Another... act of a cowardly Barry

The placement programs are like all other federal government programs. If your state doesn't like the programs they can simply opt out and not accept the federal tax money that finance programs in that state.
Nebraska receives billions in federal funds, including farm subsidies and the ethanol program. If they want all that federal funding they have to play the game by the rules.
It should be an opt in instead of an opt out, just like Obama care it should be a opt in if you want it you should not be automatically put into these fucked up socialist/communist programs. Just because the state government wants these programs does not mean the people of the state want these These fucked up assholes in their state. Take your fucking immigrants and refugees and shove them up your fucking ass if you want them so bad. :lmao:
Obviously they are not vetted worth a shit, any decent vetting should take at least five years… Fact
The people of Nebraska vote for people to represent them in the state legislature. Just because some folks who live outside of Nebraska have differing opinions about an issue should not dictate how things operate in Nebraska. The educated and wise in that state probably recognize the enormous need for immigrants that will work for low wages in an agriculture-based economy, whether that is farm labor or farm related industry such as meat packing facilities or other food processing facilities. As illegal immigration is brought under control as predicted the need for low-paid legal immigrants increases.
There is absolutely no proof the people of these communities approve of this in fact, the opposite of this is true they don't want these fucked up unvetted people in their communities. Any proper vetting should take at least five years… Fact
Take your political correctness and shove it up your ass if you like it so much…:lmao:
The refugees are vetted in a three-year process. You seem out of whack over not having a vetting process two years longer. That kind of makes your entire position on the topic of legal immigrants in Nebraska just seem silly talking point inspired.
Like a said there is no proof these communities want these fuck ups, vetting should take at least five years... preferably 10 years… Fact
The placement programs are like all other federal government programs. If your state doesn't like the programs they can simply opt out and not accept the federal tax money that finance programs in that state.
Nebraska receives billions in federal funds, including farm subsidies and the ethanol program. If they want all that federal funding they have to play the game by the rules.
It should be an opt in instead of an opt out, just like Obama care it should be a opt in if you want it you should not be automatically put into these fucked up socialist/communist programs. Just because the state government wants these programs does not mean the people of the state want these These fucked up assholes in their state. Take your fucking immigrants and refugees and shove them up your fucking ass if you want them so bad. :lmao:
Obviously they are not vetted worth a shit, any decent vetting should take at least five years… Fact
The people of Nebraska vote for people to represent them in the state legislature. Just because some folks who live outside of Nebraska have differing opinions about an issue should not dictate how things operate in Nebraska. The educated and wise in that state probably recognize the enormous need for immigrants that will work for low wages in an agriculture-based economy, whether that is farm labor or farm related industry such as meat packing facilities or other food processing facilities. As illegal immigration is brought under control as predicted the need for low-paid legal immigrants increases.
There is absolutely no proof the people of these communities approve of this in fact, the opposite of this is true they don't want these fucked up unvetted people in their communities. Any proper vetting should take at least five years… Fact
Take your political correctness and shove it up your ass if you like it so much…:lmao:
next week, Obama will declare Canada the 58th state, and will be allocated 167 electoral votes for the 2020 election
under sniper fire?
The placement programs are like all other federal government programs. If your state doesn't like the programs they can simply opt out and not accept the federal tax money that finance programs in that state.
Nebraska receives billions in federal funds, including farm subsidies and the ethanol program. If they want all that federal funding they have to play the game by the rules.
It should be an opt in instead of an opt out, just like Obama care it should be a opt in if you want it you should not be automatically put into these fucked up socialist/communist programs. Just because the state government wants these programs does not mean the people of the state want these These fucked up assholes in their state. Take your fucking immigrants and refugees and shove them up your fucking ass if you want them so bad. :lmao:
Obviously they are not vetted worth a shit, any decent vetting should take at least five years… Fact
The people of Nebraska vote for people to represent them in the state legislature. Just because some folks who live outside of Nebraska have differing opinions about an issue should not dictate how things operate in Nebraska. The educated and wise in that state probably recognize the enormous need for immigrants that will work for low wages in an agriculture-based economy, whether that is farm labor or farm related industry such as meat packing facilities or other food processing facilities. As illegal immigration is brought under control as predicted the need for low-paid legal immigrants increases.
There is absolutely no proof the people of these communities approve of this in fact, the opposite of this is true they don't want these fucked up unvetted people in their communities. Any proper vetting should take at least five years… Fact
Take your political correctness and shove it up your ass if you like it so much…:lmao:
The refugees are vetted in a three-year process. You seem out of whack over not having a vetting process two years longer. That kind of makes your entire position on the topic of legal immigrants in Nebraska just seem silly talking point inspired.
Like a said there is no proof these communities want these fuck ups, vetting should take at least five years... preferably 10 years… Fact
Who exactly do you want the communities to prove something too? Don't they kind of do that when they vote? Is it possible that they recognize the need for low-income immigrant labor on their farms and food processing facilities to invigorate the local economy and replace the illegal immigrants that are being deported and sent out of their communities?
Watch the refugees as closely as do the LEO watch the right wing militias, and the nation will be just fine.

Yep, militias are a threat to "da gubermint" and the U.N troops.....commies have always preferred unarmed serfs.FBI has claimed that there are CIAlqeada sleepr cells in every state but let's keep the southern border open and bring in as many military aged radical muslims covertly and in-covertly as possible...then let's stage some more fake shootings like Sandy Hoax and Charleston in order to guilt people into passing more draconian gun's the leftard way.
Your insistence and routine regular pronouncements that the mass murder of children and Christians praying in a church define who and what you are Dale. We know from your rants and posts that you think you are viewed as a well read and informed individual with vast amounts of knowledge and wisdom. Sorry Dale, that is a delusional persona you imagine. The reality is that you are the conspiracy theory nut job here at USMB who is not beyond disparaging and disrespecting murdered dead children and Christians.

Only a nut job would believe your video is convincing evidence. It really shows how easy it is to fool conspiracy nuts. Hell, I know more about photo analysis than the crack-pot in the video. And of course, the guy makes all kinds of assumptions throughout the video and the easily fooled just swallow those assumptions one right after the other.
A nut job video for nut jobs.

I have plenty of evidence but what I posted should be obvious to anyone that isn't brain dead and programmed by the lamestream media. When pictures are photo-shopped and it is proven that they were, anything else after that is immaterial and the whole case falls apart......why was 29 million tax-payer dollars fast tracked to the surviving members of the families of these alleged victims? Why was a service held at the church just a few days after this alleged event?

What was going on during the time of the shooting when our attention was turned towards banning the confederate flag and possibly digging up confederate generals that were buried on federal land????? Hmmmm? Seems that the TPP was the topic du jour and people were asking as to why congress men and women were not allowed to take notes or have a cell-phone as they read over it and they had to do it "one at a time"........trillions of dollars at stake....people asking questions as it is a big topic on social media then BAM! Another mass shooting and it's RACIST!!!!! Need gun control laws and the Virginia battle flag needs to be banned! The focus is taken off of TPP and put on a piece of cloth....wake up, little camper.......
It should be an opt in instead of an opt out, just like Obama care it should be a opt in if you want it you should not be automatically put into these fucked up socialist/communist programs. Just because the state government wants these programs does not mean the people of the state want these These fucked up assholes in their state. Take your fucking immigrants and refugees and shove them up your fucking ass if you want them so bad. :lmao:
Obviously they are not vetted worth a shit, any decent vetting should take at least five years… Fact
The people of Nebraska vote for people to represent them in the state legislature. Just because some folks who live outside of Nebraska have differing opinions about an issue should not dictate how things operate in Nebraska. The educated and wise in that state probably recognize the enormous need for immigrants that will work for low wages in an agriculture-based economy, whether that is farm labor or farm related industry such as meat packing facilities or other food processing facilities. As illegal immigration is brought under control as predicted the need for low-paid legal immigrants increases.
There is absolutely no proof the people of these communities approve of this in fact, the opposite of this is true they don't want these fucked up unvetted people in their communities. Any proper vetting should take at least five years… Fact
Take your political correctness and shove it up your ass if you like it so much…:lmao:
The refugees are vetted in a three-year process. You seem out of whack over not having a vetting process two years longer. That kind of makes your entire position on the topic of legal immigrants in Nebraska just seem silly talking point inspired.
Like a said there is no proof these communities want these fuck ups, vetting should take at least five years... preferably 10 years… Fact
Who exactly do you want the communities to prove something too? Don't they kind of do that when they vote? Is it possible that they recognize the need for low-income immigrant labor on their farms and food processing facilities to invigorate the local economy and replace the illegal immigrants that are being deported and sent out of their communities?
Every 13 seconds there's a new immigrant... dumbass
Watch the refugees as closely as do the LEO watch the right wing militias, and the nation will be just fine.

Yep, militias are a threat to "da gubermint" and the U.N troops.....commies have always preferred unarmed serfs.FBI has claimed that there are CIAlqeada sleepr cells in every state but let's keep the southern border open and bring in as many military aged radical muslims covertly and in-covertly as possible...then let's stage some more fake shootings like Sandy Hoax and Charleston in order to guilt people into passing more draconian gun's the leftard way.
Your insistence and routine regular pronouncements that the mass murder of children and Christians praying in a church define who and what you are Dale. We know from your rants and posts that you think you are viewed as a well read and informed individual with vast amounts of knowledge and wisdom. Sorry Dale, that is a delusional persona you imagine. The reality is that you are the conspiracy theory nut job here at USMB who is not beyond disparaging and disrespecting murdered dead children and Christians.

Only a nut job would believe your video is convincing evidence. It really shows how easy it is to fool conspiracy nuts. Hell, I know more about photo analysis than the crack-pot in the video. And of course, the guy makes all kinds of assumptions throughout the video and the easily fooled just swallow those assumptions one right after the other.
A nut job video for nut jobs.

I have plenty of evidence but what I posted should be obvious to anyone that isn't brain dead and programmed by the lamestream media. When pictures are photo-shopped and it is proven that they were, anything else after that is immaterial and the whole case falls apart......why was 29 million tax-payer dollars fast tracked to the surviving members of the families of these alleged victims? Why was a service held at the church just a few days after this alleged event?

What was going on during the time of the shooting when our attention was turned towards banning the confederate flag and possibly digging up confederate generals that were buried on federal land????? Hmmmm? Seems that the TPP was the topic du jour and people were asking as to why congress men and women were not allowed to take notes or have a cell-phone as they read over it and they had to do it "one at a time"........trillions of dollars at stake....people asking questions as it is a big topic on social media then BAM! Another mass shooting and it's RACIST!!!!! Need gun control laws and the Virginia battle flag needs to be banned! The focus is taken off of TPP and put on a piece of cloth....wake up, little camper.......

Sorry Dale, that post not only did not influence me to change my mind about your nonsense, it merely added to and confirmed my belief that you are a hopeless conspiracy theory nut job, easily distracted and fooled by whistles and bells. And let me point out, I still believe your chosen target of innocent children and implication that those souls never existed, and the lack of sympathy and respect for the parents of those children is one of the lowest and most disgusting thing seen in American modern culture. This is not smoke seen on the grassy knoll stuff. This is an active assault on the souls of dead kids. An effort to say someone's kid never existed. That deserves a big f^*K u Dale. Your mind resides where the scum lives.Parents of dead kids plead that their loved ones be remembered and asshole like you pop out and attack them screaming "no, those are fake kids that never existed". Attacking dead kids and their grieving parents is not an enviable attribute.
The people of Nebraska vote for people to represent them in the state legislature. Just because some folks who live outside of Nebraska have differing opinions about an issue should not dictate how things operate in Nebraska. The educated and wise in that state probably recognize the enormous need for immigrants that will work for low wages in an agriculture-based economy, whether that is farm labor or farm related industry such as meat packing facilities or other food processing facilities. As illegal immigration is brought under control as predicted the need for low-paid legal immigrants increases.
There is absolutely no proof the people of these communities approve of this in fact, the opposite of this is true they don't want these fucked up unvetted people in their communities. Any proper vetting should take at least five years… Fact
Take your political correctness and shove it up your ass if you like it so much…:lmao:
The refugees are vetted in a three-year process. You seem out of whack over not having a vetting process two years longer. That kind of makes your entire position on the topic of legal immigrants in Nebraska just seem silly talking point inspired.
Like a said there is no proof these communities want these fuck ups, vetting should take at least five years... preferably 10 years… Fact
Who exactly do you want the communities to prove something too? Don't they kind of do that when they vote? Is it possible that they recognize the need for low-income immigrant labor on their farms and food processing facilities to invigorate the local economy and replace the illegal immigrants that are being deported and sent out of their communities?
Every 13 seconds there's a new immigrant... dumbass
Well, the alleged new prez moving into the White House says he is getting rid of eleven million or more illegal immigrants. They need to be replaced with low income workers. Got any ideas where we can get them from.
Yep, militias are a threat to "da gubermint" and the U.N troops.....commies have always preferred unarmed serfs.FBI has claimed that there are CIAlqeada sleepr cells in every state but let's keep the southern border open and bring in as many military aged radical muslims covertly and in-covertly as possible...then let's stage some more fake shootings like Sandy Hoax and Charleston in order to guilt people into passing more draconian gun's the leftard way.
Your insistence and routine regular pronouncements that the mass murder of children and Christians praying in a church define who and what you are Dale. We know from your rants and posts that you think you are viewed as a well read and informed individual with vast amounts of knowledge and wisdom. Sorry Dale, that is a delusional persona you imagine. The reality is that you are the conspiracy theory nut job here at USMB who is not beyond disparaging and disrespecting murdered dead children and Christians.

Only a nut job would believe your video is convincing evidence. It really shows how easy it is to fool conspiracy nuts. Hell, I know more about photo analysis than the crack-pot in the video. And of course, the guy makes all kinds of assumptions throughout the video and the easily fooled just swallow those assumptions one right after the other.
A nut job video for nut jobs.

I have plenty of evidence but what I posted should be obvious to anyone that isn't brain dead and programmed by the lamestream media. When pictures are photo-shopped and it is proven that they were, anything else after that is immaterial and the whole case falls apart......why was 29 million tax-payer dollars fast tracked to the surviving members of the families of these alleged victims? Why was a service held at the church just a few days after this alleged event?

What was going on during the time of the shooting when our attention was turned towards banning the confederate flag and possibly digging up confederate generals that were buried on federal land????? Hmmmm? Seems that the TPP was the topic du jour and people were asking as to why congress men and women were not allowed to take notes or have a cell-phone as they read over it and they had to do it "one at a time"........trillions of dollars at stake....people asking questions as it is a big topic on social media then BAM! Another mass shooting and it's RACIST!!!!! Need gun control laws and the Virginia battle flag needs to be banned! The focus is taken off of TPP and put on a piece of cloth....wake up, little camper.......

Sorry Dale, that post not only did not influence me to change my mind about your nonsense, it merely added to and confirmed my belief that you are a hopeless conspiracy theory nut job, easily distracted and fooled by whistles and bells. And let me point out, I still believe your chosen target of innocent children and implication that those souls never existed, and the lack of sympathy and respect for the parents of those children is one of the lowest and most disgusting thing seen in American modern culture. This is not smoke seen on the grassy knoll stuff. This is an active assault on the souls of dead kids. An effort to say someone's kid never existed. That deserves a big f^*K u Dale. Your mind resides where the scum lives.Parents of dead kids plead that their loved ones be remembered and asshole like you pop out and attack them screaming "no, those are fake kids that never existed". Attacking dead kids and their grieving parents is not an enviable attribute.

There is absolutely no proof the people of these communities approve of this in fact, the opposite of this is true they don't want these fucked up unvetted people in their communities. Any proper vetting should take at least five years… Fact
Take your political correctness and shove it up your ass if you like it so much…:lmao:
The refugees are vetted in a three-year process. You seem out of whack over not having a vetting process two years longer. That kind of makes your entire position on the topic of legal immigrants in Nebraska just seem silly talking point inspired.
Like a said there is no proof these communities want these fuck ups, vetting should take at least five years... preferably 10 years… Fact
Who exactly do you want the communities to prove something too? Don't they kind of do that when they vote? Is it possible that they recognize the need for low-income immigrant labor on their farms and food processing facilities to invigorate the local economy and replace the illegal immigrants that are being deported and sent out of their communities?
Every 13 seconds there's a new immigrant... dumbass
Well, the alleged new prez moving into the White House says he is getting rid of eleven million or more illegal immigrants. They need to be replaced with low income workers. Got any ideas where we can get them from.
We Don't have to settle for the lowest common denominator… We need the reality that the people here need to work at making the country better again. Who knows it may be too late…
Your insistence and routine regular pronouncements that the mass murder of children and Christians praying in a church define who and what you are Dale. We know from your rants and posts that you think you are viewed as a well read and informed individual with vast amounts of knowledge and wisdom. Sorry Dale, that is a delusional persona you imagine. The reality is that you are the conspiracy theory nut job here at USMB who is not beyond disparaging and disrespecting murdered dead children and Christians.

Only a nut job would believe your video is convincing evidence. It really shows how easy it is to fool conspiracy nuts. Hell, I know more about photo analysis than the crack-pot in the video. And of course, the guy makes all kinds of assumptions throughout the video and the easily fooled just swallow those assumptions one right after the other.
A nut job video for nut jobs.

I have plenty of evidence but what I posted should be obvious to anyone that isn't brain dead and programmed by the lamestream media. When pictures are photo-shopped and it is proven that they were, anything else after that is immaterial and the whole case falls apart......why was 29 million tax-payer dollars fast tracked to the surviving members of the families of these alleged victims? Why was a service held at the church just a few days after this alleged event?

What was going on during the time of the shooting when our attention was turned towards banning the confederate flag and possibly digging up confederate generals that were buried on federal land????? Hmmmm? Seems that the TPP was the topic du jour and people were asking as to why congress men and women were not allowed to take notes or have a cell-phone as they read over it and they had to do it "one at a time"........trillions of dollars at stake....people asking questions as it is a big topic on social media then BAM! Another mass shooting and it's RACIST!!!!! Need gun control laws and the Virginia battle flag needs to be banned! The focus is taken off of TPP and put on a piece of cloth....wake up, little camper.......

Sorry Dale, that post not only did not influence me to change my mind about your nonsense, it merely added to and confirmed my belief that you are a hopeless conspiracy theory nut job, easily distracted and fooled by whistles and bells. And let me point out, I still believe your chosen target of innocent children and implication that those souls never existed, and the lack of sympathy and respect for the parents of those children is one of the lowest and most disgusting thing seen in American modern culture. This is not smoke seen on the grassy knoll stuff. This is an active assault on the souls of dead kids. An effort to say someone's kid never existed. That deserves a big f^*K u Dale. Your mind resides where the scum lives.Parents of dead kids plead that their loved ones be remembered and asshole like you pop out and attack them screaming "no, those are fake kids that never existed". Attacking dead kids and their grieving parents is not an enviable attribute.


Not butt hurt. Just doing a little branding for our friend Dale. He can blame his condescending attitude for that. Arrogance and ignorance are not good traits to combine. He should pick other targets to stalk or fuck with besides me if he doesn;t like getting slapped around.
Yep, militias are a threat to "da gubermint" and the U.N troops.....commies have always preferred unarmed serfs.FBI has claimed that there are CIAlqeada sleepr cells in every state but let's keep the southern border open and bring in as many military aged radical muslims covertly and in-covertly as possible...then let's stage some more fake shootings like Sandy Hoax and Charleston in order to guilt people into passing more draconian gun's the leftard way.
Your insistence and routine regular pronouncements that the mass murder of children and Christians praying in a church define who and what you are Dale. We know from your rants and posts that you think you are viewed as a well read and informed individual with vast amounts of knowledge and wisdom. Sorry Dale, that is a delusional persona you imagine. The reality is that you are the conspiracy theory nut job here at USMB who is not beyond disparaging and disrespecting murdered dead children and Christians.

Only a nut job would believe your video is convincing evidence. It really shows how easy it is to fool conspiracy nuts. Hell, I know more about photo analysis than the crack-pot in the video. And of course, the guy makes all kinds of assumptions throughout the video and the easily fooled just swallow those assumptions one right after the other.
A nut job video for nut jobs.

I have plenty of evidence but what I posted should be obvious to anyone that isn't brain dead and programmed by the lamestream media. When pictures are photo-shopped and it is proven that they were, anything else after that is immaterial and the whole case falls apart......why was 29 million tax-payer dollars fast tracked to the surviving members of the families of these alleged victims? Why was a service held at the church just a few days after this alleged event?

What was going on during the time of the shooting when our attention was turned towards banning the confederate flag and possibly digging up confederate generals that were buried on federal land????? Hmmmm? Seems that the TPP was the topic du jour and people were asking as to why congress men and women were not allowed to take notes or have a cell-phone as they read over it and they had to do it "one at a time"........trillions of dollars at stake....people asking questions as it is a big topic on social media then BAM! Another mass shooting and it's RACIST!!!!! Need gun control laws and the Virginia battle flag needs to be banned! The focus is taken off of TPP and put on a piece of cloth....wake up, little camper.......

Sorry Dale, that post not only did not influence me to change my mind about your nonsense, it merely added to and confirmed my belief that you are a hopeless conspiracy theory nut job, easily distracted and fooled by whistles and bells. And let me point out, I still believe your chosen target of innocent children and implication that those souls never existed, and the lack of sympathy and respect for the parents of those children is one of the lowest and most disgusting thing seen in American modern culture. This is not smoke seen on the grassy knoll stuff. This is an active assault on the souls of dead kids. An effort to say someone's kid never existed. That deserves a big f^*K u Dale. Your mind resides where the scum lives.Parents of dead kids plead that their loved ones be remembered and asshole like you pop out and attack them screaming "no, those are fake kids that never existed". Attacking dead kids and their grieving parents is not an enviable attribute.

See, that is the believe that children were killed at Sandy Hoax when that's not the case. Your sense of decorum may be offended but it doesn't change the fact of what is. You have been programmed to believe everything you see that is fed to you by the Operation Mockingbird media...I "get that" but it doesn't change reality. The hole in the official story is big enough to drive a brigade of tanks through. When you lie, you have to constantly tell more lies to cover the one before it...the truth is self-evident and the DHS and FEMA obviously put little effort into this staged event. They never could get their stories straight and they made so many glaring mistakes like removing a rifle from the trunk of the alleged Adam Lanza's trunk while wearing no gloves....just basic shit that sets off not only my bullshit detector but millions of others. There are the crisis actor parents like David Wheeler that actually had a role in a movie and his wife was an actress singer and DNC fundraiser and anti 2nd amendment activist that loaned her voice to a cartoon porn movie. Most of these alleged parents of dead kids were well in their 40's and yet they had 6 and 7 year old children and they show no emotion? They then make a career out of taking their gun-grabbing emotional-less gut wrenching show on the road while taking in not only millions from "da gubermint" but millions in donations??? Not even the most basic FOIA requests are answered and are purposely blocked.

Why would there be a HUGE electronic sign saying that everyone must sign? Where is the receipt for that or P.O?
Which company provided the porta-potties that day and where is that P.O? Why were the roads blocked off that wouldn't allow the few ambulances at the fire station to make a run to the hospital if there were any survivors? No care-flite copters? 911 calls from those inside the building that were whispering and saying that someone was firing shots (150 plus in less than ten minutes allegedly by a kid with Asperger's syndrome that allegedly weighed 120 pounds soak and wet that bypassed at least 5 other schools but yet you cannot hear any shots being fired at all? OH wait! There is a camera focused right on the spot by the front door where Adam allegedly fired shoots into the window next to the door but yet there is no footage....

BUT WAIT!!! There's more!!!! 17 state troopers claimed in their reports that they went through the hole made from the alleged shot out glass which wasn't very big (and we have photo evidence of that) and not one cop could open the front door to let his fellow donut eaters in? Not even the three stooges would have done that......they certainly didn't use their rifles to make a better path on the broken glass because like I stated, we have photo evidence.

BUT WAIT! There's more!!! Due to the Americans With Disabilities Act and the 2009 ordinance for the state of Connecticut decalred that handicapped parking spots must have blue and white paint and a sign 60 inches high designating it as a handicapped spot......but at the Sandy Hook school, there is the old white paint insignia of a wheelchair? Why is that? Because Sandy Hook was not a functioning school and was being used as a storage facility and we have proof of that as well. Sandy Hook had an asbestos issue, a bad roof and a mold issue and hadn't been in use since 2008.. I have at least 60 more things about this staged event that do not add up....but go ahead and's not something that will bother me. You buy the bullshit....while I don't and I went it to this research wanting to debunk the debunkers. I know of what I speak.

Only a nut job would believe your video is convincing evidence. It really shows how easy it is to fool conspiracy nuts. Hell, I know more about photo analysis than the crack-pot in the video. And of course, the guy makes all kinds of assumptions throughout the video and the easily fooled just swallow those assumptions one right after the other.
A nut job video for nut jobs.

I have plenty of evidence but what I posted should be obvious to anyone that isn't brain dead and programmed by the lamestream media. When pictures are photo-shopped and it is proven that they were, anything else after that is immaterial and the whole case falls apart......why was 29 million tax-payer dollars fast tracked to the surviving members of the families of these alleged victims? Why was a service held at the church just a few days after this alleged event?

What was going on during the time of the shooting when our attention was turned towards banning the confederate flag and possibly digging up confederate generals that were buried on federal land????? Hmmmm? Seems that the TPP was the topic du jour and people were asking as to why congress men and women were not allowed to take notes or have a cell-phone as they read over it and they had to do it "one at a time"........trillions of dollars at stake....people asking questions as it is a big topic on social media then BAM! Another mass shooting and it's RACIST!!!!! Need gun control laws and the Virginia battle flag needs to be banned! The focus is taken off of TPP and put on a piece of cloth....wake up, little camper.......

Sorry Dale, that post not only did not influence me to change my mind about your nonsense, it merely added to and confirmed my belief that you are a hopeless conspiracy theory nut job, easily distracted and fooled by whistles and bells. And let me point out, I still believe your chosen target of innocent children and implication that those souls never existed, and the lack of sympathy and respect for the parents of those children is one of the lowest and most disgusting thing seen in American modern culture. This is not smoke seen on the grassy knoll stuff. This is an active assault on the souls of dead kids. An effort to say someone's kid never existed. That deserves a big f^*K u Dale. Your mind resides where the scum lives.Parents of dead kids plead that their loved ones be remembered and asshole like you pop out and attack them screaming "no, those are fake kids that never existed". Attacking dead kids and their grieving parents is not an enviable attribute.


Not butt hurt. Just doing a little branding for our friend Dale. He can blame his condescending attitude for that. Arrogance and ignorance are not good traits to combine. He should pick other targets to stalk or fuck with besides me if he doesn;t like getting slapped around.

LMAO! Camp, not on the best day that you ever had could you EVER take me down in a debate. Besides, I didn't "fuck" with anyone...I simply stated what I know to be true and you got butthurt over it because you believe lies and bullshit. I have yet see you post anythinbg but "Uh-uh!?!?" posts like a snot-nosed kid that was just told by the other kids that there is no such thing as Santa Claus and you defiantly claim there is......that's not debating, friend.
So many of these immigrants are not wanted in these communities, but forced on these communities. Barry is a fucking piece of shit. :lmao:

Obama Drops 502 Refugees on Nebraska in Final Weeks Before President Trump - Breitbart

what's cowardly about that dum dum?

what you mean to say is that you don't agree with what he did.

bummer that...he's still president. so piss off

What do you think about how your president fucked Israel in the ass? If you had any sense you'd be a Republican, but you don't know shit about economics and you side with gutter scum over your own kind. Have fun at the next black Lives matters protest lol.
So many of these immigrants are not wanted in these communities, but forced on these communities. Barry is a fucking piece of shit. :lmao:

Obama Drops 502 Refugees on Nebraska in Final Weeks Before President Trump - Breitbart

"Another... act of a cowardly Barry"
I don't know if we should flatter Hussein Obama with an Americanized name such as "Barry".
Can we just refer to him as "The Other Hussein" or "Hussein Obama"?
To shed a touch of light on the situation...I'd take 502 humble Syrian refugees over 502 more heritage proud cockroaches from the far south any day.
Watch the refugees as closely as do the LEO watch the right wing militias, and the nation will be just fine.
Quit importing them and we will be better. Why should the taxpayers have to spend a lot of money keeping an eye on these savages?
The placement programs are like all other federal government programs. If your state doesn't like the programs they can simply opt out and not accept the federal tax money that finance programs in that state.
Nebraska receives billions in federal funds, including farm subsidies and the ethanol program. If they want all that federal funding they have to play the game by the rules.
In other words the federal government rams the "refugees" down their throats.
What will be funniest is when Trump DOESN"T deport all these refugees.

Get your excuses ready, Trump munchers.
When did Trump ever say he was going to deport "refugees" who are already here? There won't be any new ones coming, however. The refugee (new Democrat voters) program is over.
He says his policies are popular, but I'll tell you this - Americans don't want more fucking muslims in the country. Like many things he's doing this against the will of the people.

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