Another 2017 LGBT Court Case, & Specifically Gay Adoption Of Unwanted Kids: A Poll

After reading the OP, do you believe that unwanted kids should be adopted out to gays or lesbians?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Still not sure

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
1. Here's the latest LGBT lawsuit trying to use a handful of lawyers in the judicial branch of government to legislate social policy with huge ramifications for 300 million people: Dumont v Lyons 2017 : Will Fathers (or Mothers) Be Judicially-Legislated Into Irrelevance?

2. We know from hundreds if not thousands of studies on child sexual predators that they embrace deviant sexuality, and that they prey on children mainly from broken homes (more vulnerable):
Grooming: How Child Molesters Create Willing Victims | - National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse
1. Identifying the possible victim
Children make ideal victims. They are naturally curious, easily led by adults, need lots of attention and affection, and are seeking to establish independence from their parents. Children from broken homes and troubled families are easy targets. The more unlovable the child feels and appears, the less likely the child is to tell on someone who displays love and the less likely anyone is to believe the child if the child ever tells. A child recently caught stealing or lying makes a particularly appealing victim.

3. No gay or lesbian person I know of has ever spoken out publicly about their well-known "pride" parades in public in front of children. So it kind of makes you wonder what they won't speak out about in private either:
(One of the much tamer photos you can google online Get it? "Public Parking"...)

4. To give the benefit of the doubt to the LGBT members: We hear a lot about "loving gay couples" adopting hard-to-place children. A noble act. This family may be just that. But I sure hope they don't plan on taking those kids to a "pride parade". Beyond that even, I hope (and challenge) either one of these men to come out publicly as well to vocally oppose any parent bringing their child to an LGBT "pride" parade". Gentlemen?
The Gay Couple Who Have Opened Their Home (And Hearts) To Special-Needs Kids

The question is, do you support gay or lesbians couples adopting children that are from broken homes, society's rejects or otherwise "unlovable" by many standards? Answer the poll.
I see so far that two people have read the OP and think gays in general can be trusted with what society considers unwanted/unlovable kids. I guess after weighing the evidence carefully, including the pride parades which go undenounced to this day by any gay person publicly that I can find online, these voters still believe unwanted kids will be just fine in private behind closed doors with LGBTers.

Fair enough.
Another thread of ignorance, bigotry, and hate.
A thread of facts, observation and opinions via a poll. You will note that in the OP #4, gay adoption was given the benefit of the doubt. Would go a long way if either of these gentlemen stood out publicly and denounced gay pride parades lewd acts in front of kids, no?
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Better start seeing some outrage soon.
Journalist: Pride parades so nasty they’ll turn ‘all of society against the LGBT community’
Southern’s video, posted August 7, includes explicit and disturbing clips of some of the worst excesses of “Pride” parades: lewd dancing, simulated homosexual acts, a “twerking” eight-year-old, and the shocking clip of the little girl watching a man in underwear dancing while off-camera voices laugh and mock, “Oh, where is mom and dad?”....

......“You show up and see men in gimp costumes humping the air and flinging their d---- around children while transvestites covered in AIDS blood are prancing around...

Gonna need to see some public denouncing if the cultists want to adopt vulnerable children. Remember, these parades we see LGBTs of all walks, faiths, economic background, education, ages and both genders participating in with express glee & frivolity.... are put on with the anticipation that children will attend and see their deviant public acts.

If you're a hetero, try waiving your dick in the face of a child in public and see how long it takes for police to slap on cuffs and put a little red dot on your house on predator maps.... Why do we have different standards of public indecency for LGBT cultists?

What pray tell do these people of all representations within the LGBT cult doing BEHIND closed doors in front of/with children?

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Here's another loving LGBT couple who are raising a natural son of one of them, who acknowledge that a man is necessary to form a child in her womb:
(They're trying to "help" him with drugs to make him a girl though...) See. Boys really don't need fathers to help them with the best psychological shot at life.
The little boy who started a sex change aged eight because he (and his lesbian parents) knew he always wanted to be a girl – US Pastor Council
This is obvious abuse. Those slags should be in prison for life for what they're doing to that poor kid.
4. To give the benefit of the doubt to the LGBT members: We hear a lot about "loving gay couples" adopting hard-to-place children. A noble act. This family may be just that. But I sure hope they don't plan on taking those kids to a "pride parade". Beyond that even, I hope (and challenge) either one of these men to come out publicly as well to vocally oppose any parent bringing their child to an LGBT "pride" parade". Gentlemen?
The Gay Couple Who Have Opened Their Home (And Hearts) To Special-Needs Kids

The question is, do you support gay or lesbians couples adopting children that are from broken homes, society's rejects or otherwise "unlovable" by many standards? Answer the poll.

This is a fascinating glimpse into the mind of Silhouette.

Two men are raising handicapped children abandoned by their heterosexual parents- and her primary concern is whether or not they take them to a pride parade?

Really? In the big scheme of things- that is the issue that Silhouette finds most important?

Not why their parents abandoned these kids?
Not that they now have parents?

Silhouette would prefer that these children don't have any parents at all- instead of two gay dads.
I see so far that two people have read the OP and think gays in general can be trusted with what society considers unwanted/unlovable kids. I guess after weighing the evidence carefully, including the pride parades which go undenounced to this day by any gay person publicly that I can find online, these voters still believe unwanted kids will be just fine in private behind closed doors with LGBTers.

Fair enough.

Mum's boyfriend - the worst sexual risk to children

Mum's boyfriend - the worst sexual risk to children
Research shows that 'stranger danger' is a rule that must apply at home, too.

Public attention is riveted on the tragic stories emerging from the royal commission into child sexual abuse, but this is not the main game when it comes to the risks to children. The most likely perpetrator of sexual abuse on children lurks not in public institutions, but in the family home.

The villains are sometimes fathers or other relatives, but the rapid increase in the proportion of children who do not live with their two biological parents - now more than one in every four (27 per cent) - has opened the door to dangerous strangers, to mum's new boyfriend.

We are regularly exposed to sad news stories of children battered by men passing through the lives of sole mothers. What we rarely hear about is the increased risk of sexual abuse by men who lack the constraints that protect most children from incest. That risk is spelt out in great detail in a new research report by the Centre for Independent Studies. Research fellow Jeremy Sammut cites reviews of more than 70 research reports providing overwhelming evidence that girls living in non-traditional families are sexually abused by ''stepfathers'' - partners of their single, remarried or repartnered mothers - at many times the rate of abuse by biological fathers.
Better start seeing some outrage soon.
Journalist: Pride parades so nasty they’ll turn ‘all of society against the LGBT community’
Southern’s video, posted August 7, includes explicit and disturbing clips of some of the worst excesses of “Pride” parades: lewd dancing, simulated homosexual acts, a “twerking” eight-year-old, and the shocking clip of the little girl watching a man in underwear dancing while off-camera voices laugh and mock, “Oh, where is mom and dad?”....

......“You show up and see men in gimp costumes humping the air and flinging their d---- around children while transvestites covered in AIDS blood are prancing around...

Gonna need to see some public denouncing if the cultists want to adopt vulnerable children. Remember, these parades we see LGBTs of all walks, faiths, economic background, education, ages and both genders participating in with express glee & frivolity.... are put on with the anticipation that children will attend and see their deviant public acts.

'these parades we see LGBT'- how many of these parades have you gone to- in order to carefully examine the evidence?

Oh right- none. You just make this crap up.

Living in San Francisco I have been to quite a few. The parades are never put on ' with the anticipation that children will attend and see their deviant public acts'- frankly the only 'deviant acts' I have seen has been some nudity- which by the way happens in other parades too- and in our annual Bay To Breakers race- and some racy 'twerking' by semi nude men and women.

Are there ever children there? Yes- sometimes there are- they are brought by their parents- mostly straight- the gays are usually marching in the parade.

Do I think that the parade is completely appropriate for kids? Frankly I think it is fine for younger kids- I think it is embarressing for older kids.
Ultimately it is always the decision of the parents- whether to take them to a gay parade or a gun range.

But of course Pride Parades are just a dog whistle for Silhouette. Most gay couples in America will never even see one. They don't live near where there are any- and of course most gay couples with kids are too busy being parents.

Silhouette fantasizes that two men trying to raise 4 handicapped kids would be rushing out to Pride Parades- when what really happens is that they are struggling just to be able to attend to those kids needs.

Rather than applaud them- she worries that they might take the kids to a Pride Parade......because her mind is always in the gutter.

Always in the gutter.
So people that choose to love their best friend in high school doesn't deserve children?

conservatism is huge government and has done nothing but create a police state.
The kids would be better off in an orphanage, rather than suffer under the “parenting” of two queers.
Generally speaking, in the case of LGBT child adaption, it is the lesbians that are of high risk to harm the child. Statistically, masculine lesbians are much more violent and aggressive than males. That will start a generational abuse cycle for the children.

Then there is also the factor of hostile conditions in foster homes, although that is more like a child on child violence, prison style.

With LGBT adaption, there is also a high risk that the children will become LGBT too. This may harm the child, but probably okay for the society.
I have not been to a single gay pride parade & never will. However, they are infamous. And one need only use Google to see proof of their infamy.

Syriusly, do. you denounce these parades we find evidence of on Google?
The OP doesn’t want kids to have homes. Sick.
The OP wants kids to have safe homes. No home is better than one that regularly takes them to deviant sex parades. Or one that supports public parades celebrating and displaying deviant sex acts.

How many gays do you know who openly denounce gay pride parades?
I have not been to a single gay pride parade & never will. However, they are infamous. And one need only use Google to see proof of their infamy.

Syriusly, do. you denounce these parades we find evidence of on Google?
Yeah, you should have seen one ghey pride parade where the horses were ghey...The one fellow with the crossed eyes, does he see double? I feel that anyone that would show unconditional love is an okay human...

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