Another attack on Scott Walker boomerangs

It proves one thing. He scares the shit out of them.

So can that same rationale be directed at those who criticize Hillary? I can assure you there are many more threads about her than Walker.
No, because the criticism of Hillary is legitimate. She has a long record of fuck-ups and deliberate fraud whereas the criticism of Walker is a series of petty bullshit like Sears credit cards. Hillary, on the other hand, has Banghazi, obstruction of justice (destroying incriminating evidence), the Clinton Foundation fraud, there's no comparison.
How did I know that a far right wing nutter would find a way to excuse it and make it different. It's just different when RWers do it isn't it? Somehow, it just is.

Name her accomplishments...something that actually made a difference to this nation.

Stumps you loons everytime
Walkers primary qualification for President is that he has a Sears card
Can't you do any better than that? You're really going downhill these days, rw.

The failed governor of Wisconsin has nothing else to brag about

He withstood you loon's recall. That was priceless

Some accomplishment
Having the people in your state hate you so much that they recall you

The partisan is so foolish he's saying it with pride.

What a fool!
Bush had his faults but he did well considering what happened on 9/11. Obungles would have bungled it for sure...most likely he would have apologized for making the Muzzies upset. I didn't vote for Bush so your premise is falling apart.

No, he didn't do well. I give him credit for being a leader after 9/11, but then he got us into a needless war in Iraq. Oh, yeah, and he never got Bin Laden. you know, like he promised.

So you have to speculate over what Obama might have done that offends you, when Bush was just as deferential to Islam as a religion as Obama was. Because both of them had the good sense to realize we can win a war against a few dictators or terrorists, but we can't win a war against the planet's second largest religion.
Bush had his faults but he did well considering what happened on 9/11. Obungles would have bungled it for sure...most likely he would have apologized for making the Muzzies upset. I didn't vote for Bush so your premise is falling apart.

No, he didn't do well. I give him credit for being a leader after 9/11, but then he got us into a needless war in Iraq. Oh, yeah, and he never got Bin Laden. you know, like he promised.

So you have to speculate over what Obama might have done that offends you, when Bush was just as deferential to Islam as a religion as Obama was. Because both of them had the good sense to realize we can win a war against a few dictators or terrorists, but we can't win a war against the planet's second largest religion.

That's your opinion, everyone has one.
But the ulitmate test is the Reagan Test.

"Are you better off than you were 8 years ago?"

in 2008, most people would say, "No, I'm not."

In 2015, most people would say yes.

Conservative as I am, I must say "YES"!

That's because, when Obama won in 2009, I asked myself the ONLY important question:

"How can I profit from this?"

It took a month or two in order to be certain where opportunity was to fe found but the destruction he wreaked, just in the first two years, made me a bundle. In some ways, I wish he could get a third term 'cause the cash just keeps on comin'!

If you read the text of the article, you see hte problem was the bank being subject to a cyber attack, not the president's failure to manage his accounts.
Facts don't matter to these partisan far right wing nutters.

They're simply stooges and hacks you see. They don't know any better.

Sad really.

Translation: I can't name a single accomplishment Hillary has made so I will just use "nutters" and call names.

Sit down, fool
It proves one thing. He scares the shit out of them.

So can that same rationale be directed at those who criticize Hillary? I can assure you there are many more threads about her than Walker.
No, because the criticism of Hillary is legitimate. She has a long record of fuck-ups and deliberate fraud whereas the criticism of Walker is a series of petty bullshit like Sears credit cards. Hillary, on the other hand, has Banghazi, obstruction of justice (destroying incriminating evidence), the Clinton Foundation fraud, there's no comparison.
How did I know that a far right wing nutter would find a way to excuse it and make it different. It's just different when RWers do it isn't it? Somehow, it just is.

Name her accomplishments...something that actually made a difference to this nation.

Stumps you loons everytime
That's easy fool...

She kept the country safe.
It proves one thing. He scares the shit out of them.

So can that same rationale be directed at those who criticize Hillary? I can assure you there are many more threads about her than Walker.
No, because the criticism of Hillary is legitimate. She has a long record of fuck-ups and deliberate fraud whereas the criticism of Walker is a series of petty bullshit like Sears credit cards. Hillary, on the other hand, has Banghazi, obstruction of justice (destroying incriminating evidence), the Clinton Foundation fraud, there's no comparison.
How did I know that a far right wing nutter would find a way to excuse it and make it different. It's just different when RWers do it isn't it? Somehow, it just is.

Name her accomplishments...something that actually made a difference to this nation.

Stumps you loons everytime
That's easy fool...

She kept the country safe.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA How...and be specific
It proves one thing. He scares the shit out of them.
Does that logic also as apply to Hillary Clinton and the right wing's hatred of her as well?
How can the guy who BROUGHT us the problem be BETTER than the guy that FIXED the problem?

What are you really, a fool or a hack?
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Yup, but Obama is worse.

By what objective Standard?

Come on, what metric do you consider him "Worse" by?

I can list a dozen metrics- unemployment rate, stock market, GDP Growth, where Obama outperforms Dubya. Easily.

But the ulitmate test is the Reagan Test.

"Are you better off than you were 8 years ago?"

in 2008, most people would say, "No, I'm not."

In 2015, most people would say yes.

The debt, the number of people on welfare and every other program, the number of no longer participating in the work force.

The condition of the entire ME (Libya,Syria, Iran, Iraq and on and on and on), the condition in Europe with Islam, Russia, and everything else.

Our economy is dead, race relations are the worst they've been in most people's lifetimes.

Need I go on?

China is about to start a war in Asia
It proves one thing. He scares the shit out of them.
Does that logic also as apply to Hillary Clinton and the right wing's hatred of her as well?

The real question is this, why is she the only 1%'er you support?
Why do you ask such a foolish question hack? What are you REALLY trying to say?

Spit it out.

That's pretty plain, she is everything your side purports to of those terrible 1%'ers.

Why do you support her when ALL she wants is money?
Your concession is duly noted.

Loon, you're constantly saying that, typical of an idiot lefty. Now shush, boy, you bother me

again, your abject concession is duly noted. you are embarrassing yourself, really.

Dude, nobody but you takes you serious. That's stfu already

And yet here you are like a kicked puppy, whimpering behind me. It's kind of sad to watch.

LOL Keep trying, "Mr I Used To Be A Republican" realize nobody bought that shit
You mean just like how nobody is buying the swill that, with your constant defense of Republicans and Republican talking points, you're an independent?
Yeah right, "Mr I Used To Be A Republican" LMAO, loser

Your concession is duly noted.

Loon, you're constantly saying that, typical of an idiot lefty. Now shush, boy, you bother me

again, your abject concession is duly noted. you are embarrassing yourself, really.

Dude, nobody but you takes you serious. That's stfu already

And yet here you are like a kicked puppy, whimpering behind me. It's kind of sad to watch.
Yeah, it's called Hit Dog Syndrome
It proves one thing. He scares the shit out of them.
Does that logic also as apply to Hillary Clinton and the right wing's hatred of her as well?
How can the guy who BROUGHT us the problem be worse than the guy that FIXED the problem?

What are you really, a fool or a hack?

By the way, it's cute that you being the hack you are call me one ;)

Who are you? Are you somebody?
It proves one thing. He scares the shit out of them.
Does that logic also as apply to Hillary Clinton and the right wing's hatred of her as well?
How can the guy who BROUGHT us the problem be worse than the guy that FIXED the problem?

What are you really, a fool or a hack?

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments.

So that means knowing the facts this far left drone will vote for Hilary as their far left masters demand them to.

I see that Scott Walker really does frighten the far left drones..

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