Anger in Politics


Active Member
Jan 5, 2014
Much of the discussion in blogs, so-called news shows and certain political ads is aimed in stirring anger up in the electorate...ostensibly to evoke "passion" to rally for or against opposing pols and policies..
I find this practice to be more destructive and detracting from problem solving than helpful.

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Much of the discussion in blogs, so-called news shows and certain political ads is aimed in stirring anger up in the electorate...ostensibly to evoke "passion" to rally for or against opposing pols and policies..
I find this practice to be more destructive and detracting from problem solving than helpful.

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Appealing to peoples emotions is the best way to get their attention.

Who would watch a boring, watered down ad?
Much of the discussion in blogs, so-called news shows and certain political ads is aimed in stirring anger up in the electorate...ostensibly to evoke "passion" to rally for or against opposing pols and policies..
I find this practice to be more destructive and detracting from problem solving than helpful.

You're asking the wrong people.

Half the people in this forum post here only for the purpose of insulting and denigrating other posters. Thread after thread degenerates into nothing more than a slime contest.

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Stop being so persuaded by emotional arguments and start supporting conservatism.
Much of the discussion in blogs, so-called news shows and certain political ads is aimed in stirring anger up in the electorate...ostensibly to evoke "passion" to rally for or against opposing pols and policies..
I find this practice to be more destructive and detracting from problem solving than helpful.

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Money in politics and partisanship are both highly destructive. As for solving the problems of the U.S., there's no will for that. It doesn't pay or get you reelected so why bother? If you try, all hell breaks loose. The U.S. is one big talk radio, and good for as much...
Stop being so persuaded by emotional arguments and start supporting conservatism.
The entire platform is return to the Good Old Days, the Golden Age. It's nothing but emotion because it ignores all the reasons why we grew the government as large as we did. We didn't invent Social Security because life was so great in the past. We invented it because it sucked but you guys think you'd love the days of suck? Well the Americans who lived then sure didn't. That's how what we have now came about.

When the rivers start to burn again, we'll be back to your Good Old Days, god forbid.
They would rather have us fighting amongst ourselves over emotional issues, than paying attention to what they are really doing and all the corruption.
Stop being so persuaded by emotional arguments and start supporting conservatism.
The entire platform is return to the Good Old Days, the Golden Age. It's nothing but emotion because it ignores all the reasons why we grew the government as large as we did. We didn't invent Social Security because life was so great in the past. We invented it because it sucked but you guys think you'd love the days of suck? Well the Americans who lived then sure didn't. That's how what we have now came about.

When the rivers start to burn again, we'll be back to your Good Old Days, god forbid.

Why is it that the dems are always yearning to turn back to the glorious years of poverty, high unemployment, depression under fdr?

The Division Pimps -- those media pundits on both ends of the spectrum who have a vested professional and financial interest in keeping the two "sides" angry at each other -- have done a fabulous job. Until we stop allowing ourselves to be influenced by them and start acting like honest, civil adults, the divisions will only keep growing.

They would rather have us fighting amongst ourselves over emotional issues, than paying attention to what they are really doing and all the corruption.

Think u have a point...voters are more susceptible to manipulation when distracted and fear and ire r all rabble rousers and war mongers know.
Sad really.

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Much of the discussion in blogs, so-called news shows and certain political ads is aimed in stirring anger up in the electorate...ostensibly to evoke "passion" to rally for or against opposing pols and policies..
I find this practice to be more destructive and detracting from problem solving than helpful.

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Appealing to peoples emotions is the best way to get their attention.

Who would watch a boring, watered down ad?
There are emotions other than fear and anger ..and calling that "passion" is misleading when it puts a positive spin on destructive emotion and obliterates reason...
Love, joy and exuberance r also passion...

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Much of the discussion in blogs, so-called news shows and certain political ads is aimed in stirring anger up in the electorate...ostensibly to evoke "passion" to rally for or against opposing pols and policies..
I find this practice to be more destructive and detracting from problem solving than helpful.

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Appealing to peoples emotions is the best way to get their attention.

Who would watch a boring, watered down ad?
There are emotions other than fear and anger ..and calling that "passion" is misleading when it puts a positive spin on destructive emotion and obliterates reason...
Love, joy and exuberance r also passion...

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Where did I say emotions only applied to fear and anger?

I used the word "emotions" and that encompasses ALL emotions.

And passion is an apt description it's not exclusive to anger or fear.

noun \ˈpa-shən\

: a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something

: a strong feeling (such as anger) that causes you to act in a dangerous way

: a strong sexual or romantic feeling for someone
Stop being so persuaded by emotional arguments and start supporting conservatism.
The entire platform is return to the Good Old Days, the Golden Age. It's nothing but emotion because it ignores all the reasons why we grew the government as large as we did. We didn't invent Social Security because life was so great in the past. We invented it because it sucked but you guys think you'd love the days of suck? Well the Americans who lived then sure didn't. That's how what we have now came about.

When the rivers start to burn again, we'll be back to your Good Old Days, god forbid.

Why is it that the dems are always yearning to turn back to the glorious years of poverty, high unemployment, depression under fdr?
What created that is what you want to return to. These programs came about because we had serious problems. You want to go back and try again what caused the serious problems in the first place.

The Division Pimps -- those media pundits on both ends of the spectrum who have a vested professional and financial interest in keeping the two "sides" angry at each other -- have done a fabulous job. Until we stop allowing ourselves to be influenced by them and start acting like honest, civil adults, the divisions will only keep growing.


Cool! You start.

The Division Pimps -- those media pundits on both ends of the spectrum who have a vested professional and financial interest in keeping the two "sides" angry at each other -- have done a fabulous job. Until we stop allowing ourselves to be influenced by them and start acting like honest, civil adults, the divisions will only keep growing.


Another sound observation...the electorate gets iincreasingly more polarized and dysfunctional as those fame and fortune seeking media "stars" sensationalize events and obsess about "who's to blame" rather than encouraging cooperation and solution seeking...And the recent decision by the Supremes is likely to exacerbate and amplify all that negativity by opening even more opportunities for self serving moneyed interests....

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Appealing to peoples emotions is the best way to get their attention.

Who would watch a boring, watered down ad?
There are emotions other than fear and anger ..and calling that "passion" is misleading when it puts a positive spin on destructive emotion and obliterates reason...
Love, joy and exuberance r also passion...

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Where did I say emotions only applied to fear and anger?

I used the word "emotions" and that encompasses ALL emotions.

And passion is an apt description it's not exclusive to anger or fear.

noun \ˈpa-shən\

: a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something

: a strong feeling (such as anger) that causes you to act in a dangerous way

: a strong sexual or romantic feeling for someone

Sigh...ur missing my point loneststar...which is that the emotion stirred up in politics IS predominately negative - anger and fear; rather than positive like enthusiasm and love.
Calling all that fear and hate mongering "passion" is misleading in that it gives it a positive spin rather than exposing its destructive nature...All that in the service of manipulating voters and enhancing the careers of media "stars"...on both sides.
And...Clearly NOT in the service of American citizenry both the pols and the "talking heads" purport to serve...

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There are emotions other than fear and anger ..and calling that "passion" is misleading when it puts a positive spin on destructive emotion and obliterates reason...
Love, joy and exuberance r also passion...

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Where did I say emotions only applied to fear and anger?

I used the word "emotions" and that encompasses ALL emotions.

And passion is an apt description it's not exclusive to anger or fear.

noun \ˈpa-shən\

: a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something

: a strong feeling (such as anger) that causes you to act in a dangerous way

: a strong sexual or romantic feeling for someone

Sigh...ur missing my point loneststar...which is that the emotion stirred up in politics IS predominately negative - anger and fear; rather than positive like enthusiasm and love.
Calling all that fear and hate mongering "passion" is misleading in that it gives it a positive spin rather than exposing its destructive nature...All that in the service of manipulating voters and enhancing the careers of media "stars"...on both sides.
And...Clearly NOT in the service of American citizenry both the pols and the "talking heads" purport to serve...

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I disagree with your premise that "the emotion stirred up in politics IS predominately negative ", I have seen lots of political speeches that invoke enthusiasm, pride, love of country. Now if you're talking strictly about political ads, then you may be correct. But it hasn't always been that way.

No the word "passion" is not misleading it's an accurate description. Just because you think "passion" 'only refers to positive things is something you have to deal with. Passion by definition can mean enthusiasm, excitement, joy, love etc... as well as anger.

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