Ann Coulter nails it in two “WALL” tweets.

I don't see an issue with declaring a national emergency. The dems want de-facto open borders, that itself is unconstitutional, as are sanctuary cities/states. They swore to protect the US, and then do not allow the president to extend the wall and replace ineffective fences due to inadequate funding. Yet we protect borders in South Korea, Ukraine, Iraq, Poland, etc.

Those borders face actual threats...

No, "My Daughter might Date a Mexican" is not a national emergency.

Signing the Bill and then declaring a national emergency puts the issue to the courts to define presidential authority regarding emergencies and re-purposing approved funds. The many caravans coming up from Central America do present a clear and present danger to the US.

Actually, I think your tiny little brain hasn't thought this through at all. Let's say the Courts actually uphold Trump's position, that if you hysterically scream about a "problem" (not really) and call it a national emergency, he can override congress and the law.

Then in 2020, Trump and the GOP get voted out of office, and the new Democrat President declares "gun violence' a "National Emergency" (because it is killing far more people than undocumented immigrants being bad drivers are). The ATF then proceeds to go around confiscating guns because... National Emergency.

You boys didn't think this one through at all, did you?

1. Drugs coming across the southern border kill more Americans in one year than all of the mass shootings to date, That is a true emergency. That 90% of the drugs "seized" come thru the POAs doesn't mean that way more drugs go around the POAs. My brother was on the southern border in the AF and they tracked the drug cartel planes coming over but were not allowed to contact DEA or law enforcement. So you have no clue how they get drugs into the US.

2. Sure we thought it thru, if they send the ATF for our guns, bring a lunch. Besides the 2nd Amendment would win in court. Similarly, going full "New Green Deal" or "single payer healthcare" runs into funding issues. So the president has plenty of guard-rails, including a "resolution of disapproval" which cancels the emergency.

Your realize you just made a point for not spending billions on a wall, don't you? See we can put that money for a wall on single payer healthcare and the green new deal which includes healthcare for all. So just the New Green Deal.

The "Green New Deal" was born dead. People are still laughing.

The Green New Deal has more life than Trumps wall! The Republican Party has decided to try to save themselves and are throwing Dumb Donald under the bus.

Yesterday’s vote has huge implications for Trump’s future as President. Trump needs the Senate to protect him from impeachment.

Republicans told him yesterday to go fuck himself on his wall. Trump is Pelosi’s bitch from here on in.

The Great Negotiator!!!
I don't see an issue with declaring a national emergency. The dems want de-facto open borders, that itself is unconstitutional, as are sanctuary cities/states. They swore to protect the US, and then do not allow the president to extend the wall and replace ineffective fences due to inadequate funding. Yet we protect borders in South Korea, Ukraine, Iraq, Poland, etc.

Those borders face actual threats...

No, "My Daughter might Date a Mexican" is not a national emergency.

Signing the Bill and then declaring a national emergency puts the issue to the courts to define presidential authority regarding emergencies and re-purposing approved funds. The many caravans coming up from Central America do present a clear and present danger to the US.

Actually, I think your tiny little brain hasn't thought this through at all. Let's say the Courts actually uphold Trump's position, that if you hysterically scream about a "problem" (not really) and call it a national emergency, he can override congress and the law.

Then in 2020, Trump and the GOP get voted out of office, and the new Democrat President declares "gun violence' a "National Emergency" (because it is killing far more people than undocumented immigrants being bad drivers are). The ATF then proceeds to go around confiscating guns because... National Emergency.

You boys didn't think this one through at all, did you?

1. Drugs coming across the southern border kill more Americans in one year than all of the mass shootings to date, That is a true emergency.
Wrong. The PEOPLE doing the drugs kill themselves. Your idiotic statement is like the idiots saying "guns are killing people en masse"

There is an element of truth in your post that drug overdoses kill themselves. That said, the price availability of illicit drugs and the fact that the drug cartels control the drug traffic, including the deadly fentenyl, says its more akin to murder than suicide. I can be unkind and call it "chlorine in the gene pool", but I won't. Look at the chart below and tell me that the suicide rate is increasing....or is it the deadly drug traffic?
I don't see an issue with declaring a national emergency. The dems want de-facto open borders, that itself is unconstitutional, as are sanctuary cities/states. They swore to protect the US, and then do not allow the president to extend the wall and replace ineffective fences due to inadequate funding. Yet we protect borders in South Korea, Ukraine, Iraq, Poland, etc.

Those borders face actual threats...

No, "My Daughter might Date a Mexican" is not a national emergency.

Signing the Bill and then declaring a national emergency puts the issue to the courts to define presidential authority regarding emergencies and re-purposing approved funds. The many caravans coming up from Central America do present a clear and present danger to the US.

Actually, I think your tiny little brain hasn't thought this through at all. Let's say the Courts actually uphold Trump's position, that if you hysterically scream about a "problem" (not really) and call it a national emergency, he can override congress and the law.

Then in 2020, Trump and the GOP get voted out of office, and the new Democrat President declares "gun violence' a "National Emergency" (because it is killing far more people than undocumented immigrants being bad drivers are). The ATF then proceeds to go around confiscating guns because... National Emergency.

You boys didn't think this one through at all, did you?
/——/ Gun ownership is a constitutional right no president can over ride. The ISSC would smack it down in 2 seconds.

Do you have a Constitutional right to own a bazooka? The government certainly can regulate certain types of weapons and it does.

Since you bring up the Constitution, Do you belong to a militia?

Dem Prez could declare a national emergency directing all firearms to belong only to members of a well regulated state militia thus bringing all firearms into compliance with the Constitution.
I don't see an issue with declaring a national emergency. The dems want de-facto open borders, that itself is unconstitutional, as are sanctuary cities/states. They swore to protect the US, and then do not allow the president to extend the wall and replace ineffective fences due to inadequate funding. Yet we protect borders in South Korea, Ukraine, Iraq, Poland, etc.

Those borders face actual threats...

No, "My Daughter might Date a Mexican" is not a national emergency.

Signing the Bill and then declaring a national emergency puts the issue to the courts to define presidential authority regarding emergencies and re-purposing approved funds. The many caravans coming up from Central America do present a clear and present danger to the US.

Actually, I think your tiny little brain hasn't thought this through at all. Let's say the Courts actually uphold Trump's position, that if you hysterically scream about a "problem" (not really) and call it a national emergency, he can override congress and the law.

Then in 2020, Trump and the GOP get voted out of office, and the new Democrat President declares "gun violence' a "National Emergency" (because it is killing far more people than undocumented immigrants being bad drivers are). The ATF then proceeds to go around confiscating guns because... National Emergency.

You boys didn't think this one through at all, did you?
/——/ Gun ownership is a constitutional right no president can over ride. The ISSC would smack it down in 2 seconds.

Do you have a Constitutional right to own a bazooka? The government certainly can regulate certain types of weapons and it does.

Since you bring up the Constitution, Do you belong to a militia?

Dem Prez could declare a national emergency directing all firearms to belong only to members of a well regulated state militia thus bringing all firearms into compliance with the Constitution.

The Supreme Court said otherwise.
I don't see an issue with declaring a national emergency. The dems want de-facto open borders, that itself is unconstitutional, as are sanctuary cities/states. They swore to protect the US, and then do not allow the president to extend the wall and replace ineffective fences due to inadequate funding. Yet we protect borders in South Korea, Ukraine, Iraq, Poland, etc.

Those borders face actual threats...

No, "My Daughter might Date a Mexican" is not a national emergency.

Signing the Bill and then declaring a national emergency puts the issue to the courts to define presidential authority regarding emergencies and re-purposing approved funds. The many caravans coming up from Central America do present a clear and present danger to the US.

Actually, I think your tiny little brain hasn't thought this through at all. Let's say the Courts actually uphold Trump's position, that if you hysterically scream about a "problem" (not really) and call it a national emergency, he can override congress and the law.

Then in 2020, Trump and the GOP get voted out of office, and the new Democrat President declares "gun violence' a "National Emergency" (because it is killing far more people than undocumented immigrants being bad drivers are). The ATF then proceeds to go around confiscating guns because... National Emergency.

You boys didn't think this one through at all, did you?

1. Drugs coming across the southern border kill more Americans in one year than all of the mass shootings to date, That is a true emergency. That 90% of the drugs "seized" come thru the POAs doesn't mean that way more drugs go around the POAs. My brother was on the southern border in the AF and they tracked the drug cartel planes coming over but were not allowed to contact DEA or law enforcement. So you have no clue how they get drugs into the US.

2. Sure we thought it thru, if they send the ATF for our guns, bring a lunch. Besides the 2nd Amendment would win in court. Similarly, going full "New Green Deal" or "single payer healthcare" runs into funding issues. So the president has plenty of guard-rails, including a "resolution of disapproval" which cancels the emergency.

Your realize you just made a point for not spending billions on a wall, don't you? See we can put that money for a wall on single payer healthcare and the green new deal which includes healthcare for all. So just the New Green Deal.

The "Green New Deal" was born dead. People are still laughing.

The real green new deal not the one right wing nuts played around with.

Got a link to the real "Green New Deal"? No one with a brain claims to know what that is, its just an abstraction, a total bullshit philosophy from La-La Land. McConnell is putting it up for a vote, we'll see who the "wing nuts" are shortly.
Can't argue her point but of course I am no lawyer.

She has no point. that woman has lost her mind completely and does not know what she's talking about. Not only was Trump smart to keep the government open it is completely constitutional for him to also simultaneously declare a state of emergency. To follow coulter's reasoning would be to say that the next hurricane that hits the gulf coast is illegal.

I don't know what her angle is maybe she thinks she can sell more books as a contrarian than as a supporter. She has no legal angle however and her claim is utterly ludicrous.

Can't argue her point but of course I am no lawyer.

She has no point. that woman has lost her mind completely and does not know what she's talking about. Not only was Trump smart to keep the government open it is completely constitutional for him to also simultaneously declare a state of emergency. To follow coulter's reasoning would be to say that the next hurricane that hits the gulf coast is illegal.

I don't know what her angle is maybe she thinks she can sell more books as a contrarian than as a supporter. She has no legal angle however and her claim is utterly ludicrous.


Her angle is that Trump has not kept his word. She was one of his first and most vocal supporters, but she is not a blind sheep like many of you are, she will actually criticize Trump when the need arises.
Grampa Murked U, post: 2182205
Can't argue her point but of course I am no lawyer.
I’m no lawyer either but it seems very practical and logical that Trumpo can’t have it both ways. He should not have signed a law that addresses border security while at the same time declaring a national emergency to resolve a supposed crisis at the border. He will have to prove in court a genuine crisis exists that justifies over-riding what Congress has simultaneously passed into law. That should be a very tough sell in court.

I hear that the law Trump will sign contains a provision that caps the number of beds INS can have for detaining undocumented foreigners who have been caught breaking US laws. It also restricts the type of barriers and fences to those already approved by Congress and in place. No Trumpo new prototypes are authorized. Not one dollar for any of that wall.

If Trump signs that he will be agreeing in principle that there is no crisis or emergency that needs to be addressed. And that his vision of a wall is not needed.

Trumpo should have at least demanded a clean CR and declared his emergency long ago. It wouid still have problems but this way appears to be going nowhere.

So I’m wondering if Trumpo and his loyal fans are going to attack and ridicule Coulter for pointing out something harmful to them but is based upon very solid thinking.

I’m eager to hear the Pro-Trumpo Cons weigh in on Couiter.

Perhaps they won’t show up at all.
Don't need to weigh in, her claim is not only false it's Ludicrous. There is nothing unconstitutional about Trump's declaring a state of emergency after signing the bill to keep the government open. That maybe her opinion and she's entitled to it of course. it's odd to see you standing behind her now after so many years of calling her a crazy conservative loon. It would appear that she has actually attained the status of loon at this point.
Here's the thing. Trump knows the "Emergency Declaration" will be slapped down by the courts and congress. Even he isn't that dense.

But he can go back to the inbred, bible thumping mouth-breathers who voted for him and say, "I tried to keep them Mexicans out. I really tried".

So only the lowest of the low want border security? What an idiotic post by you. And completely inaccurate
"The goal is to get Trump's stupidest voters to say "HE'S FIGHTING!" No he's not. If he signs this bill, it's over.

the goal of a national emergency is for Trump to scam the stupidest people in his base for 2 more years." - Coulter
"Charlie Kirk, Jacob Wohl, and Sean Hannity told me Trump is playing 4D chess on a level so advanced that you need special brain supplements to understand why constant failure actually equal success. Luckily they're on sale at Trump's website for just $89.99 plus shipping" - Coulter
Those borders face actual threats...

No, "My Daughter might Date a Mexican" is not a national emergency.

Actually, I think your tiny little brain hasn't thought this through at all. Let's say the Courts actually uphold Trump's position, that if you hysterically scream about a "problem" (not really) and call it a national emergency, he can override congress and the law.

Then in 2020, Trump and the GOP get voted out of office, and the new Democrat President declares "gun violence' a "National Emergency" (because it is killing far more people than undocumented immigrants being bad drivers are). The ATF then proceeds to go around confiscating guns because... National Emergency.

You boys didn't think this one through at all, did you?

1. Drugs coming across the southern border kill more Americans in one year than all of the mass shootings to date, That is a true emergency. That 90% of the drugs "seized" come thru the POAs doesn't mean that way more drugs go around the POAs. My brother was on the southern border in the AF and they tracked the drug cartel planes coming over but were not allowed to contact DEA or law enforcement. So you have no clue how they get drugs into the US.

2. Sure we thought it thru, if they send the ATF for our guns, bring a lunch. Besides the 2nd Amendment would win in court. Similarly, going full "New Green Deal" or "single payer healthcare" runs into funding issues. So the president has plenty of guard-rails, including a "resolution of disapproval" which cancels the emergency.

Your realize you just made a point for not spending billions on a wall, don't you? See we can put that money for a wall on single payer healthcare and the green new deal which includes healthcare for all. So just the New Green Deal.

The "Green New Deal" was born dead. People are still laughing.

The real green new deal not the one right wing nuts played around with.

Got a link to the real "Green New Deal"? No one with a brain claims to know what that is, its just an abstraction, a total bullshit philosophy from La-La Land. McConnell is putting it up for a vote, we'll see who the "wing nuts" are shortly.

Text - H.Res.109 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.

Yes we will see in full glory who the enemies of the American people are.
The Supreme Court said otherwise.

You have a right to own a bazooka?
/----/ Federally, machine guns and "destructive devices" (a bazooka would be a destructive device) require registration with the BATFE under the National Firearms Act. For each weapon, you must submit an application, a set of fingerprints, a photograph of yourself, and a $200 payment. BATFE may take up to six months or more to approve your first application, although subsequent applications will go through quicker.
If there are any cling-on Trumpo supporters/idolaters our there please explain why Coultergeist is wrong:

“To declare a national emergency, Trump will now have to argue that a bill HE SIGNED was unconstitutional,” she said. “Ask your new AG if this is a good idea.”

“There's no coming back from this. No "emergency" or presidential powers will allow him to build the wall, ever, after he signs this bill. Trump has just agreed to fully open borders.
3:58 PM · Feb 14, 2019 ·

I believe Couiter ‘nailed it” better than anyone where she points out that Trumpo’s emergency declaration is an exercise in futility because simultaneously with declaring an energency he performed a constitutional act with Congress that he now must argue was unconstitutional.

What do the MAGAduped here think if Annie’s point?

How about it, conservatives. Has Annie put another nail in Trumpo's political coffin while other pundits like Hannity and Limbaugh are clinging to the Trumpo hate wagon to the bitter and futile end.
The right wing is clueless and Causeless. The Left could have done much more with Your guy.
Here's the thing. Trump knows the "Emergency Declaration" will be slapped down by the courts and congress. Even he isn't that dense.

But he can go back to the inbred, bible thumping mouth-breathers who voted for him and say, "I tried to keep them Mexicans out. I really tried".

So only the lowest of the low want border security? What an idiotic post by you. And completely inaccurate
No, we all want border security. The low IQ among us demand Trump's wall. They are not the same thing.

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