Angry Donald and his supporters

all anyone has to ask is is it illegal to discuss with the Russians. the answer is no. no crime. so the only thing they can actually look at is did russia interfere. that's it. these liblosers have no idea what they are babbling on about.
ok, what is the crime they are investigating then?

The FBI doesn't disclose what charges they are investigating in the middle of an investigation. You should know that.
well comey was asked under oath. he stated he was investigating whether the russians interfered. you ain't got squat bubba. just admit it. don't run around with your pants around your ankles.
I never said anything about charging Trump. We're talking Trump campaign associates being investigated by the FBI.
we are? I thought we were talking collusion. did you bump your head?

Collusion between Trump associates and Russian officials.

Did you bump your head, you seem to have complete amnesia of what the FBI (and now Mueller) is doing.
The FBI doesn't disclose what charges they are investigating in the middle of an investigation. You should know that.
well comey was asked under oath. he stated he was investigating whether the russians interfered. .

Interference isn't a charge. Hence you just confirmed that the FBI doesn't discuss what charges they're investigating.
but it is the investigation. I told you there weren't any crimes already. the entire investigation is a fraud. Just saying.
we are? I thought we were talking collusion. did you bump your head?

Collusion between Trump associates and Russian officials.

Did you bump your head, you seem to have complete amnesia of what the FBI (and now Mueller) is doing.
again, that isn't a crime.

But they are investigating collusion. Did you bump your head?
it isn't a crime. I told you. that isn't what is being investigated.
but it is the investigation. I told you there weren't any crimes already. the entire investigation is a fraud. Just saying.

Michel Flynn lied to the FBI, and failed to disclose income from the Russians, and failed to register as a foreign lobbyist. All of which are crimes the FBI is looking into.
But they are investigating collusion.
I told you. that isn't what is being investigated.

The FBI has been investigating collusion since June. Did you bump your head?
Trump's 'Nothing to See Here' Spin -

At the May 8 hearing, Clapper said he wasn’t even aware of the FBI investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives until March 20. He then explained why he would not have known that when he was the director of national intelligence.
Angry Donald Trump and his angry supporters: You folks seem to hate everyone. It's always someone else's fault that Donald can't get anything done, isn't it? The Media, the Liberals, the RINO'S in the GOP, and of course the Judges. That doesn't leave much, now does it? Has it ever occurred to you folks that many of Trump's problems maybe self inflicted because he doesn't know what he's doing?? Hmmmmm.....

Still don't have anything for Democrats to run on, eh?

Right now, just not being Donald Trump would pretty much work. The guy keeps shooting himself in the foot and then blaming the press for reporting it.

You're going to need more than propaganda.
Of course it never occurs to them. To do so would require thought, and Trump supporters are driven by emotion, not thought: thus their denial, and the anger and hate which is the foundation of their posts.
hmmm where exactly?

Denial ^^^

Want proof? Go to your last few posts: "they need to wipe goat's blood on their thresholds.", for one.
yep, it is exactly what the dems should do.

Would you like it if I were to research all of you recent posts, and print them as evidence of your denial, and emotional expressions of hate? Sense you're not worth it, don't worry, it will become obvious each time you post in the future.

You can't help yourself, your posts are little different that Trump's tweets - examples of alternative realities.
sure go for it. you think I care or something? LOL, you're a snowflake. I know you need your space and I hurt your wittwe feewings

As expected, and as usual, you've got everything wrong, I have no concern what you care about, I do however pity you as someone who defends someone whose values begin and end with "it's all about me" and who certainly continue s to operate against our nations best interests, and your own.

Trump is a demagogue, and a charlatan, alone with being a narcissist and a megalomaniac. He has done nothing good for our naton since he took the oath of office on Jan 20th, and it appears we are faced with months and months of investigations on serious issues - none of which need to be elaborated upon (so don't play the Limbaugh / Hannity / Savage (Weiner), Carlson Game (NIGYYSOAB) with me).

Not only that, many of his promises have proved to be hollow, promises I knew were impossible to keep, yet ones you and the other biddables still think are possible, despite the reality that can accomplish them with the support of Congress.

Donald Trump currently holds others responsible for his short comings, of which their are many; he has yet to own up to any errors or mistakes, and that does not forebear good fr he or his administration.
It's going to take more than the fake news to get us to turn against the president that is finally standing up for the American people. We will not be intimidated that easily. I love making liberals angry too!
I have the feeling that you folks are going to be even madder when Special Prosecutor Mueller is done.
Hillary will win by a landslide.Trump has no path to victory.
Hillary did win in a landslide. Trump received the ultimate participation trophy

True story...HRC won Loon York, North Mexico (California), the vote from illegitimates, Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses and the un-Americans.
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.
Trump, the whiny little bitch. He cries about everything as if he himself is the most persecuted person on Earth. Poor fat white orange-haired dimwits, yeah that is the new target for persecution.

Did dumbo think everyone would all of a sudden like him? He was never likeable. He puts the aaaa in ass.

If he can play professional victim, they thinks okay if they do as well.

That's a huge part of why they love him.

Yep, they're heart breakers ... That's for sure.

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I have the feeling that you folks are going to be even madder when Special Prosecutor Mueller is done.
Hillary will win by a landslide.Trump has no path to victory.
Hillary did win in a landslide. Trump received the ultimate participation trophy

Yeah and the country is getting screwed.

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My life has been the same since he took office , what happened to yours?

Are you liberals really that sensitive?

I have the feeling that you folks are going to be even madder when Special Prosecutor Mueller is done.
Hillary will win by a landslide.Trump has no path to victory.
Hillary did win in a landslide. Trump received the ultimate participation trophy

Yeah and the country is getting screwed.

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"Yeah and the country is getting screwed."
Nah, only our most illegitimate feel "screwed"...AWESOME....isn't it?

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