Another day ending in "Y," another story of Trump admin corruption


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
I realize corruption in the Trump admin has become routine. I just think it's still important to point it out when it happens. Because it reminds us this is not the way it's suppose to be.

“The reporting has been very accurate on this. The New York Times story really got it right,” Lukens said. “The ambassador came back from a meeting at the White House, the very next morning he came and talked to me, said the President wants me to do this. Who should I talk to, how should I go about doing it? I said, ‘You can’t, you shouldn’t do it. This is unethical, probably illegal.’ A couple weeks later, he asked again, I gave him the same answer. And then he went and had a meeting with a British minister responsible for Scotland and made the request, or made the suggestion at least.”

"LONDON — Playing host at a small dinner on Tuesday night in honor of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the American ambassador to Britain, Robert Wood Johnson IV, told his guests that the wine was from President Trump’s vineyard in Virginia. He was serving it, he joked, even though it might be ethically improper.

The next day, Mr. Johnson was not making any more jokes about ethics. On Twitter, he insisted he had “followed the ethical rules and requirements of my office at all times” after The New York Times reported that at the president’s request, he had raised with a British official the idea of steering the British Open golf tournament to Mr. Trump’s Turnberry golf resort in Scotland."

"The State Department's inspector general's office began formally looking into allegations in October, following a routine inspection visit to the embassy. The report was completed and marked classified as of May; an unclassified version has yet to be released."

What happens to IG's when they go and do something so outrageous as do their job?

WASHINGTON — President Trump continued his purge of inspectors general late Friday, moving to oust Steve A. Linick, who had served in that post at the State Department since 2013, and replacing him with an ambassador with close ties to Vice President Mike Pence.

Mr. Linick, who was named by President Barack Obama to lead the office of the inspector general at the State Department, will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen J. Akard, the director of the Office of Foreign Missions, the State Department said in a statement on Friday night.

I realize corruption in the Trump admin has become routine. I just think it's still important to point it out when it happens. Because it reminds us this is not the way it's suppose to be.

“The reporting has been very accurate on this. The New York Times story really got it right,” Lukens said. “The ambassador came back from a meeting at the White House, the very next morning he came and talked to me, said the President wants me to do this. Who should I talk to, how should I go about doing it? I said, ‘You can’t, you shouldn’t do it. This is unethical, probably illegal.’ A couple weeks later, he asked again, I gave him the same answer. And then he went and had a meeting with a British minister responsible for Scotland and made the request, or made the suggestion at least.”

"LONDON — Playing host at a small dinner on Tuesday night in honor of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the American ambassador to Britain, Robert Wood Johnson IV, told his guests that the wine was from President Trump’s vineyard in Virginia. He was serving it, he joked, even though it might be ethically improper.

The next day, Mr. Johnson was not making any more jokes about ethics. On Twitter, he insisted he had “followed the ethical rules and requirements of my office at all times” after The New York Times reported that at the president’s request, he had raised with a British official the idea of steering the British Open golf tournament to Mr. Trump’s Turnberry golf resort in Scotland."

"The State Department's inspector general's office began formally looking into allegations in October, following a routine inspection visit to the embassy. The report was completed and marked classified as of May; an unclassified version has yet to be released."

What happens to IG's when they go and do something so outrageous as do their job?

WASHINGTON — President Trump continued his purge of inspectors general late Friday, moving to oust Steve A. Linick, who had served in that post at the State Department since 2013, and replacing him with an ambassador with close ties to Vice President Mike Pence.

Mr. Linick, who was named by President Barack Obama to lead the office of the inspector general at the State Department, will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen J. Akard, the director of the Office of Foreign Missions, the State Department said in a statement on Friday night.

Another lame accusation with zero proof from a known Obama hack. This asshole Lukens supported Sadiq Khan over President Trump.
I realize corruption in the Trump admin has become routine. I just think it's still important to point it out when it happens. Because it reminds us this is not the way it's suppose to be.

“The reporting has been very accurate on this. The New York Times story really got it right,” Lukens said. “The ambassador came back from a meeting at the White House, the very next morning he came and talked to me, said the President wants me to do this. Who should I talk to, how should I go about doing it? I said, ‘You can’t, you shouldn’t do it. This is unethical, probably illegal.’ A couple weeks later, he asked again, I gave him the same answer. And then he went and had a meeting with a British minister responsible for Scotland and made the request, or made the suggestion at least.”

"LONDON — Playing host at a small dinner on Tuesday night in honor of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the American ambassador to Britain, Robert Wood Johnson IV, told his guests that the wine was from President Trump’s vineyard in Virginia. He was serving it, he joked, even though it might be ethically improper.

The next day, Mr. Johnson was not making any more jokes about ethics. On Twitter, he insisted he had “followed the ethical rules and requirements of my office at all times” after The New York Times reported that at the president’s request, he had raised with a British official the idea of steering the British Open golf tournament to Mr. Trump’s Turnberry golf resort in Scotland."

"The State Department's inspector general's office began formally looking into allegations in October, following a routine inspection visit to the embassy. The report was completed and marked classified as of May; an unclassified version has yet to be released."

What happens to IG's when they go and do something so outrageous as do their job?

WASHINGTON — President Trump continued his purge of inspectors general late Friday, moving to oust Steve A. Linick, who had served in that post at the State Department since 2013, and replacing him with an ambassador with close ties to Vice President Mike Pence.

Mr. Linick, who was named by President Barack Obama to lead the office of the inspector general at the State Department, will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen J. Akard, the director of the Office of Foreign Missions, the State Department said in a statement on Friday night.

Another lame accusation with zero proof from a known Obama hack. This asshole Lukens supported Sadiq Khan over President Trump.
Willful blindness is an asset to tRump supporters.
I realize corruption in the Trump admin has become routine. I just think it's still important to point it out when it happens. Because it reminds us this is not the way it's suppose to be.

“The reporting has been very accurate on this. The New York Times story really got it right,” Lukens said. “The ambassador came back from a meeting at the White House, the very next morning he came and talked to me, said the President wants me to do this. Who should I talk to, how should I go about doing it? I said, ‘You can’t, you shouldn’t do it. This is unethical, probably illegal.’ A couple weeks later, he asked again, I gave him the same answer. And then he went and had a meeting with a British minister responsible for Scotland and made the request, or made the suggestion at least.”

"LONDON — Playing host at a small dinner on Tuesday night in honor of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the American ambassador to Britain, Robert Wood Johnson IV, told his guests that the wine was from President Trump’s vineyard in Virginia. He was serving it, he joked, even though it might be ethically improper.

The next day, Mr. Johnson was not making any more jokes about ethics. On Twitter, he insisted he had “followed the ethical rules and requirements of my office at all times” after The New York Times reported that at the president’s request, he had raised with a British official the idea of steering the British Open golf tournament to Mr. Trump’s Turnberry golf resort in Scotland."

"The State Department's inspector general's office began formally looking into allegations in October, following a routine inspection visit to the embassy. The report was completed and marked classified as of May; an unclassified version has yet to be released."

What happens to IG's when they go and do something so outrageous as do their job?

WASHINGTON — President Trump continued his purge of inspectors general late Friday, moving to oust Steve A. Linick, who had served in that post at the State Department since 2013, and replacing him with an ambassador with close ties to Vice President Mike Pence.

Mr. Linick, who was named by President Barack Obama to lead the office of the inspector general at the State Department, will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen J. Akard, the director of the Office of Foreign Missions, the State Department said in a statement on Friday night.

Another lame accusation with zero proof from a known Obama hack. This asshole Lukens supported Sadiq Khan over President Trump.
Willful blindness is an asset to tRump supporters.
Blindness to what? You just accept the premise of the article headline because it is what you want to hear. If you bothered to read it, you’d know there is zero proof to his allegations. It also doesn’t take much effort to find out the accuser is an Obama holdover who went out of his way to support Sadiq Khan as an insult to his own President.
Another day with a "Y" and the media moonbats are still desperately trying to make anything and everything into the greatest scandal since Teapot Dome.


I realize corruption in the Trump admin has become routine. I just think it's still important to point it out when it happens. Because it reminds us this is not the way it's suppose to be.

“The reporting has been very accurate on this. The New York Times story really got it right,” Lukens said. “The ambassador came back from a meeting at the White House, the very next morning he came and talked to me, said the President wants me to do this. Who should I talk to, how should I go about doing it? I said, ‘You can’t, you shouldn’t do it. This is unethical, probably illegal.’ A couple weeks later, he asked again, I gave him the same answer. And then he went and had a meeting with a British minister responsible for Scotland and made the request, or made the suggestion at least.”

"LONDON — Playing host at a small dinner on Tuesday night in honor of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the American ambassador to Britain, Robert Wood Johnson IV, told his guests that the wine was from President Trump’s vineyard in Virginia. He was serving it, he joked, even though it might be ethically improper.

The next day, Mr. Johnson was not making any more jokes about ethics. On Twitter, he insisted he had “followed the ethical rules and requirements of my office at all times” after The New York Times reported that at the president’s request, he had raised with a British official the idea of steering the British Open golf tournament to Mr. Trump’s Turnberry golf resort in Scotland."

"The State Department's inspector general's office began formally looking into allegations in October, following a routine inspection visit to the embassy. The report was completed and marked classified as of May; an unclassified version has yet to be released."

What happens to IG's when they go and do something so outrageous as do their job?

WASHINGTON — President Trump continued his purge of inspectors general late Friday, moving to oust Steve A. Linick, who had served in that post at the State Department since 2013, and replacing him with an ambassador with close ties to Vice President Mike Pence.

Mr. Linick, who was named by President Barack Obama to lead the office of the inspector general at the State Department, will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen J. Akard, the director of the Office of Foreign Missions, the State Department said in a statement on Friday night.

See, this is a perfect example of how liberals promote propaganda....The NYT runs a hit piece with many falsehoods in the middle of July, and here we are almost a month later and this poster trying his hardest to keep the lies going finds a local lib paper that regurgitates the BS, and he siezes on that to start a thread like it's a new story, in his smear campaign...You're full of shit Berg, and you know it, I know it, and the entire board in here knows it....

From your own BS story of the NYTimes, you know, the original one in July....

"... British government statement that said Mr. Johnson “made no request of Mr. Mundell regarding the British Open or any other sporting event.”

That's it....Story over...Will you take the hint and run away now? or just ignore that your a lying POS.
A seamless web of corruption is how Trump has "succeeded" over the course of his business and political career, and we won't see most of the evidence until he loses in November:

The Dirty Deal That Helped Make Donald Trump | The Village Voice

"As Village Voice reporter Wayne Barrett made clear in a 1979 cover story, the Grand Hyatt New York had all the hallmarks of a Trump deal, and shows how instrumental New York’s Democratic political machine was in Trump’s rise to prominence.

"The story was the Voice’s third investigative feature into Trump’s dirty dealing, and Barrett would prove to be the real estate developer’s bête noire over the next few decades, right up until Barrett’s death on January 19, 2017, the day before Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States."
I realize corruption in the Trump admin has become routine. I just think it's still important to point it out when it happens. Because it reminds us this is not the way it's suppose to be.

“The reporting has been very accurate on this. The New York Times story really got it right,” Lukens said. “The ambassador came back from a meeting at the White House, the very next morning he came and talked to me, said the President wants me to do this. Who should I talk to, how should I go about doing it? I said, ‘You can’t, you shouldn’t do it. This is unethical, probably illegal.’ A couple weeks later, he asked again, I gave him the same answer. And then he went and had a meeting with a British minister responsible for Scotland and made the request, or made the suggestion at least.”

"LONDON — Playing host at a small dinner on Tuesday night in honor of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the American ambassador to Britain, Robert Wood Johnson IV, told his guests that the wine was from President Trump’s vineyard in Virginia. He was serving it, he joked, even though it might be ethically improper.

The next day, Mr. Johnson was not making any more jokes about ethics. On Twitter, he insisted he had “followed the ethical rules and requirements of my office at all times” after The New York Times reported that at the president’s request, he had raised with a British official the idea of steering the British Open golf tournament to Mr. Trump’s Turnberry golf resort in Scotland."

"The State Department's inspector general's office began formally looking into allegations in October, following a routine inspection visit to the embassy. The report was completed and marked classified as of May; an unclassified version has yet to be released."

What happens to IG's when they go and do something so outrageous as do their job?

WASHINGTON — President Trump continued his purge of inspectors general late Friday, moving to oust Steve A. Linick, who had served in that post at the State Department since 2013, and replacing him with an ambassador with close ties to Vice President Mike Pence.

Mr. Linick, who was named by President Barack Obama to lead the office of the inspector general at the State Department, will be replaced by Ambassador Stephen J. Akard, the director of the Office of Foreign Missions, the State Department said in a statement on Friday night.

OMG... Serving Trump wine at a State dinner.. AND suggesting a move of the British Open to his resort.. You got a TON of quid there -- no quo... Dont ya think Trump (if not President) could BUY access to the British ambassador to make the same request?

You almost got him now !!!

A seamless web of corruption is how Trump has "succeeded" over the course of his business and political career, and we won't see most of the evidence until he loses in November:

The Dirty Deal That Helped Make Donald Trump | The Village Voice

"As Village Voice reporter Wayne Barrett made clear in a 1979 cover story, the Grand Hyatt New York had all the hallmarks of a Trump deal, and shows how instrumental New York’s Democratic political machine was in Trump’s rise to prominence.

"The story was the Voice’s third investigative feature into Trump’s dirty dealing, and Barrett would prove to be the real estate developer’s bête noire over the next few decades, right up until Barrett’s death on January 19, 2017, the day before Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States."

Oh dear Lord...The Village Voice? Could you provide any more biased than that? I don't think

You people really are stuck in a confirmation bias loop aren't you? Losers.
Oh dear Lord...The Village Voice? Could you provide any more biased than that? I don't think
Do you imagine you know more about Trump's business career than Wayne Barrett did?

The Dirty Deal That Helped Make Donald Trump | The Village Voice

"How city and state officials, real estate operators, lawyers, and bankers came together in a multimillion-dollar deal to rebuild the Commodore Hotel, largely at public expense

FEBRUARY 28, 2019"

Mary Trump has made the same claims about this deal in her new book when she says the Grand Hyatt was made possible because of Fred Trump's (crony capitalist) association with New York mayor Abe Beame:

"In order to seal it, Beame offered him a $10,000,000-a-year tax abatement that would remain in place for forty years. When the demolition of the Commodore Hotel began, the New York press, taking Donald at his word, consistently presented the deal as something Donald had accomplished single-handedly."

P. 114
Oh dear Lord...The Village Voice? Could you provide any more biased than that? I don't think
Do you imagine you know more about Trump's business career than Wayne Barrett did?

The Dirty Deal That Helped Make Donald Trump | The Village Voice

"How city and state officials, real estate operators, lawyers, and bankers came together in a multimillion-dollar deal to rebuild the Commodore Hotel, largely at public expense

FEBRUARY 28, 2019"

Mary Trump has made the same claims about this deal in her new book when she says the Grand Hyatt was made possible because of Fred Trump's (crony capitalist) association with New York mayor Abe Beame:

"In order to seal it, Beame offered him a $10,000,000-a-year tax abatement that would remain in place for forty years. When the demolition of the Commodore Hotel began, the New York press, taking Donald at his word, consistently presented the deal as something Donald had accomplished single-handedly."
View attachment 372374
P. 114

Do you think that a stawman argument does anything but hand you an instant loss of any debate?
Do you think that a stawman argument does anything but hand you an instant loss of any debate?
No more than your ad hominem argument against Wayne Barrett and the Village Voice. I suspect you haven't even read Barrett's article, but if I'm wrong, feel free to point out any inaccuracies.

You can start here:

The Dirty Deal That Helped Make Donald Trump | The Village Voice

"The Grand Hyatt going up on the site of the old Commodore, at 42nd and Lexington, with its 1400 $70-a-night rooms, is the city’s and state’s first venture into the luxury-hotel business.

"The bureaucrats’ assumption seems to have been that the modern bankrupt American city ought to be opening hotels for its visiting rich while closing hospitals and schools for its unwanted poor.

"While entire neighborhoods could qualify for city vacate orders, tax exemptions to the tune of $160 million were granted to subsidize the redevelopment of midtown’s wealthiest core."
Do you think that a stawman argument does anything but hand you an instant loss of any debate?
No more than your ad hominem argument against Wayne Barrett and the Village Voice. I suspect you haven't even read Barrett's article, but if I'm wrong, feel free to point out any inaccuracies.

You can start here:

The Dirty Deal That Helped Make Donald Trump | The Village Voice

"The Grand Hyatt going up on the site of the old Commodore, at 42nd and Lexington, with its 1400 $70-a-night rooms, is the city’s and state’s first venture into the luxury-hotel business.

"The bureaucrats’ assumption seems to have been that the modern bankrupt American city ought to be opening hotels for its visiting rich while closing hospitals and schools for its unwanted poor.

"While entire neighborhoods could qualify for city vacate orders, tax exemptions to the tune of $160 million were granted to subsidize the redevelopment of midtown’s wealthiest core."

I don't respond to propaganda....It's beneath me.

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