Angle +4 who's crazy now?

Nevada voters seem to want her according to the polls. It is their decision.
Indeed, it is.

If SA is elected, then it should be wake up call to both parties that business as usual is closed and that new owners are in charge, at least in those election districts.

If the fringe loonies of the Tea Party can be shed, perhaps good can come from all of this. However, I do think the neo-con leadership of the GOP will do its level best to co-opt them.
Reid is by far the better candidate for Nevada than Angle: that is quite obvious.

However, voters are known for not making good choices.
Ya' heard-about-that, huh?

You mean Nevadans knew what they were doing when they kept Reid in Washington for 30 years, but they have suddenly taken leave of their senses?
Revere, you don't get it. A anti-tax anti-reform group from the right, associated with the fauxright loony fringe, has mounted a serious challenge to the status quo. So not all "Nevadans" agree with that, and you need to back away from such an assertion.
I am talking about the rightist movement in Nevada, not about Harry Reid.

Stay focused, Revere.
come on people..she thinks you should force rape victims to bear the child of the rapist...yall need to get a damned grip

It's a pretty common view among those who think a fetus is an actual life deserving of Constitutional protection. Is killing a baby some magic cure for rape trauma?
come on people..she thinks you should force rape victims to bear the child of the rapist...yall need to get a damned grip

It's a pretty common view among those who think a fetus is an actual life deserving of Constitutional protection. Is killing a baby some magic cure for rape trauma?

The solid majority of Americans believe in the primacy of federally regulated abortion with limitations over the objections of the few.

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