Another Celebrity Needs to be DixieChicked

The thing I hate almost as much as celebrity artists inserting their opinions of politics to their fans, is people demanding a boycott of an artist for that opinion.

The thing I hate almost as much as celebrity artists inserting their opinions of politics to their fans, is people demanding a boycott of an artist for that opinion.

Frank was vocal about his politics.
How is what she did any different than what Ted Nugent does?
explain? I'm not following your connection.

Yes you do.
name a song ted did where he made a point of bringing it out as politics?

This isn't about a Taylor Swift song. But all the same you show you did understand.
no, she thanked the fans for figuring out her song was a political statement and the vote for her meant americans are all for transgenders. That isn't so at all. So, I want to know when ted did a song and it got voted in as an award where he thanked them for their political statement.
How is what she did any different than what Ted Nugent does?
explain? I'm not following your connection.

Yes you do.
name a song ted did where he made a point of bringing it out as politics?

This isn't about a Taylor Swift song. But all the same you show you did understand.
no, she thanked the fans for figuring out her song was a political statement and the vote for her meant americans are all for transgenders. That isn't so at all. So, I want to know when ted did a song and got voted it in as an award where he thanked them for their political statement.

And then you will need one that was released in August. And then one from the same studio. Oddly many others were able to figure this out.
explain? I'm not following your connection.

Yes you do.
name a song ted did where he made a point of bringing it out as politics?

This isn't about a Taylor Swift song. But all the same you show you did understand.
no, she thanked the fans for figuring out her song was a political statement and the vote for her meant americans are all for transgenders. That isn't so at all. So, I want to know when ted did a song and got voted it in as an award where he thanked them for their political statement.

And then you will need one that was released in August. And then one from the same studio. Oddly many others were able to figure this out.
so you admit he isn't anything what swift did like you lied about. got it.
Why do celebrities keep inserting themselves into politics?
Because Americans love pop-icons, prophets, and messiahs.

It all started (as memory has it) with John Lennon. It wasn't his fault (from the beginning) but by the time the seventies came, pop-stars and all sorts of celebrities were established as more-knowledgeable-than-anyone-else-on-the-planet when it comes to world events and its' conscience.

So now, speaking out on "whatever" is as compulsory to celebrities as it is to rock-stars faking "a good time" on stage and guitarists getting up close to each other for a phoney "Right on, brother! We're rockin!".

No it didn't. It started before the 70s.

If you were alive in the 60s you would have heard tons of anti war and anti LBJ songs and chants.

The most memorable chant was Hey Hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today? And One, Two, Three, Four, We don't want your fuckin war.

If you turned on your radio you would have heard songs like For What It's Worth by The Buffalo Springfield with Steve Stills singing about how the government oppressed the war protesters.

It was recorded in 1966 and was on the radio in 1967:

The Beatles stared singing and speaking out against the war in their songs in the 60s too.

Then there's Bob Dylan who wrote and released many anti war and government songs in the 60s.

In fact there were tons of anti war and anti government songs in the 60s.

It didn't start in the 70s.

You make a strong point BUT....there were "protest songs" written even earlier (in the 30's? 40's?)....
You are further left than I am and I happen to be very fond of money.
Her only crime is having a different political point of view than you. She has done nothing to be labeled a terrible human being. She has given more to charities than you will make in your lifetime of being a slumlord. She has worked with the governor of her home state to combat sexual predators on the Internet . So yeah, I bet her parents are damn proud of her.

But she is not a certified Trump worshiper so to you she is evil.

You are such a piece of shit

Thanks...anytime a disturbed Lefty refers to me as a “piece of shit” I know for fact that my positions are on point.
One can be wealthy and do good some things while being a twisted fucked in the head know this...right?

Other than not worshiping your god in the White House, what is twisted and fucked up in the head about Taylor Swift?

Playing stupid is not a refutation. This isn’t about politics bud.
The dirty rug munching whore is completely Californicated...NO legit parent can be proud of that...NONE!



Are you starting to get it now? I get it! She is standing next to a black man! No wonder you hate her so much!

So it is not about her saying something sort of mean about your god, it is about the audacity of her standing next to a black man.

don't be too hard on brokeloser...

he is broke...

and a loser....

as he readily admits....

Yes you're right.

People have been singing protest songs for as long as there's been music. Music is a very strong driving force for free speech and change in the world.

John Lennon started singing and speaking out politically way before the 70s and before The Beatles broke up.

One of my favorite Beatles songs:

The thing is, they actually did what they sang about what they wanted to do. The Beatles not only changed music and Rock and Roll. They DID change the world.

John's greatest song was after The Beatles. It's how I've wanted the world to be all my life:

My opinion is that The Beatles is one of the two greatest bands in Rock and Roll.
Why do celebrities keep inserting themselves into politics?
I don’t know. Ask trump and Reagan.

and kid rock
and ted nugent
and clint eastwood

3 people?

Hey you forgot about joanie loves chachi..

"Hey you forgot about joanie loves chachi.."

I did forget.
Thanks for reminding me!

and jon voight

and tom selleck "I am a proud and OUTSPOKEN conservative who wishes "hollywood liberals" would just shut up!"

and Craig T Nelson " I was on welfare and food stamps and nobody bailed ME out!" there anyone as stupid as a conservative?

conservative actors should self censor themselves....
The thing I hate almost as much as celebrity artists inserting their opinions of politics to their fans, is people demanding a boycott of an artist for that opinion.

Frank was vocal about his politics.

But he would likely defend controversial speech now with the same philosophy he applied to consumption of his music then: Take it or leave it, but allow it to exist freely. “I have no desire to inflict [my work] on people who don’t want to consume it,” he said. “It’s there if you like it. If you don’t like it, there’s all those other [groups] on the list.”

Why Frank Zappa is the Voice America (Still) Needs
Why do celebrities keep inserting themselves into politics?
Because Americans love pop-icons, prophets, and messiahs.

It all started (as memory has it) with John Lennon. It wasn't his fault (from the beginning) but by the time the seventies came, pop-stars and all sorts of celebrities were established as more-knowledgeable-than-anyone-else-on-the-planet when it comes to world events and its' conscience.

So now, speaking out on "whatever" is as compulsory to celebrities as it is to rock-stars faking "a good time" on stage and guitarists getting up close to each other for a phoney "Right on, brother! We're rockin!".

Pop stars? Maybe. But remember that politicians and "religious" actors have also been "established as more-knowledgeable-than-anyone-else-on-the-planet when it comes to world events and its' conscience." You might not have liked John Lennon, but what is your basis for liking someone like frankie graham or whatever pope is in? These are all just people like ourselves, who think that they know more than the rest of us. I prefer Bob Dylan's words: "don't follow leaders, watch your parking meters."
I never said I don't like John Lennon and I said it wasn't his fault.
The thing I hate almost as much as celebrity artists inserting their opinions of politics to their fans, is people demanding a boycott of an artist for that opinion.

Frank was vocal about his politics.

But he would likely defend controversial speech now with the same philosophy he applied to consumption of his music then: Take it or leave it, but allow it to exist freely. “I have no desire to inflict [my work] on people who don’t want to consume it,” he said. “It’s there if you like it. If you don’t like it, there’s all those other [groups] on the list.”

Why Frank Zappa is the Voice America (Still) Needs

I don't recall him defending Tipper Gore's speech.
Why do celebrities keep inserting themselves into politics?
Because Americans love pop-icons, prophets, and messiahs.

It all started (as memory has it) with John Lennon. It wasn't his fault (from the beginning) but by the time the seventies came, pop-stars and all sorts of celebrities were established as more-knowledgeable-than-anyone-else-on-the-planet when it comes to world events and its' conscience.

So now, speaking out on "whatever" is as compulsory to celebrities as it is to rock-stars faking "a good time" on stage and guitarists getting up close to each other for a phoney "Right on, brother! We're rockin!".

Pop stars? Maybe. But remember that politicians and "religious" actors have also been "established as more-knowledgeable-than-anyone-else-on-the-planet when it comes to world events and its' conscience." You might not have liked John Lennon, but what is your basis for liking someone like frankie graham or whatever pope is in? These are all just people like ourselves, who think that they know more than the rest of us. I prefer Bob Dylan's words: "don't follow leaders, watch your parking meters."
Just allow half the entertainment people to promote their politics instead of destroying them. We need two of each show now.
I think I agree.
Other than not worshiping your god in the White House, what is twisted and fucked up in the head about Taylor Swift?

Playing stupid is not a refutation. This isn’t about politics bud.
The dirty rug munching whore is completely Californicated...NO legit parent can be proud of that...NONE!



Are you starting to get it now? I get it! She is standing next to a black man! No wonder you hate her so much!

So it is not about her saying something sort of mean about your god, it is about the audacity of her standing next to a black man.

Again, playing stupid is not a refutation.
Further, how can you be sure that thing is a man?
That’s pretty fucked of you to identify it...isn’t it?

You know I am correct, your racism always overrides all else in your life.

Cool, start a thread about my racism...I’ll play along.
This one is about Taylor Swift...Her parents, old fashioned farmers from Pennsylvania have watched their daughter turn full fucking Loon...I’m sure they’re ashamed of her. Good, legit parents can’t give two fucks about the wealth...character, decency, morality, always TRUMPS wealth when it comes to our children. You wouldn’t understand.

Her dad is a stock broker and her mom a Mutual fund manager from a town that went 90% for Hillary.

And so far the only “loon” thing you have pointed to is her not worshiping Trump and her standing next to a black person.

The only loon here is you!

Oh, and being proud of your child for being one of the top selling artist in history is about far more than the wealth, it is about being one of the best at her craft.
Why do celebrities keep inserting themselves into politics?
Because Americans love pop-icons, prophets, and messiahs.

It all started (as memory has it) with John Lennon. It wasn't his fault (from the beginning) but by the time the seventies came, pop-stars and all sorts of celebrities were established as more-knowledgeable-than-anyone-else-on-the-planet when it comes to world events and its' conscience.

So now, speaking out on "whatever" is as compulsory to celebrities as it is to rock-stars faking "a good time" on stage and guitarists getting up close to each other for a phoney "Right on, brother! We're rockin!".

No it didn't. It started before the 70s.

If you were alive in the 60s you would have heard tons of anti war and anti LBJ songs and chants.

The most memorable chant was Hey Hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today? And One, Two, Three, Four, We don't want your fuckin war.

If you turned on your radio you would have heard songs like For What It's Worth by The Buffalo Springfield with Steve Stills singing about how the government oppressed the war protesters.

It was recorded in 1966 and was on the radio in 1967:

The Beatles stared singing and speaking out against the war in their songs in the 60s too.

Then there's Bob Dylan who wrote and released many anti war and government songs in the 60s.

In fact there were tons of anti war and anti government songs in the 60s.

It didn't start in the 70s.

I must be older than you. Read my post again. I didn't say it started in the 70's.
Playing stupid is not a refutation. This isn’t about politics bud.
The dirty rug munching whore is completely Californicated...NO legit parent can be proud of that...NONE!



Are you starting to get it now? I get it! She is standing next to a black man! No wonder you hate her so much!

So it is not about her saying something sort of mean about your god, it is about the audacity of her standing next to a black man.

Again, playing stupid is not a refutation.
Further, how can you be sure that thing is a man?
That’s pretty fucked of you to identify it...isn’t it?

You know I am correct, your racism always overrides all else in your life.

Cool, start a thread about my racism...I’ll play along.
This one is about Taylor Swift...Her parents, old fashioned farmers from Pennsylvania have watched their daughter turn full fucking Loon...I’m sure they’re ashamed of her. Good, legit parents can’t give two fucks about the wealth...character, decency, morality, always TRUMPS wealth when it comes to our children. You wouldn’t understand.

Her dad is a stock broker and her mom a Mutual fund manager from a town that went 90% for Hillary.

Unfortunately you don't get to pick your parents.
Why do celebrities keep inserting themselves into politics?
Because Americans love pop-icons, prophets, and messiahs.

It all started (as memory has it) with John Lennon. It wasn't his fault (from the beginning) but by the time the seventies came, pop-stars and all sorts of celebrities were established as more-knowledgeable-than-anyone-else-on-the-planet when it comes to world events and its' conscience.

So now, speaking out on "whatever" is as compulsory to celebrities as it is to rock-stars faking "a good time" on stage and guitarists getting up close to each other for a phoney "Right on, brother! We're rockin!".

No it didn't. It started before the 70s.

If you were alive in the 60s you would have heard tons of anti war and anti LBJ songs and chants.

The most memorable chant was Hey Hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today? And One, Two, Three, Four, We don't want your fuckin war.

If you turned on your radio you would have heard songs like For What It's Worth by The Buffalo Springfield with Steve Stills singing about how the government oppressed the war protesters.

It was recorded in 1966 and was on the radio in 1967:

The Beatles stared singing and speaking out against the war in their songs in the 60s too.

Then there's Bob Dylan who wrote and released many anti war and government songs in the 60s.

In fact there were tons of anti war and anti government songs in the 60s.

It didn't start in the 70s.

You make a strong point BUT....there were "protest songs" written even earlier (in the 30's? 40's?)....
Thanks...anytime a disturbed Lefty refers to me as a “piece of shit” I know for fact that my positions are on point.
One can be wealthy and do good some things while being a twisted fucked in the head know this...right?

Other than not worshiping your god in the White House, what is twisted and fucked up in the head about Taylor Swift?

Playing stupid is not a refutation. This isn’t about politics bud.
The dirty rug munching whore is completely Californicated...NO legit parent can be proud of that...NONE!



Are you starting to get it now? I get it! She is standing next to a black man! No wonder you hate her so much!

So it is not about her saying something sort of mean about your god, it is about the audacity of her standing next to a black man.

don't be too hard on brokeloser...

he is broke...

and a loser....

as he readily admits....

Yes you're right.

People have been singing protest songs for as long as there's been music. Music is a very strong driving force for free speech and change in the world.

John Lennon started singing and speaking out politically way before the 70s and before The Beatles broke up.

One of my favorite Beatles songs:

The thing is, they actually did what they sang about what they wanted to do. The Beatles not only changed music and Rock and Roll. They DID change the world.

John's greatest song was after The Beatles. It's how I've wanted the world to be all my life:

My opinion is that The Beatles is one of the two greatest bands in Rock and Roll.

imagine, utopia, where was that at while he was alive, besides from the drugs he and all took back then? I get it! She is standing next to a black man! No wonder you hate her so much!

So it is not about her saying something sort of mean about your god, it is about the audacity of her standing next to a black man.

Again, playing stupid is not a refutation.
Further, how can you be sure that thing is a man?
That’s pretty fucked of you to identify it...isn’t it?

You know I am correct, your racism always overrides all else in your life.

Cool, start a thread about my racism...I’ll play along.
This one is about Taylor Swift...Her parents, old fashioned farmers from Pennsylvania have watched their daughter turn full fucking Loon...I’m sure they’re ashamed of her. Good, legit parents can’t give two fucks about the wealth...character, decency, morality, always TRUMPS wealth when it comes to our children. You wouldn’t understand.

Her dad is a stock broker and her mom a Mutual fund manager from a town that went 90% for Hillary.

Unfortunately you don't get to pick your parents.

I do pity his poor children. Growing up with a dad that thinks women are inferior and in need of being commanded by their man.

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