Another Death attributed to Marijuana?

tipsy and few of her like minded friends here has said if you smoke some pot today, because 2-3 weeks from now its still detectable in your blood, you are still high....this is the kind of mentality you are dealing with when you are dealing with her.....
Tipsy is a textbook example of a reformed drunk turned reformer.
Why blame weed for someone jumping off a building? Would you blame coffee if he had a cup before he committed suicide?

I wonder if those blaming the weed have ever been high on pot. It is ridiculous for someone that really has no experience in the use of marijuana to blame it's effects on any human behavior.

There is nothing in pot that MAKES someone kill themself. If that was the case there would be millions of suicides a year as 10's of millions consume and or smoke the weed.
Deaths by substance:

MJ - 9
Alcohol - 20 million
Guns - 250 million

Yes, it's clear here what the problem is. It is the MJ.
Can you supply a credible link to those 9 supposed marijuana deaths? I am not aware of any medically confirmed deaths resulting from marijuana use.

No, they are all just guesses. Likely the alcohol and gun numbers are low and I have no idea on the MJ numbers. The OP seems to claim one so I extrapolated out over the last 10,000 years of human civilization.

If you find the factual numbers feel free. For the purposes of this satire they are irrelevant though.
The problem with using bad behavior, alcohol, to justify other bad behavior, pot, is that the door is pretty much locked against anything that is not self destructive.
How do you justify accusing a productive adult who occasionally enjoys a few beers, a cocktail or two, or a glass of wine now and then as manifesting "bad behavior?" Do you realize how stupidly mean-spirited that seems? What you are manifesting is the prohibitionist mentality -- the effect of which already has been tested, found to be seriously counterproductive and repealed in the 1930s.

Your entire premise is based on the percentage of alcohol users who are negatively affected by it. Prohibiting the use of alcohol did not reduce that percentage but in fact increased it via the availability of, moonshine, "bathtub" gin and stock bootleg booze imported from Canada and Ireland.

The same situation presently exists where marijuana prohibition is concerned. Government has been waging an aggressive war on marijuana since the 1970s. The result has been no reduction in either use or availability but a dramatic increase in criminal enterprise and medical problems deriving from corrupted product and improper use. The undeniable fact is more than half a century of marijuana prohibition has achieved only counterproductive results. Yet the beat goes on in spite of the fact that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

So would one best describe the prohibitionist mentality as stupid or crazy, or both?
There are many activities that are prohibited. How many should we legalize because prohibition doesn't work. All the laws against murder did not prohibit a man from bashing the brains of an infant out. Legalize bashing infants.

Not everyone who has a drink is an alcoholic. Some have a beer during the superbowl others have champagne at midnight new year's eve. EVERYONE who uses drugs is a drug addict. There is no reason to use drugs except to get high. You get high. You are a drug addict. You never see someone that has an after dinner brandy run around defending alcohol use the way addicts defend and justify drug use. You and your fellow addicts go insane when the addiction is challenged. That's how to tell a card core user.

Not everyone who has a drink is an alcoholic.
according to your logic they are.....
EVERYONE who uses drugs is a drug addict.
you claim if someone smoked pot 30 years ago but has not smoked any since then are still addicts.....must be the same with drinkers....
and people drink to get a buzz,.....your problem you dont know what an "addict" is.....and you are clueless about drugs and alcohol....why you keep posting like you know what you are talking about is a mystery....
tipsy and few of her like minded friends here has said if you smoke some pot today, because 2-3 weeks from now its still detectable in your blood, you are still high....this is the kind of mentality you are dealing with when you are dealing with her.....
Tipsy is a textbook example of a reformed drunk turned reformer.
she "claims" she has worked with "stoners" for 35 years.....her "stories" are hilarious,what she doesnt tell everyone is what other worse drugs those "stoners" were also using....
Why blame weed for someone jumping off a building? Would you blame coffee if he had a cup before he committed suicide?

I wonder if those blaming the weed have ever been high on pot. It is ridiculous for someone that really has no experience in the use of marijuana to blame it's effects on any human behavior.

There is nothing in pot that MAKES someone kill themself. If that was the case there would be millions of suicides a year as 10's of millions consume and or smoke the weed.
tipsy knows more about pot than those who have actually used it.....believe me....she kinda sounds like trump.....
No, they are all just guesses. Likely the alcohol and gun numbers are low and I have no idea on the MJ numbers. The OP seems to claim one so I extrapolated out over the last 10,000 years of human civilization.

If you find the factual numbers feel free. For the purposes of this satire they are irrelevant though.
Okay. No problem.

Actually, based on every reliable statistic I've ever seen your guesses on the alcohol and firearms numbers come close to my recollections.

My only reason for asking for clarification is my awareness that the cannabis plant is wholly benign and there is no record in the annals of medical science of it killing anyone or making anyone sick.

For verification, see: Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard Medical School (available from Amazon).
tipsy and few of her like minded friends here has said if you smoke some pot today, because 2-3 weeks from now its still detectable in your blood, you are still high....this is the kind of mentality you are dealing with when you are dealing with her.....
Tipsy is a textbook example of a reformed drunk turned reformer.
Well your assessment comes from the same place your pot addiction comes from. I don't drink, nor have I ever had a drink. I have never had so much as a beer.

You have a need for your opponents to be in the same pit of addiction thst you are in. That way you can relate.

A 12 step program will help you.
No, they are all just guesses. Likely the alcohol and gun numbers are low and I have no idea on the MJ numbers. The OP seems to claim one so I extrapolated out over the last 10,000 years of human civilization.

If you find the factual numbers feel free. For the purposes of this satire they are irrelevant though.
Okay. No problem.

Actually, based on every reliable statistic I've ever seen your guesses on the alcohol and firearms numbers come close to my recollections.

My only reason for asking for clarification is my awareness that the cannabis plant is wholly benign and there is no record in the annals of medical science of it killing anyone or making anyone sick.

For verification, see: Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard Medical School (available from Amazon).

They likely made hangman nooses out of hemp way back when. Other than that I'm now wondering if someone can eat so many Doritos they die from it. I've tried on many occasions and three bags doesn't do it. More research I think.
No, they are all just guesses. Likely the alcohol and gun numbers are low and I have no idea on the MJ numbers. The OP seems to claim one so I extrapolated out over the last 10,000 years of human civilization.

If you find the factual numbers feel free. For the purposes of this satire they are irrelevant though.
Okay. No problem.

Actually, based on every reliable statistic I've ever seen your guesses on the alcohol and firearms numbers come close to my recollections.

My only reason for asking for clarification is my awareness that the cannabis plant is wholly benign and there is no record in the annals of medical science of it killing anyone or making anyone sick.

For verification, see: Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard Medical School (available from Amazon).
If marijuana never made anyone sick, why are there so many users in emergency rooms?
No, they are all just guesses. Likely the alcohol and gun numbers are low and I have no idea on the MJ numbers. The OP seems to claim one so I extrapolated out over the last 10,000 years of human civilization.

If you find the factual numbers feel free. For the purposes of this satire they are irrelevant though.
Okay. No problem.

Actually, based on every reliable statistic I've ever seen your guesses on the alcohol and firearms numbers come close to my recollections.

My only reason for asking for clarification is my awareness that the cannabis plant is wholly benign and there is no record in the annals of medical science of it killing anyone or making anyone sick.

For verification, see: Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard Medical School (available from Amazon).
If marijuana never made anyone sick, why are there so many users in emergency rooms?
you ever hear of synthetic pot?.....
No, they are all just guesses. Likely the alcohol and gun numbers are low and I have no idea on the MJ numbers. The OP seems to claim one so I extrapolated out over the last 10,000 years of human civilization.

If you find the factual numbers feel free. For the purposes of this satire they are irrelevant though.
Okay. No problem.

Actually, based on every reliable statistic I've ever seen your guesses on the alcohol and firearms numbers come close to my recollections.

My only reason for asking for clarification is my awareness that the cannabis plant is wholly benign and there is no record in the annals of medical science of it killing anyone or making anyone sick.

For verification, see: Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard Medical School (available from Amazon).
If marijuana never made anyone sick, why are there so many users in emergency rooms?

Sick? When did sick become dead. MJ would impair your ability to drive but I don't know many people that were high on MJ that wanted to drive. But I'm sure it happens.
The problem with using bad behavior, alcohol, to justify other bad behavior, pot, is that the door is pretty much locked against anything that is not self destructive.
How do you justify accusing a productive adult who occasionally enjoys a few beers, a cocktail or two, or a glass of wine now and then as manifesting "bad behavior?" Do you realize how stupidly mean-spirited that seems? What you are manifesting is the prohibitionist mentality -- the effect of which already has been tested, found to be seriously counterproductive and repealed in the 1930s.

Your entire premise is based on the percentage of alcohol users who are negatively affected by it. Prohibiting the use of alcohol did not reduce that percentage but in fact increased it via the availability of, moonshine, "bathtub" gin and stock bootleg booze imported from Canada and Ireland.

The same situation presently exists where marijuana prohibition is concerned. Government has been waging an aggressive war on marijuana since the 1970s. The result has been no reduction in either use or availability but a dramatic increase in criminal enterprise and medical problems deriving from corrupted product and improper use. The undeniable fact is more than half a century of marijuana prohibition has achieved only counterproductive results. Yet the beat goes on in spite of the fact that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

So would one best describe the prohibitionist mentality as stupid or crazy, or both?
There are many activities that are prohibited. How many should we legalize because prohibition doesn't work. All the laws against murder did not prohibit a man from bashing the brains of an infant out. Legalize bashing infants.

Not everyone who has a drink is an alcoholic. Some have a beer during the superbowl others have champagne at midnight new year's eve. EVERYONE who uses drugs is a drug addict. There is no reason to use drugs except to get high. You get high. You are a drug addict. You never see someone that has an after dinner brandy run around defending alcohol use the way addicts defend and justify drug use. You and your fellow addicts go insane when the addiction is challenged. That's how to tell a card core user.

Not everyone who has a drink is an alcoholic.
according to your logic they are.....
EVERYONE who uses drugs is a drug addict.
you claim if someone smoked pot 30 years ago but has not smoked any since then are still addicts.....must be the same with drinkers....
and people drink to get a buzz,.....your problem you dont know what an "addict" is.....and you are clueless about drugs and alcohol....why you keep posting like you know what you are talking about is a mystery....
An alcoholic that has not had a drink in 30 years is the first person to tell you they are an alcoholic. The addiction never goes away. Not everyone who has a drink is an alcoholic for the simple reason that they are not drinking to get drunk or even buzzed. Everyone who uses drugs does so specifically to get high. It's the nature of addiction.
No, they are all just guesses. Likely the alcohol and gun numbers are low and I have no idea on the MJ numbers. The OP seems to claim one so I extrapolated out over the last 10,000 years of human civilization.

If you find the factual numbers feel free. For the purposes of this satire they are irrelevant though.
Okay. No problem.

Actually, based on every reliable statistic I've ever seen your guesses on the alcohol and firearms numbers come close to my recollections.

My only reason for asking for clarification is my awareness that the cannabis plant is wholly benign and there is no record in the annals of medical science of it killing anyone or making anyone sick.

For verification, see: Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard Medical School (available from Amazon).
If marijuana never made anyone sick, why are there so many users in emergency rooms?

Sick? When did sick become dead. MJ would impair your ability to drive but I don't know many people that were high on MJ that wanted to drive. But I'm sure it happens.
i never knew anyone who got sick from smoking it either.....but tipsy did tell us how she went to a party were the evil stuff was being smoked and "claimed" she got a contact high and her heart started beating so hard they had to rush her to the ER.....outside of that never heard of anyone getting sick from smoking it.....but like you said,im sure it can happen...
No, they are all just guesses. Likely the alcohol and gun numbers are low and I have no idea on the MJ numbers. The OP seems to claim one so I extrapolated out over the last 10,000 years of human civilization.

If you find the factual numbers feel free. For the purposes of this satire they are irrelevant though.
Okay. No problem.

Actually, based on every reliable statistic I've ever seen your guesses on the alcohol and firearms numbers come close to my recollections.

My only reason for asking for clarification is my awareness that the cannabis plant is wholly benign and there is no record in the annals of medical science of it killing anyone or making anyone sick.

For verification, see: Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard Medical School (available from Amazon).
If marijuana never made anyone sick, why are there so many users in emergency rooms?
you ever hear of synthetic pot?.....
Separate issue.
The problem with using bad behavior, alcohol, to justify other bad behavior, pot, is that the door is pretty much locked against anything that is not self destructive.
How do you justify accusing a productive adult who occasionally enjoys a few beers, a cocktail or two, or a glass of wine now and then as manifesting "bad behavior?" Do you realize how stupidly mean-spirited that seems? What you are manifesting is the prohibitionist mentality -- the effect of which already has been tested, found to be seriously counterproductive and repealed in the 1930s.

Your entire premise is based on the percentage of alcohol users who are negatively affected by it. Prohibiting the use of alcohol did not reduce that percentage but in fact increased it via the availability of, moonshine, "bathtub" gin and stock bootleg booze imported from Canada and Ireland.

The same situation presently exists where marijuana prohibition is concerned. Government has been waging an aggressive war on marijuana since the 1970s. The result has been no reduction in either use or availability but a dramatic increase in criminal enterprise and medical problems deriving from corrupted product and improper use. The undeniable fact is more than half a century of marijuana prohibition has achieved only counterproductive results. Yet the beat goes on in spite of the fact that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

So would one best describe the prohibitionist mentality as stupid or crazy, or both?
There are many activities that are prohibited. How many should we legalize because prohibition doesn't work. All the laws against murder did not prohibit a man from bashing the brains of an infant out. Legalize bashing infants.

Not everyone who has a drink is an alcoholic. Some have a beer during the superbowl others have champagne at midnight new year's eve. EVERYONE who uses drugs is a drug addict. There is no reason to use drugs except to get high. You get high. You are a drug addict. You never see someone that has an after dinner brandy run around defending alcohol use the way addicts defend and justify drug use. You and your fellow addicts go insane when the addiction is challenged. That's how to tell a card core user.

Not everyone who has a drink is an alcoholic.
according to your logic they are.....
EVERYONE who uses drugs is a drug addict.
you claim if someone smoked pot 30 years ago but has not smoked any since then are still addicts.....must be the same with drinkers....
and people drink to get a buzz,.....your problem you dont know what an "addict" is.....and you are clueless about drugs and alcohol....why you keep posting like you know what you are talking about is a mystery....
An alcoholic that has not had a drink in 30 years is the first person to tell you they are an alcoholic. The addiction never goes away. Not everyone who has a drink is an alcoholic for the simple reason that they are not drinking to get drunk or even buzzed. Everyone who uses drugs does so specifically to get high. It's the nature of addiction.
they are not drinking to get drunk or even buzzed.
oh bullshit.....
No, they are all just guesses. Likely the alcohol and gun numbers are low and I have no idea on the MJ numbers. The OP seems to claim one so I extrapolated out over the last 10,000 years of human civilization.

If you find the factual numbers feel free. For the purposes of this satire they are irrelevant though.
Okay. No problem.

Actually, based on every reliable statistic I've ever seen your guesses on the alcohol and firearms numbers come close to my recollections.

My only reason for asking for clarification is my awareness that the cannabis plant is wholly benign and there is no record in the annals of medical science of it killing anyone or making anyone sick.

For verification, see: Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard Medical School (available from Amazon).
If marijuana never made anyone sick, why are there so many users in emergency rooms?
you ever hear of synthetic pot?.....
Separate issue.
no it isnt....many are ending up in the ER's because of that and people like you say its pot.....
No, they are all just guesses. Likely the alcohol and gun numbers are low and I have no idea on the MJ numbers. The OP seems to claim one so I extrapolated out over the last 10,000 years of human civilization.

If you find the factual numbers feel free. For the purposes of this satire they are irrelevant though.
Okay. No problem.

Actually, based on every reliable statistic I've ever seen your guesses on the alcohol and firearms numbers come close to my recollections.

My only reason for asking for clarification is my awareness that the cannabis plant is wholly benign and there is no record in the annals of medical science of it killing anyone or making anyone sick.

For verification, see: Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard Medical School (available from Amazon).
If marijuana never made anyone sick, why are there so many users in emergency rooms?
you ever hear of synthetic pot?.....
Separate issue.
no it isnt....many are ending up in the ER's because of that and people like you say its pot.....
Medical personnel can tell the difference between pot and synthetic pot.
Okay. No problem.

Actually, based on every reliable statistic I've ever seen your guesses on the alcohol and firearms numbers come close to my recollections.

My only reason for asking for clarification is my awareness that the cannabis plant is wholly benign and there is no record in the annals of medical science of it killing anyone or making anyone sick.

For verification, see: Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard Medical School (available from Amazon).
If marijuana never made anyone sick, why are there so many users in emergency rooms?
you ever hear of synthetic pot?.....
Separate issue.
no it isnt....many are ending up in the ER's because of that and people like you say its pot.....
Medical personnel can tell the difference between pot and synthetic pot.
they can, but people with your mindset dont acknowledge any difference....and you already proved this in other pot threads....

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