Another Death attributed to Marijuana?

California is passing recreational cannabis. Arizona maybe too. Utah is polling pro-legalization. Oregon, WA and Colorado already have recreational passed. That's going to create a massive western block of freedom. Not to mention Mass, Maine and others. Memphis decriminalized to a mere $50 ticket for possession.

Lol, game over. Accept the inevitable
I understand the Colorado state government is reeling from the phenomenal tax revenue it's deriving from legal pot. When the other states realize what they are missing the pressure will be on the Congress to repeal its stupid prohibition -- in spite of the bribes they are getting from the booze industry lobbyists, the pharmaceutical industry lobbyists, the piss-testing industry lobbyists, the law-enforcement industrial complex lobby, et al, to keep it illegal. Because when pot becomes legal every one of those industries will suffer major losses.

Those industries are the reason for the federal anti-pot laws and they are responsible for the Reefer Madness brainwash which has produced such ignorant and demented reasoning as we are seeing right here in this thread.

Cannabinoid medicine is so promising in so many areas that I think big pharma is going to co-opt the medical cannabis industry. If you can't beat em, buy them out.
It isn't but, marijuana makes for successful placebos.
Medical personnel can tell the difference between pot and synthetic pot.
Competent medical personnel are well aware that unadulterated marijuana is perfectly benign. Need credible documentation?

Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University (available from Amazon).
Man fatally shoots himself after eating 5 marijuana candies US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

^ According to this post there have been other deaths reported previously ^

Here is one I find especially tragic since the people involved were only 19 and 23.
I thought the legal age was agreed to be 25 minimum to accommodate for brain development.
So what business did anyone have giving access to 20 year olds if it has been established this poses danger?

Pot Death Teen Leaps 4 Stories After Eating Marijuana Cookie

Pot Death: Teen Leaps 4 Stories After Eating Marijuana Cookie

Officials determined that marijuana intoxication, from cookies, was the chief contributing factor to the man’s death. (Photo: Getty Images)

A teenager in Colorado died after consuming an entire marijuana cookie that contained 6 servings of marijuana’s active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), according to a new report.

The 19-year-old man had received a marijuana cookie from his friend, a 23-year-old who bought the product from a store. The sales clerk instructed the friend to divide the cookie into six pieces, with each piece containing about 10 mg of THC, the recommended serving size established by Colorado authorities.

At first, the 19-year-old followed these instructions, and ate just part of the cookie. But after about 30 to 60 minutes, he didn’t feel any effects, so he ate the rest of the cookie, according to the report, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Over the next few hours, the man showed erratic speech and hostile behaviors, the report said. About 2.5 hours after he ate the whole cookie, he jumped off a balcony on the fourth floor of his building, and died from trauma from the fall, the report said.

Officials determined that marijuana intoxication was the chief contributing factor to the man’s death, which occurred in March 2014. An autopsy found that the man’s blood levels of THC were above the legal limit for driving a car in Colorado.

“This case illustrates a potential danger associated with recreational edible marijuana use,” the report said. [Where Americans Smoke and Grow Marijuana (Maps)]

In 2012, Colorado legalized the recreational use of marijuana, and stores selling the products opened in 2014.

Marijuana takes longer to have an effect when ingested as opposed to smoked. Peak blood levels of THC occur about 1 to 2 hours after ingestion of marijuana, compared to just 5 to 10 minutes after the drug is smoked.

his family is blaming what was clearly a horrible depression on pot. the bigger problem is a) why wasn't the depression treated? and b) why would anyone think taking a depressant (whether pot or alcohol) would help depression?

blaming this person's death on pot is missing the actual point.
There are two incidents. Both were depressed? Where did you get the idea they were depressed?

The important thing is they died. Two fewer addicts is a good thing.
Man fatally shoots himself after eating 5 marijuana candies US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

^ According to this post there have been other deaths reported previously ^

Here is one I find especially tragic since the people involved were only 19 and 23.
I thought the legal age was agreed to be 25 minimum to accommodate for brain development.
So what business did anyone have giving access to 20 year olds if it has been established this poses danger?

Pot Death Teen Leaps 4 Stories After Eating Marijuana Cookie

Pot Death: Teen Leaps 4 Stories After Eating Marijuana Cookie

Officials determined that marijuana intoxication, from cookies, was the chief contributing factor to the man’s death. (Photo: Getty Images)

A teenager in Colorado died after consuming an entire marijuana cookie that contained 6 servings of marijuana’s active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), according to a new report.

The 19-year-old man had received a marijuana cookie from his friend, a 23-year-old who bought the product from a store. The sales clerk instructed the friend to divide the cookie into six pieces, with each piece containing about 10 mg of THC, the recommended serving size established by Colorado authorities.

At first, the 19-year-old followed these instructions, and ate just part of the cookie. But after about 30 to 60 minutes, he didn’t feel any effects, so he ate the rest of the cookie, according to the report, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Over the next few hours, the man showed erratic speech and hostile behaviors, the report said. About 2.5 hours after he ate the whole cookie, he jumped off a balcony on the fourth floor of his building, and died from trauma from the fall, the report said.

Officials determined that marijuana intoxication was the chief contributing factor to the man’s death, which occurred in March 2014. An autopsy found that the man’s blood levels of THC were above the legal limit for driving a car in Colorado.

“This case illustrates a potential danger associated with recreational edible marijuana use,” the report said. [Where Americans Smoke and Grow Marijuana (Maps)]

In 2012, Colorado legalized the recreational use of marijuana, and stores selling the products opened in 2014.

Marijuana takes longer to have an effect when ingested as opposed to smoked. Peak blood levels of THC occur about 1 to 2 hours after ingestion of marijuana, compared to just 5 to 10 minutes after the drug is smoked.

his family is blaming what was clearly a horrible depression on pot. the bigger problem is a) why wasn't the depression treated? and b) why would anyone think taking a depressant (whether pot or alcohol) would help depression?

blaming this person's death on pot is missing the actual point.
There are two incidents. Both were depressed? Where did you get the idea they were depressed?

The important thing is they died. Two fewer addicts is a good thing.

they didn't kill themselves because of pot. they killed themselves because of depression.

and i didn't see that there were two incidents because i don't generally focus on the o/ps nonsense very closely.
you ever hear of synthetic pot?.....
Isn't that the stuff they call "bath salts?"
no its a mind altering chemical that is sprayed on a dried shredded plant so it can be smoked or they sell it as a liquid to be vaped...the chemical used is related to chemicals found in the pot plant.....and its legal to sell this shit and it can be quite deadly....
Man fatally shoots himself after eating 5 marijuana candies US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

^ According to this post there have been other deaths reported previously ^

Here is one I find especially tragic since the people involved were only 19 and 23.
I thought the legal age was agreed to be 25 minimum to accommodate for brain development.
So what business did anyone have giving access to 20 year olds if it has been established this poses danger?

Pot Death Teen Leaps 4 Stories After Eating Marijuana Cookie

Pot Death: Teen Leaps 4 Stories After Eating Marijuana Cookie

Officials determined that marijuana intoxication, from cookies, was the chief contributing factor to the man’s death. (Photo: Getty Images)

A teenager in Colorado died after consuming an entire marijuana cookie that contained 6 servings of marijuana’s active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), according to a new report.

The 19-year-old man had received a marijuana cookie from his friend, a 23-year-old who bought the product from a store. The sales clerk instructed the friend to divide the cookie into six pieces, with each piece containing about 10 mg of THC, the recommended serving size established by Colorado authorities.

At first, the 19-year-old followed these instructions, and ate just part of the cookie. But after about 30 to 60 minutes, he didn’t feel any effects, so he ate the rest of the cookie, according to the report, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Over the next few hours, the man showed erratic speech and hostile behaviors, the report said. About 2.5 hours after he ate the whole cookie, he jumped off a balcony on the fourth floor of his building, and died from trauma from the fall, the report said.

Officials determined that marijuana intoxication was the chief contributing factor to the man’s death, which occurred in March 2014. An autopsy found that the man’s blood levels of THC were above the legal limit for driving a car in Colorado.

“This case illustrates a potential danger associated with recreational edible marijuana use,” the report said. [Where Americans Smoke and Grow Marijuana (Maps)]

In 2012, Colorado legalized the recreational use of marijuana, and stores selling the products opened in 2014.

Marijuana takes longer to have an effect when ingested as opposed to smoked. Peak blood levels of THC occur about 1 to 2 hours after ingestion of marijuana, compared to just 5 to 10 minutes after the drug is smoked.

his family is blaming what was clearly a horrible depression on pot. the bigger problem is a) why wasn't the depression treated? and b) why would anyone think taking a depressant (whether pot or alcohol) would help depression?

blaming this person's death on pot is missing the actual point.
There are two incidents. Both were depressed? Where did you get the idea they were depressed?

The important thing is they died. Two fewer addicts is a good thing.

they didn't kill themselves because of pot. they killed themselves because of depression.

and i didn't see that there were two incidents because i don't generally focus on the o/ps nonsense very closely.
your wasting your time Jill....tipsy is just that.....and a fountain of bullshit....
Man fatally shoots himself after eating 5 marijuana candies US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

^ According to this post there have been other deaths reported previously ^

Here is one I find especially tragic since the people involved were only 19 and 23.
I thought the legal age was agreed to be 25 minimum to accommodate for brain development.
So what business did anyone have giving access to 20 year olds if it has been established this poses danger?

Pot Death Teen Leaps 4 Stories After Eating Marijuana Cookie

Pot Death: Teen Leaps 4 Stories After Eating Marijuana Cookie

Officials determined that marijuana intoxication, from cookies, was the chief contributing factor to the man’s death. (Photo: Getty Images)

A teenager in Colorado died after consuming an entire marijuana cookie that contained 6 servings of marijuana’s active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), according to a new report.

The 19-year-old man had received a marijuana cookie from his friend, a 23-year-old who bought the product from a store. The sales clerk instructed the friend to divide the cookie into six pieces, with each piece containing about 10 mg of THC, the recommended serving size established by Colorado authorities.

At first, the 19-year-old followed these instructions, and ate just part of the cookie. But after about 30 to 60 minutes, he didn’t feel any effects, so he ate the rest of the cookie, according to the report, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Over the next few hours, the man showed erratic speech and hostile behaviors, the report said. About 2.5 hours after he ate the whole cookie, he jumped off a balcony on the fourth floor of his building, and died from trauma from the fall, the report said.

Officials determined that marijuana intoxication was the chief contributing factor to the man’s death, which occurred in March 2014. An autopsy found that the man’s blood levels of THC were above the legal limit for driving a car in Colorado.

“This case illustrates a potential danger associated with recreational edible marijuana use,” the report said. [Where Americans Smoke and Grow Marijuana (Maps)]

In 2012, Colorado legalized the recreational use of marijuana, and stores selling the products opened in 2014.

Marijuana takes longer to have an effect when ingested as opposed to smoked. Peak blood levels of THC occur about 1 to 2 hours after ingestion of marijuana, compared to just 5 to 10 minutes after the drug is smoked.

his family is blaming what was clearly a horrible depression on pot. the bigger problem is a) why wasn't the depression treated? and b) why would anyone think taking a depressant (whether pot or alcohol) would help depression?

blaming this person's death on pot is missing the actual point.
There are two incidents. Both were depressed? Where did you get the idea they were depressed?

The important thing is they died. Two fewer addicts is a good thing.

they didn't kill themselves because of pot. they killed themselves because of depression.

and i didn't see that there were two incidents because i don't generally focus on the o/ps nonsense very closely.
your wasting your time Jill....tipsy is just that.....and a fountain of bullshit....

I know. Sometimes I forget that I'm not dealing with normal people with normal intellect and some sense of reality.
i never knew anyone who got sick from smoking it either.....but tipsy did tell us how she went to a party were the evil stuff was being smoked and "claimed" she got a contact high and her heart started beating so hard they had to rush her to the ER.....outside of that never heard of anyone getting sick from smoking it.....but like you said,im sure it can happen...
And there are people who die from eating one spoonful of peanut butter or being stung by an ordinary bee.
Corporate greed killed them. They weren't rich enough to pay obscenely inflated prices to buy an epipen.
Man fatally shoots himself after eating 5 marijuana candies US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

^ According to this post there have been other deaths reported previously ^

Here is one I find especially tragic since the people involved were only 19 and 23.
I thought the legal age was agreed to be 25 minimum to accommodate for brain development.
So what business did anyone have giving access to 20 year olds if it has been established this poses danger?

Pot Death Teen Leaps 4 Stories After Eating Marijuana Cookie

Pot Death: Teen Leaps 4 Stories After Eating Marijuana Cookie

Officials determined that marijuana intoxication, from cookies, was the chief contributing factor to the man’s death. (Photo: Getty Images)

A teenager in Colorado died after consuming an entire marijuana cookie that contained 6 servings of marijuana’s active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), according to a new report.

The 19-year-old man had received a marijuana cookie from his friend, a 23-year-old who bought the product from a store. The sales clerk instructed the friend to divide the cookie into six pieces, with each piece containing about 10 mg of THC, the recommended serving size established by Colorado authorities.

At first, the 19-year-old followed these instructions, and ate just part of the cookie. But after about 30 to 60 minutes, he didn’t feel any effects, so he ate the rest of the cookie, according to the report, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Over the next few hours, the man showed erratic speech and hostile behaviors, the report said. About 2.5 hours after he ate the whole cookie, he jumped off a balcony on the fourth floor of his building, and died from trauma from the fall, the report said.

Officials determined that marijuana intoxication was the chief contributing factor to the man’s death, which occurred in March 2014. An autopsy found that the man’s blood levels of THC were above the legal limit for driving a car in Colorado.

“This case illustrates a potential danger associated with recreational edible marijuana use,” the report said. [Where Americans Smoke and Grow Marijuana (Maps)]

In 2012, Colorado legalized the recreational use of marijuana, and stores selling the products opened in 2014.

Marijuana takes longer to have an effect when ingested as opposed to smoked. Peak blood levels of THC occur about 1 to 2 hours after ingestion of marijuana, compared to just 5 to 10 minutes after the drug is smoked.

his family is blaming what was clearly a horrible depression on pot. the bigger problem is a) why wasn't the depression treated? and b) why would anyone think taking a depressant (whether pot or alcohol) would help depression?

blaming this person's death on pot is missing the actual point.
There are two incidents. Both were depressed? Where did you get the idea they were depressed?

The important thing is they died. Two fewer addicts is a good thing.

they didn't kill themselves because of pot. they killed themselves because of depression.

and i didn't see that there were two incidents because i don't generally focus on the o/ps nonsense very closely.
your wasting your time Jill....tipsy is just that.....and a fountain of bullshit....

I know. Sometimes I forget that I'm not dealing with normal people with normal intellect and some sense of reality.
Normal people aren't drug addicts like you and I would be glad to compare brain pans with any idiot pothead.
his family is blaming what was clearly a horrible depression on pot. the bigger problem is a) why wasn't the depression treated? and b) why would anyone think taking a depressant (whether pot or alcohol) would help depression?

blaming this person's death on pot is missing the actual point.
There are two incidents. Both were depressed? Where did you get the idea they were depressed?

The important thing is they died. Two fewer addicts is a good thing.

they didn't kill themselves because of pot. they killed themselves because of depression.

and i didn't see that there were two incidents because i don't generally focus on the o/ps nonsense very closely.
your wasting your time Jill....tipsy is just that.....and a fountain of bullshit....

I know. Sometimes I forget that I'm not dealing with normal people with normal intellect and some sense of reality.
Normal people aren't drug addicts like you and I would be glad to compare brain pans with any idiot pothead.

sorry oh brain dead one, you're wrong again.

it's so funny watching you try to post.

poor wacko. did telling the truth about tipsy loon make you cranky?

you should probably get over it.

i realize you didn't understand what i was saying. that's ok. we don't expect you to actually understand anything.
This of course is the natural and probable result of widespread drug addiction. There is something wrong with a person that isn't an addict. They are looney tunes. All reasonable people use drugs. This is the Brave New World.

The modern addict should never trust someone who doesn't use drugs. They aren't like you.
This of course is the natural and probable result of widespread drug addiction. There is something wrong with a person that isn't an addict. They are looney tunes. All reasonable people use drugs. This is the Brave New World.

The modern addict should never trust someone who doesn't use drugs. They aren't like you.
and of course you and your follower mickey cant come up with anyone here saying that......
This of course is the natural and probable result of widespread drug addiction. There is something wrong with a person that isn't an addict. They are looney tunes. All reasonable people use drugs. This is the Brave New World.

The modern addict should never trust someone who doesn't use drugs. They aren't like you.
and of course you and your follower mickey cant come up with anyone here saying that......
Jillian just said it, Focker. Did you space it out already?
This of course is the natural and probable result of widespread drug addiction. There is something wReplyrong with a person that isn't an addict. They are looney tunes. All reasonable people use drugs. This is the Brave New World.

The modern addict should never trust someone who doesn't use drugs. They aren't like you.
and of course you and your follower mickey cant come up with anyone here saying that......
Jillian just said it, Focker. Did you space it out already?
where did she say...."There is something wrong with a person that isn't an addict"......and .."All reasonable people use drugs"....
This entire thread is dedicated to the proposition that only reasonable people use drugs and there is something inherently wrong with those who aren't addicts.
This of course is the natural and probable result of widespread drug addiction. There is something wReplyrong with a person that isn't an addict. They are looney tunes. All reasonable people use drugs. This is the Brave New World.

The modern addict should never trust someone who doesn't use drugs. They aren't like you.
and of course you and your follower mickey cant come up with anyone here saying that......
Jillian just said it, Focker. Did you space it out already?
where did she say...."There is something wrong with a person that isn't an addict"......and .."All reasonable people use drugs"....
It's called an implication. I would try to explain it to you, but your pot addled attention span would cause you to wander off.
First those who aren't addicts are drunks. Of course. Only a drunk would object to being an addict.

Next, object to addiction and you are insane. Sane people all support drug addiction. The really with it folks are drug addicts themselves.
According to a Mayo Clinic study, 7 out of 10 Americans take at least one prescription drug per day. 13% take a pharmaceutical antidepressant and the same number take an opioid. That's what normal is in America. And if you're an average senior you fill over 40 prescriptions per year. We live in a drug addled culture. Some of us just grow our own medicine, and according to some on USMB we should be jailed and/or executed for that, lol. It's cultural lag, old people set in their ways who gulp down pills while pronouncing judgement over people consuming an herb.
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This of course is the natural and probable result of widespread drug addiction. There is something wReplyrong with a person that isn't an addict. They are looney tunes. All reasonable people use drugs. This is the Brave New World.

The modern addict should never trust someone who doesn't use drugs. They aren't like you.
and of course you and your follower mickey cant come up with anyone here saying that......
Jillian just said it, Focker. Did you space it out already?
where did she say...."There is something wrong with a person that isn't an addict"......and .."All reasonable people use drugs"....
It's called an implication. I would try to explain it to you, but your pot addled attention span would cause you to wander off.
oh is that what it is? other words that is your implication of what she supposedly said...this is the same as you not wanting to admit that some religious people are zealots,i had to twist that out of why dont you just admit that Jill did not say what you claim she honest for once,or is that beyond you too?..

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