Another bullshit lawsuit threat against Christmas

Even a blind hog finds an acorn once in awhile.

We are not talking about blind dogs. We are talking about the ACLU. I wonder what the statistics are. How many cases are there in which the ACLU supports Christians and in how many cases does the ACLU oppose Christians. Even that statistic would not tell you whether or not the ACLU is anti-Christian. Perhaps, more often than not, Christian groups don’t play fair with respect to non-Christians and the ACLU is justified in taking the side of the non-Christian. Whatever the case may be (pun intended) the link that I provided does clearly show that the ACLU does come to the defense of Christians some times. Therefore, it can’t be concluded that the ACLU is always anti-Christian. Now, please take off your filters and look around you at the examples that run counter to your prejudices and biases.
We are not talking about blind dogs. We are talking about the ACLU. I wonder what the statistics are. How many cases are there in which the ACLU supports Christians and in how many cases does the ACLU oppose Christians. Even that statistic would not tell you whether or not the ACLU is anti-Christian. Perhaps, more often than not, Christian groups don’t play fair with respect to non-Christians and the ACLU is justified in taking the side of the non-Christian. Whatever the case may be (pun intended) the link that I provided does clearly show that the ACLU does come to the defense of Christians some times. Therefore, it can’t be concluded that the ACLU is always anti-Christian. Now, please take off your filters and look around you at the examples that run counter to your prejudices and biases.

Hey, cool, do the breakdown. For awhile we won't have to deal with you. :thup:
We are not talking about blind dogs. We are talking about the ACLU. I wonder what the statistics are. How many cases are there in which the ACLU supports Christians and in how many cases does the ACLU oppose Christians. Even that statistic would not tell you whether or not the ACLU is anti-Christian. Perhaps, more often than not, Christian groups don’t play fair with respect to non-Christians and the ACLU is justified in taking the side of the non-Christian. Whatever the case may be (pun intended) the link that I provided does clearly show that the ACLU does come to the defense of Christians some times. Therefore, it can’t be concluded that the ACLU is always anti-Christian. Now, please take off your filters and look around you at the examples that run counter to your prejudices and biases.

The fact that the ACLU has defended Christians "some times" doesn't prove squat. Slave owners were nice to slaves "sometimes". You really need to read thier founding documents and get back with us.
The fact that the ACLU has defended Christians "some times" doesn't prove squat. Slave owners were nice to slaves "sometimes". You really need to read thier founding documents and get back with us.

Founding documents don’t mean a thing. Look at the fine language of America’s founding documents and then look at male Europeans settlers to America treated people – particularly women, Blacks, and Indians. I’m confident that, all things being equal, today’s ACLU is just as likely to defend Christians as non-Christians depending on the merits of the case. The ACLJ needs to change its name to the Pro-Christian mafia.
Founding documents don’t mean a thing. Look at the fine language of America’s founding documents and then look at male Europeans settlers to America treated people – particularly women, Blacks, and Indians. I’m confident that, all things being equal, today’s ACLU is just as likely to defend Christians as non-Christians depending on the merits of the case. The ACLJ needs to change its name to the Pro-Christian mafia.

You do realize, you f'd up bigtime with your opening sentence?
Oooh, ONE rabbi bitches, so there's now going to be NO "holiday tree" at good old Sea-Tac?

Is the ACLU fighting for Christmas on this? Probably not, but they're all for tolerating incest, gotta keep perspective.

Yo, dilloduck and anyone else "right": Merry Christmas!!!

You others: Merry Fucking C*****mas!!!
equal time?

Well, Christians don't have a monopoly and Airports are publicly owned, not privately owned.

what birthday are they celebrating?

Oh... I don't know... what miracle are you celebrating? ;)

a menorah is a religious symbol a christmas tre is not.
Christmas is a religious holiday. And if a Christmas Tree werent'a religious symbol, you wouldn't care one way or the other.

on mlk day you going to give the kkk equal time?

So... religions that aren't Christianity are as nefarious as the KKK?

the jews killed christ.....and made him a they are complaining...classic

Er... you might want to check that again... Romans crucified people, Jews didn't. And last time I checked Jesus was Jewish so there ya go.

Do I think some people get hinky about this stuff. Yup. But I'm not quite sure why you have a problem with both a Christmas Tree and a Menorah in a public space. You aren't, after all, the only religion in the country and, luckily, we have no state sanctioned religion.

Now you know why separation of Church and State is so important. I know how that galls some people, though.
Well, Christians don't have a monopoly and Airports are publicly owned, not privately owned.

Oh... I don't know... what miracle are you celebrating? ;)

a menorah is a religious symbol a christmas tre is not.
Christmas is a religious holiday. And if a Christmas Tree werent'a religious symbol, you wouldn't care one way or the other.

So... religions that aren't Christianity are as nefarious as the KKK?

Er... you might want to check that again... Romans crucified people, Jews didn't. And last time I checked Jesus was Jewish so there ya go.

Do I think some people get hinky about this stuff. Yup. But I'm not quite sure why you have a problem with both a Christmas Tree and a Menorah in a public space. You aren't, after all, the only religion in the country and, luckily, we have no state sanctioned religion.

Now you know why separation of Church and State is so important. I know how that galls some people, though.

Actually, the Christmas tree was originally the symbol of a pagan celebration. Currently, it represents a Federal holiday, getting gifts, and commercialism at its finest. Any religious meaning to the holiday was lost a couple of decades ago.
Actually, the Christmas tree was originally the symbol of a pagan celebration. Currently, it represents a Federal holiday, getting gifts, and commercialism at its finest. Any religious meaning to the holiday was lost a couple of decades ago.

I always thought they were pretty. *shrug*

There are lots of pagan symbols mixed in with Christianity and other religions as well. That's what happens when religions are transplanted from one place to another and replace the local belief system.
Well, Christians don't have a monopoly and Airports are publicly owned, not privately owned.

Oh... I don't know... what miracle are you celebrating? ;)

Christmas is a religious holiday. And if a Christmas Tree werent'a religious symbol, you wouldn't care one way or the other.

So... religions that aren't Christianity are as nefarious as the KKK?

Er... you might want to check that again... Romans crucified people, Jews didn't. And last time I checked Jesus was Jewish so there ya go.

Do I think some people get hinky about this stuff. Yup. But I'm not quite sure why you have a problem with both a Christmas Tree and a Menorah in a public space. You aren't, after all, the only religion in the country and, luckily, we have no state sanctioned religion.

Now you know why separation of Church and State is so important. I know how that galls some people, though.

i knew you would get your knickers in a twist.....

christmas trees are not religious symbols.....

life is not fair and equal ... so tough noogies
i knew you would get your knickers in a twist.....

christmas trees are not religious symbols.....

life is not fair and equal ... so tough noogies

Actually, I'm not the one with my "knickers in a twist" if you read the nasty posts on this thread.

life may not be fair and equal... hence our having a Constitution that prohibits government from taking sides and sanctioning one religion over another.

That a problem? Well, tough noogies! lol...
Actually, I'm not the one with my "knickers in a twist" if you read the nasty posts on this thread.

life may not be fair and equal... hence our having a Constitution that prohibits government from taking sides and sanctioning one religion over another.

That a problem? Well, tough noogies! lol...

Problem is--you think that allowing someone to celebrate on public property is playing favorites-- That it's "cramming" some message down some poor easily led astray folks. It's amazing after all these years of religious indoctination we still have non-believers.
I always thought they were pretty. *shrug*

There are lots of pagan symbols mixed in with Christianity and other religions as well. That's what happens when religions are transplanted from one place to another and replace the local belief system.

The point is, this is a good example of witch-hunting. I'm glad I'm not so damned thin-skinned. I see all kinds of symbols every day, throughout the day that don't agree with my religious beliefs.

The Christmas tree is a globally recognized symbol for the season. It is nto a Christian tradition nor symbol. Nowehere is Christmas tree mentioned in the Old or New Testaments.

It's a Nordic/European tradition.

And yeah, they look cool. This is just some nimrod wanting to get his face on the 5 o'clock news.
Actually, I'm not the one with my "knickers in a twist" if you read the nasty posts on this thread.

life may not be fair and equal... hence our having a Constitution that prohibits government from taking sides and sanctioning one religion over another.

That a problem? Well, tough noogies! lol...

The problem with your argument is that the US Constitution does not preclude religion within the government. It precludes a government-endorsed religion. That has been stretched about as far as it can be without just rewriting it.

Whether you agree with it or not, or like it or not, or try to pretend it doesn't exist, this Nation was made by Christians for Christians. I doubt anyone envisioned we would become the Godless wretches we have, living only for our own material and physical comfort. If they had, perhaps they would have spelled out that the exclusionary clause is to ensure the US doesn't fall prey to the ills that plagued Europe at the time .... countries with governments dominated by a Church.
The problem with your argument is that the US Constitution does not preclude religion within the government. It precludes a government-endorsed religion. That has been stretched about as far as it can be without just rewriting it.

Whether you agree with it or not, or like it or not, or try to pretend it doesn't exist, this Nation was made by Christians for Christians. I doubt anyone envisioned we would become the Godless wretches we have, living only for our own material and physical comfort. If they had, perhaps they would have spelled out that the exclusionary clause is to ensure the US doesn't fall prey to the ills that plagued Europe at the time .... countries with governments dominated by a Church.

You can't have government NOT favor one religion over another UNLESS religion is precluded in government. Now, I don't believe that has to be taken to an insane extreme. There are certain values which are universal and certain sentiments which are inoffensive and have a long-standing tradition. I went to three swearing in ceremonies for judges last week and each began with a prayer. Nothing wrong with that and it didn't trouble me because the prayers were non-sectarian. Would an athiest be offended by that? Maybe some, but most probably couldn't care less.

But this country wasn't started by Christians for Christians. It was started by deists who wanted no part of government religion -- which really ticked off the Puritan types who thought they were going to get a Christian Country when they left England.

Mixing government with religion diminishes both government and religion for the reason that you mention in terms of Europe and governments dominated by a Church. But nor should religion be dominated or fostered by government.
You can't have government NOT favor one religion over another UNLESS religion is precluded in government. Now, I don't believe that has to be taken to an insane extreme. There are certain values which are universal and certain sentiments which are inoffensive and have a long-standing tradition. I went to three swearing in ceremonies for judges last week and each began with a prayer. Nothing wrong with that and it didn't trouble me because the prayers were non-sectarian. Would an athiest be offended by that? Maybe some, but most probably couldn't care less.

But this country wasn't started by Christians for Christians. It was started by deists who wanted no part of government religion -- which really ticked off the Puritan types who thought they were going to get a Christian Country when they left England.

Mixing government with religion diminishes both government and religion for the reason that you mention in terms of Europe and governments dominated by a Church. But nor should religion be dominated or fostered by government.

I disagree. There were some deists who were part of the founding fathers. The overwhelming majority were Christians who had no problem with keeping "the Church" as a political organization out of the government. "The Church" would be in the European context where a single church held political power in one or more countries.

I am not a proponent of theocracy/state-sponsored religion. But I'm not going to revise history to suit my argument. I agree with your assessment that government and religion diminish both; however, I don't see where that would apply to OUR government. If it was any more diminished it would be rolling backward.

I see all sorts of symbols every single day, religious and otherwise, that do not necessarily reflect my beliefs. So I don't worry about them. They ahve no meaning to me unless I give it to them.
If this is the way it is going to be, I'd better not ever see a gov't employee in an airport wearing a hijab or a yarmulke. They are symbols of other religions, and I might just get offended and have to sue. Who knows what insidious conversion messages those objects might channel into my brain.
Seperation of church and state. If you don't show consideration to all, then show nothing. Now, that being said, the managers at the airport should be given metals. Why?? Cause the next thing you do, if they had caved in to the Rabbi, is to invite Quanza decorations, and then what??? Mouslim decorations for what ever holiday they embrace?

The main reason I believe that the Rabbi did the airport a favor is because he is sewing his own seeds of distruction,, or at least, dis interest the next time the Jews are fouled. People who were interviewed at the airport were more than a bit pissed off that this guy started the shit.. Hope they remember who stripped them of their joy this holiday,,, and it wasn't the airport managers either. Me on an antisemtic roll again?? Nope. The rabbi is doing fine on his own. Mozeltoff to him!

By the Way,, Apocolytic is NUMBER 1 at the box office,. WAY TO GO MEL GIBSON!!!
the jews killed christ.....and made him a they are complaining...classic

I disagree - the Romans killed Christ...And Jesus was a Jew if you want to blame them, they killed one of their own..

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