Another Death attributed to Marijuana?

as a religious zealot i would not expect you to understand what i meant....but you should be locked up to protect the general populace...
Oh you have dreamed me up as a religious zealot. well, find somewhere, that I have exhibited zealotry about anything. Anything at all. Extra points if I have used the bible with respect to drug addiction. They should die, and relieve the planet of their burden whether or not they believe in God, any God.

So jump out of windows, shoot yourselves, lay down on train tracks, whatever it takes to end your miserable misbegotten drug addled lives.
you have exhibited zealotry in your hatred for people who use drugs...zealots can be dangerous to the people around have expressed hatred towards people you dont even should be put away,you are a ticking bomb that can lose it at any time...
Yeah. You keep that in mind. There's nothing you can do but keep masturbsting. Who knows you might even cum. Someday,

What a fraud you are. You call me a religious zealot but you just can't find any religion so it's just zealot. Well well well, there's fuck all you can do about it. Have you tried praying?
Ridiculing potheads is fun and you have an exceptional talent for it. I'm trying to decide who's enjoying it more.
Clue. It is not the guy pretending that potties don't really jump out of windows.

Circumstantial examination will tell you that if there were a liquor that caused people who drink to jump out of windows that product would not sold for long and no one would want it to continue to be sold. Here drink this, you will impale yourself on a fence,

But because it's dope, it's okay. Give it to your kids.

You can't make this up.
no alcohol just makes many people violent to where wives and kids get beat,innocent people killed in car wrecks by drunks like you,families destroyed,notice how its still being sold?....anymore brilliant observations?....
as a religious zealot i would not expect you to understand what i meant....but you should be locked up to protect the general populace...
Oh you have dreamed me up as a religious zealot. well, find somewhere, that I have exhibited zealotry about anything. Anything at all. Extra points if I have used the bible with respect to drug addiction. They should die, and relieve the planet of their burden whether or not they believe in God, any God.

So jump out of windows, shoot yourselves, lay down on train tracks, whatever it takes to end your miserable misbegotten drug addled lives.
you have exhibited zealotry in your hatred for people who use drugs...zealots can be dangerous to the people around have expressed hatred towards people you dont even should be put away,you are a ticking bomb that can lose it at any time...
Yeah. You keep that in mind. There's nothing you can do but keep masturbsting. Who knows you might even cum. Someday,

What a fraud you are. You call me a religious zealot but you just can't find any religion so it's just zealot. Well well well, there's fuck all you can do about it. Have you tried praying?
Ridiculing potheads is fun and you have an exceptional talent for it. I'm trying to decide who's enjoying it more.
Clue. It is not the guy pretending that potties don't really jump out of windows.

Circumstantial examination will tell you that if there were a liquor that caused people who drink to jump out of windows that product would not sold for long and no one would want it to continue to be sold. Here drink this, you will impale yourself on a fence,

But because it's dope, it's okay. Give it to your kids.

You can't make this up.
not at all true
Just look at all the ways drunk people end up killing themselves. (and others) Or is it just jumping out of a window thats a problem. How about falling off of a balcony? or drowning?
Funny statistic that I heard about 20 years ago when I was taking the course for my boat captains license. (needed for the boat I had back then)
the majority of people that drown while boating were male, of those males over 90% had BAC between 1 and 2. Of those 90% it was also around a 90% that had their cranks out.
This indicates that guys get on a boat, get drunk then fall off the back while peeing and drown.
Clue. It is not the guy pretending that potties don't really jump out of windows.

Circumstantial examination will tell you that if there were a liquor that caused people who drink to jump out of windows that product would not sold for long and no one would want it to continue to be sold. Here drink this, you will impale yourself on a fence,

But because it's dope, it's okay. Give it to your kids.

You can't make this up.
You seem to enjoy telling yourself (as well as others) things you like to believe. This inclination for self-gratification is called onanism, aka masturbation. Here are some facts for you: Almost One-Fourth of Suicide Victims Are Legally Intoxicated When They Die - Partnership for Drug-Free Kids

Sorry to disappoint you, and we hope it doesn't cause you to miss a stroke or two, but we can't have you misleading others who deserve to know the facts about alcohol vs marijuana.
Oh I see. Because we have deaths associated with drinking, if we increase the number of dead by introducing another intoxicant, that will reduce the number of overall dead people!

How many people won't die because they are both drunk and high?
The problem with using bad behavior, alcohol, to justify other bad behavior, pot, is that the door is pretty much locked against anything that is not self destructive. There is no school recommending that students should increase pot use to raise test scores. No company demands that pot is the driving force behind company safety. But the argument is always that alcohol is worse. So what. Who wants to get worse? Get better.
Oh I see. Because we have deaths associated with drinking, if we increase the number of dead by introducing another intoxicant, that will reduce the number of overall dead people!

How many people won't die because they are both drunk and high?
Now this I agree with on you 100%, its the reason behind my reluctance to get behind the legalization of marijuana as a recreational drug equal to alcohol. We already have enough problems with drunk driving, until there is a way to conclusively determine that someone is high, and not just a left over reading from the day before, we don't need to add to the problems that alcohol already brings us.
The reason why potheads bring up alcohol is because it is all they have. It is lost its relevance long ago but, since it is everything they have to use it. And misuse it as well.
Moderation is the key to happiness....have a good day...

This is like those stories when someone says to drink your water then people cite stories about someone trying to drink 40 gallons and dies...then goes "See? Water will kill you"
The problem with using bad behavior, alcohol, to justify other bad behavior, pot, is that the door is pretty much locked against anything that is not self destructive.
How do you justify accusing a productive adult who occasionally enjoys a few beers, a cocktail or two, or a glass of wine now and then as manifesting "bad behavior?" Do you realize how stupidly mean-spirited that seems? What you are manifesting is the prohibitionist mentality -- the effect of which already has been tested, found to be seriously counterproductive and repealed in the 1930s.

Your entire premise is based on the percentage of alcohol users who are negatively affected by it. Prohibiting the use of alcohol did not reduce that percentage but in fact increased it via the availability of, moonshine, "bathtub" gin and stock bootleg booze imported from Canada and Ireland.

The same situation presently exists where marijuana prohibition is concerned. Government has been waging an aggressive war on marijuana since the 1970s. The result has been no reduction in either use or availability but a dramatic increase in criminal enterprise and medical problems deriving from corrupted product and improper use. The undeniable fact is more than half a century of marijuana prohibition has achieved only counterproductive results. Yet the beat goes on in spite of the fact that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

So would one best describe the prohibitionist mentality as stupid or crazy, or both?
The problem with using bad behavior, alcohol, to justify other bad behavior, pot, is that the door is pretty much locked against anything that is not self destructive.
How do you justify accusing a productive adult who occasionally enjoys a few beers, a cocktail or two, or a glass of wine now and then as manifesting "bad behavior?" Do you realize how stupidly mean-spirited that seems? What you are manifesting is the prohibitionist mentality -- the effect of which already has been tested, found to be seriously counterproductive and repealed in the 1930s.

Your entire premise is based on the percentage of alcohol users who are negatively affected by it. Prohibiting the use of alcohol did not reduce that percentage but in fact increased it via the availability of, moonshine, "bathtub" gin and stock bootleg booze imported from Canada and Ireland.

The same situation presently exists where marijuana prohibition is concerned. Government has been waging an aggressive war on marijuana since the 1970s. The result has been no reduction in either use or availability but a dramatic increase in criminal enterprise and medical problems deriving from corrupted product and improper use. The undeniable fact is more than half a century of marijuana prohibition has achieved only counterproductive results. Yet the beat goes on in spite of the fact that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

So would one best describe the prohibitionist mentality as stupid or crazy, or both?
the same argument could be used for murder being illegal. There has been a war on it since man has had governing bodies, yet it is still a growing problem.
I suppose we should stop fighting it and just make it legal.
The problem with using bad behavior, alcohol, to justify other bad behavior, pot, is that the door is pretty much locked against anything that is not self destructive.

The easiest way for you to obtain the education you desperately need in the way of comparing marijuana to beverage alcohol is to simply ask any seasoned cop.

The cop will tell you that 99% of their domestic violence and abuse jobs involve alcohol. None involve marijuana.

The cop will tell you that drunks are violence-prone but stoners are peaceful.

The cop will tell you that drunks drive aggressively and dangerously while stoners drive slowly and carefully (which is how cops spot them).

The only valid negative you can cite is the unavailability of an accurate means of testing for marijuana impairment. But the potential for accidents due to alcohol impairment vastly exceeds that of accidents due to marijuana impairment. So to impede the repeal of marijuana prohibition because of absence of an effective blood test is counterproductive considering the volume of costly and destructively negative effects of pot prohibition.
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the same argument could be used for murder being illegal. There has been a war on it since man has had governing bodies, yet it is still a growing problem.
I suppose we should stop fighting it and just make it legal.
Now you're comparing marijuana use with murder.

What the hell is wrong with you?
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the same argument could be used for murder being illegal. There has been a war on it since man has had governing bodies, yet it is still a growing problem.
I suppose we should stop fighting it and just make it legal.
Now you're comparing marijuana use to murder.

What the hell is wrong with you?
no, I am comparing one law that is not working against another law that is not working.
If a law not working is reason to get rid of it, then it would be true in both cases.
What the hell is wrong with you?
The problem with using bad behavior, alcohol, to justify other bad behavior, pot, is that the door is pretty much locked against anything that is not self destructive.
How do you justify accusing a productive adult who occasionally enjoys a few beers, a cocktail or two, or a glass of wine now and then as manifesting "bad behavior?" Do you realize how stupidly mean-spirited that seems? What you are manifesting is the prohibitionist mentality -- the effect of which already has been tested, found to be seriously counterproductive and repealed in the 1930s.

Your entire premise is based on the percentage of alcohol users who are negatively affected by it. Prohibiting the use of alcohol did not reduce that percentage but in fact increased it via the availability of, moonshine, "bathtub" gin and stock bootleg booze imported from Canada and Ireland.

The same situation presently exists where marijuana prohibition is concerned. Government has been waging an aggressive war on marijuana since the 1970s. The result has been no reduction in either use or availability but a dramatic increase in criminal enterprise and medical problems deriving from corrupted product and improper use. The undeniable fact is more than half a century of marijuana prohibition has achieved only counterproductive results. Yet the beat goes on in spite of the fact that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

So would one best describe the prohibitionist mentality as stupid or crazy, or both?
There are many activities that are prohibited. How many should we legalize because prohibition doesn't work. All the laws against murder did not prohibit a man from bashing the brains of an infant out. Legalize bashing infants.

Not everyone who has a drink is an alcoholic. Some have a beer during the superbowl others have champagne at midnight new year's eve. EVERYONE who uses drugs is a drug addict. There is no reason to use drugs except to get high. You get high. You are a drug addict. You never see someone that has an after dinner brandy run around defending alcohol use the way addicts defend and justify drug use. You and your fellow addicts go insane when the addiction is challenged. That's how to tell a card core user.
Deaths by substance:

MJ - 9
Alcohol - 20 million
Guns - 250 million

Yes, it's clear here what the problem is. It is the MJ.
The problem with using bad behavior, alcohol, to justify other bad behavior, pot, is that the door is pretty much locked against anything that is not self destructive.

The easiest way for you to obtain the education you desperately need in the way of comparing marijuana to beverage alcohol is to simply ask any seasoned cop.

The cop will tell you that 99% of their domestic violence and abuse jobs involve alcohol. None involve marijuana.

The cop will tell you that drunks are violence-prone but stoners are peaceful.

The cop will tell you that drunks drive aggressively and dangerously while stoners drive slowly and carefully (which is how cops spot them).

The only valid negative you can cite is the unavailability of an accurate means of testing for marijuana impairment. But the potential for accidents due to alcohol impairment vastly exceeds that of accidents due to marijuana impairment. So to impede the repeal of marijuana prohibition because of absence of an effective blood test is counterproductive considering the volume of costly and destructively negative effects of pot prohibition.
I have represented stoners for 35 years. I've represented the families of stoners trying to salvage something from the destruction of addiction.

If you want a truly peaceful addict it's a heroin user. They go on the nod and are unconscious. Heroin addicts are so peaceful that they die before the ambulance arrives.

The only person comparing pot and alcohol is you. You are clinging to alcohol like the last life jacket on the sinking boat. Why must you interject alcohol when no one else does. Not only that, but you imagine that it's others that have brought up such a comparison.

Where does this adjustment in reality come from? Pot! Pot use has so altered your normal decision making processes that you only answer those for which you have prerecorded arguments.
This is like those stories when someone says to drink your water then people cite stories about someone trying to drink 40 gallons and dies...then goes "See? Water will kill you"
Moonglow happens to be right in that moderation is the key factor where marijuana use is concerned. All of the problems associated with marijuana can easily be resolved by repealing the prohibition and commencing an effective public education program designed to promote proper usage.
I have represented stoners for 35 years. I've represented the families of stoners trying to salvage something from the destruction of addiction.
The only thing you represent is the residual effect of alcohol abuse.

If you want a truly peaceful addict it's a heroin user. They go on the nod and are unconscious. Heroin addicts are so peaceful that they die before the ambulance arrives.
While it is possible to maintain a well-regulated, non-destructive heroin dependency the problem is it is a biological addiction. Marijuana is not addictive.

The only person comparing pot and alcohol is you. You are clinging to alcohol like the last life jacket on the sinking boat. Why must you interject alcohol when no one else does. Not only that, but you imagine that it's others that have brought up such a comparison.
Sorry if I touched a sensitive nerve.
Oh I see. Because we have deaths associated with drinking, if we increase the number of dead by introducing another intoxicant, that will reduce the number of overall dead people!

How many people won't die because they are both drunk and high?
Now this I agree with on you 100%, its the reason behind my reluctance to get behind the legalization of marijuana as a recreational drug equal to alcohol. We already have enough problems with drunk driving, until there is a way to conclusively determine that someone is high, and not just a left over reading from the day before, we don't need to add to the problems that alcohol already brings us.
tipsy and few of her like minded friends here has said if you smoke some pot today, because 2-3 weeks from now its still detectable in your blood, you are still high....this is the kind of mentality you are dealing with when you are dealing with her.....
Deaths by substance:

MJ - 9
Alcohol - 20 million
Guns - 250 million

Yes, it's clear here what the problem is. It is the MJ.
Can you supply a credible link to those 9 supposed marijuana deaths? I am not aware of any medically confirmed deaths resulting from marijuana use.

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