Angle +4 who's crazy now?

In her campaign to capture the Nevada Senate seat from Harry Reid (D), Tea Party maven Sharron Angle (R) has maintained a hardline view on abortion. Earlier this year, Angle insisted that women should not have control over their reproductive rights in cases of rape or incest, because it would "interfere with God's 'plan' for them." In a more recent interview obtained by the Huffington Post's Sam Stein, Angle refused to back down from her "pro-life sensibilities" and offered a more jarring take on rape victims. On the right-wing Alan Stock Show in June, Angle suggested that "a young girl raped by her father" deal with the "horrific situation" by making lemons into lemonade

Newsvine - Angle: Rape Victims Should Use Their Pregnancies As A Way To Turn Lemons Into Lemonade

angle still crazy as a malhouse rat
Reid will maintain control of the Senate Seat, though I believe Angle will win the election.
Angle's still crazy. Harry Reid is just corrupt. Nevadans seem to perfer crazy. Go figure.

Reid is badshit crazy. It's all proportional. His time is done. Time for a new kind of crazy. That's change I hope for.

* For the terminally stupid "Badshit" is not a typo, it s a play on words.... but Reid is a bad person.

Regardless, if I lived in Nevada I'd probably take advantage of the handy "None of the Above" lever. Wish we had one of those in Maryland.
Poll RCP
Date 10/8 - 10/26
Angle (R)Reid (D) Spread Angle +1.8
RCP Average 47.3 45.5

This race is clearly up in the air, and the electorate is mad at Reid but wary of Angle.
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There is a small part of me that wishes you all could actually experience a federal government dominated by tea baggers. Then you'd come to understand why your grand and great-grand parents opted for a liberal/progressive government.

In point of fact they didn't. If the "progressives" had been up front about their motives way back when they got started they would probably have been shot. Why do you think the process has taken almost a hundred years? It has been slowly incremental because they had to slowly pull the wool over the peoples eye and slowly boil a lobster in a pot.

The people are for the most part conservative.

Beginning with Teddy Roosevelt, the liberals/progressives have been totally clear about what they wanted. If it wasn't clear to you, well, that's another matter. I'll bet it was clear to your grand and great grand parents.

I don't remember my grandfathers agreeing to having a 15% self-employed tax rate for Social Security and Medicare. In fact I distinctly remember them telling me they were duped. They thought it was a great idea and a reasonable cost in the 1930s. In the 1960s they thought Medicare was reasonable but Social Security was too high then. In the 1990s they were quite frustrated, especially seeing how the benefit structure was collapsing.
There is a small part of me that wishes you all could actually experience a federal government dominated by tea baggers. Then you'd come to understand why your grand and great-grand parents opted for a liberal/progressive government.

In point of fact they didn't. If the "progressives" had been up front about their motives way back when they got started they would probably have been shot. Why do you think the process has taken almost a hundred years? It has been slowly incremental because they had to slowly pull the wool over the peoples eye and slowly boil a lobster in a pot.

The people are for the most part conservative.

Beginning with Teddy Roosevelt, the liberals/progressives have been totally clear about what they wanted. If it wasn't clear to you, well, that's another matter. I'll bet it was clear to your grand and great grand parents.

:lol::lol: My grandfather was a member of the American Communist Party way back in 1930...I think I probably know more about how they work than you do. It had to be slow and incremental because otherswise my grandfather would have been shot! And I wouldn't be here!
JokeStarkey said:
Poll RCP
Date 10/8 - 10/26
Angle (R)Reid (D) Spread Angle +1.8
RCP Average 47.3 45.5

This race is clearly up in the air, and the electorate is mad at Reid but wary of Angle.

mere months ago Jokey was saying Harry Reid will win this in a landslide...

Awesome prediction skillz, liberal Jokey...
RealClearPolitics - Election 2010 - Nevada Senate - Angle vs. Reid

Actually, Reid loses in the last three consecutive polls.

She's +1.8 at RCP.

That is the combines Sarah G. In the two latest Angle is up +4 and +2 in the one prior to that. The gap is widening, not shrinking.

Ok, if you're cherry picking the polls, you can say she is at +4 but then I could say Reid is at +3 because he is in one poll. Make semse?

That race is tight.
If Angle wins the Nevada people will be shocked at what tehir state loses.

Yep. Kinda like how when a fat person starts being responsible, eating right, exercising, and loses 50 pounds in 6 months. And they are shocked at what they lost.

Nevada will get that same feeling.
Angle's still crazy. Harry Reid is just corrupt. Nevadans seem to perfer crazy.
....And, extremely-hungry for Americans' tax-dollar$!!!!

How is it that "Crazy" Sharron is considered a "darling" of the Cut-Federal-Spending 'Baggers, when her ex-lobbyist-handlers (from the private-prison industry) plan on financing Arizona's budget with U.S. tax-dollar$????? :eusa_eh:

It's what....."different" when 'Baggers' icons are BOOSTING deficit-spending???? :eusa_eh:

You're still at it with the centered alignment, varied colors and crap? You're kinda a douche with that.
JokeStarkey said:
Poll RCP
Date 10/8 - 10/26
Angle (R)Reid (D) Spread Angle +1.8
RCP Average 47.3 45.5

This race is clearly up in the air, and the electorate is mad at Reid but wary of Angle.

mere months ago Jokey was saying Harry Reid will win this in a landslide...

Awesome prediction skillz, liberal Jokey...

Says House as he wring his hands. The Non-Republican fauxconservative Dr. House has pointed out I miscalculated the race. I will give him this one considering the dozens of times I made him look silly. I still think Nevadans are not going to be able to pull the lever for Angle. If I am wrong, then I am wrong.
She's +1.8 at RCP.

That is the combines Sarah G. In the two latest Angle is up +4 and +2 in the one prior to that. The gap is widening, not shrinking.

Ok, if you're cherry picking the polls, you can say she is at +4 but then I could say Reid is at +3 because he is in one poll. Make semse?

That race is tight.

It is not cherry picking to use the most current of four polls. Reid is losing ground and he is already behind. Supporting Angle is apparently less crazy than helping Obama and Reid.
come on people..she thinks you should force rape victims to bear the child of the rapist...yall need to get a damned grip
Angle +4 who's crazy now?

Actually, Reid loses in the last three consecutive polls.

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." Winston Churchill

LOL - she is such a joke, it will be a new congress and will make Mad magazine serious literature.



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