Another CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRy comes true. 181 democrats in Congress just voted to ban gas stoves

All any Republican who wants to stop this shit has to do is come to Environment and summon "The Doctor"

Crow is being served in the USMB main dining room. :laughing0301:

"Biden is not banning gas stoves:"

Yes, it's real: Joe Biden's Department of Energy just moved to ban nearly all gas stoves

"You believe fake news from a message board: FACT FOCUS: Biden administration isn't banning gas stoves"

Yes, it's real: Joe Biden's Department of Energy just moved to ban nearly all gas stoves

"Debunked PolitiFact - Claim about Energy Department, gas stoves, China is exaggerated"

Yes, it's real: Joe Biden's Department of Energy just moved to ban nearly all gas stoves

"Yes, the Biden administration is coming for your gas stove. What time should I expect them?"

Yes, it's real: Joe Biden's Department of Energy just moved to ban nearly all gas stoves

"The DOE announces a public meeting and retards think they are banning gas stoves."

Yes, it's real: Joe Biden's Department of Energy just moved to ban nearly all gas stoves

"Whining about New York's actions was used to justify the claim Biden was banning gas stoves."

Republicans still making hilariously absurd claims

"The agency clarified on Wednesday that there is no plan to ban gas stoves in the near future and that it is only “researching gas emissions” and “exploring new ways to address any health risks.” But that didn’t stop conservatives from pushing a narrative—sometimes joking, sometimes not—that federal agents are going to come into your home and rip out your gas range."

Republicans still making hilariously absurd claims

"The most recent silly claim is that Biden is going to ban gas stoves. There is no truth to that claim, any more than all the other claims that have been made.."

Republicans still making hilariously absurd claims

"No. They aren't coming for your gas stoves."

Republicans still making hilariously absurd claims

"They never proposed banning gas stoves."

Ridicule works! CPSC walks back announcement about banning gas stoves

"No, they aren't considering removing them from your house or outright banning them."

"Nobody is coming for your gas stoves."

"The Biden adm was never going to ban gas stoves. But that hasn't stopped the GOP from pretending"

"Nobody wants to ban gas stoves any more than they wanted to ban hamburgers and cows. It's just more silly crap to rile up the crazy MAGAs."

DeSantis' Response to The Gas Stove Argument

"Nobody has proposed banning gas stoves. This is as stupid as the recent outrage over supposedly banning cows."

DeSantis' Response to The Gas Stove Argument

"No one was ever going to ban gas stoves. The very idea is preposterous."

The Creepy Cult Surrounding the Gas Stove Panic Gets Exposed

"Funny, when this was posted this morning our resident conservatives seemed to think it was all real and yes, they were going to ban gas stoves."

The Creepy Cult Surrounding the Gas Stove Panic Gets Exposed

""probably" yeah that sounds like pretty hard core evidence. Wow what an idiot."

Biden Administration Consider Ban on Gas-Powered Stoves to Address Pollution Problem
Did the vote pass?
Thats obviously not the point.
You claimed the libs weren't coming after gas stoves and yet there they are holding a vote on banning them.
You idiots do this shit all the time,they're not coming for our guns yet every time you turn around they're doing exactly that.
I claimed..errr..what again?
I don't give a hoot about gas stoves...and am having a hard time seeing just what they have to do with my 2nd amendment~

BTW..I do believe the vote was about making a rule repealing a possible ban? So they knee-jerked out a vote against...almost like they're the opposition eh?

That you would think any of this Kabuki relevant is kinda funny.
I claimed..errr..what again?
I don't give a hoot about gas stoves...and am having a hard time seeing just what they have to do with my 2nd amendment~

BTW..I do believe the vote was about making a rule repealing a possible ban? So they knee-jerked out a vote against...almost like they're the opposition eh?

That you would think any of this Kabuki relevant is kinda funny.

Run Away Run Away!!!!

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You people aren't confused are you, with that tiny little clip? The bill was to repeal a department of energy rule on gas stoves and it passed, 249 to 181. Like I said earlier on this board, nobody is coming for your gas stove. I'm thinking of putting one in, just in case too many electric cars get plugged into the grid, and we have a power outage in winter, we can still cook and heat the kitchen.

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