Another... act of a cowardly Barry

Ummm. They are going to where their families are . You xenophobic monsters .

Nebraska is a strong draw for refugees because of its strong economy with accessibility to jobs in hospitality and meatpacking, said Todd Reckling, a vice president of Lutheran Family Services, the state’s largest of three placement agencies. About 90 percent of refugees come to the state to reunite with family already living in Nebraska, he said.

'A welcoming state': Nebraska led the nation in resettling most refugees per capita in the last year
Ummm. They are going to where their families are . You xenophobic monsters .

Nebraska is a strong draw for refugees because of its strong economy with accessibility to jobs in hospitality and meatpacking, said Todd Reckling, a vice president of Lutheran Family Services, the state’s largest of three placement agencies. About 90 percent of refugees come to the state to reunite with family already living in Nebraska, he said.
It doesn't matter....we can find them easily now....
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Ummm. They are going to where their families are . You xenophobic monsters .

Nebraska is a strong draw for refugees because of its strong economy with accessibility to jobs in hospitality and meatpacking, said Todd Reckling, a vice president of Lutheran Family Services, the state’s largest of three placement agencies. About 90 percent of refugees come to the state to reunite with family already living in Nebraska, he said.

'A welcoming state': Nebraska led the nation in resettling most refugees per capita in the last year
Your source is fake news. Bed wetter
Quit falling down the fucking well
Ummm. They are going to where their families are . You xenophobic monsters .

Nebraska is a strong draw for refugees because of its strong economy with accessibility to jobs in hospitality and meatpacking, said Todd Reckling, a vice president of Lutheran Family Services, the state’s largest of three placement agencies. About 90 percent of refugees come to the state to reunite with family already living in Nebraska, he said.

'A welcoming state': Nebraska led the nation in resettling most refugees per capita in the last year

You are such a fucking retard Timmy.


They have no business here, and your meat puppet faggot's regime has been so utterly incompetent about vetting these refugees that I wish they were dumped in your neighborhood.

The placement programs are like all other federal government programs. If your state doesn't like the programs they can simply opt out and not accept the federal tax money that finance programs in that state.
Nebraska receives billions in federal funds, including farm subsidies and the ethanol program. If they want all that federal funding they have to play the game by the rules.
What will be funniest is when Trump DOESN"T deport all these refugees.

Get your excuses ready, Trump munchers.
These morons bought into his con job lock, stock and barrel. LOL.

And of course when he fucks them over on every one of his "promises" --- a drumph promise is defined as telling whoever is in his audience whatever it is he thinks they want to hear at that time --- they will act like good little trumpbots and continue to defend the indefensible orange one.

What a bunch of gullible, naive bootlickers they are. LOL.
Watch the refugees as closely as do the LEO watch the right wing militias, and the nation will be just fine.

Yep, militias are a threat to "da gubermint" and the U.N troops.....commies have always preferred unarmed serfs.FBI has claimed that there are CIAlqeada sleepr cells in every state but let's keep the southern border open and bring in as many military aged radical muslims covertly and in-covertly as possible...then let's stage some more fake shootings like Sandy Hoax and Charleston in order to guilt people into passing more draconian gun's the leftard way.
Ummm. They are going to where their families are . You xenophobic monsters .

Nebraska is a strong draw for refugees because of its strong economy with accessibility to jobs in hospitality and meatpacking, said Todd Reckling, a vice president of Lutheran Family Services, the state’s largest of three placement agencies. About 90 percent of refugees come to the state to reunite with family already living in Nebraska, he said.

'A welcoming state': Nebraska led the nation in resettling most refugees per capita in the last year
Your source is fake news. Bed wetter
Quit falling down the fucking well

Oh comon now, these refugees?


Hardy, cornfed parents, three nerdy kids?

It' the perfect Nebraska family! Ready made!
What will be funniest is when Trump DOESN"T deport all these refugees.

Get your excuses ready, Trump munchers.
These morons bought into his con job lock, stock and barrel. LOL.

And of course when he fucks them over on every one of his "promises" --- a drumph promise is defined as telling whoever is in his audience whatever it is he thinks they want to hear at that time --- they will act like good little trumpbots and continue to defend the indefensible orange one.

What a bunch of gullible, naive bootlickers they are. LOL.

The best part is that Trump has admitted that his campaign rhetoric was bullshit.
What will be funniest is when Trump DOESN"T deport all these refugees.

Get your excuses ready, Trump munchers.
These morons bought into his con job lock, stock and barrel. LOL.

And of course when he fucks them over on every one of his "promises" --- a drumph promise is defined as telling whoever is in his audience whatever it is he thinks they want to hear at that time --- they will act like good little trumpbots and continue to defend the indefensible orange one.

What a bunch of gullible, naive bootlickers they are. LOL.

Is it akin to "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...if you like your doctor, you can't keep your doctor"???

I am going to enjoy your angst over the next four years......I totally dig the bitterness of the leftard clown posse.....leftard w(h)ine will only improve with time.

Ummm. They are going to where their families are . You xenophobic monsters .

Nebraska is a strong draw for refugees because of its strong economy with accessibility to jobs in hospitality and meatpacking, said Todd Reckling, a vice president of Lutheran Family Services, the state’s largest of three placement agencies. About 90 percent of refugees come to the state to reunite with family already living in Nebraska, he said.

'A welcoming state': Nebraska led the nation in resettling most refugees per capita in the last year
Your source is fake news. Bed wetter
Quit falling down the fucking well

Fake news ? It's the biggest newspaper in Omaha . Not some hack righty website .
What will be funniest is when Trump DOESN"T deport all these refugees.

Get your excuses ready, Trump munchers.
These morons bought into his con job lock, stock and barrel. LOL.

And of course when he fucks them over on every one of his "promises" --- a drumph promise is defined as telling whoever is in his audience whatever it is he thinks they want to hear at that time --- they will act like good little trumpbots and continue to defend the indefensible orange one.

What a bunch of gullible, naive bootlickers they are. LOL.

Is it akin to "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...if you like your doctor, you can't keep your doctor"???

I am going to enjoy your angst over the next four years......I totally dig the bitterness of the leftard clown posse.....leftard w(h)ine will only improve with time.


Did you lose your plan or doctor ?
Watch the refugees as closely as do the LEO watch the right wing militias, and the nation will be just fine.

Yep, militias are a threat to "da gubermint" and the U.N troops.....commies have always preferred unarmed serfs.FBI has claimed that there are CIAlqeada sleepr cells in every state but let's keep the southern border open and bring in as many military aged radical muslims covertly and in-covertly as possible...then let's stage some more fake shootings like Sandy Hoax and Charleston in order to guilt people into passing more draconian gun's the leftard way.
Your insistence and routine regular pronouncements that the mass murder of children and Christians praying in a church define who and what you are Dale. We know from your rants and posts that you think you are viewed as a well read and informed individual with vast amounts of knowledge and wisdom. Sorry Dale, that is a delusional persona you imagine. The reality is that you are the conspiracy theory nut job here at USMB who is not beyond disparaging and disrespecting murdered dead children and Christians.
I'd like to know if Jerkoff Fakey answers this question:

Can you quantify how much property damage and physical violence the "right wing militias" are responsible for since 2008 when they suddenly became a bigger threat than any of the assholes pictured below??

Black Lives Matter

La Raza "protesters"


"Peaceful" Hitlery supporters

Or followers of the "religion" of pieces.
If USA.INC, Saudi Arabia and Israel would stop funding ISIS/al qaeda and stop using them as pawns to wage a proxy war against Syria? There wouldn't be a fucking crisis to begin with and Europe wouldn't be dealing with people that don't have any intention of acclimating themselves to the country that graciously took them in. I wonder how many liberal Germans that showed up at the train station with signs offering "free hugs" feel the same way now that their country has become overrun with them??? France is a shit hole now because of liberal muslim immigration policies, Sweden and Norway as well are regretting what they did. None of this shit is by accident, btw....

Now leftards want to bring this shit to this country because it makes them feel so "liberal".....I all that is holy that leftards are THE dumbest limp-wristed pieces of shit.......

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