Another American Captured Defending Nazi Regime.

I'm live in the UK, Centre Right. I don't know what, "All on the left screaming", are going to do
I dont think you read my comment correctly. The left over here has labeled everything Russia disinfo for 6 years now. That's that point I'm making, they have their chance to do something and can go do you understand now
Interesting poor thought, but I'm UK centre right, so bang goes your stereotype thinking (see my signature). Plus, your reading skills are equally as poor. I never mentioned the 2nd, I mentioned the macho gun nuts, the ones that feel they're gonna win a civil war, fight off every invading country, and scream, "Come try take my guns".
Well, in the UK, didn't they take your guns? The Democrats are wanting to do so here.
Of course there are guns everywhere regardless of confiscations. They are just illegal in those places.
Hence why I used the word, "Thickos".

You would think the Ukrainian people with unregulated guns would have dispelled Russia in an instant, pretty much what the gun nuts in America believe will happen if America got invaded. So there's a bit a reality for gun nuts.
Hence why I used the word, "Thickos".

You would think the Ukrainian people with unregulated guns would have dispelled Russia in an instant, pretty much what the gun nuts in America believe will happen if America got invaded. So there's a bit a reality for gun nuts.
Most of them only jist recently got their hands on a gun, and most never served let alone have they ever seen combat. For the majority of us that have guns... We've been shooting our whole lives. In addition a huge number of those having military training, and having seen combat.

It doesn't help Ukraines cause in the least that half the country despises Zeke, and his regime, and ardently support Russia. You know Jack shit about America, Americans, or Ukraine...
If mercenaries want to defend the nazi regime in Ukraine....and they get caught ...they play the game and they lost.

Too bad too sad.
Most of them only jist recently got their hands on a gun, and most never served let alone have they ever seen combat. For the majority of us that have guns... We've been shooting our whole lives. In addition a huge number of those having military training, and having seen combat.

It doesn't help Ukraines cause in the least that half the country despises Zeke, and his regime, and ardently support Russia. You know Jack shit about America, Americans, or Ukraine...
You guys don't know what's beyond your coastline, other than what CNN tell you.
Hence why I used the word, "Thickos".

You would think the Ukrainian people with unregulated guns would have dispelled Russia in an instant, pretty much what the gun nuts in America believe will happen if America got invaded. So there's a bit a reality for gun nuts.
Yep, if we are invaded, we will fight to the death. "Give me liberty or give me death." You sicko commie wokers are chicken-hearted crybabies who would rather be red without liberty or freedom than dead. Un-American for sure. Did you see that the army ended up recruiting only half of their goal? 60,000 short! Why is this happening? Because Biden and the liberal as#$((les are more interested in soldiers being woke instead of kickass fighters. So, the real potential solder isn't signing up cause they don't want to be lectured about diversity and crap like that.
Chilling footage from Donetsk: People are torn in half by Ukrainian shelling. 18+
One of the most brutal attacks by the Ukrainian army took place today in Donetsk. Chilling shots taken by eyewitnesses in the very center of the capital of the DPR are flying around social networks: a grandmother and granddaughter torn in two by shells and a distraught pensioner who identified the bodies of loved ones.

I wonder how the whining of the Ukrainian Nazis about shell starvation and lack of artillery and the fierce shelling of Donetsk correlate? It's obviously simple: it's a matter of pride for them to put the last cherished projectile among the civilian population, so that girls and old ladies who pass by accidentally die.
Just as the german nazis tried to kill jews to the last moment of war, taking them to the places of destruction, despite the lack of everything necessary at the front.
At such moments, it seems to me that some evil fate has gathered all the most vile freaks in one place and turned them into a terrorist regime that now rules in Ukraine and destroys it and people. And the collective West helps them in this.
Ukraine has been used by the CIA since 1949's Operation Red Sox to advance regime change in Moscow. Red Sox failed to bring down the USSR in '49, but fifty years later, the Soviet Union fell and western investors made a huge payday.

Today's war in Ukraine is just the latest attempt at another looting of the Russian economy.

Amnesty International's report criticizing Ukraine is dividing the rights group

"Amnesty International issued a report on Thursday accusing the Ukrainian military of stationing its troops and artillery near hospitals, schools and residential buildings in ways that may amount to war crimes.

"The international human rights organization says it spent two months in Ukraine interviewing locals and collecting physical evidence to compile the report."


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JC. A half a million or so Americans died and lost everything to save you crooked, yellow teethed son of a bitches from the clutches of the Germans 2X, you ungrateful pile of fucking shat

You ungrateful sob. Every time you pass an American you should get on your knees and open your mouths so we can urinate or defecate in it instead of walking to a bathroom

You crooked yellow toothed coward

Even your chat board is American you cock sucking son of a bitch
Are you out of your fucking mind?
I am American and I think your post is fucking ridiculous.

Why the fuck should Brits be grateful to Americans from WW2?
That was fucking generations ago.
There are virtually no Yanks or Brits left from that war.

And how fucking far back do people have to be grateful?

And 'hello' you fucking moron?
The ONLY reason America agreed to fight Germany was because Hitler declared war on America after Pearl Harbor.
America only declared war on Japan, initially.
America didn't go to war with Germany to help GB.
They went to defeat an enemy.

Fucking, historical ignoramus.

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