Another Celebrity Needs to be DixieChicked

The thing I hate almost as much as celebrity artists inserting their opinions of politics to their fans, is people demanding a boycott of an artist for that opinion.

Frank was vocal about his politics.

But he would likely defend controversial speech now with the same philosophy he applied to consumption of his music then: Take it or leave it, but allow it to exist freely. “I have no desire to inflict [my work] on people who don’t want to consume it,” he said. “It’s there if you like it. If you don’t like it, there’s all those other [groups] on the list.”

Why Frank Zappa is the Voice America (Still) Needs

I don't recall him defending Tipper Gore's speech.

I'm sure if she said the word "fuck", instead of the "eff-word", he would have been happy to stand up for her right to say that word'
Why do celebrities keep inserting themselves into politics?
Because Americans love pop-icons, prophets, and messiahs.

It all started (as memory has it) with John Lennon. It wasn't his fault (from the beginning) but by the time the seventies came, pop-stars and all sorts of celebrities were established as more-knowledgeable-than-anyone-else-on-the-planet when it comes to world events and its' conscience.

So now, speaking out on "whatever" is as compulsory to celebrities as it is to rock-stars faking "a good time" on stage and guitarists getting up close to each other for a phoney "Right on, brother! We're rockin!".

Pop stars? Maybe. But remember that politicians and "religious" actors have also been "established as more-knowledgeable-than-anyone-else-on-the-planet when it comes to world events and its' conscience." You might not have liked John Lennon, but what is your basis for liking someone like frankie graham or whatever pope is in? These are all just people like ourselves, who think that they know more than the rest of us. I prefer Bob Dylan's words: "don't follow leaders, watch your parking meters."
Just allow half the entertainment people to promote their politics instead of destroying them. We need two of each show now.
What does this mean? While not knowing exactly what you mean, why just the "entertainment people"? How about people in the political and religious industries doing the same thing?
People in the religious areas have their own stations. What political industries do non Progs have excepting a few people on FOX and a few radio hosts? Practically every program made today pushes Prog agendas at least subtly. Religious stations may never have existed if they were not around before the near total Prog takeover of the media market.

Religion is an industry the same as anything else is. The people involved in it are just like anyone else. They know no more, no less, than anyone else does.
Again, playing stupid is not a refutation.
Further, how can you be sure that thing is a man?
That’s pretty fucked of you to identify it...isn’t it?

You know I am correct, your racism always overrides all else in your life.

Cool, start a thread about my racism...I’ll play along.
This one is about Taylor Swift...Her parents, old fashioned farmers from Pennsylvania have watched their daughter turn full fucking Loon...I’m sure they’re ashamed of her. Good, legit parents can’t give two fucks about the wealth...character, decency, morality, always TRUMPS wealth when it comes to our children. You wouldn’t understand.

Her dad is a stock broker and her mom a Mutual fund manager from a town that went 90% for Hillary.

Unfortunately you don't get to pick your parents.

I do pity his poor children. Growing up with a dad that thinks women are inferior and in need of being commanded by their man.

Cool, I pity cucked fathers and husbands whom don’t have the nuts to lead their families.
Why do celebrities keep inserting themselves into politics?
Because Americans love pop-icons, prophets, and messiahs.

It all started (as memory has it) with John Lennon. It wasn't his fault (from the beginning) but by the time the seventies came, pop-stars and all sorts of celebrities were established as more-knowledgeable-than-anyone-else-on-the-planet when it comes to world events and its' conscience.

So now, speaking out on "whatever" is as compulsory to celebrities as it is to rock-stars faking "a good time" on stage and guitarists getting up close to each other for a phoney "Right on, brother! We're rockin!".

No it didn't. It started before the 70s.

If you were alive in the 60s you would have heard tons of anti war and anti LBJ songs and chants.

The most memorable chant was Hey Hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today? And One, Two, Three, Four, We don't want your fuckin war.

If you turned on your radio you would have heard songs like For What It's Worth by The Buffalo Springfield with Steve Stills singing about how the government oppressed the war protesters.

It was recorded in 1966 and was on the radio in 1967:

The Beatles stared singing and speaking out against the war in their songs in the 60s too.

Then there's Bob Dylan who wrote and released many anti war and government songs in the 60s.

In fact there were tons of anti war and anti government songs in the 60s.

It didn't start in the 70s.

Today is just yesterday repeated. We who remember never wanted it to be this way. Four dead in Ohio. At least our succeeding generations are still following the call to freedom.
You know I am correct, your racism always overrides all else in your life.

Cool, start a thread about my racism...I’ll play along.
This one is about Taylor Swift...Her parents, old fashioned farmers from Pennsylvania have watched their daughter turn full fucking Loon...I’m sure they’re ashamed of her. Good, legit parents can’t give two fucks about the wealth...character, decency, morality, always TRUMPS wealth when it comes to our children. You wouldn’t understand.

Her dad is a stock broker and her mom a Mutual fund manager from a town that went 90% for Hillary.

Unfortunately you don't get to pick your parents.

I do pity his poor children. Growing up with a dad that thinks women are inferior and in need of being commanded by their man.

Cool, I pity cucked fathers and husbands whom don’t have the nuts to lead their families.

So, do you have the balls to address your lies about her parents?
I don’t listen to Swift, I also don’t really care what her politics are. I feel the same about Ted Nugent. Most are self absorbed and take themselves way to seriously, they are only entertainers, not much else.

I don't listen to her music either. She started out I country western and I so don't like that music then she went to the music she's doing now which is mostly bubble gum drivel.

However I do like that song You Need To Calm Down.

I've worked with ted nugent. He's nothing like Ms. Swift. He's a rude and angry man. All he did backstage was rant about liberals and insult everyone .

On top of he's deadbeat. He tried to stiff me on his bill with me. He had no problem calling me names and insulting me and people like me but when it came to my photography, he and his manager insisted that I take photos. I didn't want to but ended up doing it just to shut them up.

I worked with that man once. Never again.

He never learned to not insult your fans or the photographer they beg to cover the show.

While I don't like the man, I like his music. I always have. He's a gifted musician and guitar player. While I don't like him and would never work with him again, I listen to and enjoy his music.

I don't let personalities or politics get in the way of good music.

I dealt with Taylor Swift and her group when she was in Tacoma a few years back. Didn't really deal with her but her staff and entourage were rude were demanding, that seems to go with the business.

I like Taylor's voice, not her music style. I did like one of her songs, however I can't remember the title.

Nugent, I have never cared for Nugent, never cared for his music. I prefer Styx, Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Kansas and ELO.

As far as politics and entertainers, I don't let politics get in the way of good music either.
Cool, start a thread about my racism...I’ll play along.
This one is about Taylor Swift...Her parents, old fashioned farmers from Pennsylvania have watched their daughter turn full fucking Loon...I’m sure they’re ashamed of her. Good, legit parents can’t give two fucks about the wealth...character, decency, morality, always TRUMPS wealth when it comes to our children. You wouldn’t understand.

Her dad is a stock broker and her mom a Mutual fund manager from a town that went 90% for Hillary.

Unfortunately you don't get to pick your parents.

I do pity his poor children. Growing up with a dad that thinks women are inferior and in need of being commanded by their man.

Cool, I pity cucked fathers and husbands whom don’t have the nuts to lead their families.

So, do you have the balls to address your lies about her parents?

Well...are you suggesting that since her parents are from a town that firmly voted Hillary that they did as well? Are you suggesting that everyone who voted for Hillary is supportive of all things filth?

Also, why are you so insistent upon driving American society further into the shitter?
If a Browner, Gayer nation is one far more criminal why would Democrats encourage such a movement?
Last edited:
Why do celebrities keep inserting themselves into politics?
Because Americans love pop-icons, prophets, and messiahs.

It all started (as memory has it) with John Lennon. It wasn't his fault (from the beginning) but by the time the seventies came, pop-stars and all sorts of celebrities were established as more-knowledgeable-than-anyone-else-on-the-planet when it comes to world events and its' conscience.

So now, speaking out on "whatever" is as compulsory to celebrities as it is to rock-stars faking "a good time" on stage and guitarists getting up close to each other for a phoney "Right on, brother! We're rockin!".

Pop stars? Maybe. But remember that politicians and "religious" actors have also been "established as more-knowledgeable-than-anyone-else-on-the-planet when it comes to world events and its' conscience." You might not have liked John Lennon, but what is your basis for liking someone like frankie graham or whatever pope is in? These are all just people like ourselves, who think that they know more than the rest of us. I prefer Bob Dylan's words: "don't follow leaders, watch your parking meters."
I never said I don't like John Lennon and I said it wasn't his fault.

But you still support people in the religious and political industries. People who stupidly think that they know better than the rest of us.
Her dad is a stock broker and her mom a Mutual fund manager from a town that went 90% for Hillary.

Unfortunately you don't get to pick your parents.

I do pity his poor children. Growing up with a dad that thinks women are inferior and in need of being commanded by their man.

Cool, I pity cucked fathers and husbands whom don’t have the nuts to lead their families.

So, do you have the balls to address your lies about her parents?

Well...are you suggesting that since her parents are from a town that firmly voted Hillary that they did as well? Are you suggesting that everyone who voted for Hillary is supportive of all things filth?

Also, why are you so insistent upon driving American society further into the shitter?
If a Browner, Gayer nation is one far more criminal why would Democrats encourage such a movement?

I am not suggesting a thing, I am calling you a fucking liar for making up shit about them being farmers.

And still so far the only “looney” things you have pointed to by her is not worshiping your god in the White house and daring to stand by a black person
You know I am correct, your racism always overrides all else in your life.

Cool, start a thread about my racism...I’ll play along.
This one is about Taylor Swift...Her parents, old fashioned farmers from Pennsylvania have watched their daughter turn full fucking Loon...I’m sure they’re ashamed of her. Good, legit parents can’t give two fucks about the wealth...character, decency, morality, always TRUMPS wealth when it comes to our children. You wouldn’t understand.

Her dad is a stock broker and her mom a Mutual fund manager from a town that went 90% for Hillary.

Unfortunately you don't get to pick your parents.

I do pity his poor children. Growing up with a dad that thinks women are inferior and in need of being commanded by their man.

Cool, I pity cucked fathers and husbands whom don’t have the nuts to lead their families.

Ummm . . . do you think with your penis? You seem to have a problem with your gender and with the other gender. Try growing up and meeting female humans, who are your equals.
Cool, start a thread about my racism...I’ll play along.
This one is about Taylor Swift...Her parents, old fashioned farmers from Pennsylvania have watched their daughter turn full fucking Loon...I’m sure they’re ashamed of her. Good, legit parents can’t give two fucks about the wealth...character, decency, morality, always TRUMPS wealth when it comes to our children. You wouldn’t understand.

Her dad is a stock broker and her mom a Mutual fund manager from a town that went 90% for Hillary.

Unfortunately you don't get to pick your parents.

I do pity his poor children. Growing up with a dad that thinks women are inferior and in need of being commanded by their man.

Cool, I pity cucked fathers and husbands whom don’t have the nuts to lead their families.

Ummm . . . do you think with your penis? You seem to have a problem with your gender and with the other gender. Try growing up and meeting female humans, who are your equals.

BL does not view women as equals, he has stated they are inferior and due to that have to be told what to do by their men as they are too weak to make their own decisions
Why do celebrities keep inserting themselves into politics?

<< Pop megastar and left-wing activist Taylor Swift took a not-so-sublte shot at President Donald Trump’s administration on Monday night from the stage of the 36th annual MTV Video Music Awards.
“I just want to say that this is a fan-voted award. So, I first want to say thank you to the fans because in this video, several points were made, so you voting for this video means that you want a world where we’re all treated equally,” Taylor Swift said during her acceptance speech for video of the year for her politically charged video “You Need to Calm Down.”

“Regardless of who we are, regardless of how we identify, at the end of this video there was a petition — and there still is a petition for the Equality Act, which basically just says we all deserve equal rights under the law,” the Grammy-winner continued, before taking a swipe at the administration. >>
Video: Taylor Swift Targets Trump White House at MTV VMAs

Taylor Swift steps up a notch or two on the correct board.
Why do celebrities keep inserting themselves into politics?
Because Americans love pop-icons, prophets, and messiahs.

It all started (as memory has it) with John Lennon. It wasn't his fault (from the beginning) but by the time the seventies came, pop-stars and all sorts of celebrities were established as more-knowledgeable-than-anyone-else-on-the-planet when it comes to world events and its' conscience.

So now, speaking out on "whatever" is as compulsory to celebrities as it is to rock-stars faking "a good time" on stage and guitarists getting up close to each other for a phoney "Right on, brother! We're rockin!".

Pop stars? Maybe. But remember that politicians and "religious" actors have also been "established as more-knowledgeable-than-anyone-else-on-the-planet when it comes to world events and its' conscience." You might not have liked John Lennon, but what is your basis for liking someone like frankie graham or whatever pope is in? These are all just people like ourselves, who think that they know more than the rest of us. I prefer Bob Dylan's words: "don't follow leaders, watch your parking meters."
I never said I don't like John Lennon and I said it wasn't his fault.

But you still support people in the religious and political industries. People who stupidly think that they know better than the rest of us.
I never said anything like that.
I've never bought any of her records, so I'm already 'boycotting' her, I guess. Hardly any singers and bands that cater to the 11 year old girl demographic inspire me to buy anything of theirs.
She is out growing her demographic, that’s why she is spewing her “ controversial “ bs. It’s because she thinks it’s the popular thing to do.

Sure isn’t because she actually cares about any of that crap.
Why do celebrities keep inserting themselves into politics?

<< Pop megastar and left-wing activist Taylor Swift took a not-so-sublte shot at President Donald Trump’s administration on Monday night from the stage of the 36th annual MTV Video Music Awards.
“I just want to say that this is a fan-voted award. So, I first want to say thank you to the fans because in this video, several points were made, so you voting for this video means that you want a world where we’re all treated equally,” Taylor Swift said during her acceptance speech for video of the year for her politically charged video “You Need to Calm Down.”

“Regardless of who we are, regardless of how we identify, at the end of this video there was a petition — and there still is a petition for the Equality Act, which basically just says we all deserve equal rights under the law,” the Grammy-winner continued, before taking a swipe at the administration. >>
Video: Taylor Swift Targets Trump White House at MTV VMAs

She is a no body. Who was watching the VMA? Taylor Swift needs Donald Trump. She is trying to do what Colbert did for a career boost. Let her swipe. It's already forgotten.
How is what she did any different than what Ted Nugent does?

or kidd rock
or clint eastwood
or tim allan
or kelsey grammer

Pretty much.
So lets get this straight a women arranges a petition asking the white house about being treated equally in law...

Now she is the enemy...

Fair enough...

Could all women now know that the White House considers you second class citizens...
You really going to sit there and pretend all of Congress (and Hollywood) doesn’t consider everyone outside of their social class “second class” citizens?
How is what she did any different than what Ted Nugent does?
explain? I'm not following your connection.

Yes you do.
name a song ted did where he made a point of bringing it out as politics?

Ted Nugent is washed up. Taylor Swift is to. She is past the height of her career and needs Trump to matter. Colbert salvaged his career using Trump. Many have, and others have done the same in the past. No one but like minded folk listen to anything from Ted Nugent if it ain't "stranglehold". No one listens to Taylor Swift unless it "shake it off".
I've never bought any of her records, so I'm already 'boycotting' her, I guess. Hardly any singers and bands that cater to the 11 year old girl demographic inspire me to buy anything of theirs.
So far you boycotting:
Most of the singers, Hollywood, media, NFL, NBA, most of the world, most Americans that voted against the orange, the UN, Denmark, Canada.....just because of you love DT? Must be a rough life.

Not as rough as Ramadan is for you.
Is the best...fasting is practiced by non muslims now. Try it is good for you.
Why do celebrities keep inserting themselves into politics?

<< Pop megastar and left-wing activist Taylor Swift took a not-so-sublte shot at President Donald Trump’s administration on Monday night from the stage of the 36th annual MTV Video Music Awards.
“I just want to say that this is a fan-voted award. So, I first want to say thank you to the fans because in this video, several points were made, so you voting for this video means that you want a world where we’re all treated equally,” Taylor Swift said during her acceptance speech for video of the year for her politically charged video “You Need to Calm Down.”

“Regardless of who we are, regardless of how we identify, at the end of this video there was a petition — and there still is a petition for the Equality Act, which basically just says we all deserve equal rights under the law,” the Grammy-winner continued, before taking a swipe at the administration. >>
Video: Taylor Swift Targets Trump White House at MTV VMAs

I bet her parents are proud.

I bet they are too, she is one of the top selling music artist in history.

Her parents are decent, moral, wise folks, their daughter sold her ass to Hollywood and bought the filthy programming of the severely LefTarded. She’s completely fucked in the head and NO decent parent can be proud of their daughter gone full Loon.

Yea, her father hates her to the tune he passed out free pizza for people waiting overnight at her central park concert last week. Guess he just wanted to show concert goers he was ashamed.

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