Angry white man threatened to call ICE because employees were speaking Spanish in restaurant.

An angry white man threatened to call ICE because employees were speaking Spanish in a restaurant

I love the woman at the end who calls him a sh!t.

Oh these fuking racist right wingers. They are trying so hard to ruin this country but they won't get away with it.

An angry white man threatened to call ICE because employees were speaking Spanish in a restaurant

I love the woman at the end who calls him a sh!t.

Oh these fuking racist right wingers. They are trying so hard to ruin this country but they won't get away with it.

Actually he is a Jew you moron soooooo...he can't be racist now can he? I find it hilarious either way. A vermin Jew whining about people not belonging here...amusing...NEITHER belong here.

Maybe people should be protesting where you live

And why is that? Its all white here except for a small minority of illegal central Americans. Maybe if the Chicken Plant closes down they will all fucking leave. Good riddance.

still got your banjo?
You know, it wouldn't hurt somebody to learn how to speak Spanish when there's a Spanish part of town.

However, this is America, and English is spoken here.
So is Spanish.
I've heard Chinese in Chinatown.
I've heard Greek in the Greek part of Chicago.
Yesterday, in Starbucks, I heard French.

Not a single time was I insulted.

Not until Republicans show their racism. They show that a lot.
Mexicans get sanctuary cities. And we get record numbers of jobless/homeless Americans as a trade off. Insults are one thing...delusions, we have plenty.

the lazy jobless/homeless americans should get up off their fat asses and go to work

Where? And will the money they earn cover the cost of shelter, food, clothing, and other essentials?
noun: sarcasm; plural noun: sarcasms
  1. the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
    "his voice, hardened by sarcasm, could not hide his resentment"
    synonyms: derision, mockery, ridicule, scorn, sneering, scoffing; More
    "well, it's easy to see that she got her biting sarcasm from her mother"
mid 16th century: from French sarcasme, or via late Latin from late Greek sarkasmos, from Greek sarkazein ‘tear flesh,’ in late Greek ‘gnash the teeth, speak bitterly’ (from sarx, sark- ‘flesh’).
Sorry I didn't pick up on it. On USMB, sometimes it's hard to tell.
Schlossberg is the lawyer's name that lost his shit in the restaurant I think. And now he's known across the globe as the racist Schlossberg. Cohen has likely already offered him $130,000 to keep quiet about the incident. I don't know Schlossberg's first name so I'll refer to him as Stormy Schlossberg.

Why wouldn't he just go to another eatery? This guy lives in New York, hasn't he ever been to Chinatown? Or Little Italy? People have spoken other than English in the US from the beginning. And now this orange turd clone is paying the price for his bigotry.

The guy is supposed to be fluent in Spanish

But he has swallowed the Trump Koolaid so much that he is outraged that people would speak Spanish in his presence

And one could say "ok, if all of the employees are speaking a language you don't understand why not just say does anyone speak English so I can talk to someone about ordering." Or if he's offended go to another eatery and don't patronize the place. It's the in your face racist ranting that Trump supporters like, they want so desperately to turn the clock back a hundred years, but that is never going to happen. They somehow think that they are going to force the rest of the population to conform to the long gone view of the world that cons hold in their heads. By force if neccessary.

Give it up cons, you can pine for 'the old days' all you want, they are gone.
Republicans are such Snowflakes
So easily offended

Wah....they are talking Spanish in my presence

You really think this asshole represents Republicans?
I get angry too. When I hear Spanish as if it's always been spoken in Denver. Spanish offends me. And we have to pay taxes to help Spanish speakers only that just recently came here. Si haba Espanol? I recognize the Hispanics that created Colorado or California and were here way before the English , but Spaniards were European and Caucasian as well.

You know, it wouldn't hurt somebody to learn how to speak Spanish when there's a Spanish part of town.

However, this is America, and English is spoken here.
Agreed. When in Rome..Spanish speakers only...but who is making this an issue? Why do we NOW have this ?...30 years ago we never needed Spanish-English interpreters in our judicial system, but we need them NOW. How is that GOOD? Having done jury duty 30 years ago vs NOW? We always had a common language before, what is wrong with that?
Guess what language Americans speak when they are abroad?


American women speak many languages, just like the men.
Schlossberg is the lawyer's name that lost his shit in the restaurant I think. And now he's known across the globe as the racist Schlossberg. Cohen has likely already offered him $130,000 to keep quiet about the incident. I don't know Schlossberg's first name so I'll refer to him as Stormy Schlossberg.

Why wouldn't he just go to another eatery? This guy lives in New York, hasn't he ever been to Chinatown? Or Little Italy? People have spoken other than English in the US from the beginning. And now this orange turd clone is paying the price for his bigotry.

The guy is supposed to be fluent in Spanish

But he has swallowed the Trump Koolaid so much that he is outraged that people would speak Spanish in his presence

And one could say "ok, if all of the employees are speaking a language you don't understand why not just say does anyone speak English so I can talk to someone about ordering." Or if he's offended go to another eatery and don't patronize the place. It's the in your face racist ranting that Trump supporters like, they want so desperately to turn the clock back a hundred years, but that is never going to happen. They somehow think that they are going to force the rest of the population to conform to the long gone view of the world that cons hold in their heads. By force if neccessary.

Give it up cons, you can pine for 'the old days' all you want, they are gone.
Republicans are such Snowflakes
So easily offended

Wah....they are talking Spanish in my presence

You really think this asshole represents Republicans?
I know the question was no directed at me, but if you had asked me this 10 years ago, I would say categorically no.

On the other hand, in today's world, I would say yes, he represents most Republicans. Not all, but most.
Schlossberg is the lawyer's name that lost his shit in the restaurant I think. And now he's known across the globe as the racist Schlossberg. Cohen has likely already offered him $130,000 to keep quiet about the incident. I don't know Schlossberg's first name so I'll refer to him as Stormy Schlossberg.

Why wouldn't he just go to another eatery? This guy lives in New York, hasn't he ever been to Chinatown? Or Little Italy? People have spoken other than English in the US from the beginning. And now this orange turd clone is paying the price for his bigotry.

The guy is supposed to be fluent in Spanish

But he has swallowed the Trump Koolaid so much that he is outraged that people would speak Spanish in his presence

And one could say "ok, if all of the employees are speaking a language you don't understand why not just say does anyone speak English so I can talk to someone about ordering." Or if he's offended go to another eatery and don't patronize the place. It's the in your face racist ranting that Trump supporters like, they want so desperately to turn the clock back a hundred years, but that is never going to happen. They somehow think that they are going to force the rest of the population to conform to the long gone view of the world that cons hold in their heads. By force if neccessary.

Give it up cons, you can pine for 'the old days' all you want, they are gone.
Republicans are such Snowflakes
So easily offended

Wah....they are talking Spanish in my presence

You really think this asshole represents Republicans?
I know the question was no directed at me, but if you had asked me this 10 years ago, I would say categorically no.

On the other hand, in today's world, I would say yes, he represents most Republicans. Not all, but most.

No way.
I get angry too. When I hear Spanish as if it's always been spoken in Denver. Spanish offends me. And we have to pay taxes to help Spanish speakers only that just recently came here. Si haba Espanol? I recognize the Hispanics that created Colorado or California and were here way before the English , but Spaniards were European and Caucasian as well.

You know, it wouldn't hurt somebody to learn how to speak Spanish when there's a Spanish part of town.

However, this is America, and English is spoken here.
Agreed. When in Rome..Spanish speakers only...but who is making this an issue? Why do we NOW have this ?...30 years ago we never needed Spanish-English interpreters in our judicial system, ...

Yes, we did. Point of fact.
Weren't Spaniards white Catholic colonialist, Spanish is as White AND EUROPEAN as any Englishmen? So Mexicans think they can sneak into America, ignore American culture, well boo hoo...they can't. But they speak SPANISH! So?

What was that post supposed to mean, exactly?
English established as the National Language?

What if you are caught speaking something else in your future English only America? Do you get your tongue chopped off?


GFY with that stupid shite.

English absolutely should be established as the National language.

Naturalized Mexicans get it. Why don't you?
National Language?
Why not German?
Or Russian?[/QUOTE]

There are 44 Murders per day and 232 Rapes per day in America.
Racism is wrong and bad, but why do Liberals have such a warped sense of outrage?
An angry white man threatened to call ICE because employees were speaking Spanish in a restaurant

I love the woman at the end who calls him a sh!t.

Oh these fuking racist right wingers. They are trying so hard to ruin this country but they won't get away with it.

Why is this a national news story?
Shouldn't rape and murder news stories have a higher priority?
Left Wing priorities as are out of wack.

Rape and murder happens every day

A lawyer destroying his career in a racist rant is newsworthy
English established as the National Language?

What if you are caught speaking something else in your future English only America? Do you get your tongue chopped off?


GFY with that stupid shite.

English absolutely should be established as the National language.

Naturalized Mexicans get it. Why don't you?
National Language?
Why not German?
Or Russian?

There are 44 Murders per day and 232 Rapes per day in America.
Racism is wrong and bad, but why do Liberals have such a warped sense of outrage?[/QUOTE]
Why does anyone care about Football scores when there are 232 rapes and 44 murders?
Well, until English is established as the National language, (which it should be)

things like this have no bearing.

From 2006:

At last, America has an official language (and yes, it's English)

In a new twist to the contentious immigration debate, the Senate has voted to designate English the national language of the United States, and to effectively ban federal government ordinances and services in any language other than English.

The 63-34 vote, on an amendment offered by the Oklahoma Republican James Inhofe, split the Senate along largely party lines, with only nine of the 44 Democrats voting for it, and just one Republican voting against.

The amendment has mainly symbolic significance and may not make it into the immigration bill that eventually emerges from the Senate, let alone into the final version that must be agreed with the House for Congress to send for signature to President George Bush.

But in a confusing debate passions ran high, with the Democratic minority leader Harry Reid labelling the amendment "racist", and Ken Salazar, a Colorado Democrat of Hispanic ancestry, calling it "divisive and anti-American". Not only does it overrule any claims to multilingual services, but the measure also stipulates rigorous testing to ensure would-be citizens have a sound knowledge of both the English language and US history.

Muddying the waters further, the Senate then passed by a 58-39 margin a more moderate amendment that declares English merely to be the "common unifying language of the US".
Well, until English is established as the National language, (which it should be)

things like this have no bearing.

From 2006:

At last, America has an official language (and yes, it's English)

In a new twist to the contentious immigration debate, the Senate has voted to designate English the national language of the United States, and to effectively ban federal government ordinances and services in any language other than English.

The 63-34 vote, on an amendment offered by the Oklahoma Republican James Inhofe, split the Senate along largely party lines, with only nine of the 44 Democrats voting for it, and just one Republican voting against.

The amendment has mainly symbolic significance and may not make it into the immigration bill that eventually emerges from the Senate, let alone into the final version that must be agreed with the House for Congress to send for signature to President George Bush.

But in a confusing debate passions ran high, with the Democratic minority leader Harry Reid labelling the amendment "racist", and Ken Salazar, a Colorado Democrat of Hispanic ancestry, calling it "divisive and anti-American". Not only does it overrule any claims to multilingual services, but the measure also stipulates rigorous testing to ensure would-be citizens have a sound knowledge of both the English language and US history.

Muddying the waters further, the Senate then passed by a 58-39 margin a more moderate amendment that declares English merely to be the "common unifying language of the US".
The article only says it was passed by the House and was supposed to make it into some immigration bill.

It wasn't an amendment to the Constitution, but an amendment to some bill.
Republicans don't support the poor whites living in Appalachia.
Why should they complain about Democrats helping anyone?
Republicans help needy billionaires.

Republicans aren't even Right-Wing, they believe Soros, Hollywood, NBC, CNN, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Bloomberg, and others all other Liberals deserve major tax cuts.

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