Angry Americans (democrats only)

Despite the Biden victory there are still a huge number of Americans who voted for Trump. They might win next time. If they dont win they will come close.

They cant all be conspiracy theory covidiot loons. Some will be educated and some will be nice people.
How do you explain their support for a candidate who essentially had a negative message for the US ?

I dont think that trump had any political beliefs at all. He believed in trump. Next time the right may come back with somebody who believes all the crap.

Biden seems to be an underwhelming choice of candidate and maybe that was the plan. Pick the least offensive guy out there. I cant see him as any more than a stop gap to rid the country of trump.

So how does the left stop a Trump MK 2 happening in a couple of years? How do you protect the progress made in your society over the years ?

I have stated Democrats only but I am happy to discuss this with right wingers who can think beyond the usual sloganeering.

What was Trump's negative message???


1) China has engaged in intellectual property theft, made it extremely difficult for foreign products to compete on their market and offer their workers no protection from unsafe or unfair labor practices. When you cut corners everything is cheaper to produce. Why subsidize China's bad behavior?

"intellectual property theft"? Really? We aren't talking about some knockoff CD, we're talking about mass produced cheap goods.

2) We need immigration reform. Millions of people worldwide have submitted applications to come to the US and wait patiently in their respective countries for an answer. Illegal entry into the US should not be rewarded.

But we are rewarding the white people who hire undocumented workers, including Trump, who has been cited for using undocumented labor in his properties. Now, if you really wanted to fix this problem, you create a guest worker program and crack down hard on the people hiring them. But again, that doesn't give the relief the angry white dude feels about undocumented, even when he's picking up a truck of day-laborers to finish his home improvement project.

3) Fair trade requires everyone to improve worker conditions. We need to push up not down.

Here's the problem with that. For an American, working in a factory is a step down. For a Chinese, working in a factory is a step up from working in the Rice Paddies.

4) I'll simply point out that prior to fracking oil prices were very high. I am grateful for fracking and hope we maintain this direction.

Uh, no. The amount of enviromental damage it causes is a lot worse than having to pay a few cents more at the gas pump.


Intellectual property theft includes the results from research and development, not only copyright associated with things like movies and music.

US companies invest significant amounts of money in R&D and this investment is reflected in the cost of their product. A company like Apple spends over $4 billion a year in R&D.

It should be simple to understand that if a company steals intellectual property and doesn't have to invest in research and development it can sell a like product much cheaper.

Despite the Biden victory there are still a huge number of Americans who voted for Trump. They might win next time. If they dont win they will come close.

They cant all be conspiracy theory covidiot loons. Some will be educated and some will be nice people.
How do you explain their support for a candidate who essentially had a negative message for the US ?

I dont think that trump had any political beliefs at all. He believed in trump. Next time the right may come back with somebody who believes all the crap.

Biden seems to be an underwhelming choice of candidate and maybe that was the plan. Pick the least offensive guy out there. I cant see him as any more than a stop gap to rid the country of trump.

So how does the left stop a Trump MK 2 happening in a couple of years? How do you protect the progress made in your society over the years ?

I have stated Democrats only but I am happy to discuss this with right wingers who can think beyond the usual sloganeering.

MAGA.......democrats are stealing an election, there is no reason not to move into your thread........#Defiance.

Trump 2.0 is the left wing nightmare...........good.
For the last 50 years, the White Working Class has been in decline. Part of this has been because of the decline of unions. Part of this is that the situation after WWII was truly an artificial one, and the White Working Class was benefiting from the rest of the world's industry being in ruins.

Where did you get that idea from?

In the last 50 years, white Americans have progressed a lot and that's largely due to the fact that there are a lot fewer union hands picking their pockets.

50 years ago, a lot more working class whites were stuck in failing urban hell holes- huge numbers have moved to the sun belt as well as the suburbs and exurbs.

Much more orderly lifestyle esp. for white family men.

In addition, the average income as soared as well as the lifestyle. The number of families with multiple cars, A/C in the home, color TV instead of B&W, stereo instead mono has soared since 1970. The average family in 1970 only dreamed of having home computers, today it is reality.
I didn't care for Trump's personality but I appreciated his policies and will happily vote for a candidate that will:
  1. push China to engage in fair trade
  2. reform our immigration policy
  3. seek to return manufacturing jobs to the US
  4. continue to strive that we are energy independent
Trump is not important - the types of policies I listed are.

Okay, let's look at that.

1) China isn't really the problem, our own behavior is. We go into walmart, and we buy the cheapest thing on the shelf. Right now, that happens to be something made in China. But even China is becoming too expensive, so a lot of those factories are moving to Vietnam, the Philippines, India or wherever else people are willing to work in a dirty factory with unsafe condition.

2) Trump hasn't "reformed" our immigration policy. Our laws haven't changed, he's been more inclined to deny H1B visas.... which companies really need.

3) See point 1, but I'll add on to that. Are you willing to work for as little as a Chinese does to get that manufacturing job? Are you willing to have a factory in your neighborhood that pollutes the water and air?

4) Except we aren't really energy independent. It's still cheaper to buy from the Arabs than it is to frack. Fracking only is profitable when OPEC raises the price of oil high enough to make it feasible. Right now, the world is in an oil glut, partially due to Covid. Trump had to commit to buying oil for the Strategic reserve to keep the Fracking Industry fluid.

1) China has engaged in intellectual property theft, made it extremely difficult for foreign products to compete on their market and offer their workers no protection from unsafe or unfair labor practices. When you cut corners everything is cheaper to produce. Why subsidize China's bad behavior?

2) We need immigration reform. Millions of people worldwide have submitted applications to come to the US and wait patiently in their respective countries for an answer. Illegal entry into the US should not be rewarded.

3) Fair trade requires everyone to improve worker conditions. We need to push up not down.

4) I'll simply point out that prior to fracking oil prices were very high. I am grateful for fracking and hope we maintain this direction.

Just thinking about your first point. China is a problem to the west. But to combat that yo,u need unified action. Trump never took the trouble to build any alliances on anything and so his actions were generally crowd pleasers for the folks back home rather than an effective strategy. Iran comes to mind as well.

The EU sees China as a potential economic savior and desires nothing more than to do a deal with China.

You say Trump's actions were simply "crowd pleasers" for the yokels back home. Please explain to me how a sanctimonious group of hypocrite countries that include the UK, France and Germany can turn a blind eye to China's many transgressions in the hopes of doing a deal?
  1. China continues to forcibly incarcerate over a million Chinese muslims
  2. China has taken islands and militarized them contrary to international law
  3. China has run roughshod over human rights and its earlier commitments to the people of Hong Kong
  4. China does not practice fair trade
Trump tried but was unable to convince members of the G7 and the EU to stand up to China.

EU won’t follow Trump into a trade war over Hong Kong
Despite the Biden victory there are still a huge number of Americans who voted for Trump. They might win next time. If they dont win they will come close.

They cant all be conspiracy theory covidiot loons. Some will be educated and some will be nice people.
How do you explain their support for a candidate who essentially had a negative message for the US ?

I dont think that trump had any political beliefs at all. He believed in trump. Next time the right may come back with somebody who believes all the crap.

Biden seems to be an underwhelming choice of candidate and maybe that was the plan. Pick the least offensive guy out there. I cant see him as any more than a stop gap to rid the country of trump.

So how does the left stop a Trump MK 2 happening in a couple of years? How do you protect the progress made in your society over the years ?

I have stated Democrats only but I am happy to discuss this with right wingers who can think beyond the usual sloganeering.
Biden is a great guy who overcame a stutter by himself. He'll be just fine the problem is he will be totally obstructed period we need 50 votes in the Senate to pass stuff. If we go nuclear which I am guessing Biden won't do. I hope he can pick off some GOP senators for things that are totally overdue like a living wage health care for all cheap college and training again. Hopefully the GOP base will wake up from the garbage idiotic bologna propaganda world they believe now. Somebody should lock Rupert Murdoch up.
I didn't care for Trump's personality but I appreciated his policies and will happily vote for a candidate that will:
  1. push China to engage in fair trade
  2. reform our immigration policy
  3. seek to return manufacturing jobs to the US
  4. continue to strive that we are energy independent
Trump is not important - the types of policies I listed are.

Okay, let's look at that.

1) China isn't really the problem, our own behavior is. We go into walmart, and we buy the cheapest thing on the shelf. Right now, that happens to be something made in China. But even China is becoming too expensive, so a lot of those factories are moving to Vietnam, the Philippines, India or wherever else people are willing to work in a dirty factory with unsafe condition.

2) Trump hasn't "reformed" our immigration policy. Our laws haven't changed, he's been more inclined to deny H1B visas.... which companies really need.

3) See point 1, but I'll add on to that. Are you willing to work for as little as a Chinese does to get that manufacturing job? Are you willing to have a factory in your neighborhood that pollutes the water and air?

4) Except we aren't really energy independent. It's still cheaper to buy from the Arabs than it is to frack. Fracking only is profitable when OPEC raises the price of oil high enough to make it feasible. Right now, the world is in an oil glut, partially due to Covid. Trump had to commit to buying oil for the Strategic reserve to keep the Fracking Industry fluid.

1) China has engaged in intellectual property theft, made it extremely difficult for foreign products to compete on their market and offer their workers no protection from unsafe or unfair labor practices. When you cut corners everything is cheaper to produce. Why subsidize China's bad behavior?

2) We need immigration reform. Millions of people worldwide have submitted applications to come to the US and wait patiently in their respective countries for an answer. Illegal entry into the US should not be rewarded.

3) Fair trade requires everyone to improve worker conditions. We need to push up not down.

4) I'll simply point out that prior to fracking oil prices were very high. I am grateful for fracking and hope we maintain this direction.

Just thinking about your first point. China is a problem to the west. But to combat that yo,u need unified action. Trump never took the trouble to build any alliances on anything and so his actions were generally crowd pleasers for the folks back home rather than an effective strategy. Iran comes to mind as well.

And there is where you are wrong again. President Trump built powerful friendships with Tremendous nations like Korea, Japan, India and Brazil. Europe is in massive decline, at least the western sections. The folks there aren't even bright enough to maintain their populations.
Despite the Biden victory there are still a huge number of Americans who voted for Trump. They might win next time. If they dont win they will come close.

They cant all be conspiracy theory covidiot loons. Some will be educated and some will be nice people.
How do you explain their support for a candidate who essentially had a negative message for the US ?

I dont think that trump had any political beliefs at all. He believed in trump. Next time the right may come back with somebody who believes all the crap.

Biden seems to be an underwhelming choice of candidate and maybe that was the plan. Pick the least offensive guy out there. I cant see him as any more than a stop gap to rid the country of trump.

So how does the left stop a Trump MK 2 happening in a couple of years? How do you protect the progress made in your society over the years ?

I have stated Democrats only but I am happy to discuss this with right wingers who can think beyond the usual sloganeering.

MAGA.......democrats are stealing an election, there is no reason not to move into your thread........#Defiance.

Trump 2.0 is the left wing nightmare...........good.
right, who needs evidence when you have garbage repeated endlessly?
Last edited:
Despite the Biden victory there are still a huge number of Americans who voted for Trump. They might win next time. If they dont win they will come close.

They cant all be conspiracy theory covidiot loons. Some will be educated and some will be nice people.
How do you explain their support for a candidate who essentially had a negative message for the US ?

I dont think that trump had any political beliefs at all. He believed in trump. Next time the right may come back with somebody who believes all the crap.

Biden seems to be an underwhelming choice of candidate and maybe that was the plan. Pick the least offensive guy out there. I cant see him as any more than a stop gap to rid the country of trump.

So how does the left stop a Trump MK 2 happening in a couple of years? How do you protect the progress made in your society over the years ?

I have stated Democrats only but I am happy to discuss this with right wingers who can think beyond the usual sloganeering.

MAGA.......democrats are stealing an election, there is no reason not to move into your thread........#Defiance.

Trump 2.0 is the left wing nightmare...........good.
right, who needs evidence when you have garbage repeated endlessly, right, brainwashed functional moron?

You are in the CDC....act like it....

so this was my quick reply, listing off the questionable ******** I could think of off the top of my head:

The massive turn out alone is a red flag.

But as for doing better…

The late night spikes that were enough to close all the Trump leads are a red flag.

The statistically impossible breakdown of the ratios of these vote dumps is a red flag.

The ratios of these dumps being far better than the percentages in the bluest of blue cities, even though the historical data does not match, red flag.

The ratios of these vote dumps favoring Biden more in these few battlegrounds than the ratio for the rest of the country (even the bluest of the blue) red flag.

Biden outperforming Obama among these few urban vote dumps, even though Trump picked up points in every demographic group in the rest of the country, red flag.

The poll observers being removed. Red flag.

The counters cheering as GOP observers are removed, red flag.

The fact that the dem observers outnumber the GOP observers 3 to 1, red flag (and basis of the first lawsuit filed)

The electioneering at the polls (on video), red flag.

The willful violation of the court order requiring the separation of ballots by type, red flag.

USPS whistleblower reporting to the Inspector General that today they were ordered to backdate ballots to yesterday, red flag.

The video of 2 AM deliveries of what appear to be boxes of ballots with no chain of custody or other observers right before the late night miracle spikes, red flag.

Any of those things would be enough to trigger an audit in the normal world. This many flags and I’d be giggling in anticipation of catching some thieves.

And it isn’t that I have to do better. I’m just an gen pop observer who happens to be a retired auditor with a finely tuned bullshit detector. This is going to the courts.


So now I want to delve into some of these some more. The problem is that there’s a ton of info swirling around, some good, some crap. It doesn’t help that reporters are usually dishonest or not very bright and absolute trash at presenting data. Part of our problem is Big Tech is actively stomping on stories that make their guy look bad. (while compiling these I discovered that several of the links I’d looked at yesterday had been vanished by Facebook or Twitter)

For the last four years half the country was all “Trump is illegitimate! He’s not my president! He stole the election!” so on and so forth, and that was all based upon nebulous ideas about “Russian Interference”, The Russian Interference mostly boiled down to them buying ads on Facebook, or having fake bots trolling on Twitter last time. This time the actual giant megacorporations, Facebook, Twitter, and Google themselves have actively censored stories in order to protect their candidate. So you think after this pile of suspicious election clusterfucks that makes the game look totally rigged, the other half of the country is going to accept Joe Biden as legitimate? Oh hell no.

When you are auditing you see mistakes happen all the time. Humans make errors. Except in real life, mistakes usually go in different directions. When all the mistakes go in the same direction and benefit the same parties, they probably aren’t mistakes. They’re malfeasance.

Let’s go back a bit to before election day to see why people would be suspicious that the game has been rigged.

Most of the mainstream polls were utter garbage, off by what I believe to be the largest amounts ever in all of American history. Of course, this thing that surely demoralized the right and helped the left raise funds was just an innocent sampling error rather than a purposeful sampling bias… uh huh.

Then in the weeks leading up to the election, Big Tech and the media had a concentrated censorship effort to stop what was probably the juiciest October Surprise in modern history. But them silencing major newspapers and US Senators was just a mistake in their innocent efforts to “fact check”.

Then on election day, states like Florida that were obviously swinging hard for Trump with no possible mathematical way for Biden to come back, the news wouldn’t call for Trump. States where it was still clearly up in the air just based on even the most cursory of statistical analysis (Arizona) they called for Biden ASAP. But that was just innocent mistakes, and not an attempt to set the narrative of inevitable Biden victory by major media.

I didn't care for Trump's personality but I appreciated his policies and will happily vote for a candidate that will:
  1. push China to engage in fair trade
  2. reform our immigration policy
  3. seek to return manufacturing jobs to the US
  4. continue to strive that we are energy independent
Trump is not important - the types of policies I listed are.

Okay, let's look at that.

1) China isn't really the problem, our own behavior is. We go into walmart, and we buy the cheapest thing on the shelf. Right now, that happens to be something made in China. But even China is becoming too expensive, so a lot of those factories are moving to Vietnam, the Philippines, India or wherever else people are willing to work in a dirty factory with unsafe condition.

2) Trump hasn't "reformed" our immigration policy. Our laws haven't changed, he's been more inclined to deny H1B visas.... which companies really need.

3) See point 1, but I'll add on to that. Are you willing to work for as little as a Chinese does to get that manufacturing job? Are you willing to have a factory in your neighborhood that pollutes the water and air?

4) Except we aren't really energy independent. It's still cheaper to buy from the Arabs than it is to frack. Fracking only is profitable when OPEC raises the price of oil high enough to make it feasible. Right now, the world is in an oil glut, partially due to Covid. Trump had to commit to buying oil for the Strategic reserve to keep the Fracking Industry fluid.

1) China has engaged in intellectual property theft, made it extremely difficult for foreign products to compete on their market and offer their workers no protection from unsafe or unfair labor practices. When you cut corners everything is cheaper to produce. Why subsidize China's bad behavior?

2) We need immigration reform. Millions of people worldwide have submitted applications to come to the US and wait patiently in their respective countries for an answer. Illegal entry into the US should not be rewarded.

3) Fair trade requires everyone to improve worker conditions. We need to push up not down.

4) I'll simply point out that prior to fracking oil prices were very high. I am grateful for fracking and hope we maintain this direction.

Just thinking about your first point. China is a problem to the west. But to combat that yo,u need unified action. Trump never took the trouble to build any alliances on anything and so his actions were generally crowd pleasers for the folks back home rather than an effective strategy. Iran comes to mind as well.

And there is where you are wrong again. President Trump built powerful friendships with Tremendous nations like Korea, Japan, India and Brazil. Europe is in massive decline, at least the western sections. The folks there aren't even bright enough to maintain their populations.
Thanks to the scumbag GOP for banning birth control and abortions everywhere in the world basically. Enjoy all these damn people, brainwashed functional morons period and get off my lawn.
Despite the Biden victory there are still a huge number of Americans who voted for Trump. They might win next time. If they dont win they will come close.

They cant all be conspiracy theory covidiot loons. Some will be educated and some will be nice people.
How do you explain their support for a candidate who essentially had a negative message for the US ?

I dont think that trump had any political beliefs at all. He believed in trump. Next time the right may come back with somebody who believes all the crap.

Biden seems to be an underwhelming choice of candidate and maybe that was the plan. Pick the least offensive guy out there. I cant see him as any more than a stop gap to rid the country of trump.

So how does the left stop a Trump MK 2 happening in a couple of years? How do you protect the progress made in your society over the years ?

I have stated Democrats only but I am happy to discuss this with right wingers who can think beyond the usual sloganeering.
Biden is a great guy who overcame a stutter by himself. He'll be just fine the problem is he will be totally obstructed period we need 50 votes in the Senate to pass stuff. If we go nuclear which I am guessing Biden won't do. I hope he can pick off some GOP senators for things that are totally overdue like a living wage health care for all cheap college and training again. Hopefully the GOP base will wake up from the garbage idiotic bologna propaganda world they believe now. Somebody should lock Rupert Murdoch up.

And in the 1930s you were there cheering that guy adolf who was also a good guy to people like you...
I didn't care for Trump's personality but I appreciated his policies and will happily vote for a candidate that will:
  1. push China to engage in fair trade
  2. reform our immigration policy
  3. seek to return manufacturing jobs to the US
  4. continue to strive that we are energy independent
Trump is not important - the types of policies I listed are.

Okay, let's look at that.

1) China isn't really the problem, our own behavior is. We go into walmart, and we buy the cheapest thing on the shelf. Right now, that happens to be something made in China. But even China is becoming too expensive, so a lot of those factories are moving to Vietnam, the Philippines, India or wherever else people are willing to work in a dirty factory with unsafe condition.

2) Trump hasn't "reformed" our immigration policy. Our laws haven't changed, he's been more inclined to deny H1B visas.... which companies really need.

3) See point 1, but I'll add on to that. Are you willing to work for as little as a Chinese does to get that manufacturing job? Are you willing to have a factory in your neighborhood that pollutes the water and air?

4) Except we aren't really energy independent. It's still cheaper to buy from the Arabs than it is to frack. Fracking only is profitable when OPEC raises the price of oil high enough to make it feasible. Right now, the world is in an oil glut, partially due to Covid. Trump had to commit to buying oil for the Strategic reserve to keep the Fracking Industry fluid.

1) China has engaged in intellectual property theft, made it extremely difficult for foreign products to compete on their market and offer their workers no protection from unsafe or unfair labor practices. When you cut corners everything is cheaper to produce. Why subsidize China's bad behavior?

2) We need immigration reform. Millions of people worldwide have submitted applications to come to the US and wait patiently in their respective countries for an answer. Illegal entry into the US should not be rewarded.

3) Fair trade requires everyone to improve worker conditions. We need to push up not down.

4) I'll simply point out that prior to fracking oil prices were very high. I am grateful for fracking and hope we maintain this direction.

Just thinking about your first point. China is a problem to the west. But to combat that yo,u need unified action. Trump never took the trouble to build any alliances on anything and so his actions were generally crowd pleasers for the folks back home rather than an effective strategy. Iran comes to mind as well.

And there is where you are wrong again. President Trump built powerful friendships with Tremendous nations like Korea, Japan, India and Brazil. Europe is in massive decline, at least the western sections. The folks there aren't even bright enough to maintain their populations.
Thanks to the scumbag GOP for banning birth control and abortions everywhere in the world basically. Enjoy all these damn people, brainwashed functional morons period and get off my lawn.
Despite the Biden victory there are still a huge number of Americans who voted for Trump. They might win next time. If they dont win they will come close.

They cant all be conspiracy theory covidiot loons. Some will be educated and some will be nice people.
How do you explain their support for a candidate who essentially had a negative message for the US ?

I dont think that trump had any political beliefs at all. He believed in trump. Next time the right may come back with somebody who believes all the crap.

Biden seems to be an underwhelming choice of candidate and maybe that was the plan. Pick the least offensive guy out there. I cant see him as any more than a stop gap to rid the country of trump.

So how does the left stop a Trump MK 2 happening in a couple of years? How do you protect the progress made in your society over the years ?

I have stated Democrats only but I am happy to discuss this with right wingers who can think beyond the usual sloganeering.
Biden is a great guy who overcame a stutter by himself. He'll be just fine the problem is he will be totally obstructed period we need 50 votes in the Senate to pass stuff. If we go nuclear which I am guessing Biden won't do. I hope he can pick off some GOP senators for things that are totally overdue like a living wage health care for all cheap college and training again. Hopefully the GOP base will wake up from the garbage idiotic bologna propaganda world they believe now. Somebody should lock Rupert Murdoch up.

And in the 1930s you were there cheering that guy adolf who was also a good guy to people like you...
Adolf was right wing and totally against everything Democrats want.
I didn't care for Trump's personality but I appreciated his policies and will happily vote for a candidate that will:
  1. push China to engage in fair trade
  2. reform our immigration policy
  3. seek to return manufacturing jobs to the US
  4. continue to strive that we are energy independent
Trump is not important - the types of policies I listed are.

Okay, let's look at that.

1) China isn't really the problem, our own behavior is. We go into walmart, and we buy the cheapest thing on the shelf. Right now, that happens to be something made in China. But even China is becoming too expensive, so a lot of those factories are moving to Vietnam, the Philippines, India or wherever else people are willing to work in a dirty factory with unsafe condition.

2) Trump hasn't "reformed" our immigration policy. Our laws haven't changed, he's been more inclined to deny H1B visas.... which companies really need.

3) See point 1, but I'll add on to that. Are you willing to work for as little as a Chinese does to get that manufacturing job? Are you willing to have a factory in your neighborhood that pollutes the water and air?

4) Except we aren't really energy independent. It's still cheaper to buy from the Arabs than it is to frack. Fracking only is profitable when OPEC raises the price of oil high enough to make it feasible. Right now, the world is in an oil glut, partially due to Covid. Trump had to commit to buying oil for the Strategic reserve to keep the Fracking Industry fluid.

1) China has engaged in intellectual property theft, made it extremely difficult for foreign products to compete on their market and offer their workers no protection from unsafe or unfair labor practices. When you cut corners everything is cheaper to produce. Why subsidize China's bad behavior?

2) We need immigration reform. Millions of people worldwide have submitted applications to come to the US and wait patiently in their respective countries for an answer. Illegal entry into the US should not be rewarded.

3) Fair trade requires everyone to improve worker conditions. We need to push up not down.

4) I'll simply point out that prior to fracking oil prices were very high. I am grateful for fracking and hope we maintain this direction.

Just thinking about your first point. China is a problem to the west. But to combat that yo,u need unified action. Trump never took the trouble to build any alliances on anything and so his actions were generally crowd pleasers for the folks back home rather than an effective strategy. Iran comes to mind as well.

And there is where you are wrong again. President Trump built powerful friendships with Tremendous nations like Korea, Japan, India and Brazil. Europe is in massive decline, at least the western sections. The folks there aren't even bright enough to maintain their populations.
Thanks to the scumbag GOP for banning birth control and abortions everywhere in the world basically. Enjoy all these damn people, brainwashed functional morons period and get off my lawn.
Despite the Biden victory there are still a huge number of Americans who voted for Trump. They might win next time. If they dont win they will come close.

They cant all be conspiracy theory covidiot loons. Some will be educated and some will be nice people.
How do you explain their support for a candidate who essentially had a negative message for the US ?

I dont think that trump had any political beliefs at all. He believed in trump. Next time the right may come back with somebody who believes all the crap.

Biden seems to be an underwhelming choice of candidate and maybe that was the plan. Pick the least offensive guy out there. I cant see him as any more than a stop gap to rid the country of trump.

So how does the left stop a Trump MK 2 happening in a couple of years? How do you protect the progress made in your society over the years ?

I have stated Democrats only but I am happy to discuss this with right wingers who can think beyond the usual sloganeering.
Biden is a great guy who overcame a stutter by himself. He'll be just fine the problem is he will be totally obstructed period we need 50 votes in the Senate to pass stuff. If we go nuclear which I am guessing Biden won't do. I hope he can pick off some GOP senators for things that are totally overdue like a living wage health care for all cheap college and training again. Hopefully the GOP base will wake up from the garbage idiotic bologna propaganda world they believe now. Somebody should lock Rupert Murdoch up.

And in the 1930s you were there cheering that guy adolf who was also a good guy to people like you...
Adolf was right wing and totally against everything Democrats want.

hitler was a left wing socialist and if you look at the democrat party platform you will see his agena well you guys tried to reimpose racial discrimination in California.....the Republican party stopped your racist attack......
I didn't care for Trump's personality but I appreciated his policies and will happily vote for a candidate that will:
  1. push China to engage in fair trade
  2. reform our immigration policy
  3. seek to return manufacturing jobs to the US
  4. continue to strive that we are energy independent
Trump is not important - the types of policies I listed are.

Okay, let's look at that.

1) China isn't really the problem, our own behavior is. We go into walmart, and we buy the cheapest thing on the shelf. Right now, that happens to be something made in China. But even China is becoming too expensive, so a lot of those factories are moving to Vietnam, the Philippines, India or wherever else people are willing to work in a dirty factory with unsafe condition.

2) Trump hasn't "reformed" our immigration policy. Our laws haven't changed, he's been more inclined to deny H1B visas.... which companies really need.

3) See point 1, but I'll add on to that. Are you willing to work for as little as a Chinese does to get that manufacturing job? Are you willing to have a factory in your neighborhood that pollutes the water and air?

4) Except we aren't really energy independent. It's still cheaper to buy from the Arabs than it is to frack. Fracking only is profitable when OPEC raises the price of oil high enough to make it feasible. Right now, the world is in an oil glut, partially due to Covid. Trump had to commit to buying oil for the Strategic reserve to keep the Fracking Industry fluid.

1) China has engaged in intellectual property theft, made it extremely difficult for foreign products to compete on their market and offer their workers no protection from unsafe or unfair labor practices. When you cut corners everything is cheaper to produce. Why subsidize China's bad behavior?

2) We need immigration reform. Millions of people worldwide have submitted applications to come to the US and wait patiently in their respective countries for an answer. Illegal entry into the US should not be rewarded.

3) Fair trade requires everyone to improve worker conditions. We need to push up not down.

4) I'll simply point out that prior to fracking oil prices were very high. I am grateful for fracking and hope we maintain this direction.

Just thinking about your first point. China is a problem to the west. But to combat that yo,u need unified action. Trump never took the trouble to build any alliances on anything and so his actions were generally crowd pleasers for the folks back home rather than an effective strategy. Iran comes to mind as well.

The EU sees China as a potential economic savior and desires nothing more than to do a deal with China.

You say Trump's actions were simply "crowd pleasers" for the yokels back home. Please explain to me how a sanctimonious group of hypocrite countries that include the UK, France and Germany can turn a blind eye to China's many transgressions in the hopes of doing a deal?
  1. China continues to forcibly incarcerate over a million Chinese muslims
  2. China has taken islands and militarized them contrary to international law
  3. China has run roughshod over human rights and its earlier commitments to the people of Hong Kong
  4. China does not practice fair trade
Trump tried but was unable to convince members of the G7 and the EU to stand up to China.

EU won’t follow Trump into a trade war over Hong Kong

China is sterilizing muslim men and women, forcing muslim women to marry Chinese men....they are using slave labor..........and the democrats are controlled by the Chinese government now.
Intellectual property theft includes the results from research and development, not only copyright associated with things like movies and music.

US companies invest significant amounts of money in R&D and this investment is reflected in the cost of their product. A company like Apple spends over $4 billion a year in R&D.

Okay. Most of Apple's products are made in China... You are kind of proving my point.

It should be simple to understand that if a company steals intellectual property and doesn't have to invest in research and development it can sell a like product much cheaper.

It should also be simple to understand that someone is always out there, ready to make a better mousetrap.

Again, your argument would be fine and all if you were losing all this business to Chinese branded products. Kind of like how Japanese brands overtook US brands in the 1980's and put some US industries underwater. (My favorite was how Motorola did the "Herro Moto" commercials trying to convince you they were Japanese made. Pathetic.)

But that's not what's happened. What happened was AMERICAN brands decided that it would easier to open a factory in China than to upgrade one in the US where you have to pay fair wages and not pollute the local river.
The massive turn out alone is a red flag.

Why? Actually, it tells me that democracy is healthy. That people looked at an incompetent President and were motivated to vote him out. I suspect the reason why voter turnout was higher this time was more states were in play.

The late night spikes that were enough to close all the Trump leads are a red flag.

But everyone knew that was going to happen. They knew in SOME states, they were going to count the mail-in ballots after the in-person ballots.

In some states (Florida) they counted the mail in ballots first, and that gave Biden an initial lead that Trump quickly closed.

The reality- it usually takes days to count all the votes, and usually on election night, they are able to make PROJECTIONS.

Most of the mainstream polls were utter garbage, off by what I believe to be the largest amounts ever in all of American history. Of course, this thing that surely demoralized the right and helped the left raise funds was just an innocent sampling error rather than a purposeful sampling bias… uh huh.

Except they weren't that off. If you look at the 538 Model- They called all the states correctly EXCEPT for Florida and North Carolina.

If you look at the RCP finals- Yup, they called all the states correctly except Florida and Georgia.

Then in the weeks leading up to the election, Big Tech and the media had a concentrated censorship effort to stop what was probably the juiciest October Surprise in modern history. But them silencing major newspapers and US Senators was just a mistake in their innocent efforts to “fact check”.

The problem was, of course, that no one touched that story because it wasn't CREDIBLE. But it got plenty of play. No one really cared.
" Not Buying A Corrupt Voting Process And Mass Media Bias For Disinformation "

* Skewed Sense Of Health *

Why? Actually, it tells me that democracy is healthy. That people looked at an incompetent President and were motivated to vote him out. I suspect the reason why voter turnout was higher this time was more states were in play.
Stuffing the ballot box is only an indicator or corruption and in person validation of voters needs to be an uncompromising standard - Has Any Agency Responsible For Voter Integrity Directly Verified A Single Voter Of A Mail In Ballot In Person ?

That the public was not informed about treason by the corrupt left wing candidate is equally an indicator of a republic under duress - Why Did RNC Not Spend All Its Money On Getting This Run Repeatedly On Prime Time Television ? .
Intellectual property theft includes the results from research and development, not only copyright associated with things like movies and music.

US companies invest significant amounts of money in R&D and this investment is reflected in the cost of their product. A company like Apple spends over $4 billion a year in R&D.

Okay. Most of Apple's products are made in China... You are kind of proving my point.

It should be simple to understand that if a company steals intellectual property and doesn't have to invest in research and development it can sell a like product much cheaper.

It should also be simple to understand that someone is always out there, ready to make a better mousetrap.

Again, your argument would be fine and all if you were losing all this business to Chinese branded products. Kind of like how Japanese brands overtook US brands in the 1980's and put some US industries underwater. (My favorite was how Motorola did the "Herro Moto" commercials trying to convince you they were Japanese made. Pathetic.)

But that's not what's happened. What happened was AMERICAN brands decided that it would easier to open a factory in China than to upgrade one in the US where you have to pay fair wages and not pollute the local river.

You seem to want to justify China's actions but I'm not sure why.

China's IP theft is but one of many well-known and often discussed problems. Dumping, currency manipulation, the use of slave labor in production and restricting access to the Chinese market are some of the other issues that need to be addressed in establishing fair trade with China.

Australia earlier this year asked that there be an investigation into the origins of the Covid virus. China decide to flex its muscles and punish Australia for its "lack of respect".

China is dangerous and needs to adhere to a less hostile approach to its neighbors:

No country should be dependent on Chinese manufacturing. We need to bring manufacturing back to the US.

Despite the Biden victory there are still a huge number of Americans who voted for Trump. They might win next time. If they dont win they will come close.

They cant all be conspiracy theory covidiot loons. Some will be educated and some will be nice people.
How do you explain their support for a candidate who essentially had a negative message for the US ?

I dont think that trump had any political beliefs at all. He believed in trump. Next time the right may come back with somebody who believes all the crap.

Biden seems to be an underwhelming choice of candidate and maybe that was the plan. Pick the least offensive guy out there. I cant see him as any more than a stop gap to rid the country of trump.

So how does the left stop a Trump MK 2 happening in a couple of years? How do you protect the progress made in your society over the years ?

I have stated Democrats only but I am happy to discuss this with right wingers who can think beyond the usual sloganeering.
Well, I'm neither, really … though Imo Biden is a decent person. But perhaps we could convince the Trump supporters that the reason Trump fired Esper is because he's fixing to launch a bunch of neutron bombs on the US to kill all the Biden supporters, so they should all shelter in Cheyenne Mountain Norad's site. Then when they're all inside, we could brick up the door to seal them inside! Just a thought. :)
You seem to want to justify China's actions but I'm not sure why.

China's IP theft is but one of many well-known and often discussed problems. Dumping, currency manipulation, the use of slave labor in production and restricting access to the Chinese market are some of the other issues that need to be addressed in establishing fair trade with China.

Or we could just get off our lazy asses and look at what we are buying and where it's being made.

"Please save us from ourselves, President Trump. Stop me before I shop again!!"

Australia earlier this year asked that there be an investigation into the origins of the Covid virus. China decide to flex its muscles and punish Australia for its "lack of respect".

Wow, a powerful country pushing around a smaller one. That's kind of what Trump has been doing for the last four years, which is why there is dancing in the streets around the globe now.

You have not begun to see anger. To all Patriots who believe in just and fair elections, read the following.

”We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
- Joe Biden

Fairfax Virginia has switched 100,000 votes from Trump to Biden stating a “clerical error”

Wisconsin suddenly discovers over 112k Biden ballots between 3:30 am and 4:30 am

Nevada has decided they won’t have all vote counts in until Thursday

Michigan has gained 138.339 ballots for Biden since they stopped counting last night. A whopping zero for Trump
6 states trump has sizable leads, all six states decided to stop counting ballots on election night (unheard of) and they all have blue strong holds

Jack from Twitter deletes the current sitting presidents tweet on election night. Glaringly obvious election interference
LeeJoe, who was running for district 16 senate seat in Idaho and stated so on his account profile, gets his account deleted from Facebook not once but twice. Another example of a glaringly obvious election interference.

North Carolina has 100% of precincts counted with Trump in the clear lead and it’s not being called.

You don’t think we are watching a live coup happen? They aren’t very good at hiding it, it’s incredibly obvious to a logical person. The media told us ahead of time that they, and only they, will decide who won. This won’t end well...........for Biden and his deep state cronies though.

You can’t fix a problem you can’t see. This country has been plagued with voter fraud for decades. Trust me, this is just beginning. Expect the inter webs to go down and expect massive riots to begin. Anything to distract you from the truth. Welcome to America BUT fear not! We were born for such a time as this.

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