Another Death attributed to Marijuana?

First those who aren't addicts are drunks. Of course. Only a drunk would object to being an addict.

Next, object to addiction and you are insane. Sane people all support drug addiction. The really with it folks are drug addicts themselves.
so lets see if you can do better than mikey.....where was this said by anyone here?...
It isn't but, marijuana makes for successful placebos.

American Cancer Society says cannabidiol kills cancer cells in mice. One of a myriad of exciting new medical applications;


Dear Treeshepherd and Tipsycatlover
This is GREAT news, but we still should push to address
the ROOT cause of cancer and addiction/abuse
that cannabis products can't cure.

Spiritual healing has been used to identify, remove and cure
spiritual causes of
* cancer, diabetes, liver/kidney diseases (including incureable)
* schizophrenia, depression and other mental ills and disorders
* addiction, abuse, suicidal or self-mutilation obsessions

So if we are going to invest in research on cannibis/marijuana,
why not do double studies and include Spiritual Healing
that is based on identifying conflicts and using Forgiveness therapy
to transform the person's mind and body relationships. And see
how many more people, lives and diseases can be affected that way.

We should expand on this research
and get as much out of the same resources as possible!
Man fatally shoots himself after eating 5 marijuana candies US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

^ According to this post there have been other deaths reported previously ^

Here is one I find especially tragic since the people involved were only 19 and 23.
I thought the legal age was agreed to be 25 minimum to accommodate for brain development.
So what business did anyone have giving access to 20 year olds if it has been established this poses danger?

Pot Death Teen Leaps 4 Stories After Eating Marijuana Cookie

Pot Death: Teen Leaps 4 Stories After Eating Marijuana Cookie

Officials determined that marijuana intoxication, from cookies, was the chief contributing factor to the man’s death. (Photo: Getty Images)

A teenager in Colorado died after consuming an entire marijuana cookie that contained 6 servings of marijuana’s active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), according to a new report.

The 19-year-old man had received a marijuana cookie from his friend, a 23-year-old who bought the product from a store. The sales clerk instructed the friend to divide the cookie into six pieces, with each piece containing about 10 mg of THC, the recommended serving size established by Colorado authorities.

At first, the 19-year-old followed these instructions, and ate just part of the cookie. But after about 30 to 60 minutes, he didn’t feel any effects, so he ate the rest of the cookie, according to the report, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Over the next few hours, the man showed erratic speech and hostile behaviors, the report said. About 2.5 hours after he ate the whole cookie, he jumped off a balcony on the fourth floor of his building, and died from trauma from the fall, the report said.

Officials determined that marijuana intoxication was the chief contributing factor to the man’s death, which occurred in March 2014. An autopsy found that the man’s blood levels of THC were above the legal limit for driving a car in Colorado.

“This case illustrates a potential danger associated with recreational edible marijuana use,” the report said. [Where Americans Smoke and Grow Marijuana (Maps)]

In 2012, Colorado legalized the recreational use of marijuana, and stores selling the products opened in 2014.

Marijuana takes longer to have an effect when ingested as opposed to smoked. Peak blood levels of THC occur about 1 to 2 hours after ingestion of marijuana, compared to just 5 to 10 minutes after the drug is smoked.

his family is blaming what was clearly a horrible depression on pot. the bigger problem is a) why wasn't the depression treated? and b) why would anyone think taking a depressant (whether pot or alcohol) would help depression?

blaming this person's death on pot is missing the actual point.
There are two incidents. Both were depressed? Where did you get the idea they were depressed?

The important thing is they died. Two fewer addicts is a good thing.

they didn't kill themselves because of pot. they killed themselves because of depression.

and i didn't see that there were two incidents because i don't generally focus on the o/ps nonsense very closely.

Dear jillian You remind me of people who say this about shootings,
it's not the guns that kill people it's the mentally ill people doing the killing.

Isn't it both?

If we shouldn't let guns get into the hands of mentally or criminally dangerous people, why would we let addicts and abusers use drugs that further manipulate their judgment, alter their personalities or moods, and
endanger themselves or others. Instead of getting help for their root

Do we need health and safety codes that make it a violation
of health care coverage/insurance if any addictive or abusive
conditions are left untreated? And require people to get checked
and get help, like enrolling in a longterm counseling plan,
in order to qualify for health care coverage?

Would that help stop feeding people's addictive or abusive disorders?
So if we are going to invest in research on cannibis/marijuana,
why not do double studies and include Spiritual Healing
that is based on identifying conflicts and using Forgiveness therapy
to transform the person's mind and body relationships. And see
how many more people, lives and diseases can be affected that way.

The American Cancer Society has recommended that cannabis be taken off the list of schedule 1 controlled substances (lumped in there with heroin and meth) so more research can be done on human subjects.

I believe in the power of prayer. Forgiveness certainly has health benefits. Also yoga and meditation have been shown to be viable replacements for certain drugs and treatments.
Why blame weed for someone jumping off a building? Would you blame coffee if he had a cup before he committed suicide?

Coffee does not contain a mind altering drug in it.
I believe caffeine is considered mind altering
It isn't. There is nothing in coffee that causes cognitive impairment. Or cigarettes for that matter.

Saying so gives addicts justification for using drugs.
Why blame weed for someone jumping off a building? Would you blame coffee if he had a cup before he committed suicide?

Coffee does not contain a mind altering drug in it.
I believe caffeine is considered mind altering

I don't think it causes the same
"dependence" in the same way that marijuana does.
Or the "increased paranoia" mentality that correlates with marijuana users.

Maybe if coffee were illegal and politicized,
and coffee users became involved in "anti govt" and "pro/anti legalization"
conflicts and mass movements, we might see the same "personality changes" in coffee drinkers as with pot users or smokers who start feeling "targeted" collectively.
Concentrated caffeine drinks (ie Monster) are commonly abused by kids. They cause irregular heartbeat, panic attacks and other health problems. Similarly, concentrated THC products can be a real problem, especially for kids. Concentrated THC won't kill you but can result in temporary hecticness.

On the other hand millions of Americans enjoy caffeine and cannabis in moderation.
Why blame weed for someone jumping off a building? Would you blame coffee if he had a cup before he committed suicide?

Coffee does not contain a mind altering drug in it.
I believe caffeine is considered mind altering
It isn't. There is nothing in coffee that causes cognitive impairment. Or cigarettes for that matter.

Saying so gives addicts justification for using drugs.
Psychoactive drug - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So, now, go wish for all coffee drinkers to kill themselves, you repugnant asswipe.
Why blame weed for someone jumping off a building? Would you blame coffee if he had a cup before he committed suicide?

Coffee does not contain a mind altering drug in it.
I believe caffeine is considered mind altering

I don't think it causes the same
"dependence" in the same way that marijuana does.
Or the "increased paranoia" mentality that correlates with marijuana users.

Maybe if coffee were illegal and politicized,
and coffee users became involved in "anti govt" and "pro/anti legalization"
conflicts and mass movements, we might see the same "personality changes" in coffee drinkers as with pot users or smokers who start feeling "targeted" collectively.
Caffeine is VERY addictive.
In fact, from a scientific POV, pot is less addictive than tobacco. And TONS less destructive.
BTW, most addiction stems from a disorder. Also scientific..
Why blame weed for someone jumping off a building? Would you blame coffee if he had a cup before he committed suicide?

Coffee does not contain a mind altering drug in it.
I believe caffeine is considered mind altering

I don't think it causes the same
"dependence" in the same way that marijuana does.
Or the "increased paranoia" mentality that correlates with marijuana users.

Maybe if coffee were illegal and politicized,
and coffee users became involved in "anti govt" and "pro/anti legalization"
conflicts and mass movements, we might see the same "personality changes" in coffee drinkers as with pot users or smokers who start feeling "targeted" collectively.
Caffeine is VERY addictive.
In fact, from a scientific POV, pot is less addictive than tobacco. And TONS less destructive.
BTW, most addiction stems from a disorder. Also scientific..

No one said it wasn't addictive, only that is wasn't mind altering. No one has jumped off of a building after five cups of coffee.
Why blame weed for someone jumping off a building? Would you blame coffee if he had a cup before he committed suicide?

Coffee does not contain a mind altering drug in it.
I believe caffeine is considered mind altering

I don't think it causes the same
"dependence" in the same way that marijuana does.
Or the "increased paranoia" mentality that correlates with marijuana users.

Maybe if coffee were illegal and politicized,
and coffee users became involved in "anti govt" and "pro/anti legalization"
conflicts and mass movements, we might see the same "personality changes" in coffee drinkers as with pot users or smokers who start feeling "targeted" collectively.
Caffeine is VERY addictive.
In fact, from a scientific POV, pot is less addictive than tobacco. And TONS less destructive.
BTW, most addiction stems from a disorder. Also scientific..

I smoked cigarettes for many years and never once got the urge to jump off of a building.
Why blame weed for someone jumping off a building? Would you blame coffee if he had a cup before he committed suicide?

Coffee does not contain a mind altering drug in it.
I believe caffeine is considered mind altering

I don't think it causes the same
"dependence" in the same way that marijuana does.
Or the "increased paranoia" mentality that correlates with marijuana users.

Maybe if coffee were illegal and politicized,
and coffee users became involved in "anti govt" and "pro/anti legalization"
conflicts and mass movements, we might see the same "personality changes" in coffee drinkers as with pot users or smokers who start feeling "targeted" collectively.
Caffeine is VERY addictive.
In fact, from a scientific POV, pot is less addictive than tobacco. And TONS less destructive.
BTW, most addiction stems from a disorder. Also scientific..

No one said it wasn't addictive, only that is wasn't mind altering. No one has jumped off of a building after five cups of coffee.
The link I provided shows you are wrong. I have about 75 more.
Prove it.
Why blame weed for someone jumping off a building? Would you blame coffee if he had a cup before he committed suicide?

Coffee does not contain a mind altering drug in it.
I believe caffeine is considered mind altering

I don't think it causes the same
"dependence" in the same way that marijuana does.
Or the "increased paranoia" mentality that correlates with marijuana users.

Maybe if coffee were illegal and politicized,
and coffee users became involved in "anti govt" and "pro/anti legalization"
conflicts and mass movements, we might see the same "personality changes" in coffee drinkers as with pot users or smokers who start feeling "targeted" collectively.
Caffeine is VERY addictive.
In fact, from a scientific POV, pot is less addictive than tobacco. And TONS less destructive.
BTW, most addiction stems from a disorder. Also scientific..

I smoked cigarettes for many years and never once got the urge to jump off of a building.
Completely relevant info. Thanks.
Coffee does not contain a mind altering drug in it.
I believe caffeine is considered mind altering

I don't think it causes the same
"dependence" in the same way that marijuana does.
Or the "increased paranoia" mentality that correlates with marijuana users.

Maybe if coffee were illegal and politicized,
and coffee users became involved in "anti govt" and "pro/anti legalization"
conflicts and mass movements, we might see the same "personality changes" in coffee drinkers as with pot users or smokers who start feeling "targeted" collectively.
Caffeine is VERY addictive.
In fact, from a scientific POV, pot is less addictive than tobacco. And TONS less destructive.
BTW, most addiction stems from a disorder. Also scientific..

No one said it wasn't addictive, only that is wasn't mind altering. No one has jumped off of a building after five cups of coffee.
The link I provided shows you are wrong. I have about 75 more.
Prove it.

Just one where coffee caused someone to jump off a building will do.

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