Another CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRy comes true. 181 democrats in Congress just voted to ban gas stoves

I could explain it but you'll go off on tangents and I don't have time for leftist tangents

The very fact Congress took up the issue should be telling though

There's nothing to "explain." Just show me the legislation being put forth by the democrats to ban gas stoves. I'll wait.

Republicans took up the issue because they see this as another opportunity to rile up their nutty base for votes. It's really that simple.
There's nothing to "explain." Just show me the legislation being put forth by the democrats to ban gas stoves. I'll wait.

Republicans took up the issue because they see this as another opportunity to rile up their nutty base for votes. It's really that simple.

Gas stoves are linked to childhood autism.

Why would you not want to regulate them to reduce the danger to our children.

Safer is better.

Unless you hate children.

Do you hate children?
General question: When the Leftists have forced electric cars and electric stoves and electric lawnmowers, and electric everything else, and when nuclear power is gone (plants past their service life), where is all the electricity going to come from?

Seriously. Solar? WInd? Hydro? Unicorn Farts?

It's a serious question. Where THE FUCK do they think the electricity is going to come from?

Leftists can’t think beyond how they feel at any given moment.
General question: When the Leftists have forced electric cars and electric stoves and electric lawnmowers, and electric everything else, and when nuclear power is gone (plants past their service life), where is all the electricity going to come from?

Seriously. Solar? WInd? Hydro? Unicorn Farts?

It's a serious question. Where THE FUCK do they think the electricity is going to come from?

You may not have been paying attention.

Bill Gates actually has a plan for that.

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