Ann Coulter nails it in two “WALL” tweets.

Men with their higher logic has figured out who the crooks are

The democrats. The media .. The educators.

That understanding will give power to trump to lock up all the leaders of those groups
the fact that Trump didnt get his way isn't a national emergency. this is a dangerous misuse of presidential power.

Illegals are KILLING and RAPING American citizens, that's a national emergency.

Yet we do nothing about home grown crime, and home grown crime (blue and white collar) is worst than any illegal crime. Stop businesses from hiring illegals and stop US citizens from using drugs. Trump and his admin is the national emergency as he is beholden to foreign countries.

Stop deflecting. Illegals from foreign countries are killing and raping thousands of Americans. If Iran killed and raped thousands of Americans their country would be a smoldering pile of bombed out rubble.

Please submit a link on that? TIA. Nice that its such an emergency, LOL.
Rustic, post: 21823978
Illegal aliens cost this country billions of dollars every year.

That is nothing new so please define the emergency that foot in mouth Trumpo announced this morning that he “didn’t need to do”.

““I could do the wall over a longer period of time ― I didn’t need to do this,” Trump said in a televised speech, even as he contended the situation on the southern border amounted to a national emergency. “But I’d rather do it much faster.””

Trump Declares National Emergency To Fund U.S.-Mexico Border Wall | HuffPost

Trumpo just sabotaged his court case even further.

My god he is an ignorant man.

How do you continue to believe in him?
The fact remains, we have an wide open southern border... We have zero border security.
He is doing it his way I guess, which is open to criticism. But at the same time it’s better than anything career politicians done in decades. Our border security is a fucking joke it’s like we don’t even have any. And these fuckers coming over the border killing citizens, this should not happen at all these illegal aliens have no rights.
Coulter is now literally cheering for Trump to be impeached

"No. 1 trending topic on Twitter: 25th Amendment" - Coulter
If there are any cling-on Trumpo supporters/idolaters our there please explain why Coultergeist is wrong:

“To declare a national emergency, Trump will now have to argue that a bill HE SIGNED was unconstitutional,” she said. “Ask your new AG if this is a good idea.”

“There's no coming back from this. No "emergency" or presidential powers will allow him to build the wall, ever, after he signs this bill. Trump has just agreed to fully open borders.
3:58 PM · Feb 14, 2019 ·

I believe Couiter ‘nailed it” better than anyone where she points out that Trumpo’s emergency declaration is an exercise in futility because simultaneously with declaring an energency he performed a constitutional act with Congress that he now must argue was unconstitutional.

What do the MAGAduped here think if Annie’s point?

How about it, conservatives. Has Annie put another nail in Trumpo's political coffin while other pundits like Hannity and Limbaugh are clinging to the Trumpo hate wagon to the bitter and futile end.
I don't think he agreed to fully open borders, but he is running the country like he is his businesses, the bankrupt ones especially.
If there are any cling-on Trumpo supporters/idolaters our there please explain why Coultergeist is wrong:

“To declare a national emergency, Trump will now have to argue that a bill HE SIGNED was unconstitutional,” she said. “Ask your new AG if this is a good idea.”

“There's no coming back from this. No "emergency" or presidential powers will allow him to build the wall, ever, after he signs this bill. Trump has just agreed to fully open borders.
3:58 PM · Feb 14, 2019 ·

I believe Couiter ‘nailed it” better than anyone where she points out that Trumpo’s emergency declaration is an exercise in futility because simultaneously with declaring an energency he performed a constitutional act with Congress that he now must argue was unconstitutional.

What do the MAGAduped here think if Annie’s point?

How about it, conservatives. Has Annie put another nail in Trumpo's political coffin while other pundits like Hannity and Limbaugh are clinging to the Trumpo hate wagon to the bitter and futile end.
She needs to take a chill pill. Seriously.
If there are any cling-on Trumpo supporters/idolaters our there please explain why Coultergeist is wrong:

“To declare a national emergency, Trump will now have to argue that a bill HE SIGNED was unconstitutional,” she said. “Ask your new AG if this is a good idea.”

“There's no coming back from this. No "emergency" or presidential powers will allow him to build the wall, ever, after he signs this bill. Trump has just agreed to fully open borders.
3:58 PM · Feb 14, 2019 ·

I believe Couiter ‘nailed it” better than anyone where she points out that Trumpo’s emergency declaration is an exercise in futility because simultaneously with declaring an energency he performed a constitutional act with Congress that he now must argue was unconstitutional.

What do the MAGAduped here think if Annie’s point?

How about it, conservatives. Has Annie put another nail in Trumpo's political coffin while other pundits like Hannity and Limbaugh are clinging to the Trumpo hate wagon to the bitter and futile end.
Coulter is simply wrong.
If there are any cling-on Trumpo supporters/idolaters our there please explain why Coultergeist is wrong:

“To declare a national emergency, Trump will now have to argue that a bill HE SIGNED was unconstitutional,” she said. “Ask your new AG if this is a good idea.”

“There's no coming back from this. No "emergency" or presidential powers will allow him to build the wall, ever, after he signs this bill. Trump has just agreed to fully open borders.
3:58 PM · Feb 14, 2019 ·

I believe Couiter ‘nailed it” better than anyone where she points out that Trumpo’s emergency declaration is an exercise in futility because simultaneously with declaring an energency he performed a constitutional act with Congress that he now must argue was unconstitutional.

What do the MAGAduped here think if Annie’s point?

How about it, conservatives. Has Annie put another nail in Trumpo's political coffin while other pundits like Hannity and Limbaugh are clinging to the Trumpo hate wagon to the bitter and futile end.

As much as I used to like Ann Coulter, what I think is that she and people like her stuck us with Trump, so I don't have a lot of sympathy if she has buyer's remorse.
As much as I used to like Ann Coulter, what I think is that she and people like her stuck us with Trump, so I don't have a lot of sympathy if she has buyer's remorse.

As guilty as she might be in that fell for it.

You did this to yourself...and us
If there are any cling-on Trumpo supporters/idolaters our there please explain why Coultergeist is wrong:

“To declare a national emergency, Trump will now have to argue that a bill HE SIGNED was unconstitutional,” she said. “Ask your new AG if this is a good idea.”

“There's no coming back from this. No "emergency" or presidential powers will allow him to build the wall, ever, after he signs this bill. Trump has just agreed to fully open borders.
3:58 PM · Feb 14, 2019 ·

I believe Couiter ‘nailed it” better than anyone where she points out that Trumpo’s emergency declaration is an exercise in futility because simultaneously with declaring an energency he performed a constitutional act with Congress that he now must argue was unconstitutional.

What do the MAGAduped here think if Annie’s point?

How about it, conservatives. Has Annie put another nail in Trumpo's political coffin while other pundits like Hannity and Limbaugh are clinging to the Trumpo hate wagon to the bitter and futile end.

As much as I used to like Ann Coulter, what I think is that she and people like her stuck us with Trump, so I don't have a lot of sympathy if she has buyer's remorse.
Sort of agree. She has a history of incendiary quotes that encourage people to distain and delegitimize pols, and people, she doesn't like. But not only weren't their any gopers denouncing birtherism, but McConnell saying he'd work to make Obama a one-termer. Dirksen or even Trent Lott would never say that. You may oppose the core of a guy's agenda but the dems did compromise with Reagan when there was any common ground. I don't think Obama was a very good potus, and he certainly declared "no compromise" with Obamacare, but the guy won Yuuugely in 08. That was his issue. the Gop had to live with it, and they pummelled the dems in 2010 with it.

Imo Trump's base sees themselves as victims but their delusions have been encouraged by those who know better.
Here's the thing. Trump knows the "Emergency Declaration" will be slapped down by the courts and congress. Even he isn't that dense.

But he can go back to the inbred, bible thumping mouth-breathers who voted for him and say, "I tried to keep them Mexicans out. I really tried".

Well put and I agree...mostly.

The really, stupid/emotionally unbalanced Trumpbots will thank him for the effort (the 'shoot someone on 5'th Avenue' bunch).

But the more intelligent Trumpbots will notice that a) he said he would get it; b) he said that he was a FABULOUS negotiator - the best; c) the Reps controlled both houses for two years; and d) despite all this - he did not get the wall.

Yes, most Trumpbots will praise him for the effort.

But I think the brighter ones (like Coulter) will say 'not good enough'.

I think he will lose members of his base - when this is all done. Not most of them, but a large minority of them.
If there are any cling-on Trumpo supporters/idolaters our there please explain why Coultergeist is wrong:

“To declare a national emergency, Trump will now have to argue that a bill HE SIGNED was unconstitutional,” she said. “Ask your new AG if this is a good idea.”

“There's no coming back from this. No "emergency" or presidential powers will allow him to build the wall, ever, after he signs this bill. Trump has just agreed to fully open borders.
3:58 PM · Feb 14, 2019 ·

I believe Couiter ‘nailed it” better than anyone where she points out that Trumpo’s emergency declaration is an exercise in futility because simultaneously with declaring an energency he performed a constitutional act with Congress that he now must argue was unconstitutional.

What do the MAGAduped here think if Annie’s point?

How about it, conservatives. Has Annie put another nail in Trumpo's political coffin while other pundits like Hannity and Limbaugh are clinging to the Trumpo hate wagon to the bitter and futile end.
That guy Coulter really knows how to get under Donald’s skin.
Here's the thing. Trump knows the "Emergency Declaration" will be slapped down by the courts and congress. Even he isn't that dense.

But he can go back to the inbred, bible thumping mouth-breathers who voted for him and say, "I tried to keep them Mexicans out. I really tried".
How do you define someone like me who doesn't want unfettered and unchecked floods of illegals?

Keep in mind my position is arrived at from a business stand point. We have a LARGE population of illegals in KC and that population has a negative impact on the construction industry. The industry I made my career in.

You oppose illegal immigration and yet you vote Republican. Republicans have always been the party that promoted illegal immigration because they want to cheap labor. They block the laws that would have punished employers.
I vote conservative ya foreign twat.

Mind your own business foreigner

Mind your manners you ignorant old fart. I don't you call a "limp dicked wonder" (although at your age, I'm pretty sure it's apt) but I could certainly start, if you're going to become obnoxious and rude.
Here's the thing. Trump knows the "Emergency Declaration" will be slapped down by the courts and congress. Even he isn't that dense.

But he can go back to the inbred, bible thumping mouth-breathers who voted for him and say, "I tried to keep them Mexicans out. I really tried".
How do you define someone like me who doesn't want unfettered and unchecked floods of illegals?

Keep in mind my position is arrived at from a business stand point. We have a LARGE population of illegals in KC and that population has a negative impact on the construction industry. The industry I made my career in.

You oppose illegal immigration and yet you vote Republican. Republicans have always been the party that promoted illegal immigration because they want to cheap labor. They block the laws that would have punished employers.

That is the Rino republicans the globalists like the democrats

Trump has the real power the white men on his side

Why do you put your faith in a man who uses illegal immigrants as employees in his corporation and has done for all of his working life? Trump is one of the people who created the problem and he’s doing nothing about it really.

Abortion is the line in the sand that decides who the real crooks are

Science also tells this

The party that supports abortion is the most crooked party

Stupid Russian. Abortion is legal. There is no 'corruption' involved. "Corruption" is taking bribes to destory your own country. Corruption is stealing money from the American taxpayers. Corruption is giving government contracts to people who bribe you. Donald Trump is the very essence of "Corruption".
Nobody is going to attack or ridicule Coulter except the crazy angry left that once justified assault by pie on the 90 lb babe. She just isn't relevant as she used to be and the only time the crazy angry left ever quotes her is when Media Matters finds an isolated sound bite they can use. It's much ado about nothing.
Coulter is now literally cheering for Trump to be impeached

"No. 1 trending topic on Twitter: 25th Amendment" - Coulter
Trump has an 89% approval among GOP voters. That's higher than Obama and dubya at this stage of their 1st terms. Maybe Annie could manage Weld's primary challenge?
Adlai Stevenson said to one of his opponents: "when you stop lying about me, i'll stop telling the truth about you"...guess what Teflon Don, when you stop lying about immigration, Ann will stop telling the truth about you!
If there are any cling-on Trumpo supporters/idolaters our there please explain why Coultergeist is wrong:

“To declare a national emergency, Trump will now have to argue that a bill HE SIGNED was unconstitutional,” she said. “Ask your new AG if this is a good idea.”

“There's no coming back from this. No "emergency" or presidential powers will allow him to build the wall, ever, after he signs this bill. Trump has just agreed to fully open borders.
3:58 PM · Feb 14, 2019 ·

I believe Couiter ‘nailed it” better than anyone where she points out that Trumpo’s emergency declaration is an exercise in futility because simultaneously with declaring an energency he performed a constitutional act with Congress that he now must argue was unconstitutional.

What do the MAGAduped here think if Annie’s point?

How about it, conservatives. Has Annie put another nail in Trumpo's political coffin while other pundits like Hannity and Limbaugh are clinging to the Trumpo hate wagon to the bitter and futile end.

So funny! Assuming that Trump survives until 2020 - I expect his approval rating to be about 30% or less.

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