Anonymous Hackers Arrested In Jordan


Platinum Member
Mar 5, 2013
Jordanian security forces arrested several youths who are suspected of attacking Israeli internet sites as part of the large scale cyber attack on Israel declared by the group called Anonymous.

In response, Anonymous threatened to attack Jordanian internet sites. The group demanded the activists’ immediate release.

A Facebook group called “The Third Intifada – Jordan” boasted that 100,000 Israeli internet sites had been disabled.

“Today we invade their internet sites and their electronic fortresses, and tomorrow we will attack them in their homes, which were established upon our land and which robbed us of our rights,” the group wrote.

Jordan Arrests Anti-Israel Hackers - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News
Hamas: Anonymous Blows 123 Israeli Spies Cover...
Hamas: 123 Israeli Spies Exposed
4/14/2013, Terror group says Anonymous broke into Mossad website server.
Terror group Hamas was quoted Saturday as saying that members of the hacking group Anonymous broke into a Mossad website and revealed the names of 123 Israeli spies.

According to a report in Egyptian newspaper Al Shaab al Masri, the claim was made by an officer for the "internal security intelligence" mechanism in the interior ministry of the Hamas government of Gaza.

The officer said that 48 of the spies work in Egypt's and Saudi Arabia's stock exchanges. Another 52 work in the EMPC building, where Egypt's central television studios are located, 15 work on oil rigs in the Persian Gulf and Libya, ten in Egyptian communications media networks, and three in private firms.

He said that the names would be passed on to Egyptian intelligence in the next few days. The report also said that Israeli intelligence is trying to sow confusion by publishing the names of innocent people and presenting them as spies for Israel.

Hamas: 123 Israeli Spies Exposed - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News
It's crazy that an important story like this gets very little media coverage.

Now, if they had hacked porno sites it would be all over the news.:eusa_shhh:
Anonymous no more: Twitter engineer, UConn security analyst among 13 indicted for 'Operation Payback' | The Verge

Last week, the US Department of Justice alleged in a 28-page indictment that Gubele and the other 12 defendants helped Anonymous, the hacktivist collective, cause the collapse or disruption of web sites operated by Bank of America, MasterCard and multiple global antipiracy groups. Some of the companies were attacked for refusing to process donations made to WikiLeaks, the group that published leaked US diplomatic cables. Others came under fire for supporting antipiracy efforts. Anonymous dubbed the DDoS campaign Operation Payback.

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