Another 2017 LGBT Court Case, & Specifically Gay Adoption Of Unwanted Kids: A Poll

After reading the OP, do you believe that unwanted kids should be adopted out to gays or lesbians?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Still not sure

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With LGBT adaption, there is also a high risk that the children will become LGBT too. This may harm the child, but probably okay for the society.

LOL the kids will get infected with homosexuality.....

Is that what happened to you?
Your snark aside, it's funny you should bring that up. Note this review has over 300 peer-reviewed studies backing up its title and conclusion. So, hope the "conditioning" environment the adoption agencies release children into is a functional/healthy one:

Conditioning and Sexual Behavior; A Review

James G. Pfaus, Tod E. Kippin, and Soraya Centeno
Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology, Department of Psychology, Concordia
University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Bldg. W., Montreal, Que
́bec, H3G 1M8 Canada

Would you say that LGBTs ?

What the hell does a paper on conditioning and sexual behavior in rats- have to do with anything?

Provide a quote from the paper that is relevant to the thread- or you are just once again throwing words on the screen.

It is relevant, because rats are those humans that are not tainting the study with expectations of political correctness and social policy. Homosexuality was removed from the DSM for entirely political reasons, not scientific. So the rats is all you can have. Don't worry, you still qualify.
Note this review has over 300 peer-reviewed studies backing up its title and conclusion. So, hope the "conditioning" environment the adoption agencies release children into is a functional/healthy one:

Conditioning and Sexual Behavior; A Review

James G. Pfaus, Tod E. Kippin, and Soraya Centeno
Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology, Department of Psychology, Concordia
University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Bldg. W., Montreal, Que
́bec, H3G 1M8 Canada

Would you say that LGBTs ?

What the hell does a paper on conditioning and sexual behavior in rats- have to do with anything?

Provide a quote from the paper that is relevant to the thread- or you are just once again throwing words on the screen.

Tell you what. We'll just let people follow the link, read the article and let them decide what's what. In the article, they draw correlations of the 300 studies to human sexuality, if that's what you're asking about? You're not afraid of people reading the scientific review, are you? :popcorn:


Deal with it! :fu:
Also, LGBT people put their sexuality above everything, displaying it and forcing it on others. Heterosexuals do that a lot less.

You noticed? :lmao: Can you imagine if hetero men and women designed floats for "hetero pride" parades where women only wearing thin panties bent forward in with men's crotches rammed deep "in position" and dry humping them on public display where children were anticipated to attend? How long until those floats were stopped by police and the participants arrested if it was a "hetero-pride parade"? Answer: one nanosecond.

Meanwhile what amounts to felonious child sexual exposure goes on completely unfettered while police look on...


Which parade was this Silhouette?

Where are the kids that are being exposed to this non-nudity?

Where are the police looking on?

Meanwhile- we must protect the children- from gays grinding- but not straights of course


^^Syriusly, are those people in public parades or private events or privately controlled media for adults or restricted viewing? Ah, the venue makes all the difference in the world, doesn't it? You understand for instance why there's an age limit at club burlesque shows and strip clubs, right? No such limit exists as far as I'm aware of those attending PUBLIC gay pride events...

In mdks sanitized-cute-gay top picture, where is the father? In the bottom picture, where is the mother? If these people possess contracts that banish the children from either a father or mother for life, those contracts are null and void upon their face according to the Infancy Doctrine, contracts involving/anticipating children and "necessities". No contract may contain terms that banishes a child from a necessity. Single parents possess no such contract and no contract for sure that banishes their children from hope of ever knowing the missing parent. Banishing hope for a psychological necessity would be an even worse violation of the Infancy Doctrine.

So fathers or mothers will now have to be judicially-legislated as "non-necessities" in a child's life in order for the lesbians to win Dumont v Lyon.
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1. Here's the latest LGBT lawsuit trying to use a handful of lawyers in the judicial branch of government to legislate social policy with huge ramifications for 300 million people: Dumont v Lyons 2017 : Will Fathers (or Mothers) Be Judicially-Legislated Into Irrelevance?

2. We know from hundreds if not thousands of studies on child sexual predators that they embrace deviant sexuality, and that they prey on children mainly from broken homes (more vulnerable):
Grooming: How Child Molesters Create Willing Victims | - National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse
1. Identifying the possible victim
Children make ideal victims. They are naturally curious, easily led by adults, need lots of attention and affection, and are seeking to establish independence from their parents. Children from broken homes and troubled families are easy targets. The more unlovable the child feels and appears, the less likely the child is to tell on someone who displays love and the less likely anyone is to believe the child if the child ever tells. A child recently caught stealing or lying makes a particularly appealing victim.

3. No gay or lesbian person I know of has ever spoken out publicly about their well-known "pride" parades in public in front of children. So it kind of makes you wonder what they won't speak out about in private either:
(One of the much tamer photos you can google online Get it? "Public Parking"...)

4. To give the benefit of the doubt to the LGBT members: We hear a lot about "loving gay couples" adopting hard-to-place children. A noble act. This family may be just that. But I sure hope they don't plan on taking those kids to a "pride parade". Beyond that even, I hope (and challenge) either one of these men to come out publicly as well to vocally oppose any parent bringing their child to an LGBT "pride" parade". Gentlemen?
The Gay Couple Who Have Opened Their Home (And Hearts) To Special-Needs Kids

The question is, do you support gay or lesbians couples adopting children that are from broken homes, society's rejects or otherwise "unlovable" by many standards? Answer the poll.
Sounds like you are talking about Roy Moore and Donald Trump.

Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing
In the top picture, where is the father? In the bottom picture, where is the mother? If these people possess contracts that banish the children from either a father or mother for life, those contracts are null and void upon their face according to the Infancy Doctrine, contracts involving/anticipating children and "necessities". No contract may contain terms that banishes a child from a necessity.

So fathers or mothers will now have to be judicially-legislated as "non-necessities" in a child's life in order for the lesbians to win Dumont v Lyon.

That must be why gay marriage and gay parenting are all illegal. Oh, isn't. The Infancy Doctrine has never been used to null and void a contract between two adults. Nowhere in this nation has this occurred. Besides you, nowhere was this doctrine cited in opposition to gay marriage or gay parenting in any court. Why? Because your wild interpretation are meaningless when it comes to the law.

Where is the father in your household?
Note this review has over 300 peer-reviewed studies backing up its title and conclusion. So, hope the "conditioning" environment the adoption agencies release children into is a functional/healthy one:

Conditioning and Sexual Behavior; A Review

James G. Pfaus, Tod E. Kippin, and Soraya Centeno
Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology, Department of Psychology, Concordia
University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Bldg. W., Montreal, Que
́bec, H3G 1M8 Canada

Would you say that LGBTs ?

What the hell does a paper on conditioning and sexual behavior in rats- have to do with anything?

Provide a quote from the paper that is relevant to the thread- or you are just once again throwing words on the screen.

Tell you what. We'll just let people follow the link, read the article and let them decide what's what. In the article, they draw correlations of the 300 studies to human sexuality, if that's what you're asking about? You're not afraid of people reading the scientific review, are you? :popcorn:
LOL- so once again its your usual bait and switch bullshit.

You can't quote a single thing from the study to support your anti-gay rhetoric. There is not a single thing in that study about human sexuality.

Just your usual bullshit.
Sounds like you are talking about Roy Moore and Donald Trump.

Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing

Have either of those men openly celebrated or advocated or participated in PUBLIC displays of lewd deviant sex acts in front of kids? Then if not, this thread is not about them.

So far not a single adoptive parent- straight or gay has been shown to celebrate or partiicpate in Public displays of lew deviant sex acts in front of kids.

I mean other than in your fantasies.
^^Syriusly, are those people in public parades or private events o.

Those people were at public events- televised on television to millions of people.

And Justin Timberlake is a father.

Want more examples of 'good heterosexuals' grinding in public?




Not one of these images is from a Pride Parade
^^ if children were present, they should be arrested. Noted though that such hetero acts in public don't come with massive planning, done on floats under the banner of "PRIDE" within a subculture...

And yes, such lewd public acts HAVE gained momentum since the example of gay pride parades going unpunished for public felonies have emboldened other public perverts. Point well taken. I'd like to see police crack down on ALL of it, the original creators/emboldeners included.
Also. How many gay men or lesbians have come forward to say they are not pround of these infamous sexuality-specific parades in public?
The OP doesn’t want kids to have homes. Sick.
The OP wants kids to have safe homes. No home is better than one that regularly takes them to deviant sex parades.

No- you don't give a damn about whether kids have safe homes...You are fine with anyone adopting kids- unless they are gay...Straight man? Okay
Single Straight woman? Okay...Gay couple who adopts 4 handicapped kids "They will be taking them to gay pride parades!"

Especially not handicapped or unwanted/unlovable kids. See the OP's #2 & #3 for details. And #4. Will you publicly speak out against your public "about deviant sex" parades in front of children? No? Haven't seen anyone else from the LGBT cult, from any economic, educational or social background speaking out against them either. In fact, the lewd perverted parades you all seem lockstep in support of are called "PRIDE" parades. You are PROUD of what goes on there.

That's a bit problematic when applying to adopt an at-risk or vulnerable/unlovable child. The screening process for them especially must be the most rigorous for they often cannot or will not speak out on their own behalf to sound an alarm should they be dragged to a "Pride" parade or god knows what else even the most respectable of your cult approves of tacitly.
The OP doesn’t want kids to have homes. Sick.
The OP wants kids to have safe homes. No home is better than one that regularly takes them to deviant sex parades.

No- you don't give a damn about whether kids have safe homes...You are fine with anyone adopting kids- unless they are gay...Straight man? Okay
Single Straight woman? Okay...Gay couple who adopts 4 handicapped kids "They will be taking them to gay pride parades!"

Especially not handicapped or unwanted/unlovable kids. See the OP's #2 & #3 for details. And #4. Will you publicly speak out against your public "about deviant sex" parades in front of children? No? Haven't seen anyone else from the LGBT cult, from any economic, educational or social background speaking out against them either. In fact, the lewd perverted parades you all seem lockstep in support of are called "PRIDE" parades. You are PROUD of what goes on there.

That's a bit problematic when applying to adopt an at-risk or vulnerable/unlovable child. The screening process for them especially must be the most rigorous for they often cannot or will not speak out on their own behalf to sound an alarm should they be dragged to a "Pride" parade or god knows what else even the most respectable of your cult approves of tacitly.
As long as people publicly try to dehumanize them and take their rights without consequence, they’ll hold parades demonstrating they’re proud to fight for their right to exist.
As long as people publicly try to dehumanize them and take their rights without consequence, they’ll hold parades demonstrating they’re proud to fight for their right to exist.

Then why are deviant sex acts and sexuality in public the center feature of those "parades of pride"? They're telling the public "we are proud of extroverted acts of deviant sex in public". That is the name and the core context of these parades. That's problematic to their cause. Will you come out to denounce the central theme and displays of these parades or not?
As long as people publicly try to dehumanize them and take their rights without consequence, they’ll hold parades demonstrating they’re proud to fight for their right to exist.

Then why are deviant sex acts and sexuality in public the center feature of those "parades of pride"?

Since you have never been to one- why are you listening to what the voices in your head tell you about what is the 'center feature' of these parades?

Here are scenes like I have seen - because i have actually been to the parades- not googling for parade porn like you.



Then why are deviant sex acts and sexuality in public the center feature of those "parades of pride"?

You can do that too. Lots of people, straight and gay do them at festivals, at parades, at clubs, etc. Maybe they parade it to remind you that despite your efforts to erase their existence, they keep winning.
The OP doesn’t want kids to have homes. Sick.
The OP wants kids to have safe homes. No home is better than one that regularly takes them to deviant sex parades.

No- you don't give a damn about whether kids have safe homes...You are fine with anyone adopting kids- unless they are gay...Straight man? Okay
Single Straight woman? Okay...Gay couple who adopts 4 handicapped kids "They will be taking them to gay pride parades!"

Especially not handicapped or unwanted/unlovable kids. See the OP's #2 & #3 for details. And #4. Will you publicly speak out against your public "about deviant sex" parades in front of children? .

Who are these 'unlovable' kids you are talking about?

Assuming you are talking about Pride Parades- what should I be speaking out against? The sex acts that I have never seen at a Pride Parade? The skimpy clothing and sexually suggestive dancing that is part of the parade- and also part of Carnival and Mardi Gras and other parades that I have offered photos of?

Remember- you have no idea what happens at a Pride parade. You just rely upon what Google Parade Porn tells you.

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