Another Attack On Berlin

I amso IR

"Well Yea, Duh"!
Jul 11, 2015
I'm wondering what it will take to awaken Europe? An hour or so ago, another vehicle attack, this time a semi truck and trailer attack at a Christmas Market in Berlin, Germany. As of now 9 dead and 50 or more injured. This crap needs TO BE BROUGHT UNDER CONTROL! If this takes drastic measures, then would the Governments involved, PLEASE TAKE DRASTIC MEASURES! Enough is enough and and the free world reached that point a few years ago. It is time for the World powers to speak with a single voice, commit themselves, and DO IT. Mr. Trump, I expect you to keep your word and commit this Nation to the eradication of those who would destroy our way of life. I expect your idea of working with the powers of Europe, namely Russia, to accomplish this goal. I have been at and in war in RVN and in Berlin during the 60's and 70's. It honestly upsets me that all of my generation put so much into peace for all squandered as it has been over the past eight years. Too many folks died to have peace go up in flames as it has. To Trump and Putin, both, enough is enough. It is time to nullify the evil BASTARD'S creating the mess we are in. Do something!!!!!!!
It should be up to the Muslim community in Germany to deal with this. The Muslims are capable of identifying the terrorists and turning them over. If the Muslims can't do that, then its time for concentration camps and mass deportation.

Either that or accept that this is a normal part of life in Germany from now on -- because it will be.
I'm wondering what it will take to awaken Europe?
There will be a breaking point. There's no way to know how or where or when, but it will happen.

I agree there is going to be a Breaking Bad point.

Angela Merkel may be a hopeless and foolish loon....but the Germans, whatever they have been before---Merkel's Fools, Huns, Nazis etc...they have never been Pussies...and only Pussies would tolerate what these Barbarians are doing to their Motherland.
I agree there is going to be a Breaking Bad point.

Angela Merkel may be a hopeless and foolish loon....but the Germans, whatever they have been before---Merkel's Fools, Huns, Nazis etc...they have never been Pussies...and only Pussies would tolerate what these Barbarians are doing to their Motherland.
My lineage is German, so I've been increasingly disappointed at the lack of effective response by the German people to what is happening there. But I can't ignore the fact that post-War occupation by both the U.S. and Russia has had a profound effect on the German psyche. It may be said that what we are seeing now is the result of a long-term political brainwash which has rendered the German people compliant with federal mandates -- such as issued by Angela Merkel.

What the Germans should do is get out of the way and let the neo-Nazis deal with the refugee problem. They know how.
It should be up to the Muslim community in Germany to deal with this. The Muslims are capable of identifying the terrorists and turning them over. If the Muslims can't do that, then its time for concentration camps and mass deportation.

Either that or accept that this is a normal part of life in Germany from now on -- because it will be.

Up to the Muslim community? The Muslim community cheers this shit on. Time to send them packing.
I agree there is going to be a Breaking Bad point.

Angela Merkel may be a hopeless and foolish loon....but the Germans, whatever they have been before---Merkel's Fools, Huns, Nazis etc...they have never been Pussies...and only Pussies would tolerate what these Barbarians are doing to their Motherland.
My lineage is German, so I've been increasingly disappointed at the lack of effective response by the German people to what is happening there. But I can't ignore the fact that post-War occupation by both the U.S. and Russia has had a profound effect on the German psyche. It may be said that what we are seeing now is the result of a long-term political brainwash which has rendered the German people compliant with federal mandates -- such as issued by Angela Merkel.

What the Germans should do is get out of the way and let the neo-Nazis deal with the refugee problem. They know how.

Germans are unable to think for themselves. It's why they do what their government tells them to do. Today their government and its propaganda media tell them Islam must be welcomed, so they do it.
I'm wondering what it will take to awaken Europe? An hour or so ago, another vehicle attack, this time a semi truck and trailer attack at a Christmas Market in Berlin, Germany. As of now 9 dead and 50 or more injured. This crap needs TO BE BROUGHT UNDER CONTROL! If this takes drastic measures, then would the Governments involved, PLEASE TAKE DRASTIC MEASURES! Enough is enough and and the free world reached that point a few years ago. It is time for the World powers to speak with a single voice, commit themselves, and DO IT. Mr. Trump, I expect you to keep your word and commit this Nation to the eradication of those who would destroy our way of life. I expect your idea of working with the powers of Europe, namely Russia, to accomplish this goal. I have been at and in war in RVN and in Berlin during the 60's and 70's. It honestly upsets me that all of my generation put so much into peace for all squandered as it has been over the past eight years. Too many folks died to have peace go up in flames as it has. To Trump and Putin, both, enough is enough. It is time to nullify the evil BASTARD'S creating the mess we are in. Do something!!!!!!!
This is what they get for having liberal immigration policies and not keeping up theior guard.
If there is anyone who wonders why none of this shit happens in Switzerland....
Easy.. The entire nation is guarded by armed troops. And highly trained police officers who are permitted to do their jobs.
And Obama and the hand wringing bleeding heart libs want to allow these fuckers into our country without first confirming who they are and their backgrounds.
Funny how the State department had already been willing to call this takes them weeks when it happens here, if they do even say it.
It should be up to the Muslim community in Germany to deal with this. The Muslims are capable of identifying the terrorists and turning them over. If the Muslims can't do that, then its time for concentration camps and mass deportation.

Either that or accept that this is a normal part of life in Germany from now on -- because it will be.
Muslims don't and won't snitch because Jihad is a basic tenet of their cult. ALL may not engage in the behaviour, but virtually all are sympathetic to Sharia.

They have NO PLACE in Western Culture
I agree with all of the above to one degree or another. Angela Merkul is and remains the problem there is no doubt about that. This entire outlook began back in the 70's however when Turks by the thousands were brought in to aid with the lack of manpower to continue with the Nations rebuilding after the WWII disaster. That said, Germany needs to reconsider the position it currently occupies. Not only Germany but all nations from the Bosphorus Straits north. A no enter zone needs to be established and quickly, not unlike our own southern border. And an agreement with Russia to police the entire area in league with Russia, Western Europe and , yes, the United States. It can and should be accomplished. The time for finger pointing is done. What we were as compared to what we all are now is past history. It is what we should be doing, now, that is the focus. One thing is certain, the US has an advantage in that we are oceans apart from Europe. It is time to manage our homeland while at the same time assist the Europeans in neutralizing the problem there. Above all, Western Europe needs to get off it's butt and start acting as tho it cares one way or the other. And if that means, according to another thread on this site, that means I am a Nationalist, so be it. I am sick with how my Nation is infected with this putrid socialist attitude which also infects Western Europe. During the Cold War my generation gave too many lives for this Nation and Europe and it is criminal how it has been pissed away by the politician. I for one am tired of it. If Trump wants this 77 year old white male to become involved, the Department of Defense knows where I am, if that is what it takes. But stop the crap and take action!! P.S. Why do you think BREXIT has taken place. The Brits want to control their destiny and do not want European influence upon the decisions. Makes sense to me. Urinate on a New World Order!
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