Another day in Paradise: Teen stabbed in broad daylight in Bronx


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Another African perp wanted in NY. That defund the police thing is really going well as violent crimes skyrocket.

"None of the politicians who acted so abruptly consulted the public. According to a recent poll, most Americans do not want to defund the police. Two-thirds oppose the movement, with 60 percent specifically opposed to reducing police budgets. The same poll showed, however, that 57 percent of blacks support defunding the police. As a black man with many black friends, I find this a dubious statistic: my black friends, relatives, and neighbors are neither conservatives nor strong supporters of law enforcement, but none supports defunding the police. Violent crime is on the rise across the country, and it disproportionately affects black communities. Black people need police to keep their neighborhoods safe.

One possible explanation for the disconnect: many people agree with Black Lives Matter and its demands—at least in theory—because “Black Lives Matter” can mean many things. As a principle, it’s relatively inarguable. As a social movement for police reform, it’s debatable, depending on your point of view. As a functioning organization, however—one that supports the dismantling of the nuclear family, capitalism, and most else that defines the American way of life—BLM is radical and destructive. This same eye-of-the-beholder dynamic applies to the phrase “defund the police.” Some people think that it means reducing spending on military-grade hardware and improving cadet training; others genuinely see it as a call to abolish armed law enforcement in U.S. cities."

Must suck to be a New Yorker.
"None of the politicians who acted so abruptly consulted the public. According to a recent poll, most Americans do not want to defund the police. Two-thirds oppose the movement, with 60 percent specifically opposed to reducing police budgets. The same poll showed, however, that 57 percent of blacks support defunding the police. As a black man with many black friends, I find this a dubious statistic: my black friends, relatives, and neighbors are neither conservatives nor strong supporters of law enforcement, but none supports defunding the police. Violent crime is on the rise across the country, and it disproportionately affects black communities. Black people need police to keep their neighborhoods safe.

One possible explanation for the disconnect: many people agree with Black Lives Matter and its demands—at least in theory—because “Black Lives Matter” can mean many things. As a principle, it’s relatively inarguable. As a social movement for police reform, it’s debatable, depending on your point of view. As a functioning organization, however—one that supports the dismantling of the nuclear family, capitalism, and most else that defines the American way of life—BLM is radical and destructive. This same eye-of-the-beholder dynamic applies to the phrase “defund the police.” Some people think that it means reducing spending on military-grade hardware and improving cadet training; others genuinely see it as a call to abolish armed law enforcement in U.S. cities."

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Actually, the police do not keep people safe.

The police often do a good job in catching the perp (who is often let go by the liberal courts), but they almost never prevent crime, for there are no longer cops on a regular beat.

Japan has proved that the only crime deterrent is good people who have good behavior.

But FATE has placed us in the United States of America, which is full of very, very, very bad individuals, and the number is increasing daily.

So there is NO hope.
Japan has proved that the only crime deterrent is good people who have good behavior.

But FATE has placed us in the United States of America, which is full of very, very, very bad individuals, and the number is increasing daily
Such a shame that this experiment in freedom has produced so many immoral people devoid of a soul and a conscience.
You can take the savage out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the nigga.

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