Angle Sends Cease-And-Desist To Reid -- For Reposting Her Own Website

She is so gonna lose to Reid. These teapartiers, I tell you, they sure know how to screw everything up.

It was a can't lose seat....until the Tea Baggers got involved
....and Harry said, "OK".

Then Harry went right back and did it again....

Harry Reid isn't letting threats of a lawsuit stop him -- he' sticking with his Web campaign against "the real Sharron Angle." After the Angle campaign sent the Reid camp a cease-and-desist letter last week demanding that they take down their reposting of Angle's old campaign website, the Reid camp has now made just a few modifications and put it right back up.

After she won Nevada's Republican Senate primary, Angle's campaign took down most of its website, and later replaced it with a relaunched (and somewhat toned down) version. But the Reid campaign saved the old version, and put up a website called "The Real Sharron Angle," reproducing the old content. Then on Friday, the Angle campaign sent them a cease-and-desist letter, alleging violation of copyrights for Reid having reposted Angle's old campaign literature.

The Angle campaign also claimed that by leaving fill-in boxes for e-mail addresses intact, the Reid campaign was in a position to gain contact information of Angle's supporters who were deceived into thinking this was actually her site. Angle spokesman Jerry Stacy said in a press release: "Make no mistake, the Reid campaign was forced to take this site down because they were breaking several laws and trying to deceive the voters."

The Reid campaign did initially take down the site, seemingly obeying the cease-and-desist, and rerouted users to one of their other anti-Angle sites. But now they've put it right back up, simply removing the sign-up fields, some formatting and other identifying marks.

Yup, Sharron Angle: so proud of her views she doesn't want people to read them on the internet.

Reid Re-Reposts Angle's Old Website -- Even After Threat Of Lawsuit
The inherint danger in the anti-incumbent anger is that we very well may replace vile scum like Reid with something even more sinister See the former HP CEO for your fine example.
libturds being unable to think cannot grasp the concept of views and values changing over time and circumstance. Tis a pity.
Apparently Angle is unaware that the Internet is archived daily so even if she changes her page or takes it down completely it never actually goes away.
Trust me... Seniors would be a hell of a lot better off today than they are now.



most seniors would be flat broke if SS were privatized. spin what could have been done. but what would have been done is money would have been put in areas that generated the most return for the financial consultants and creeps. their profits vs returns on safe investments.

Bullshit... you have no concept of investing if you honestly believe that.


Immie, I have a 401-K, and am now drawing SS as I continue to work. The amount that I was promised in my SS account has not changed, and I am recieving it. The amount in my 401-K has shrank considerably. This has been the experiance of most of the people that I am working with.
Poll Date Sample Angle (R) Reid (D) Spread
RCP Average 5/24 - 6/22 -- 43.7 41.3 Angle +2.4
Rasmussen Reports 6/22 - 6/22 500 LV 48 41 Angle +7
Las Vegas Review-Journal 6/1 - 6/3 625 LV 44 41 Angle +3
Mason-Dixon 5/24 - 5/26 625 LV 39 42 Reid +3

Well, it does look like the race is Angle's to lose.
Poll Date Sample Angle (R) Reid (D) Spread
RCP Average 5/24 - 6/22 -- 43.7 41.3 Angle +2.4
Rasmussen Reports 6/22 - 6/22 500 LV 48 41 Angle +7
Las Vegas Review-Journal 6/1 - 6/3 625 LV 44 41 Angle +3
Mason-Dixon 5/24 - 5/26 625 LV 39 42 Reid +3

Well, it does look like the race is Angle's to lose.

I agree. And once she comes out of hiding and let's the people hear what she really stands for, she will lose it. I mean McConnell HAS to let her speak at some point, right?

most seniors would be flat broke if SS were privatized. spin what could have been done. but what would have been done is money would have been put in areas that generated the most return for the financial consultants and creeps. their profits vs returns on safe investments.

Bullshit... you have no concept of investing if you honestly believe that.


Immie, I have a 401-K, and am now drawing SS as I continue to work. The amount that I was promised in my SS account has not changed, and I am recieving it. The amount in my 401-K has shrank considerably. This has been the experiance of most of the people that I am working with.

The value of your 401(k) would shrink in times like this. However, if you had been investing in your 401(k) for all of your working years even just the 6% the government takes then you would have nothing to worry about today.

In times like these the value of your 401(k) is going to fall, but if you will look at how quickly it comes back, I don't think you would need to worry. One would assume that since you are of retirement age that you would have taken the vast majority of your 401(k) out of aggressive investments and put it into conservative (yes, I know you hate that term ;) ) funds. I am by no means insinuating that the government should just let people buy stocks and bonds willy nilly. There should be government sponsored (yes, regulated funds) for each age group to protect individual funds. I also believe there should be a tax to provide for the disabled, those whose main breadwinner dies early in life and those who should happen to outlive their retirement funds. Upon retirement you should not be able to take it all out and take a year long cruise, either. Annuities should be required before anything that will provide a guaranteed income for life.

actually, you're ignoring the part that actually matters:

the ad is correct in describing Angle as wanting to "get rid of Medicare and Social Security,

No, that is what matters to you. Is that because you favor Reid?

Why is a better Social Security Plan so frightening to Democrats? Why is it that you seem to support Reid putting words in Angle's mouth?


Think people are suffering now? Consider what would have happened if the private sector had had the opportunity to invest people's Social Security into plans they put people's 401ks into. :eusa_whistle:
Exactly...and wasn't that something the Republican administration wanted to do a few years ago?
libturds being unable to think cannot grasp the concept of views and values changing over time and circumstance. Tis a pity.

Changing right after a primary election, stupid?


Yeah...that's view and values changing over time and circumstance....the circumstance of "oops, better say this instead of that if it will get me elected"...:eusa_whistle:
libturds being unable to think cannot grasp the concept of views and values changing over time and circumstance. Tis a pity.

Changing right after a primary election, stupid?


Yeah...that's view and values changing over time and circumstance....the circumstance of "oops, better say this instead of that if it will get me elected"...:eusa_whistle:

Kinda like McCain NOT being a Maverick before he was a Maverick? Or was that the other way around. The more he talks out of his ass, the less I can understand.
Angle Sends Cease-And-Desist To Reid -- For Reposting Her Own Website | TPMDC

Sharron Angle has resorted to an unusual maneuver to counter Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's attacks on her past quotes and positions, the Reid campaign has announced: A cease-and-desist letter, demanding that Reid no longer republish Angle's previous campaign website.

The short version of the story is as follows: After the former state Rep won Nevada's Republican Senate primary, Angle's campaign took down most of its website, and later replaced it with a relaunched version that in some ways toned down her right-wing rhetoric. But Internet pages are rarely ever forgotten -- the Reid campaign saved the old version, and put up a website called "The Real Sharron Angle," reproducing the old content.

Then, they say, the Angle campaign sent them a cease-and-desist letter, claiming misuse of copyrighted materials in the reposting of the old website -- which was, of course, being posted for the purposes of ridiculing Angle. The Reid campaign has in fact taken down the site, rerouting visitors to another website that goes after Angle's positions, "Sharron's Underground Bunker."
"These are Sharron Angle's positions in Sharron's own words from Sharron's own website. What was good enough for Nevada voters to read during the primary should be good enough for them now," said Reid campaign spokesman Jon Summers. "Sharron has long believed in killing Social Security, eliminating the Departments of Education and Energy and shipping nuclear waste to Nevada. We've always heard that Sharron Angle is an unapologetic conservative. It has to be embarrassing for her to have her handlers trying to hide who she really is."
And I thought she couldn't get any worse. :rofl:

That's like demanding that someone not use words that you had spoken at one point in the past.
Angle Sends Cease-And-Desist To Reid -- For Reposting Her Own Website | TPMDC

Sharron Angle has resorted to an unusual maneuver to counter Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's attacks on her past quotes and positions, the Reid campaign has announced: A cease-and-desist letter, demanding that Reid no longer republish Angle's previous campaign website.

The short version of the story is as follows: After the former state Rep won Nevada's Republican Senate primary, Angle's campaign took down most of its website, and later replaced it with a relaunched version that in some ways toned down her right-wing rhetoric. But Internet pages are rarely ever forgotten -- the Reid campaign saved the old version, and put up a website called "The Real Sharron Angle," reproducing the old content.

Then, they say, the Angle campaign sent them a cease-and-desist letter, claiming misuse of copyrighted materials in the reposting of the old website -- which was, of course, being posted for the purposes of ridiculing Angle. The Reid campaign has in fact taken down the site, rerouting visitors to another website that goes after Angle's positions, "Sharron's Underground Bunker."
"These are Sharron Angle's positions in Sharron's own words from Sharron's own website. What was good enough for Nevada voters to read during the primary should be good enough for them now," said Reid campaign spokesman Jon Summers. "Sharron has long believed in killing Social Security, eliminating the Departments of Education and Energy and shipping nuclear waste to Nevada. We've always heard that Sharron Angle is an unapologetic conservative. It has to be embarrassing for her to have her handlers trying to hide who she really is."
And I thought she couldn't get any worse. :rofl:

That's like demanding that someone not use words that you had spoken at one point in the past.

Kinda like McCain....
Ahhh, the gift that keeps on giving, otherwise known as Sharron Angle. Once again she is caught telling people what she really thinks, then has to immediately retract the comments because she's insane.

Greg Sargent reports that yesterday on a local Nevada radio show, the state’s GOP Senate candidate Sharron Angle joined in, calling the BP escrow account a “slush-fund”:
CALLER I wanted to know what she thought of the $20 billion slush fund and whether or not government should be able to do that to a private company.
ANGLE: Well, the short answer is no, government shouldn’t be doing that to a private company. And, I think you named it clearly, it’s a slush fund. … But everyone in the petroleum industry shouldn’t be penalized for one bad person’s actions. It would be like throwing us all in prison because one person committed murder. And that’s exactly what’s going on here is it’s an overreaction by government for not the right reasons.​

Angle is now walking back her comments that BP's escrow account is a "slush fund." From a statement on her campaign website:

Having had some time to think about it, the caller and I shouldn't have used the term "slush fund"; that was incorrect." My position is that the creation of this fund to compensate victims was an important first step-- BP caused this disaster and they should pay for it. But there are multiple parties at fault here and there should be a thorough investigation. We need to look into the actions, (or inactions) of the Administration and why the regulatory agency in charge of oversight was asleep at the wheel while BP was cutting corners. Every party involved should be held fully accountable​

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