Another attack on Scott Walker boomerangs

Keep repeating what Madcow spews, "Mr I Used To Be A Republican". You don't even have the mental fortitude to be honest with yourself. LOL

My voting record.
Reagan, Reagan, Bush, Bush (although I considered Perot in 1992) Dole, Bush, Bush, McCain.

Then I voted for Obama in 2012 because you fucks decided to turn your party over to the Latter Day Saints Cult in order to give them "legitimacy".

But you see, you don't get your own facts. What caused the collapse of 2008 has been well documented, written about extensively, and not even THE BANKING INDUSTRY puts the blame for it on "Poor people buying houses".
The Economy was crashed as a direct result of fatally flawed economic policy, wherein decades of coercion by the Ideological Left, with endless threats of lawsuits against financial institutions, to replace sound, actuarial lending principle with a the unprincipled, thus perverse definition of Fairness... which held that 'everyone deserves to own their own home'.

A couple of things.

First, George W. Bush thought universal home ownership was a great as an idea as the democrats did.

Sadly for you... believing that everyone SHOULD own a home, in no way equates to 'everyone DESERVES to own a home.

Neither does it mean that the notion of Universal Home Ownership is not ENTIRELY, WHOLLY, SOLELY: LEFTIST.

Second, it wasn't poor people buying homes that was the problem. The problem was middle class folks buying "McMansions"

The problem you're defining there is UNPRINCIPLED BEHAVIOR. And that is behavior that rest upon THE UNPRINCIPLED TENETS OF THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT.

Again... it's not even a debatable point.
Yeah right, "Mr I Used To Be A Republican" LMAO, loser

Your concession is duly noted.

Loon, you're constantly saying that, typical of an idiot lefty. Now shush, boy, you bother me

again, your abject concession is duly noted. you are embarrassing yourself, really.

Dude, nobody but you takes you serious. That's stfu already

And yet here you are like a kicked puppy, whimpering behind me. It's kind of sad to watch.

LOL Keep trying, "Mr I Used To Be A Republican" realize nobody bought that shit
Sadly for you... believing that everyone SHOULD own a home, in no way equates to 'everyone DESERVES to own a home.

Neither does it mean that the notion of Universal Home Ownership is not ENTIRELY, WHOLLY, SOLELY: LEFTIST.

actually, it's kind of common sense and good policy. I know at various times, I've been a renter and a owner, and frankly, i've never given a fuck about the places I've rented. That's someone else's problem. I've also been a landlord. Rentors don't care about the buildings they live in.

Ownership is a benefit to neighborhoods and communities. Even George W. Bush saw that, and that guy was only slightly less retarded than you are.

The problem you're defining there is UNPRINCIPLED BEHAVIOR. And that is behavior that rest upon THE UNPRINCIPLED TENETS OF THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT.

Again... it's not even a debatable point.

Really? So starting wars based on lies while your Vice President's company rakes in billions in No-Bid contracts isn't "Unprincipled behavior".

Somehow, I see that as less unprincipled than a middle class person investing in a house than in investing in a stock. They are both a sort of gambling, but we all expect people to invest in things.

The big problem was the banks and the builders went along with it. The banks kept writing questionable loans, and the builders kept building McMansions on every vacant lot they could find.
LOL Keep trying, "Mr I Used To Be A Republican" realize nobody bought that shit

No, problem Ms. "Still a Republican despite the fact they fucked up everything."

You do get that, right. Your side fucked up, well, everything. The war, the economy, the country.

The fact you want to give them another chance when they haven't admittted they did anything wrong is amazing.

Do you let the kid have the keys to the Car after he wrapped it around the tree and you just got it back from the Repair shop?
actually, it's kind of common sense and good policy.



Therefore, it is neither common sense, nor good policy.

That you begin this discussion lamenting the Economic crash only to end it celebrating such as 'good policy'... only reinforces the certainty that you and your cult are responsible for it... and more importantly... WHY!

You're Relativists... incapable of recognizing truth, demonstrating that you're a menace to the humanity.

The problem you're defining there is UNPRINCIPLED BEHAVIOR. And that is behavior that rest upon THE UNPRINCIPLED TENETS OF THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT.

Again... it's not even a debatable point.

Really? So starting wars based on lies while your Vice President's company rakes in billions in No-Bid contracts isn't "Unprincipled behavior".

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
LOL Keep trying, "Mr I Used To Be A Republican" realize nobody bought that shit

No, problem Ms. "Still a Republican despite the fact they fucked up everything."

You do get that, right. Your side fucked up, well, everything. The war, the economy, the country.

The fact you want to give them another chance when they haven't admittted they did anything wrong is amazing.

Do you let the kid have the keys to the Car after he wrapped it around the tree and you just got it back from the Repair shop?

LOL Wrong again, I'm an Indy. Do you ever tire of being wrong...and getting caught lying? LOL Republican you never were, fraud
LOL Wrong again, I'm an Indy. Do you ever tire of being wrong...and getting caught lying? LOL Republican you never were, fraud

Okay, whatever, I'm sure you don't want to admit to being a Republican while carrying their water for them.

Can we agree George W. Bush was a horrible president? Or are you not 'independent" enough to admit that?


Therefore, it is neither common sense, nor good policy.

That you begin this discussion lamenting the Economic crash only to end it celebrating such as 'good policy'... only reinforces the certainty that you and your cult are responsible for it... and more importantly... WHY!

You're Relativists... incapable of recognizing truth, demonstrating that you're a menace to the humanity.

Wasn't home owners who crashed the economy, it was the bankers and investors, all of whom SHOULD hvae put the brakes on the car before it skidded off the road and didn't.

Are you capable of holding rich people accountable for anything?
LOL Wrong again, I'm an Indy. Do you ever tire of being wrong...and getting caught lying? LOL Republican you never were, fraud

Okay, whatever, I'm sure you don't want to admit to being a Republican while carrying their water for them.

Can we agree George W. Bush was a horrible president? Or are you not 'independent" enough to admit that?

Yup, but Obama is worse.
LOL Wrong again, I'm an Indy. Do you ever tire of being wrong...and getting caught lying? LOL Republican you never were, fraud

Okay, whatever, I'm sure you don't want to admit to being a Republican while carrying their water for them.

Can we agree George W. Bush was a horrible president? Or are you not 'independent" enough to admit that?

Bush had his faults but he did well considering what happened on 9/11. Obungles would have bungled it for sure...most likely he would have apologized for making the Muzzies upset. I didn't vote for Bush so your premise is falling apart.
It proves one thing. He scares the shit out of them.

So can that same rationale be directed at those who criticize Hillary? I can assure you there are many more threads about her than Walker.
No, because the criticism of Hillary is legitimate. She has a long record of fuck-ups and deliberate fraud whereas the criticism of Walker is a series of petty bullshit like Sears credit cards. Hillary, on the other hand, has Banghazi, obstruction of justice (destroying incriminating evidence), the Clinton Foundation fraud, there's no comparison.
How did I know that a far right wing nutter would find a way to excuse it and make it different. It's just different when RWers do it isn't it? Somehow, it just is.
Yup, but Obama is worse.

By what objective Standard?

Come on, what metric do you consider him "Worse" by?

I can list a dozen metrics- unemployment rate, stock market, GDP Growth, where Obama outperforms Dubya. Easily.

But the ulitmate test is the Reagan Test.

"Are you better off than you were 8 years ago?"

in 2008, most people would say, "No, I'm not."

In 2015, most people would say yes.

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