Angry bitter black woman next Dimocrat Speaker of the House?

Republicans he
As bad as Nancy Pelosi is, can you envision Maxine Waters being the Dim leader and Speaker (should they take back the House) in 2018?


Democrats have “no reason” to try to make bipartisan legislative deals with President Trump and should instead wait until next year when outspoken Democrat Maxine Waters leads the House and Chuck Schumer leads the Senate, Democratic activist Robert Patillo said Saturday.

“Democrats looking at a president hovering around a 30 percent approval rating have no reason to run into a burning building and try to put it out, when they should instead just wait for 2018 when they have Speaker of the House Maxine Waters and Senate leader Chuck Schumer,” Patillo, an attorney, civil rights activist and Atlanta radio host, told Fox News’ “America’s News Headquarters.”

Waters, a California congresswoman, has been one of Trump’s most outspoken Democratic critics, with her calls to impeach him creating buzz about a possible 2020 presidential bid.

Patillo’s comment presumes Democrats next year would retake control of the House and Senate and that Waters would unseat now-House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi, of California, who has been the chamber’s top Democrat for roughly the past 11 years.

Schumer, of New York, is now the Senate minority leader.

Democrats next year would have to win a net total of about 35 House seats.

Republicans how hold a 52-48 majority in the Senate, but Democrats next year must defend 25 seats, compared to just eight for Republicans.
Maxine Waters next House speaker: Dem activist - WXXV 25
Republicans here on usmb say color doesn't matter. Clearly it does.

And you illustrate how racist Republicans are and how you use race to divide us.

Great thread

Color does matter, since Maxine like other radical black leftists want to punish this country for what has happened in the past. You don't think Maxine wants reparations? Of course she does. She would tear up the Constitution and have it rewritten if she could.
And color matters since most hiring managers in America are white and discriminate against blacks.

And don't tell me you don't after your racist prejudice ignorant rant

Republicans he
Republicans here on usmb say color doesn't matter. Clearly it does.

And you illustrate how racist Republicans are and how you use race to divide us.

Great thread

Color does matter, since Maxine like other radical black leftists want to punish this country for what has happened in the past. You don't think Maxine wants reparations? Of course she does. She would tear up the Constitution and have it rewritten if she could.
And color matters since most hiring managers in America are white and discriminate against blacks.

And don't tell me you don't after your racist prejudice ignorant rant
if you're going to rant the rant of a dumbass, you can't decide how people call you a dumbass.

you discriminate all the time but you do it for "good reasons" so you don't see it. you have zero idea how these hiring managers come to their decisions, you just want to believe it's racism so you can yell at it and show people how "hip" you are.

what a maroon.

I know it is. And I know your denial is either ignorance or, well, it's just ignorant. Or you are a liar. Which one?

Most decent jobs require iQ, communication skills and ambition as minimum requirements. Stop and think about that for a minute....don't get all emotional..think rationally for just a minute and connect the dots.
Is the puzzle coming together for you? Starting to make sense?

I know a lot of white Americans who aren't the sharpest tools in the shed but because of who they know, they have careers that seem to pay the bills. Stop giving your white counterparts too much credit. People hire who they want to work with not the most qualified.
Republicans he
As bad as Nancy Pelosi is, can you envision Maxine Waters being the Dim leader and Speaker (should they take back the House) in 2018?


Maxine Waters next House speaker: Dem activist - WXXV 25
Republicans here on usmb say color doesn't matter. Clearly it does.

And you illustrate how racist Republicans are and how you use race to divide us.

Great thread

Color does matter, since Maxine like other radical black leftists want to punish this country for what has happened in the past. You don't think Maxine wants reparations? Of course she does. She would tear up the Constitution and have it rewritten if she could.
And color matters since most hiring managers in America are white and discriminate against blacks.

And don't tell me you don't after your racist prejudice ignorant rant
Show me the proof for your first statement.

We just endured 8 years of a black president, that a majority of white American voters voted for. Does this prove nothing in your small mind?
Very little. It proves that half of America isn't as racist as the other half. Unfortunately that half isn't running America right now.
God that is dumb. 100% must vote for Big Ears for racism not to exist. Most illogical and stupid.
Auntie Maxine is the perfect foil for the repukes.
She's an outspoken black dem woman and there's nothing that enrages the racists on this board more than that.

She has put forth the highly probable theory that Trump promised Putin the sanctions would be removed so Putin could go into Alaska/ arctic for oil drilling..
That was before Trump was smacked down by Congress voting 98-2 on keeping the sanctions.
He was forced to sign it. Even HE knew how damning it would look to veto the sanctions while being under investigation for obstruction of justice in the Trump Russian scandal.

Poor trump and his whores... they keep getting smacked down so often they're getting more loopy than usual.
You go Maxine. Keep speaking truth to power..
Republicans he
As bad as Nancy Pelosi is, can you envision Maxine Waters being the Dim leader and Speaker (should they take back the House) in 2018?


Democrats have “no reason” to try to make bipartisan legislative deals with President Trump and should instead wait until next year when outspoken Democrat Maxine Waters leads the House and Chuck Schumer leads the Senate, Democratic activist Robert Patillo said Saturday.

“Democrats looking at a president hovering around a 30 percent approval rating have no reason to run into a burning building and try to put it out, when they should instead just wait for 2018 when they have Speaker of the House Maxine Waters and Senate leader Chuck Schumer,” Patillo, an attorney, civil rights activist and Atlanta radio host, told Fox News’ “America’s News Headquarters.”

Waters, a California congresswoman, has been one of Trump’s most outspoken Democratic critics, with her calls to impeach him creating buzz about a possible 2020 presidential bid.

Patillo’s comment presumes Democrats next year would retake control of the House and Senate and that Waters would unseat now-House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi, of California, who has been the chamber’s top Democrat for roughly the past 11 years.

Schumer, of New York, is now the Senate minority leader.

Democrats next year would have to win a net total of about 35 House seats.

Republicans how hold a 52-48 majority in the Senate, but Democrats next year must defend 25 seats, compared to just eight for Republicans.
Maxine Waters next House speaker: Dem activist - WXXV 25
Republicans here on usmb say color doesn't matter. Clearly it does.

And you illustrate how racist Republicans are and how you use race to divide us.

Great thread

Color does matter, since Maxine like other radical black leftists want to punish this country for what has happened in the past. You don't think Maxine wants reparations? Of course she does. She would tear up the Constitution and have it rewritten if she could.
And color matters since most hiring managers in America are white and discriminate against blacks.

And don't tell me you don't after your racist prejudice ignorant rant

You're an idiot. Racism=Disagreeing with anything people of color say or want.
Last edited:
As bad as Nancy Pelosi is, can you envision Maxine Waters being the Dim leader and Speaker (should they take back the House) in 2018?


Democrats have “no reason” to try to make bipartisan legislative deals with President Trump and should instead wait until next year when outspoken Democrat Maxine Waters leads the House and Chuck Schumer leads the Senate, Democratic activist Robert Patillo said Saturday.

“Democrats looking at a president hovering around a 30 percent approval rating have no reason to run into a burning building and try to put it out, when they should instead just wait for 2018 when they have Speaker of the House Maxine Waters and Senate leader Chuck Schumer,” Patillo, an attorney, civil rights activist and Atlanta radio host, told Fox News’ “America’s News Headquarters.”

Waters, a California congresswoman, has been one of Trump’s most outspoken Democratic critics, with her calls to impeach him creating buzz about a possible 2020 presidential bid.

Patillo’s comment presumes Democrats next year would retake control of the House and Senate and that Waters would unseat now-House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi, of California, who has been the chamber’s top Democrat for roughly the past 11 years.

Schumer, of New York, is now the Senate minority leader.

Democrats next year would have to win a net total of about 35 House seats.

Republicans how hold a 52-48 majority in the Senate, but Democrats next year must defend 25 seats, compared to just eight for Republicans.

Maxine Waters next House speaker: Dem activist - WXXV 25
I'm sure the RW won't know what to say.
As bad as Nancy Pelosi is, can you envision Maxine Waters being the Dim leader and Speaker (should they take back the House) in 2018?


Democrats have “no reason” to try to make bipartisan legislative deals with President Trump and should instead wait until next year when outspoken Democrat Maxine Waters leads the House and Chuck Schumer leads the Senate, Democratic activist Robert Patillo said Saturday.

“Democrats looking at a president hovering around a 30 percent approval rating have no reason to run into a burning building and try to put it out, when they should instead just wait for 2018 when they have Speaker of the House Maxine Waters and Senate leader Chuck Schumer,” Patillo, an attorney, civil rights activist and Atlanta radio host, told Fox News’ “America’s News Headquarters.”

Waters, a California congresswoman, has been one of Trump’s most outspoken Democratic critics, with her calls to impeach him creating buzz about a possible 2020 presidential bid.

Patillo’s comment presumes Democrats next year would retake control of the House and Senate and that Waters would unseat now-House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi, of California, who has been the chamber’s top Democrat for roughly the past 11 years.

Schumer, of New York, is now the Senate minority leader.

Democrats next year would have to win a net total of about 35 House seats.

Republicans how hold a 52-48 majority in the Senate, but Democrats next year must defend 25 seats, compared to just eight for Republicans.

Maxine Waters next House speaker: Dem activist - WXXV 25
Would be great for Republicans. Every time she opens her mouth racist, stupid shit spews forth.
Republicans he
As bad as Nancy Pelosi is, can you envision Maxine Waters being the Dim leader and Speaker (should they take back the House) in 2018?


Maxine Waters next House speaker: Dem activist - WXXV 25
Republicans here on usmb say color doesn't matter. Clearly it does.

And you illustrate how racist Republicans are and how you use race to divide us.

Great thread

Color does matter, since Maxine like other radical black leftists want to punish this country for what has happened in the past. You don't think Maxine wants reparations? Of course she does. She would tear up the Constitution and have it rewritten if she could.
And color matters since most hiring managers in America are white and discriminate against blacks.

And don't tell me you don't after your racist prejudice ignorant rant

Identifying someone as black is not racist.

Maxine Waters is black.

1. Why does it matter
2. So what she's black?
3. True you would treat anyone in her position badly regardless of their color. We nominate blacks because it makes it harder for you to trash them.

Unbelievable stupidity.

Fuck skill, fuck integrity, fuck humility, fuck the more qualified.

She's black so she's hired....

See...the RWrs, Alt-Righties, and trumpanzees simply don't know what to say.
Republicans he
Republicans here on usmb say color doesn't matter. Clearly it does.

And you illustrate how racist Republicans are and how you use race to divide us.

Great thread

Color does matter, since Maxine like other radical black leftists want to punish this country for what has happened in the past. You don't think Maxine wants reparations? Of course she does. She would tear up the Constitution and have it rewritten if she could.
And color matters since most hiring managers in America are white and discriminate against blacks.

And don't tell me you don't after your racist prejudice ignorant rant

Identifying someone as black is not racist.

Maxine Waters is black.

1. Why does it matter
2. So what she's black?
3. True you would treat anyone in her position badly regardless of their color. We nominate blacks because it makes it harder for you to trash them.

Unbelievable stupidity.

Fuck skill, fuck integrity, fuck humility, fuck the more qualified.

She's black so she's hired....


That's how it has been for hundreds of years for your white asses. Now you are starting to get it.
Color does matter, since Maxine like other radical black leftists want to punish this country for what has happened in the past. You don't think Maxine wants reparations? Of course she does. She would tear up the Constitution and have it rewritten if she could.
And color matters since most hiring managers in America are white and discriminate against blacks.

And don't tell me you don't after your racist prejudice ignorant rant

Identifying someone as black is not racist.

Maxine Waters is black.

1. Why does it matter
2. So what she's black?
3. True you would treat anyone in her position badly regardless of their color. We nominate blacks because it makes it harder for you to trash them.

Unbelievable stupidity.

Fuck skill, fuck integrity, fuck humility, fuck the more qualified.

She's black so she's hired....


That's how it has been for hundreds of years for your white asses. Now you are starting to get it.

You po lil black many white folk so little time.
Color does matter, since Maxine like other radical black leftists want to punish this country for what has happened in the past. You don't think Maxine wants reparations? Of course she does. She would tear up the Constitution and have it rewritten if she could.
And color matters since most hiring managers in America are white and discriminate against blacks.

And don't tell me you don't after your racist prejudice ignorant rant

Identifying someone as black is not racist.

Maxine Waters is black.

1. Why does it matter
2. So what she's black?
3. True you would treat anyone in her position badly regardless of their color. We nominate blacks because it makes it harder for you to trash them.

Unbelievable stupidity.

Fuck skill, fuck integrity, fuck humility, fuck the more qualified.

She's black so she's hired....


That's how it has been for hundreds of years for your white asses. Now you are starting to get it.
Tell me more Cletus...

Republicans he
As bad as Nancy Pelosi is, can you envision Maxine Waters being the Dim leader and Speaker (should they take back the House) in 2018?


Democrats have “no reason” to try to make bipartisan legislative deals with President Trump and should instead wait until next year when outspoken Democrat Maxine Waters leads the House and Chuck Schumer leads the Senate, Democratic activist Robert Patillo said Saturday.

“Democrats looking at a president hovering around a 30 percent approval rating have no reason to run into a burning building and try to put it out, when they should instead just wait for 2018 when they have Speaker of the House Maxine Waters and Senate leader Chuck Schumer,” Patillo, an attorney, civil rights activist and Atlanta radio host, told Fox News’ “America’s News Headquarters.”

Waters, a California congresswoman, has been one of Trump’s most outspoken Democratic critics, with her calls to impeach him creating buzz about a possible 2020 presidential bid.

Patillo’s comment presumes Democrats next year would retake control of the House and Senate and that Waters would unseat now-House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi, of California, who has been the chamber’s top Democrat for roughly the past 11 years.

Schumer, of New York, is now the Senate minority leader.

Democrats next year would have to win a net total of about 35 House seats.

Republicans how hold a 52-48 majority in the Senate, but Democrats next year must defend 25 seats, compared to just eight for Republicans.
Maxine Waters next House speaker: Dem activist - WXXV 25
Republicans here on usmb say color doesn't matter. Clearly it does.

And you illustrate how racist Republicans are and how you use race to divide us.

Great thread

Color does matter, since Maxine like other radical black leftists want to punish this country for what has happened in the past. You don't think Maxine wants reparations? Of course she does. She would tear up the Constitution and have it rewritten if she could.

Nonsense. You RWs don't like strong women of any color and that includes in your own party.

Sent from my iPhone using
As bad as Nancy Pelosi is, can you envision Maxine Waters being the Dim leader and Speaker (should they take back the House) in 2018?


Democrats have “no reason” to try to make bipartisan legislative deals with President Trump and should instead wait until next year when outspoken Democrat Maxine Waters leads the House and Chuck Schumer leads the Senate, Democratic activist Robert Patillo said Saturday.

“Democrats looking at a president hovering around a 30 percent approval rating have no reason to run into a burning building and try to put it out, when they should instead just wait for 2018 when they have Speaker of the House Maxine Waters and Senate leader Chuck Schumer,” Patillo, an attorney, civil rights activist and Atlanta radio host, told Fox News’ “America’s News Headquarters.”

Waters, a California congresswoman, has been one of Trump’s most outspoken Democratic critics, with her calls to impeach him creating buzz about a possible 2020 presidential bid.

Patillo’s comment presumes Democrats next year would retake control of the House and Senate and that Waters would unseat now-House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi, of California, who has been the chamber’s top Democrat for roughly the past 11 years.

Schumer, of New York, is now the Senate minority leader.

Democrats next year would have to win a net total of about 35 House seats.

Republicans how hold a 52-48 majority in the Senate, but Democrats next year must defend 25 seats, compared to just eight for Republicans.
Maxine Waters next House speaker: Dem activist - WXXV 25
I'm sure the RW won't know what to say.

We know strong black women make these little dick white guys nervous.

“I’m not able to be rushed this fast. It makes me nervous,” the most senior public law enforcement officer in America said.

‘It makes me nervous’: Republicans rescue Sessions by interrupting Kamala Harris, again
And color matters since most hiring managers in America are white and discriminate against blacks.

And don't tell me you don't after your racist prejudice ignorant rant

Identifying someone as black is not racist.

Maxine Waters is black.

1. Why does it matter
2. So what she's black?
3. True you would treat anyone in her position badly regardless of their color. We nominate blacks because it makes it harder for you to trash them.

Unbelievable stupidity.

Fuck skill, fuck integrity, fuck humility, fuck the more qualified.

She's black so she's hired....


That's how it has been for hundreds of years for your white asses. Now you are starting to get it.

You po lil black many white folk so little time.
I'm white idiot.
Identifying someone as black is not racist.

Maxine Waters is black.

1. Why does it matter
2. So what she's black?
3. True you would treat anyone in her position badly regardless of their color. We nominate blacks because it makes it harder for you to trash them.

Unbelievable stupidity.

Fuck skill, fuck integrity, fuck humility, fuck the more qualified.

She's black so she's hired....


That's how it has been for hundreds of years for your white asses. Now you are starting to get it.

You po lil black many white folk so little time.
I'm white idiot.

You're an idiot no matter what color you are.

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