Another Day, Another Anti-Vaxxer Dies of Covid

They appear to think that the vaccines and that the masks are claimed to be 100% effective. I don't know who told them that, or if they just created that fantasy in their own heads.

All they appear to "know" is that if precautions are not 100% effective, then they're 0% effective.

That's how simplistic and shallow and binary their thought processes have become. They're like one-celled organisms.
That is an insult to one celled organisms, at least they have a purpose in their short life.
They appear to think that the vaccines and that the masks are claimed to be 100% effective. I don't know who told them that, or if they just created that fantasy in their own heads.

All they appear to "know" is that if precautions are not 100% effective, then they're 0% effective.

That's how simplistic and shallow and binary their thought processes have become. They're like one-celled organisms.

Your dipshit "president" told everyone that. And you bought it. And now you're responsible for the deaths that lie caused.

You don't give a flying shit about anyone you lying sack o' shit.

Your passion is licking the boots of huge, authoritarian, oppressive government like a starving dog and this whole covid farce is a tool to help usher that in place of freedom and personal choice.

If there were any real patriots left in America you'd be somewhere appropriate no longer wasting perfectly good O2.
You're probably in Bejing.....licking Xi's boots clean right now.
You mad, bro?
It matters a very large amount.

How? You die with the vax or without it. So wtf?

Over 16,000 fully vaxed died in 6 months so WTF dude?

"While federal data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is incomplete, only accounting for a subset of states, the analysis found that between April and November, more than 16,700 vaccinated people had died -- the vast majority since the start of the delta variant's surge, earlier this summer. Similarly, nearly all – approximately 96% -- of the 1.8 million breakthrough cases – have come during the same time period."

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