angry big black woman at a car dealership

A lot of times, just talking to the customer like a human will defuse the situation.
That only works if youre speaking to a human. That was some sort of fat demon or something.
I'm not making excuses for that whale. Don't get me wrong.

What I would do is start actually trying to help her. "Hey, it's the company's policy not to accept checks after one bounces, but here's what you can do. Go down to the bank and ask for a certified check. They will take that."

That way, you're not being the "asshole" denying her services, you're the good guy who helped her out.
She didnt have the funds and she knew it. She was intentionally passing a bad check because the bank was about to repo her car. If you watch the whole video and listen closely, you can hear her talking about her car about to be repoed.
Right, but if you're just the guy trying to help, she can hardly be angry at you.

I know exactly what is going on. She couldn't afford it to begin with. She spent too much on food.

I was just talking about how to defuse it.
A lot of times, just talking to the customer like a human will defuse the situation.
That only works if youre speaking to a human. That was some sort of fat demon or something.
I'm not making excuses for that whale. Don't get me wrong.

What I would do is start actually trying to help her. "Hey, it's the company's policy not to accept checks after one bounces, but here's what you can do. Go down to the bank and ask for a certified check. They will take that."

That way, you're not being the "asshole" denying her services, you're the good guy who helped her out.
She didnt have the funds and she knew it. She was intentionally passing a bad check because the bank was about to repo her car. If you watch the whole video and listen closely, you can hear her talking about her car about to be repoed.
Right, but if you're just the guy trying to help, she can hardly be angry at you.

I know exactly what is going on. She couldn't afford it to begin with. She spent too much on food.

I was just talking about how to defuse it.
There was no diffusing her. Any result other than accepting her fraudulent check would have received this tantrum.
It is not a black thing.
Anyone who has had the misfortune to work with the public for even a short time has had to deal with unreasonable people.
They come in all flavors.
This particular hippo is the loud mouth variety. Basically she has learned that if she gets loud and rude enough she will get the employee to go along just to get rid of her. I have seen plenty of white trash acting the same.
Trashy people knows no color.

Anyone make heads ot tells of this? I believe it has something to do with a bad check. boy is she mad.

Who needs the black lady?
Her lover is surely in prison, for whites she isn't interesting.
So she's gonna very angry

ok i will be fear her is two white chicks fighting. see no pies flying around lol. just all this false lets call the neirest relative who is a cop. lol

and here is how black ladies fight in walamrty lol

duck the pies are coming lol
the funds were not their for thme to cash a previous check so they wont take anymore checks from her. and she is mad.

There's a simple way to fix the problem.
Tell the screaming bitch that we'll accept a cashiers check or money order.
Problem solved.
A lot of times, just talking to the customer like a human will defuse the situation.
That only works if youre speaking to a human. That was some sort of fat demon or something.
I'm not making excuses for that whale. Don't get me wrong.

What I would do is start actually trying to help her. "Hey, it's the company's policy not to accept checks after one bounces, but here's what you can do. Go down to the bank and ask for a certified check. They will take that."

That way, you're not being the "asshole" denying her services, you're the good guy who helped her out.

I got a feeling in this case it wouldnt help.
The woman knew she didnt have the money in her account and was probably hoping to float the check until she got her next payday from Uncle Sam.

Anyone make heads ot tells of this? I believe it has something to do with a bad check. boy is she mad.

You make a point of finding blacks with anger issues. Did you get lost and can't find stormfront or something? This is getting old.

There is an endless supply of these videos because the black community constantly misbehaves in public. Maybe you should be more mad that this widespread cultural problem exists, rather than being mad at the evidence of this cultural problem.

I'm not "mad" at either the OP or the fat ass woman.
We all know what angry black men and women do. This constant vid sharing of them in action gets old. No emotion. Not anger. Just stating an opinion.

Unfortunately the videos will continue till the black grievance culture goes away

Is there anyone here who hasnt had the same unfortunate experience with a black person?

Anyone make heads ot tells of this? I believe it has something to do with a bad check. boy is she mad.

You make a point of finding blacks with anger issues. Did you get lost and can't find stormfront or something? This is getting old.

There is an endless supply of these videos because the black community constantly misbehaves in public. Maybe you should be more mad that this widespread cultural problem exists, rather than being mad at the evidence of this cultural problem.

I'm not "mad" at either the OP or the fat ass woman.
We all know what angry black men and women do. This constant vid sharing of them in action gets old. No emotion. Not anger. Just stating an opinion.

Unfortunately the videos will continue till the black grievance culture goes away

Is there anyone here who hasnt had the same unfortunate experience with a black person?

I haven't. Maybe its due to location. Not alot of blacks where I came from or where I am now.
the funds were not their for thme to cash a previous check so they wont take anymore checks from her. and she is mad.

There's a simple way to fix the problem.
Tell the screaming bitch that we'll accept a cashiers check or money order.
Problem solved.
or give them cash again like she said she did previously.

Anyone make heads ot tells of this? I believe it has something to do with a bad check. boy is she mad.

You make a point of finding blacks with anger issues. Did you get lost and can't find stormfront or something? This is getting old.

There is an endless supply of these videos because the black community constantly misbehaves in public. Maybe you should be more mad that this widespread cultural problem exists, rather than being mad at the evidence of this cultural problem.

I'm not "mad" at either the OP or the fat ass woman.
We all know what angry black men and women do. This constant vid sharing of them in action gets old. No emotion. Not anger. Just stating an opinion.

Unfortunately the videos will continue till the black grievance culture goes away

Is there anyone here who hasnt had the same unfortunate experience with a black person?

I haven't. Maybe its due to location. Not alot of blacks where I came from or where I am now.

Lucky you

I havent had to deal with that sort of black anger for a long time myself

But I dont own a Tote-The-Note car dealership either

People in the ghetto lead desperate lives and never have enough money for all the things they want

And they fight with each other all the time also

For the black woman in the video this was not an unusual event
The lady behind the counter is clearly a racist
All this thread is trying to do is justify slavery
the black lady is an idiot. she paid with a check with insufficient funds and she wants to pay with another check again.When these idiots do not get their way the first thing they do is use the race card. They can take their race card and stick it where the sun dont shine.
Wow. That's some nasty shit.

Wonder if she's ever found someone desperate enough to bang her. Lol

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