Angry, Armed and White

If white Europeans had not discovered America, you would be responding with smoke signals outside your teepee.
No. Unlike sub-Saharans, pre-Colombian Americans developed civilizations which would have spread. Aztec and Mayan influence would have gone north the Inca culture was already in the process of diffusing through the Andes.
So a rapist is always smarter than their victims...a man with a gun against an unarmed man is always stronger and smarter???
Stop thinking with your asshole.
If white Europeans had not discovered America, you would be responding with smoke signals outside your teepee.

If white Europeans had not come into contact with non-white people, they would not even have a written language.
It's disheartening, your limited knowledge of the world and history.
In terms of technology the people of Africa had farming techniques specifically for the soil conditions in Africa, they also practiced metallurgy before the Europeans they also has sailing ships. The one area where Europeans dominated was in the practice of colonizing other continents and enslaving it's people, for that reason alone Europeans dominated other people.
Uhm, no. Like the natives in the Americas they essentially lived in the stone age. Where's all the African swords, crossbows, firearms and armor? A more technologically more advanced culture is going to triumph over lower tech every time.
Actually if the only form of technology to you is armor and weapons versus instruments of hunting, agriculture, currency, etc.
You should really try harder to wrap your head around the meaning of technology.
Why? I recognize the superior force won out and the west was farming and hunting too. What do you think they ate?
Read your earlier comment, if you still fail to see the stupidity of it, go hide in a hole...
Apparently you did not read and may use that as the reason for your continued stupidity...who said anything about "sub-suharan Africa???"
Sorry. I thought we were discussing the most backward of people in context of agriculture, civilization and so on.

Your first misstep: you attempted to think...
It is amazing that Pre-Colombian Americans managed agriculture and civilization without any infusion of any sort while sub-Saharan Africans did not even with some permeation of technology.

Again, other than you, who mentioned sub-Shara Africa???
Well I guess if you can't follow the discussion intellectually, we'll just give you a pass.
So a rapist is always smarter than their victims...a man with a gun against an unarmed man is always stronger and smarter???
Stop thinking with your asshole.
If white Europeans had not discovered America, you would be responding with smoke signals outside your teepee.

If white Europeans had not come into contact with non-white people, they would not even have a written language.

You and asslips are constantly making these claims.
So what happened to all these ancient advanced civilizations?
Wouldnt africa be far ahead of the rest of the world in tech if this were true?
And where is the evidence of these advanced societies?
Apparently you did not read and may use that as the reason for your continued stupidity...who said anything about "sub-suharan Africa???"
Sorry. I thought we were discussing the most backward of people in context of agriculture, civilization and so on.

Your first misstep: you attempted to think...
It is amazing that Pre-Colombian Americans managed agriculture and civilization without any infusion of any sort while sub-Saharan Africans did not even with some permeation of technology.

Again, other than you, who mentioned sub-Shara Africa???
Well I guess if you can't follow the discussion intellectually, we'll just give you a pass.
Well, you did bring up African slavery whose source was definitely sub-Saharan. So close to civilization and yet so far.
It's disheartening, your limited knowledge of the world and history.
In terms of technology the people of Africa had farming techniques specifically for the soil conditions in Africa, they also practiced metallurgy before the Europeans they also has sailing ships. The one area where Europeans dominated was in the practice of colonizing other continents and enslaving it's people, for that reason alone Europeans dominated other people.
Uhm, no. Like the natives in the Americas they essentially lived in the stone age. Where's all the African swords, crossbows, firearms and armor? A more technologically more advanced culture is going to triumph over lower tech every time.
Actually if the only form of technology to you is armor and weapons versus instruments of hunting, agriculture, currency, etc.
You should really try harder to wrap your head around the meaning of technology.
Why? I recognize the superior force won out and the west was farming and hunting too. What do you think they ate?
Read your earlier comment, if you still fail to see the stupidity of it, go hide in a hole...
How about you quit playing with your hole? You have nothing but hate.
And yet when the Europeans came....the indians were technologically inferior...which was the biggest reason they lost the continent to the more technologically advanced
So my statement remains uncontested...there is no single scientific, sociological fact, report,study or report that sustains the contention that the indigenous people that were subjugated by Europeans were "weak and stupid."

Is this the reason you are attempting to reframe that earlier statement???

I didn't say they were weak....they would have to be tough to survive the winters here in the Midwest....and on the coast....and not stupid.....just technologically backward....I mean...they had been around as long as the people in Europe, and yet did not have wheeled transportation, sailing ships, gun powder, sophisticated metal working, modern (for the time) farming techniques...the knowledge of stone work.....

And that is why they lost the continent.....why they didn't have the same level of technology as answer that.......same as the Japanese...they were still in their Feudal era when they were forced, at canon point to open their harbors.......dittos AFrica.....been around as long as the Europeans....technologically backward in explain that........

You piggy backed off of the poster that stated every culture subjugated by Europeans were weak and stupid. You changed the gist of the question and I asked you why.
In terms of technology the people of Africa had farming techniques specifically for the soil conditions in Africa, they also practiced metallurgy before the Europeans they also has sailing ships. The one area where Europeans dominated was in the practice of colonizing other continents and enslaving it's people, for that reason alone Europeans dominated other people.

do you realize that the slaves Europeans brought to the New World were captured and Africans.....and sold to Europeans......and no...small boats with one limp,sail are not the same as the ocean going sail craft of Europe.....or the metallurgy that produced swords, cannon and metal plows and any other number of sophisticated metal time pieces.....

The Europeans dominated colonization only because they were technologically superior to the cultures they found.....
Sometimes the ignorance on this board is mind numbing...
You do realize the difference between the practice of slavery in Africa and America don't you????
Africans had no knowledge of the brutality and violence of chattel slavery and they certainly did not practice it, that was the sole domain of whites...or didn't you know that???

Slavery in Africa, the institution of slavery as it existed in Africa, and the effects of world slave-trade systems on African people and societies. As in most of the world, slavery, or involuntary human servitude, was practiced across Africa from prehistoric times to the modern era. When people today think of slavery, many envision the form in which it existed in the United States before the American Civil War (1861-1865): one racially identifiable group owning and exploiting another. However, in other parts of the world, slavery has taken many different forms. In Africa, many societies recognized slaves merely as property, but others saw them as dependents who eventually might be integrated into the families of slave owners. Still other societies allowed slaves to attain positions of military or administrative power. Most often, both slave owners and slaves were black Africans, although they were frequently of different ethnic groups. Traditionally, African slaves were bought to perform menial or domestic labor, to serve as wives or concubines, or to enhance the status of the slave owner. Traditional African practices of slavery were altered to some extent beginning in the 7th century by two non-African groups of slave traders: Arab Muslims and Europeans. From the 7th to the 20th century, Arab Muslims raided and traded for black African slaves in West, Central, and East Africa, sending thousands of slaves each year to North Africa and parts of Asia. From the 15th to the 19th century, Europeans bought millions of slaves in West, Central, and East Africa and sent them to Europe; the Caribbean; and North, Central, and South America. These two overlapping waves of transcontinental slave trading made the slave trade central to the economies of many African states and threatened many more Africans with enslavement.

Slavery in Africa

Now, if you want to made the fool in your other uneducated assertions let me know.
We can go over agriculture, metallurgy, etc.

Are you F*****g kidding are falling back on that left wing crap about African slavers being kind, gentle souls while evil Europeans were the only bad guys in the whole works....really....? That is the best you can do? You have bought the anti West, crap hook line and sinker............and I thought there might be some rationality in you........sad for you.....
Wow, so you promoted these Muslims to "White" because an atheist killed them.

Normally you'd be cheering and making excuses.
"Promoted"Joey? You are a racist bastard,eh? Now you're blaming blacks for your failures too?

Not at all. You guys don't consider Muslims to be White... unless you can use them to bash atheists.

What a pecking order you fellows have, EuroTroll.

My good friend is a white guy who happens to be a muslim...dipstick....Islam is a religion, not a skin color....
So a rapist is always smarter than their victims...a man with a gun against an unarmed man is always stronger and smarter???
Stop thinking with your asshole.
If white Europeans had not discovered America, you would be responding with smoke signals outside your teepee.

If white Europeans had not come into contact with non-white people, they would not even have a written language.

You and asslips are constantly making these claims.
So what happened to all these ancient advanced civilizations?
Wouldnt africa be far ahead of the rest of the world in tech if this were true?
And where is the evidence of these advanced societies?

Of course they would...these stupid lefties are left trying to explain how these South American, North American, African and other primitive societies failed to beat the Europeans in advanced metallurgy, ship building, weapons making, navigation, readin, writing and rithmatic......even though they were all developing at the same time and many of these societies didn't have to contend with the extreme cold of Europe to make their advances.....

They have no explanation as to why the Europeans weren't met by societies as or more advanced than they were....why the Indians in North America didn't cross the ocean first and Discover Europe....dittos Africa, or South America....and why the Indians didn't have their own masted Sailing ships and cannon to greet the new comers.......

So they fall back on lame excuses and is really hard work to be a lefty.....hiding the truth is really hard.....
White people have a long and embarassingly awful track record for violence to non-whites. As one of the earliest explorers of the world, as white explorers "discovered" new places with non-white peoples, thinking themselves superior, fair and just treatment wasn't anything they thought well of.

Today, whites in the US are the majority by just a slim amount, and wont be within our lifetimes. This fact probably weighs heavily on many minds manifesting as a significant amount of animosity which when combined with a situational gripe can quickly become violence.
People have a long track record,people of every color,violence/bigotry/racism is color blind.

Tell it to Columbus. White subjugation of non-whites because the non-whites were "savages" relative to European peoples.

Give it a rest. Ever studied WORLD history? Just because the Europeans exported their hate and anger, doesn't mean they were alone . All early civilizations killed.
White people have a long and embarassingly awful track record for violence to non-whites. As one of the earliest explorers of the world, as white explorers "discovered" new places with non-white peoples, thinking themselves superior, fair and just treatment wasn't anything they thought well of.

Today, whites in the US are the majority by just a slim amount, and wont be within our lifetimes. This fact probably weighs heavily on many minds manifesting as a significant amount of animosity which when combined with a situational gripe can quickly become violence.
People have a long track record,people of every color,violence/bigotry/racism is color blind.

Tell it to Columbus. White subjugation of non-whites because the non-whites were "savages" relative to European peoples.

Give it a rest. Ever studied WORLD history? Just because the Europeans exported their hate and anger, doesn't mean they were alone . All early civilizations killed.

like say...the Japanese Samurai, the Mongols, the Chinese, the Zulu.....the Assyrians, the Egyptians the Carthaginians...............

In reality they were all peaceful goat herders...........until the Europeans came along.......
White people have a long and embarassingly awful track record for violence to non-whites. As one of the earliest explorers of the world, as white explorers "discovered" new places with non-white peoples, thinking themselves superior, fair and just treatment wasn't anything they thought well of.

Today, whites in the US are the majority by just a slim amount, and wont be within our lifetimes. This fact probably weighs heavily on many minds manifesting as a significant amount of animosity which when combined with a situational gripe can quickly become violence.
People have a long track record,people of every color,violence/bigotry/racism is color blind.

Tell it to Columbus. White subjugation of non-whites because the non-whites were "savages" relative to European peoples.

I see, so your saying America and Americans have made no great efforts to correct past wrongs. We can all just judge ourselves by what Columbus did. Its better to judge ourselves by what we are all doing today. If whites are doing something bad TODAY, then OK, we can have a converstaion. But, for example,
your talking about ISIS in th emiddle east today, bringing up the Inquisition has little relevance. there may be some , but very little.

Actually, there isn't even a little relevance because at the time of the Inquisition, the muslims were even worse......they also used the sword to convert, enslave and murder their enemies.....and they also used torture....but today.....Christian and Jewish dominated societies are far more peaceful and free than any society controlled by a dominant muslim culture............
The elephant in the room that the media ignores in America

The Typical Profile Of America's Most Violent Extremists

Angry Armed and White The Typical Profile Of America s Most Violent Extremists Alternet

From your link.

But no,” David Neiwert wrote in a recent AlterNet piece, "Why Doesn’t American Media Freak Out When the Terrorists Have White Skin?" “Instead, we are having conversations in Europe and America about how to deal with Muslims.”

The Guy is a Dumbass, hes the kind of guy that allowed Hitler to role through Europe. What doesnt he get about the Fact, muslims are trying to create a Caliphate and impose their Shariah law wherever they can, TELLING people how to live their lives or they can just die. Yes there are isolated white nut jobs,
but they dont operate in terrorist organizations with religious people radicalizing them . Explain why Timothy Mcveigh was executed so quickly while the Fort Hood shooter is still around?
So the NUMBERS are not disputed nor the percentages, instead you claim that there are excuses for the disparate differences and claim that even though the facts prove other wise somehow whites are to blame. Moron.

Why would I bother to debate skewed numbers or percentages, that would make me as silly as the authors of said articles.

You do understand that simply calling them skewed does not make it so? The real question is whether to argue with someone as ignorant as yourself that fails to grasp the concept of an argument; whereas if the evidence presented is flawed then it is incumbent on the respondent who deems it flawed to counter as to why the evidence is flawed. But you haven't. You simply call the information bogus without proof to back your claim. This is the problem with those who are so ethno-centered or ethno-patronizing that they cannot tell fact from fiction anymore. The only reason anyone would run from the facts is posted in the video below.

You do understand why the only place in the entire WWW where you will find such skewed and misrepresented numbers are on racist hate can grasp that...can't you.

The reason why they are paraded only in that realm of the less intelligent whites is because in the world of sane adults, those myths of your are too easily debunked.

Next you will be telling me that mein kampf was a scientific study full of

Jared Taylor is intellectually honest??? have lost any iota of credibility, just stop.

You claim both that the numbers are skewed and easily debunked. Yet you have failed to prove that they are skewed or debunk them. Am I the only one seeing the irony here? Once again there is a difference between condemning and refuting. You've done plenty of the former, but absolutely zero of the latter. I suppose you are incapable of either proving the evidence wrong or at least providing counter evidence? Indeed, when you call someone intellectually dishonest without evidence you've already lost the argument and entered in the realm of mindless contradiction and name calling. No surprise considering who I'm arguing with.

Wait!!! .... You don't know what an argument is do you? My goodness .... you really don't know how to argue. I will post a video below. Perhaps this will lead you in the right direction.

Actually the irony is that you question my intelligence, yet you have based your entire false belief system on individuals whose lifestyle is supported propping up your ego to make you believe you are superior to others because of your lack of pigment.

Actually I argue facts well, however when the ONLY SOURCES you can provide as direct "facts" rely on pseudo-science and ignorant opinion, there are no true facts for me to argue.

You deserve the lack of real effort anyone would make when dealing with quacks and quack science.

By reading the above I can only assess that you either did not read my previous post or are too ignorant to understand what it meant. Try again as everything you just wrote is already addressed.
Ahhhhh but condemning is not refuting now is it? They used the FBI's Uniform Crime Report and compared it to the Victimization Survey. They did not gather the information. They simply compared the two and found, like the FBI did, that both are near exactly the same. Once again, condemning the man who did the research is not REFUTING the man who did the research. But I suppose you don't know the difference between the two? And the Southern Poverty Law Center is hardly and unbiased source in it of itself (Especially after they got tossed out by the FBI EVEN WITH HOLDER AT THE HELM) (Which is also why you did not link the SPLC to your info isn't it?). So if you have a problem with the stats I'm afraid you're going to need to prove both the victimization survey and FBI's UCR false. But I don't think that possible for one of your aptitude.

Lemme guess. You think all of this is just a simple coincidence? >>> The Racial Makeup of the Most Dangerous Safest Cities in the United States 2014 Edition US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So racists skew and misrepresent facts and you choose to present those skewed stats as factual information???
There is a reason why these types and yourself can't post directly from the FBI sites, it simply won't support the false narrative you attempt to mislead the less intelligent with.
I can understand your attempt at defending the racist and the racist site that distributes this type of pseudo-science and research, without it, you have an even harder time presenting numbers that have been twisted to meet an agenda.

Again, post your "facts" from a legitimate site...I'll wait.

Once again, the numbers come from the victimization survey and the FBI UCR. When both are nearly identical you can rest assured that they are fact. May not be the facts you like but facts nevertheless. With that said there is always error. The only question is whether the error large enough to change the facts. I think not. Can you prove otherwise? Do you have more accurate facts? A better survey? A better study? No? Then run away with your tail between your legs. You just got schooled.

The idea also that I can't post directly from the FBI is nonsense. I've done it many times in this forum. The problem is that you're too uneducated to find it and therefore assume I can't find it. Big mistake. The UCR is open to the public. Here is murder (2013). 2014 is incomplete.

FBI mdash Expanded Homicide Data Table 3

You can get the rest here FBI mdash Violent Crime

Remember as you read it. Blacks make up 13% of the population and whites make up 69%. So if 13% of the population commits 50% of the murders, well .... never mind... you wont understand those numbers now will you?
As usual, you have stuck your foot in your mouth...why aren't I surprised.
There is not a single entry in the FBI stats to support the contention that your racist site or you have made.
I would suggest you think for yourself and view the numbers on the FBI site, but we both know you will only confuse yourself even more.

How so? You keep making claims but you always come up short on proving them? Of course the data in the Color of Crime report was 2005 and I'm providing 2013. Either way they both demonstrate that blacks are far more violent than whites. Once again, see the video above.

And once again...there is not ONE SINGLE "fact" listed from your racist scholars at AR that you can DIRECTLY trace back to the FBI numbers.
If you all must resort to slight of hand and report it as fact, that really seals the deal.

Once again you fail to understand that condemning is not refuting. If the facts are off then it is up to you to prove that they're false. The study references everything. Even when I post a direct link to the FBI's UCR you deny the information presented with nothing to support your denial. If you post evidence I will not condemn the source I will attack the evidence. That's the way an intelligent person argues.

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