Anonymous 16yr-Old Prostitute's Shocking Handwritten Account Of Menendez Sex Abuse...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Wow, another winner deciding our Nation's fate. Yikes!

In a handwritten statement provided last year to a whistle-blower, a young prostitute detailed allegations that she slept with Democratic New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez beginning “when I was 16 years old.”

“During [one] visit of Senator Bob Menendez to the Dominican Republic, I had intimate relations with him on more than one occasion,” the unidentified woman wrote. She appears to be a new voice among what are now at least six women purported to have engaged in sex for money with Menendez.

Her claim appears in a Spanish-language testimonial collected by Peter Williams, a tipster who brought a series of similar allegations to light. He emailed a government reform group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), in April 2012 with interviews and testimonials he obtained from women he said he had met in the Dominican Republic.

Melanie Sloan, CREW’s president, said in January that she turned over a file of allegations against Menendez to the Department of Justice in July. She has since distanced herself from those claims.

CREW is generally seen as a politically liberal advocacy group.

“I met Senator Bob Menendez at Salomon’s house when I was 16 years old,” the anonymous note says, referring to Salomon Melgen...

Read more: Anonymous prostitute recalls sex with Menendez at 16 | The Daily Caller
Unfortunately, too many of America's worst and not too bright are occupying very powerful positions in our Government. And many wonder why our Nation is such a mess. So tragic.
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Democrats will be enraged if this victim is allowed to go nameless. They need to know who she is so she can be properly destroyed in the Media.
Democrats will be enraged if this victim is allowed to go nameless. They need to know who she is so she can be properly destroyed in the Media.

Yeah, i'm sure these prostitutes' lives are being made miserable. The Powers-That-Be are making sure of that.
Nothing to see here. Eric Holder has this on his "to do" list, right below "having jungle sex with Janet Napolitano".

Please move along.
Apparently, pedophiles are born that way, so it's not his fault. :eek:

16 is the age of consent in many US states, so I'm not sure allegation of pedophilia will fly.

Um, not it's not.

Um, yes it is.

Alabama 16
Alaska 16
Arizona 18
Arkansas 16
California 18
Colorado 15
Connecticut 15
D.C. 16
Delaware 16
Florida 16/18 (bill pending)
Georgia 16
Hawaii 14
Idaho 14
Illinois 16/17
Indiana 16
Iowa 18
Kansas 16
Kentucky 16 - [1]
Louisiana 17
Maine 16
Maryland 16
Massachusetts 16/18
Michigan 16
Minnesota 16
Mississippi 16 - [2]
Missouri 17
Montana 16
Nebraska 16
Nevada 16
New Hampshire 16/18
New Jersey 16/18
New Mexico 17
New York 17
North Carolina 16
North Dakota 18
Ohio 16
Oklahoma 16
Oregon 18
Pennsylvania 16
Rhode Island 16
South Carolina 14/16
South Dakota 16
Tennessee 18
Texas 17
Utah 16/18
Vermont 16
Virginia 15
Washington 16
West Virginia 16
Wisconsin 18
Wyoming 16
Puerto Rico 18

Age of Consent - by State
I'm not really sure why everyone is so focused on who he had sex with instead of illegal campaign contributions.
Does anyone else find it strange that so many states will allow people to make a decision at 16 that could lead to bring a life into this world, but not one to say smoke, or Vote?

Just odd.
Does anyone else find it strange that so many states will allow people to make a decision at 16 that could lead to bring a life into this world, but not one to say smoke, or Vote?

Just odd.


You can die in battle before youre old enough to drink. Thats all just nuts.
Does anyone else find it strange that so many states will allow people to make a decision at 16 that could lead to bring a life into this world, but not one to say smoke, or Vote?

Just odd.

Actually, you can have sex at any age.

The age of consent only applies ti sexual contact with an adult.
Nothing to see here. Eric Holder has this on his "to do" list, right below "having jungle sex with Janet Napolitano".

Please move along.

That bastard Holder is doing the jungle thing with MY JANET??? I'll KIL...huh, oh, Napolitano? Not, Janet Reno? My lovely, vivacious, alluring Janet...ah, then never mind. Holder can have her. Mine's better.
This looks pretty bad. CREW does good work, right guys?

  • No new enforcement mechanisms for congressional ethics
  • Ted Stevens still sitting on Senate Appropriations
  • Senate Ethics Committee looking into Sen. Craig, but not Sen. Vitter
  • Millions of missing White House emails still unaccounted for
  • Rep. Murtha’s abuse of the earmarking process remains unchecked
  • Lurita Doan remains chief of GSA (U.S. General Services Administration) despite illegal conduct
  • White House covering up its role in the firings of the U.S. Attorneys
  • No Child Left Behind funds directed to Bush fundraisers who provide inadequate reading materials for kids
  • Court decision regarding search of William Jefferson’s office limits ability of DOJ (U.S. Department of Justice) to investigate other corrupt lawmakers
  • FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) knowingly let Hurricane Katrina victims live in hazardous trailers
Apparently, pedophiles are born that way, so it's not his fault. :eek:

16 is the age of consent in many US states, so I'm not sure allegation of pedophilia will fly.

Prosecutorial Remedies And Other Tools To End The Exploitation Of Children Today (or the Protect Act).


“A person who travels in interstate commerce or travels into the United States, or a United States citizen or an alien admitted for permanent residence in the United States who travels in foreign commerce, for the purpose of engaging in any illicit sexual conduct with another person shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.

‘‘(c) ENGAGING IN ILLICIT SEXUAL CONDUCT IN FOREIGN PLACES.—Any United States citizen or alien admitted for permanent residence who travels in foreign commerce, and engages in any illicit sexual conduct with another person shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.”

‘‘(f) DEFINITION.—As used in this section, the term ‘illicit sexual conduct’ means (1) a sexual act (as defined in section 2246) with a person under 18 years of age that would be in violation of chapter 109A if the sexual act occurred in the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States; or (2) any commercial sex act (as defined in section 1591) with a person under 18 years of age.

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