Another day, another Democrat under ethics investigation...


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
color me shocked.

House opens ethics probe on Nevada Dem Berkley amid her bid for Senate seat | Fox News

The House Ethics Committee has launched an investigation of conflict of interest allegations against Rep. Shelley Berkley, D-Nev.

The launch of the probe throws a wrench into Berkley’s campaign to unseat Sen. Dean Heller, a Republican. The race is widely viewed as one that could help determine which party controls the Senate.

“It speaks volumes that even Shelley Berkley’s Democrat colleagues unanimously voted to move forward investigating Berkley’s use of her office to enrich her and her husband," committee Director Rob Jesmer said. "Since Berkley entered the political arena we’ve seen a long pattern of ethical questions surrounding her conduct. Nevadans deserve someone in the Senate who they can trust to work on their behalf and not someone like Ms. Berkley."
She has a (D) by her name...They'll find a way to paper it over and give her a little tap on the wrist.

See: Dianne Frankenstein.
She has a (D) by her name...They'll find a way to paper it over and give her a little tap on the wrist.

See: Dianne Frankenstein.

That's Frankensteen...
Let's give credit where credit is due. Her Democratic colleagues unaminously voted to have her investigated.
Let's give credit where credit is due. Her Democratic colleagues unaminously voted to have her investigated.

Then it must be really bad.

Honestly, the FBI needs to do a full investigation of all houses and put people in chains and in front of an actual court, since we know the politicians won't stick it too one of their own.
Gee. I thought this was going to be about Jesse Jackson Jr., who is not only under ethics investigation but hiding out in rehab. Or, Vincent C. Gray democrat Mayor of DC in the mold of Marion Barry.
And people can't understand why we want this damn Government smaller and under control..

this stuff is becoming par for the course
Gee. I thought this was going to be about Jesse Jackson Jr., who is not only under ethics investigation but hiding out in rehab. Or, Vincent C. Gray democrat Mayor of DC in the mold of Marion Barry.

Come on now, be fair: they all derserve their very own ethics investigation.
"I'm so tired of hearing that the rich are not paying their fair share of taxes. Yeah we are," Peebles said. "The super vast majority of wealthy Americans do not wake up every day and say, 'Let's see how we can pay less than our fair share of taxes.' They say, 'We're going to follow the law and we're going to hire some good accountants to tell us how to do it. And we're going to pay no more or no less than our fair share.'

Now you know that is a lie. people with lots of money, assts, etc, are always looking for a way to pay less taxes and play tax avoision.
Don'tcha just love to hate the moocher's.... They should all be tattooed on the forehead..
House reprimands Rep. Richardson for conduct violations | Fox News
The House has officially reprimanded California Democrat Laura Richardson for forcing her congressional staff to do campaign work and violating codes of conduct for government service.

The reprimand comes with a $10,000 fine. It's another blow to the three-term lawmaker's uphill re-election race against fellow Democratic Rep. Janice Hahn.

Richardson has admitted to all seven counts levied against her and agreed to accept the reprimand.

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