Angle +4 who's crazy now?

There is a small part of me that wishes you all could actually experience a federal government dominated by tea baggers. Then you'd come to understand why your grand and great-grand parents opted for a liberal/progressive government.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2010 - Nevada Senate - Angle vs. Reid

Actually, Reid loses in the last three consecutive polls.

Whether one is crazy or not has zero to do with winning or not winning an election. All a crazy person has to do is get enough crazy and/or uninformed people to vote for them and they're in. Winning this election won't stop Angle from being crazy. She'll simply be a crazy senator. And Nevada (and the US) will be the worse for it.

Actually, the US will be better for it as there will be one less automatic "Yes" for anything Team 0bama dreams up spending for...

I'm all for saving money...:clap2:
If Angle wins the Nevada people will be shocked at what tehir state loses.

No we won't. Reid has brought nothing to the state since he's been the boss. Nevada ranks 50th out of returned federal monies. Great job Harry!
There is a small part of me that wishes you all could actually experience a federal government dominated by tea baggers. Then you'd come to understand why your grand and great-grand parents opted for a liberal/progressive government.

You're a teabagger... Whatever you do in the privacy of your own home is your own business, though, so have fun....
Gambling and prostitution is a sin. Will baggers allow it to continue?

Nevada is the state of YES. You can do pretty much whatever you want (except for illegal drugs) so long as you don't harm anyone else.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2010 - Nevada Senate - Angle vs. Reid

Actually, Reid loses in the last three consecutive polls.

Whether one is crazy or not has zero to do with winning or not winning an election. All a crazy person has to do is get enough crazy and/or uninformed people to vote for them and they're in. Winning this election won't stop Angle from being crazy. She'll simply be a crazy senator. And Nevada (and the US) will be the worse for it.

Angle, if she wins will be a junior senator. She will have no power to do any of the "damage" the libs accuse her of wanting to do. Reid on the other hand has done an amazing amount of damage to the US as a whole.
Read got his ass handed to him in the Debate. By a so called wacko Dim Wit. Since then Angle has been a lock.
There is a small part of me that wishes you all could actually experience a federal government dominated by tea baggers. Then you'd come to understand why your grand and great-grand parents opted for a liberal/progressive government.

In point of fact they didn't. If the "progressives" had been up front about their motives way back when they got started they would probably have been shot. Why do you think the process has taken almost a hundred years? It has been slowly incremental because they had to slowly pull the wool over the peoples eye and slowly boil a lobster in a pot.

The people are for the most part conservative.
There is a small part of me that wishes you all could actually experience a federal government dominated by tea baggers. Then you'd come to understand why your grand and great-grand parents opted for a liberal/progressive government.

In point of fact they didn't. If the "progressives" had been up front about their motives way back when they got started they would probably have been shot. Why do you think the process has taken almost a hundred years? It has been slowly incremental because they had to slowly pull the wool over the peoples eye and slowly boil a lobster in a pot.

The people are for the most part conservative.

Exactly. Progressives like Obama for example. Always run as more Moderate than they really are. Precisely because the could not win if they told us the truth.
There is a small part of me that wishes you all could actually experience a federal government dominated by tea baggers. Then you'd come to understand why your grand and great-grand parents opted for a liberal/progressive government.

In point of fact they didn't. If the "progressives" had been up front about their motives way back when they got started they would probably have been shot. Why do you think the process has taken almost a hundred years? It has been slowly incremental because they had to slowly pull the wool over the peoples eye and slowly boil a lobster in a pot.

The people are for the most part conservative.

Beginning with Teddy Roosevelt, the liberals/progressives have been totally clear about what they wanted. If it wasn't clear to you, well, that's another matter. I'll bet it was clear to your grand and great grand parents.
Angle's still crazy. Harry Reid is just corrupt. Nevadans seem to perfer crazy. Go figure.

Reid is badshit crazy. It's all proportional. His time is done. Time for a new kind of crazy. That's change I hope for.

* For the terminally stupid "Badshit" is not a typo, it s a play on words.... but Reid is a bad person.
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Again, with the chinese perspective on all this....
[ame=""]Down to the wire[/ame]

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