for violating the Constitution with the Emolument Amendment.
On and on.
This uprising makes the tea bagger movement look like a child's tea cup party.

Swarming crowds and hostile questions are the new normal at GOP town halls
Just you fascist democrats flooding the meetings.....if you didn't notice, last November we told you to fuck off.....
Those aren't democrats,goofball, those are disenchanted dumb ass poor republicans who finally saw the light when they realized what the GOP is about to take away from them.
Please pay attention, idiot....
Apparently you aren't paying attention,stupid or you would know just how unpopular Trump really is including among a growing number of people who voted for him.
What's wrong with nudie pics of Ann Dunham?

Would you want nude pics of your mom put out there for public consumption???? Don't you think that it's a tad embarrassing that the CEO of USA.INC had nude pics of his mother being shown all over the globe? That doesn't embarrass you but those like me that oppose communism and supports a return to the organic constitution does?
Sheesh Dale! Get a grip...

those were NOT photos of his mother, dummy!

Wanna bet?
What's wrong with nudie pics of Ann Dunham?

Would you want nude pics of your mom put out there for public consumption???? Don't you think that it's a tad embarrassing that the CEO of USA.INC had nude pics of his mother being shown all over the globe? That doesn't embarrass you but those like me that oppose communism and supports a return to the organic constitution does?
Sheesh Dale! Get a grip...

those were NOT photos of his mother, dummy!

Wanna bet?
yes, sure!

So you are saying that Ann Dunham has a doppelganger?????

Your Right to Know: More Racy Photos of Obama’s Mother Discovered (Video)
I'm saying I have discussed this BS a long time ago where picutue
What's wrong with nudie pics of Ann Dunham?

Would you want nude pics of your mom put out there for public consumption???? Don't you think that it's a tad embarrassing that the CEO of USA.INC had nude pics of his mother being shown all over the globe? That doesn't embarrass you but those like me that oppose communism and supports a return to the organic constitution does?
Sheesh Dale! Get a grip...

those were NOT photos of his mother, dummy!

Wanna bet?
What's wrong with nudie pics of Ann Dunham?

Would you want nude pics of your mom put out there for public consumption???? Don't you think that it's a tad embarrassing that the CEO of USA.INC had nude pics of his mother being shown all over the globe? That doesn't embarrass you but those like me that oppose communism and supports a return to the organic constitution does?
Sheesh Dale! Get a grip...

those were NOT photos of his mother, dummy!

Wanna bet?
yes, sure!

So you are saying that Ann Dunham has a doppelganger?????

Your Right to Know: More Racy Photos of Obama’s Mother Discovered (Video)

Obama's mom was not a historical figure, Obama is. Let the woman rest in peace and stop besmirching her memory with your vile allegations. Whatever sins Ann Dunham harbored they should not be resurrected to taint her son. Obama had no say in choosing his parents.

Let's keep it civil and compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges. Trump and Melania vs Obama and Michelle. I know it isn't a fair comparison because Obama and Michelle stand heads above the Trumps in terms of morality, intellect and social conservatism. That is hard to swallow so your alternative is to attack the president's deceased mother.

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