Another Day, Another Anti-Vaxxer Dies of Covid

That's only true in your simplistic, binary mind.

You are a lunatic. I can't help you.

I'm not asking for your help. I'm asking you to stop supporting the lie that vaccinated people can't spread Covid. You're killing people.

He was "fully vaccinated" with the J&J vax (the least effective) and it makes no mention of the booster.

If you got J&J...get boosted folks

HE DIED YOU IDIOT!! LOLOLOLOLLOL You're crazy.'re just plain fully brain washed.
This is a 29 year old woman with three kids. Sad.

Wait the minute...

According to the article, she passed away from COVID on December 1, 2021, right?


Why would someone who passed away be on ventilator 20 days later.

Few notes. Girl that died is not from Port Huron, she's from Burton. None of the Bridget's posts in the article are on her Facebook page. Not a single mention or a single photo of her "sister" Danielle in her profile, Oops, didn't she said "fiance". Wouldn't she know if her sister is married?

And her sister Danielle, she's sure cheerful for someone who just lost a sister and whose Facebook profile has only one post about her "sister".

Fake news.
I wonder how many died FROM the vaccines. No doubt we’ll never know.
You won’t know as they are vanishingly small. What you do know is there have been at least seven billion doses of Pfizer alone given worldwide and there are no reports anywhere of people dying in concerning numbers.
You’re just a pussy.
You're lying again.
Oh look here? No doubt it’s just propaganda. It’s best to believe only sources approved by big pharma, government, and media. Right?
You won’t know as they are vanishingly small. What you do know is there have been at least seven billion doses of Pfizer alone given worldwide and there are no reports anywhere of people dying in concerning numbers.
You’re just a pussy.
Doubt that. It’s a huge coverup, but typical.

Here’s some good reading for you, but I’ve yet to meet a pro-big Pharma advocate who reads much. Maybe you’ll be the exception.

Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64​

CIndiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64

Fetal Risk Whistleblower OBGYN Doctor "The Vaccine Increased The Death Rate 25 Fold In 10 Months"​

The Pfizer Inoculations Do More Harm Than Good​

The FDA Wants to Hide Pre-Licensure Data Until You’re Dead and Now the CDC Wants to Hide the Post-Licensure Safety Data​

You must take this product. You cannot sue if injured. You can maybe see the clinical trial safety data in 75+ years. And the deidentified post-licensure safety data – no, you cannot see that either.​

The FDA Wants to Hide Pre-Licensure Data Until You’re Dead and Now the CDC Wants to Hide the Post-Licensure Safety Data
This is a 29 year old woman with three kids. Sad.

You don't give a flying shit about anyone you lying sack o' shit.

Your passion is licking the boots of huge, authoritarian, oppressive government like a starving dog and this whole covid farce is a tool to help usher that in place of freedom and personal choice.

If there were any real patriots left in America you'd be somewhere appropriate no longer wasting perfectly good O2.
You're probably in Bejing.....licking Xi's boots clean right now.
Oh look here? No doubt it’s just propaganda. It’s best to believe only sources approved by big pharma, government, and media. Right?

Doubt that. It’s a huge coverup, but typical.

Here’s some good reading for you, but I’ve yet to meet a pro-big Pharma advocate who reads much. Maybe you’ll be the exception.

Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64​

CIndiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64

Fetal Risk Whistleblower OBGYN Doctor "The Vaccine Increased The Death Rate 25 Fold In 10 Months"​

The Pfizer Inoculations Do More Harm Than Good​

The FDA Wants to Hide Pre-Licensure Data Until You’re Dead and Now the CDC Wants to Hide the Post-Licensure Safety Data​

You must take this product. You cannot sue if injured. You can maybe see the clinical trial safety data in 75+ years. And the deidentified post-licensure safety data – no, you cannot see that either.​

The FDA Wants to Hide Pre-Licensure Data Until You’re Dead and Now the CDC Wants to Hide the Post-Licensure Safety Data

Of course you doubt that. You’re a moron.
Oh look here? No doubt it’s just propaganda. It’s best to believe only sources approved by big pharma, government, and media. Right?

Doubt that. It’s a huge coverup, but typical.

Here’s some good reading for you, but I’ve yet to meet a pro-big Pharma advocate who reads much. Maybe you’ll be the exception.

Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64​

CIndiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64

Fetal Risk Whistleblower OBGYN Doctor "The Vaccine Increased The Death Rate 25 Fold In 10 Months"​

The Pfizer Inoculations Do More Harm Than Good​

The FDA Wants to Hide Pre-Licensure Data Until You’re Dead and Now the CDC Wants to Hide the Post-Licensure Safety Data​

You must take this product. You cannot sue if injured. You can maybe see the clinical trial safety data in 75+ years. And the deidentified post-licensure safety data – no, you cannot see that either.​

The FDA Wants to Hide Pre-Licensure Data Until You’re Dead and Now the CDC Wants to Hide the Post-Licensure Safety Data

It's real nice of you to be so patient with these obvious CCP trolls taking the time to actually explain truth to them.

If only they cared. They don't. Too many have yet to understand the true nature of the Leftist beast.

They are disgusting, irrational, authoritarian loving, freedom killing boot lickers who want nothing more to see all humanity enslaved.
Once you realize that, you stop wasting your time on them and see them for what they really are (Parasites) and treat them accordingly.
Cordiality not required or effective.
No mention of underlying illness. She obviously had other health issues.
Nothing suggested she’s an ‘anti-vaxxer’, only that she opposed the covid shot.
What really sucks is that she had and leaves three kids fatherless and likely headed for deviant lives and poverty. Very democrat of her. You endorse that shit.
Nothing suggested she’s an ‘anti-vaxxer’, only that she opposed the covid shot.
Except maybe her opposition to the Covid shot. A vaccine.

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