Ann Coulter nails it in two “WALL” tweets.

the fact that Trump didnt get his way isn't a national emergency. this is a dangerous misuse of presidential power.

Illegals are KILLING and RAPING American citizens, that's a national emergency.

Yet we do nothing about home grown crime, and home grown crime (blue and white collar) is worst than any illegal crime. Stop businesses from hiring illegals and stop US citizens from using drugs. Trump and his admin is the national emergency as he is beholden to foreign countries.
nothing but the national socialism of Security problems and refusing to pay for it by the Right Wing.

without our useless and fake and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror (with tax cut "free market" economics) wasting the Peoples' tax money,

we could be on Mars already.
the fact that Trump didnt get his way isn't a national emergency. this is a dangerous misuse of presidential power.

Illegals are KILLING and RAPING American citizens, that's a national emergency.

Yet we do nothing about home grown crime, and home grown crime (blue and white collar) is worst than any illegal crime. Stop businesses from hiring illegals and stop US citizens from using drugs. Trump and his admin is the national emergency as he is beholden to foreign countries.

Stop deflecting. Illegals from foreign countries are killing and raping thousands of Americans. If Iran killed and raped thousands of Americans their country would be a smoldering pile of bombed out rubble.
Olde Europe, post: 21822204
Usually, Trump, were he forced to declare an act unconstitutional, would enable Annie to point to a Constitutional provision Trump would have to assert was violated by that act.

Annie is not saying Trumpo will declare the passed CR “unconstitutional” in the way that you say as an argument unto itself. She is saying that Trumpo by signing the CR as written and in order to declare a national emergency that could succeed in court he will need to argue that what he just signed was not constitutional. And that’s a rediculous corner he backed his way into. She is saying it will be absurd for Trumpo to make such an argument to defend in court his national emergency declaration and his need to bypass Congress to fund his wall as he sees fit.
To follow coulter's reasoning would be to say that the next hurricane that hits the gulf coast is illegal.

That is not her reasoning at all. See the response I just posted 10 mins ago.

Perhaps it will allow you to join the discussion in an intelligent manner.
To follow coulter's reasoning would be to say that the next hurricane that hits the gulf coast is illegal.

That is not her reasoning at all. See the response I just posted 10 mins ago.

Perhaps it will allow you to join the discussion in an intelligent manner.

It is impossible to reply intelligently to an insane claim that has no basis in reality.
It's just a throw out phrase that means absolutely nothing at all.

To claim otherwise is not just's also somewhat deranged.

I have some sympathy for her feelings....but they are only feelings.
Perhaps she hopes to sell books to liberals?

Olde Europe, post: 21822204
Usually, Trump, were he forced to declare an act unconstitutional, would enable Annie to point to a Constitutional provision Trump would have to assert was violated by that act.

Annie is not saying Trumpo will declare the passed CR “unconstitutional” in the way that you say as an argument unto itself. She is saying that Trumpo by signing the CR as written and in order to declare a national emergency that could succeed in court he will need to argue that what he just signed was not constitutional. And that’s a ridiculous corner he backed his way into. She is saying it will be absurd for Trumpo to make such an argument to defend in court his national emergency declaration and his need to bypass Congress to fund his wall as he sees fit.

He won't need to argue that point at you think the judges are retards? Even Liberal judges are not going to make a sticking point over something like that. The real argument will not be over the will be over whiter or not the situation actually fits the description of national there'a an area where an intelligent argument can take place. There's no problem with doing both simultaneously... though as of now I suspect he may not sign the bill with the current provisions nearly eliminating the action of ICE.

the fact that Trump didnt get his way isn't a national emergency. this is a dangerous misuse of presidential power.

Illegals are KILLING and RAPING American citizens, that's a national emergency.

Yet we do nothing about home grown crime, and home grown crime (blue and white collar) is worst than any illegal crime. Stop businesses from hiring illegals and stop US citizens from using drugs. Trump and his admin is the national emergency as he is beholden to foreign countries.
Where do you get that? And something else. Where does all of this hate come from for him? Not one of you have said anything about what we already know about him. Where are the other things? He speaks like most other people do in man areas of the country. But where is the other things that you accuse him of. Did he go to parties and become the worst person ever with people like you? Did he say bad jokes? What! Every day it is the same thing with conjecture.
She is saying that Trumpo by signing the CR as written and in order to declare a national emergency that could succeed in court he will need to argue that what he just signed was not constitutional.

Yes. Understood. Which Constitutional provision would he need to declare violated? Because, Annie wouldn't tell us. Perhaps you can, because, quite obviously, she can't.

And no, that argument of Annie's falls flat on its red rubber nose. All Trump needs to do is to declare the emergency, and also that Congress (Democrats!), apparently not fully appraised, didn't provide sufficient funding to counter it efficiently. Hence he'd need to find the funds elsewhere, as I hear, he'll strip real, legitimate national security projects of desperately needed funds to get his campaign prop done on the taxpayers' dime.

All Annie nailed was her foot to her forehead. Still isn't a pretzel, though.
If there are any cling-on Trumpo supporters/idolaters our there please explain why Coultergeist is wrong:

“To declare a national emergency, Trump will now have to argue that a bill HE SIGNED was unconstitutional,” she said. “Ask your new AG if this is a good idea.”

“There's no coming back from this. No "emergency" or presidential powers will allow him to build the wall, ever, after he signs this bill. Trump has just agreed to fully open borders.
3:58 PM · Feb 14, 2019 ·

I believe Couiter ‘nailed it” better than anyone where she points out that Trumpo’s emergency declaration is an exercise in futility because simultaneously with declaring an energency he performed a constitutional act with Congress that he now must argue was unconstitutional.

What do the MAGAduped here think if Annie’s point?

How about it, conservatives. Has Annie put another nail in Trumpo's political coffin while other pundits like Hannity and Limbaugh are clinging to the Trumpo hate wagon to the bitter and futile end.
The right wing is clueless and Causeless. The Left could have done much more with Your guy.
/—-/ Because the Left Wing did such a great job with Amazon HQ in Queens
Here's the thing. Trump knows the "Emergency Declaration" will be slapped down by the courts and congress. Even he isn't that dense.

But he can go back to the inbred, bible thumping mouth-breathers who voted for him and say, "I tried to keep them Mexicans out. I really tried".

So only the lowest of the low want border security? What an idiotic post by you. And completely inaccurate
No, we all want border security. The low IQ among us demand Trump's wall. They are not the same thing.

Bullshit. Nothing to do with the post I responded to and the border agents do want a wall. I will gladly compare resumes with you and we'll see who has the "low IQ".
Here's the thing. Trump knows the "Emergency Declaration" will be slapped down by the courts and congress. Even he isn't that dense.

But he can go back to the inbred, bible thumping mouth-breathers who voted for him and say, "I tried to keep them Mexicans out. I really tried".

So only the lowest of the low want border security? What an idiotic post by you. And completely inaccurate
No, we all want border security. The low IQ among us demand Trump's wall. They are not the same thing.

Bullshit. Nothing to do with the post I responded to and the border agents do want a wall. I will gladly compare resumes with you and we'll see who has the "low IQ".
Somebody's a tad defensive about his IQ. I hope this isn't like Donnie's defensiveness about his hand size.

Don the Con's "Great Wall of Trump" is not the same thing the border agents are asking for...which is why I stand by my statement that only those with low IQ want Trump's Wall.
Here's the thing. Trump knows the "Emergency Declaration" will be slapped down by the courts and congress. Even he isn't that dense.

But he can go back to the inbred, bible thumping mouth-breathers who voted for him and say, "I tried to keep them Mexicans out. I really tried".

So only the lowest of the low want border security? What an idiotic post by you. And completely inaccurate
No, we all want border security. The low IQ among us demand Trump's wall. They are not the same thing.

Bullshit. Nothing to do with the post I responded to and the border agents do want a wall. I will gladly compare resumes with you and we'll see who has the "low IQ".
Somebody's a tad defensive about his IQ. I hope this isn't like Donnie's defensiveness about his hand size.

Don the Con's "Great Wall of Trump" is not the same thing the border agents are asking for...which is why I stand by my statement that only those with low IQ want Trump's Wall.

#1) Not defensive. You made a definitive statement. Back it up.
#2) Bullshit. They are asking for a wall an Trump wants to provide exactly what they are asking for.
#3) Your TDS is off the charts.

Lastly, forget Trump. I support better security at the southern border. I think what we have now is terrible. Do you agree with me? Yes or No?

Let's see if you can answer a simple question with your supposedly high IQ.
If there are any cling-on Trumpo supporters/idolaters our there please explain why Coultergeist is wrong:

“To declare a national emergency, Trump will now have to argue that a bill HE SIGNED was unconstitutional,” she said. “Ask your new AG if this is a good idea.”

“There's no coming back from this. No "emergency" or presidential powers will allow him to build the wall, ever, after he signs this bill. Trump has just agreed to fully open borders.
3:58 PM · Feb 14, 2019 ·

I believe Couiter ‘nailed it” better than anyone where she points out that Trumpo’s emergency declaration is an exercise in futility because simultaneously with declaring an energency he performed a constitutional act with Congress that he now must argue was unconstitutional.

What do the MAGAduped here think if Annie’s point?

How about it, conservatives. Has Annie put another nail in Trumpo's political coffin while other pundits like Hannity and Limbaugh are clinging to the Trumpo hate wagon to the bitter and futile end.
The right wing is clueless and Causeless. The Left could have done much more with Your guy.
/—-/ Because the Left Wing did such a great job with Amazon HQ in Queens
in an alternate universe, the left got Trump for prez. and Clinton for vp.
He won't need to argue that point at you think the judges are retards? Even Liberal judges are not going to make a sticking point over something like that.

Explain yourself. Why do you think the courts and plaintiffs won’t require Trumpo to explain why the normal constitutional process does not suffice to secure the border and he has to override congressional funding authoity as an emergency.

He signed the law. If there were a true emergency he should not have done so to help prove his already very weak case that this funding is a national emergency.

Why don’t you explain your point more than just because you say so?
I don't see an issue with declaring a national emergency. The dems want de-facto open borders, that itself is unconstitutional, as are sanctuary cities/states. They swore to protect the US, and then do not allow the president to extend the wall and replace ineffective fences due to inadequate funding. Yet we protect borders in South Korea, Ukraine, Iraq, Poland, etc.

Those borders face actual threats...

No, "My Daughter might Date a Mexican" is not a national emergency.

Signing the Bill and then declaring a national emergency puts the issue to the courts to define presidential authority regarding emergencies and re-purposing approved funds. The many caravans coming up from Central America do present a clear and present danger to the US.

Actually, I think your tiny little brain hasn't thought this through at all. Let's say the Courts actually uphold Trump's position, that if you hysterically scream about a "problem" (not really) and call it a national emergency, he can override congress and the law.

Then in 2020, Trump and the GOP get voted out of office, and the new Democrat President declares "gun violence' a "National Emergency" (because it is killing far more people than undocumented immigrants being bad drivers are). The ATF then proceeds to go around confiscating guns because... National Emergency.

You boys didn't think this one through at all, did you?

You didn't think it through.
Democrats will do that regardless.
Holding back hoping that lefty will
Curb his own aggression is
ot realistic. Lefty will take everything
And return nothing.

Here's the thing. Trump knows the "Emergency Declaration" will be slapped down by the courts and congress. Even he isn't that dense.

But he can go back to the inbred, bible thumping mouth-breathers who voted for him and say, "I tried to keep them Mexicans out. I really tried".

So only the lowest of the low want border security? What an idiotic post by you. And completely inaccurate
No, we all want border security. The low IQ among us demand Trump's wall. They are not the same thing.

Bullshit. Nothing to do with the post I responded to and the border agents do want a wall. I will gladly compare resumes with you and we'll see who has the "low IQ".
Somebody's a tad defensive about his IQ. I hope this isn't like Donnie's defensiveness about his hand size.

Don the Con's "Great Wall of Trump" is not the same thing the border agents are asking for...which is why I stand by my statement that only those with low IQ want Trump's Wall.

#1) Not defensive. You made a definitive statement. Back it up.
#2) Bullshit. They are asking for a wall an Trump wants to provide exactly what they are asking for.
#3) Your TDS is off the charts.

Lastly, forget Trump. I support better security at the southern border. I think what we have now is terrible. Do you agree with me? Yes or No?

Let's see if you can answer a simple question with your supposedly high IQ.
Saying those that support Trump's Wall are low IQ is not saying those that don't have high...just higher :lol:

You've been conned.
Trump’s Evolving Words on the Wall

June 25, 2015

“You don’t need a wall for the entire piece because we have wonderful people, Border Patrol people, that can do the job. But you do need walls in certain sections, without question.” — Interview with CNN

Aug. 25, 2015
Reporter: How are you going to build a 1,900-mile wall?

Trump: Very easy. I’m a builder. That’s easy. I build buildings that are — can I tell you what’s more complicated? What’s more complicated is building a building that’s 95 stories tall. O.K.?

Oct. 28, 2015
“As far as the wall is concerned, we’re going to build a wall. We’re going to create a border. We’re going to let people in, but they’re going to come in legally. They’re going to come in legally. And it’s something that can be done, and I get questioned about that. They built the Great Wall of China. That’s 13,000 miles. Here, we actually need 1,000 because we have natural barriers. So we need 1,000.” — Republican presidential debate

Dec. 2, 2015
“In our case, we need really 1,000 miles. It’s 2,000 miles, but some is natural borders, natural barriers which are pretty good, not as good as the wall but pretty good; you know what, let’s use it.” — Campaign rally in Manassas, Va.

Aug. 8, 2016
“It’s 2,000 miles, but we need 1,000; you have natural barriers. We need 1,000 miles.” — Campaign rally in Ashburn, Va.

Nov. 2, 2017
“You have 2,000 miles. You have mountains, you have rivers, you have things that you don’t put the wall in, you don’t need them.” — Interview with Fox News

Jan. 11, 2018
Mr. Trump: So the wall. The wall’s never meant to be 2,100 miles long. We have mountains that are far better than a wall. We have violent rivers that nobody goes near. ...

You don’t need a wall where you have a natural barrier that’s far greater than any wall you could build, O.K.?

Jan. 16, 2016
“China built a wall that’s 13,000 miles long 2,000 years ago. My ambition is for ours to be much higher.” — Speech in Myrtle Beach, S.C. The height of the Great Wall of China averages 20 to 23 feet. Its tallest point is 46 feet.

Feb. 9, 2016
“I’m talking about precasts going up probably 35 to 40 feet up in the air. That’s high. That’s a real wall.” — Interview on MSNBC

Feb. 12, 2016
“The wall just got 10 feet higher.” — Speech in Tampa, Fla., after the former Mexican president said Mexico would not pay for it.

March 3, 2016
“But — and I used an example. And this isn’t necessarily what was said, but whatever was said, the wall’s 50 feet high. Is it going to be 45 feet or 40 feet? That could very well be. That could very well — he wants it to be higher.” — Republican presidential debate

President Trump delivers a speech in Abingdon, Va.
March 30, 2016
Reporter: How high is this wall going to be lately? How high is it —

Mr. Trump: I think a good 35 feet. It’s getting higher all the time.

Jan. 11, 2018
“If you have a wall this thick and it’s solid concrete from ground to 32 feet high, which is a high wall, much higher than people planned. You go 32 feet up and you don’t know who’s over here. You’re here, you’ve got the wall and there’s some other people here.” — Interview with The Wall Street Journal
So only the lowest of the low want border security? What an idiotic post by you. And completely inaccurate
No, we all want border security. The low IQ among us demand Trump's wall. They are not the same thing.

Bullshit. Nothing to do with the post I responded to and the border agents do want a wall. I will gladly compare resumes with you and we'll see who has the "low IQ".
Somebody's a tad defensive about his IQ. I hope this isn't like Donnie's defensiveness about his hand size.

Don the Con's "Great Wall of Trump" is not the same thing the border agents are asking for...which is why I stand by my statement that only those with low IQ want Trump's Wall.

#1) Not defensive. You made a definitive statement. Back it up.
#2) Bullshit. They are asking for a wall an Trump wants to provide exactly what they are asking for.
#3) Your TDS is off the charts.

Lastly, forget Trump. I support better security at the southern border. I think what we have now is terrible. Do you agree with me? Yes or No?

Let's see if you can answer a simple question with your supposedly high IQ.
Saying those that support Trump's Wall are low IQ is not saying those that don't have high...just higher :lol:

You've been conned.
Trump’s Evolving Words on the Wall

June 25, 2015

“You don’t need a wall for the entire piece because we have wonderful people, Border Patrol people, that can do the job. But you do need walls in certain sections, without question.” — Interview with CNN

Aug. 25, 2015
Reporter: How are you going to build a 1,900-mile wall?

Trump: Very easy. I’m a builder. That’s easy. I build buildings that are — can I tell you what’s more complicated? What’s more complicated is building a building that’s 95 stories tall. O.K.?

Oct. 28, 2015
“As far as the wall is concerned, we’re going to build a wall. We’re going to create a border. We’re going to let people in, but they’re going to come in legally. They’re going to come in legally. And it’s something that can be done, and I get questioned about that. They built the Great Wall of China. That’s 13,000 miles. Here, we actually need 1,000 because we have natural barriers. So we need 1,000.” — Republican presidential debate

Dec. 2, 2015
“In our case, we need really 1,000 miles. It’s 2,000 miles, but some is natural borders, natural barriers which are pretty good, not as good as the wall but pretty good; you know what, let’s use it.” — Campaign rally in Manassas, Va.

Aug. 8, 2016
“It’s 2,000 miles, but we need 1,000; you have natural barriers. We need 1,000 miles.” — Campaign rally in Ashburn, Va.

Nov. 2, 2017
“You have 2,000 miles. You have mountains, you have rivers, you have things that you don’t put the wall in, you don’t need them.” — Interview with Fox News

Jan. 11, 2018
Mr. Trump: So the wall. The wall’s never meant to be 2,100 miles long. We have mountains that are far better than a wall. We have violent rivers that nobody goes near. ...

You don’t need a wall where you have a natural barrier that’s far greater than any wall you could build, O.K.?

Jan. 16, 2016
“China built a wall that’s 13,000 miles long 2,000 years ago. My ambition is for ours to be much higher.” — Speech in Myrtle Beach, S.C. The height of the Great Wall of China averages 20 to 23 feet. Its tallest point is 46 feet.

Feb. 9, 2016
“I’m talking about precasts going up probably 35 to 40 feet up in the air. That’s high. That’s a real wall.” — Interview on MSNBC

Feb. 12, 2016
“The wall just got 10 feet higher.” — Speech in Tampa, Fla., after the former Mexican president said Mexico would not pay for it.

March 3, 2016
“But — and I used an example. And this isn’t necessarily what was said, but whatever was said, the wall’s 50 feet high. Is it going to be 45 feet or 40 feet? That could very well be. That could very well — he wants it to be higher.” — Republican presidential debate

President Trump delivers a speech in Abingdon, Va.
March 30, 2016
Reporter: How high is this wall going to be lately? How high is it —

Mr. Trump: I think a good 35 feet. It’s getting higher all the time.

Jan. 11, 2018
“If you have a wall this thick and it’s solid concrete from ground to 32 feet high, which is a high wall, much higher than people planned. You go 32 feet up and you don’t know who’s over here. You’re here, you’ve got the wall and there’s some other people here.” — Interview with The Wall Street Journal

Pointless post... Just spam....
Should be tossed.

Here's the thing. Trump knows the "Emergency Declaration" will be slapped down by the courts and congress. Even he isn't that dense.

But he can go back to the inbred, bible thumping mouth-breathers who voted for him and say, "I tried to keep them Mexicans out. I really tried".

So only the lowest of the low want border security? What an idiotic post by you. And completely inaccurate
No, we all want border security. The low IQ among us demand Trump's wall. They are not the same thing.

Bullshit. Nothing to do with the post I responded to and the border agents do want a wall. I will gladly compare resumes with you and we'll see who has the "low IQ".

The attack on intellect usually spells panic.
They are worried about their cartel money
In DC.


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