Ann Coulter and Liz Mair debate whether Trump is broadening the Republican party…or destroying it.



Is Trump good or bad for the GOP?

Donald Trump has broken all the rules of Republican party politics. He's soaring in the polls, but the party establishment wants him stopped. Ann Coulter and Liz Mair debate whether Trump is broadening the Republican party…or destroying it.


Fascinating debate.
I wouldn't call it fascinating but it was worth listening to. Thanks. BTW, Trump isn't destroying the Republican Party, the party is destroying itself. Trump is just picking up the pieces.
Mommy, I don't want to see Grandpa Dean!!

Why not?

Last time we were there I dropped an ice cream cone and he started yelling that Republicans made the cone, he's nuts Mommy!
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Is Trump good or bad for the GOP?

Donald Trump has broken all the rules of Republican party politics. He's soaring in the polls, but the party establishment wants him stopped. Ann Coulter and Liz Mair debate whether Trump is broadening the Republican party…or destroying it.


Fascinating debate.

Trump and the Clintons were kissy kissy back in the early to mid 1990's, Trump even thought 'Hillary care' was a good idea. Would not rule out the possibility that Trump is actually working FOR the Clintons by lobbing his verbal grenades in the GOP primary. The Hildebeast has such baggage only a blow hard like Trump could put her in the White House.
Trump is destroying the GOP. It's been coming a long time and he's finishing the job.
Good. They're nothing more than an extension of the Democratic Party anyway. Republican voters will then flock to the new party (very enthusiastically).
I wouldn't call it fascinating but it was worth listening to. Thanks. BTW, Trump isn't destroying the Republican Party, the party is destroying itself. Trump is just picking up the pieces.

The GOP establishment lying filth ran over 40,000 ads promising to defund Obamacare and executive illegal amnesty then after the election they funded both of them and told conservatives and the tea party to go fuck themselves. And Trump is the problem???
"Ann Coulter and Liz Mair debate whether Trump is broadening the Republican party…or destroying it."

There really is no 'debate' – Trump is in fact harming the GOP.
"Ann Coulter and Liz Mair debate whether Trump is broadening the Republican party…or destroying it."

There really is no 'debate' – Trump is in fact harming the GOP.
I've noticed how you say the same exact thing in every post. You just declare your side is right and never provide anything in which to back it up. When it comes right down to it, you've never had a fucking thing to contribute to any thread you've ever participated in.

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