Another bit of information that shows how low Trump slithers on the ground

And Miss Hillary floats in the clouds with the other angels. :rolleyes:

If only someone could come up with something that was more than a false accusation against her. Something real.

Buddy you got buried yby someone simply asking for proof of all the bull shit that comes out of you. You have nothing , what you have is hate thats it. You belong to a party that needs to operate on hate, they can't do it any other way.
Ok let's pick one at random, shall we? The FBI subpoena's Hillary's personal server. Not some RWNJ group the F***N FBI. Are you with me Kool-Aiders? Hillary then orders her server wiped, not with a cloth but with bleachBit obliterating every single byte of data on the server. Now when you destroy evidence under subpoena, what's that called? Anyone? Right! Obstruction of Justice.

Hillary then orders her server wiped, not with a cloth but with bleachBit obliterating every single byte of data on the server. Now when you destroy evidence under subpoena, what's that called? Anyone? Right! Obstruction of Justice.


That sums you up nicely.


Comey: Clinton Did Not Know Work-Related Emails Were Being Wiped
Clinton claimed that all work-related emails had been turned over to the State Department, but the FBI was able to recover thousands of work-related emails on her server that were not given to the department, Comey said.

When the State Department in late 2014 asked former secretaries of state to hand over any work-related emails the department may be missing, Clinton's server had about 60,000 emails on it. Clinton's lawyers deemed about 30,000 of those emails work related.

"[Clinton] then was asked by her lawyers at the end, 'Do you want us to keep the personal emails?' And she said, 'I have no use for them anymore.' It's then that they issued the direction that the technical people delete them ... [and] wipe them away," Comey testified.

He said that the FBI investigation found that Clinton didn't know her legal team had deleted those emails and that she didn't know her lawyers had cleaned the devices in such a way to preclude forensic recovery. The goal was to delete just personal emails, but more than personal emails ended up being deleted, he said.

What FBI Director Really Said About Clinton Email Probe
This is So Trump This is the head of the regressive party of 2016, President Scumbag
David Farenthold has done a brilliant job of exposing Trump’s grandiose lies about his charitable giving. Now it appears that multiple charities are telling him they never received donations the Trump Foundation claimed on IRS submissions."
Thats slimy, I think at this rate, with the scrutiny this scum bag is getting because he is a candidate by the time he's done he'll go directly to jail.
He is just what his followers want him to be. He represents half his base, at least.
Didn't the media have to shame wonderful Donald into giving the money
he raised for the Vets to.... The Vets....

And what about the kids who came to perform at one of wonderful Donald's events....

'USA Freedom Kids' creator plans to sue Trump campaign

What a delight we have representing the GOP and soon maybe America....
A real class act.
From the article:

He spoke with various campaign officials, including former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, and agreed that the Freedom Kids would be paid $2,500 for the Pensacola performance. The campaign then offered to set up a table at the rally where they could sell albums. But no such table was ever set up.

The sad truth is, he needed the $2,500 to pay the fine for bribing the Attorney General of Florida.

Busted: IRS Fines Trump For $25K Bribe To Florida Attorney General To End Trump U Investigation
WHAT A GODDAMN SNAKE!!!!! This guy would take a piece of bread from a starving little girl and wouldn't think twice about it.

Makes me fucking sick.

Bull shit on you link , the jury is out on this certified piece of shit. The scum bag has declared massive contributions to charities and those charities have stepped forward on this scum bag and said he never contributed anything to them and the internal revenue service is on this like monkey on ape. By the time this slime ball gets done with this election he will be hammered by multiple felonies from raping a 13 year old girl to lying on his income tax.

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