Another child sues for being sexually mutilated by the Left

Surely the parents had to sign consent forms for a breast removal procedure on their minor child.

Right wingers are ambulance chasers now!
It would not surpise me if the parents did not have to be notified

After all, when teachers start using pronouns to turn them into the other sex the parents don't have to be notified

But let's say they knew. The child was abused, not only by her parents, but by the medical staff as well.
I don't see "The Left" mentioned anywhere in the lawsuit. Are you illiterate? Did you need someone to read this story to you and they read it to you poorly? Is that what happened?
This is one of many reasons that the Chinese must become the Number one nation in the world.
Another day, another set of lies from a lying questionable right wing source.

  • Overall, we rate The Blaze strongly Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories and numerous failed fact checks.

Just another supporter of disfiguring little kids, well done mewling quim!
^^^This is how predators operate. Beware.

No, this is how the whole lying right wing media operates to keep the gullible voters outraged.
  • Overall, we rate The Blaze strongly Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories and numerous failed fact checks.
Just another supporter of disfiguring little kids, well done mewling quim!

The entire article is a lie. These "cases" never happened. Minimum age for breast surgery is 18. There are a lot of requirements to even be considered to have it at a younger age, that no 13 year old could ever meet, and by younger age, 16 is the absolute minimum in extra-ordinary circumstances.

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Another day, another set of lies from a lying questionable right wing source.

  • Overall, we rate The Blaze strongly Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories and numerous failed fact checks.

Lol, you loons denied this stuff was happening. Now we see y'all were covering it up. I hope these children sue the democrat party out of existence.
If these kids start suing your part it will be.
First I don't believe that allowing minor children to get elective surgery is a part of the Democrat plank. If it were it would not be the first time I disagreed with them. Probably won't be the last time either.

Also since we believe in law and order you'd have have evidence of a crime, not the usual phony allegations followed by a heaping mounds of hyperbole and innuendoes...
Another day, another set of lies from a lying questionable right wing source.

  • Overall, we rate The Blaze strongly Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories and numerous failed fact checks.

It is you who didn't bother to read the internal link that supported the article:



Introduction Layla is a biological female who had a complex array of mental health symptoms as a child and adolescent. Her symptoms included, among other things, the following:social anxiety, general anxiety, depression, pubertal struggles associated with significantly increased negative emotions, body dysmorphia and serious self-image concerns, weight gain, eating disorders, trouble socializing, trouble with bullying, behavior trouble, school suspensions because of behavior, anger, mania symptoms including rapid cycling moods and frequent rage attacks, gender confusion, inflicting self-harm, cutting her wrists and thighs, sweating, nausea, headaches, irritability, and suicidal ideation. Layla had some gender confusion from a very young age that became more pronounced with the onset of puberty.

Layla’s family had a history of mental health issues. Layla’s mother sought mental health counseling and medication for Layla as a child and continued to request and seek mental health assistance, but never received proper care or treatment for Layla in this regard.

When Layla was 11 years old, she came out as transgender and desired to “transition” to the opposite sex. Two of Layla’s initial providers advised that per Kaiser’s official policies, Layla could not start cross-sex hormones until she was 16 and advised that surgery was not permissible until age 18.

But, soon thereafter, Layla ended up in the hands of Dr. Watson, Dr. Taylor, and Dr. Tong. These doctors immediately approved Layla for cross-sex hormones and a double mastectomy at ages 12-13, without performing an adequate evaluation and treatment of Layla’s extensive mental health co-morbidities.

LINK 19 page PDF


Next time read the article first before you shoot your mouth off.
Another day, another set of lies from a lying questionable right wing source.

  • Overall, we rate The Blaze strongly Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories and numerous failed fact checks.


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