Anne Coulter rips Rubio (R) & Rand Paul (R) new ones

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Is she right?

Ann Coulter Bashes Rand Paul: ?He?s Not Our Candidate,? He Wants ?Legal Pot And Amnesty For Illegals? | Mediaite
After Coulter revealed that she is “warming” to NJ Gov. Chris Christie as the potential 2016 Republican presidential nominee, Hannity expressed disbelief, offering up suggestions of his own: Rand Paul, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

She knows that Rubio & Paul are not general election material :)

Is she right? I can't think of anyone more to the right, except for maybe Attila the Hun or Mussolini.
Is she right?

Ann Coulter Bashes Rand Paul: ?He?s Not Our Candidate,? He Wants ?Legal Pot And Amnesty For Illegals? | Mediaite
After Coulter revealed that she is “warming” to NJ Gov. Chris Christie as the potential 2016 Republican presidential nominee, Hannity expressed disbelief, offering up suggestions of his own: Rand Paul, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

She knows that Rubio & Paul are not general election material :)
Better material then obamaturd is potus.
Lord, if Coulter gets "say so" like so many other right-wing media empty skulls, they ARE truly fucked! That shit no longer flys. It was funny for awhile. Can't they see they are losing millions of registered members in part because of these haters?
she angered the rw powers-that-be when she attended the rw Homocon/GOProud get-together in 2010 so she's not toeing-the-line like many eXtreme rw'ers here.
... she is right on who would be more electable - and that is all the Rs will be hopping for by 2016.
Lord, if Coulter gets "say so" like so many other right-wing media empty skulls, they ARE truly fucked! That shit no longer flys. It was funny for awhile. Can't they see they are losing millions of registered members in part because of these haters?

I used to like her wit and how she drove bed wetters insane. I'm not sure how she justifies her support of "moderate" Christie, and her disdain for Rand Paul. I think Paul is doing a great job, Rubio is a charismatic speaker who promotes fiscal sanity, and I'm proud Ted Cruz is my senator.
Lord, if Coulter gets "say so" like so many other right-wing media empty skulls, they ARE truly fucked! That shit no longer flys. It was funny for awhile. Can't they see they are losing millions of registered members in part because of these haters?

I used to like her wit and how she drove bed wetters insane. I'm not sure how she justifies her support of "moderate" Christie, and her disdain for Rand Paul. I think Paul is doing a great job, Rubio is a charismatic speaker who promotes fiscal sanity, and I'm proud Ted Cruz is my senator.

Coulter is psychotic.
She'd ridicule anyone for $1

Of the 3 mentioned I see no front runner.
They all have their points
Lord, if Coulter gets "say so" like so many other right-wing media empty skulls, they ARE truly fucked! That shit no longer flys. It was funny for awhile. Can't they see they are losing millions of registered members in part because of these haters?

I used to like her wit and how she drove bed wetters insane. I'm not sure how she justifies her support of "moderate" Christie, and her disdain for Rand Paul. I think Paul is doing a great job, Rubio is a charismatic speaker who promotes fiscal sanity, and I'm proud Ted Cruz is my senator.

Coulter is psychotic.
She'd ridicule anyone for $1

Of the 3 mentioned I see no front runner.
They all have their points

Gotta wonder who's paying her to trash these guys.
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A 400lb basket case who hasn't seen his toes since he was five years old and likely to die with his head in a plate or a lying greaseball or a Utopian fabulist with less sense than a barnyard chicken?

Oh my.

Somebody better keep Coulter away from bridges for a while.
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they're both for amnesty
Coulter On Christie: "We Have To Run Someone Who Can Win Or The Country Is Finished" | RealClearPolitics
"Well, I hate to tell you, but those 11 million people here, do you want to pack them up and put them in a van and send them home?" Hannity asked.

Coulter said that was "such a straw man argument" and that no one has suggested we do though.

"They will go home the same way them came," Coulter said.

"No they will not go home, they want to stay. They want to stay," Hannity responded.

"Not if you enforce e-Verify, which, oh that's right, Rubio and Rand Paul don't want to," Coulter shot back.
she marches to her own tune. Thats why the kingmakers on the Right don't care for her at the moment.
Is she right?

Ann Coulter Bashes Rand Paul: ?He?s Not Our Candidate,? He Wants ?Legal Pot And Amnesty For Illegals? | Mediaite
After Coulter revealed that she is “warming” to NJ Gov. Chris Christie as the potential 2016 Republican presidential nominee, Hannity expressed disbelief, offering up suggestions of his own: Rand Paul, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

She knows that Rubio & Paul are not general election material :)
Coulter was for Christie over Romney before she was against Christie. So now she's warming to Christie. OMG, she is crazy.
I hate to say it, but I think the GOP establishment is just using Rand Paul to prevent the libertarian movement from moving third party. They'll let him grandstand long enough to stick his foot in his mouth a few times, maybe even keep him in the limelight up into the primaries, and then firmly sit on him and nominate Christie (or the like).

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