Another Alarmist Report on Global Warming Issued

All of these were "Settled Science"

Spontaneous Generation
Caloric Theory
Emitter Theory

Settled science ....:cuckoo:
Look, the denier kooks are still denying you can see CO2 absorbing IR in the lab.

That's one reason why damn near the whole world correctly considers denier kooks to be brainless cult liars. And no, raving on a message board won't change that. They're still in for years of people pointing at them and laughing.

Deniers, is the emotional gratification you get from displaying your undying allegiance to your fruitloop political cult worth all of the humiliation it costs you?

It's so good to be part of the reason-based community. No political allegiances of any sort required, no demands that we repeat cult mantras, since it's only about the science.

We get it..... the "SCIENCE IS SETTLED"!!!!


Dumb fuck, Zander, it was the church that held these views, and the scientists that disproved them. And some of the scientists were killed by the church for their efforts.

You willfully ignorant fucks are so ideologically tied to your lies that you are ridicoulous in your claims.

The fact remains that virtually the whole of the scientific community states that AGW is a fact, and we are seeing the effects of that warming right now.

Hey dumb fuck, most of the "scientists" of that day were in the church (kind of like thechurch of AGW today)and it was the deniers that proved them wrong. Ignorance, that's what you get for sleeping in History Class dumbass.
Look, the denier kooks are still denying you can see CO2 absorbing IR in the lab.

That's one reason why damn near the whole world correctly considers denier kooks to be brainless cult liars. And no, raving on a message board won't change that. They're still in for years of people pointing at them and laughing.

Deniers, is the emotional gratification you get from displaying your undying allegiance to your fruitloop political cult worth all of the humiliation it costs you?

It's so good to be part of the reason-based community. No political allegiances of any sort required, no demands that we repeat cult mantras, since it's only about the science.

If you had one ounce of intelligence and knew anything at all about science you would know that the FACT that CO2 absorbs IR is meaningless to your point by itself. But you don't know that because you've been told to say that even though you have no clue what it means.

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