Another Democrat Media Hoax Falls Apart: Irish Deal Was Signed Under Obama


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The fake story about US military flights landing in Ireland fell apart right before our eyes:


Rachel Maddow touted another Trump scandal on September 6, that the Air Force was putting "taxpayer money directly into the president's pocket" by using Glasgow Prestwick Airport near his Turnberry resort in Scotland. These were the "facts" she presented:

MADDOW: But now, in addition he's got this money-losing goal resort in Scotland that was about to lose the money-losing airport that serviced it. I mean, the golf course is already having really tough times. If they lose the nearest airport, too?

But now miraculously, now that Donald Trump is president, American military cargo planes have started refueling at that airport, at a significant price markup Right? It's much cheaper for them to get their fuel at military bases. That's part of the reason they always stop at military bases.

Also, they're the military. They're no longer stopping at military bases. Instead, they're stopping at the airport that Trump needs to prop up in order to keep his Scottish golf resort going, and paying full freight commercial airport rates for that fuel.

Maddow was touting a Politico story by Natasha Bertrand, who is also an MSNBC contributor. Bertrand told Maddow "I think we at Politico were still trying to absorb it as we finished the story. I mean, it was probably one of the most remarkably brazen, you know, instances of this kind of self-dealing and grift that we have seen in the Trump era."

Don't believe the hype. Byron York of the Washington Examiner challenged this story on September 9, which was based on a single anecdote of one flight: "The only problem with the Politico story was that it was not the whole story. In fact, it omitted so much important information that it hardly qualified as a story at all."

The first thing to note is that a public database shows the Air Force signed a contract for refuelings at Prestwick in 2016, before the Trump administration entered office. In addition, Air Force planes made many stops at Prestwick before President Trump. According to information provided by Air Force officials, planes stopped at Prestwick 95 times in 2015, 145 times in 2016, 180 times in 2017, 257 times in 2018, and 259 times through August 2019.

In a statement, the Air Force stressed efficiency:

Prestwick's 24-hour-a-day operations make it a more viable option for aircraft traveling to and from the U.S. Central Command Area of Responsibility compared to other military stopover locations that have imposed increasingly restrictive operating hours. Additionally, Air Mobility Command [AMC] issued a flight directive to mobility crews in June 2017 designed to increase efficiencies by standardizing routing locations, with Prestwick being among the top five locations recommended for reasons such as more favorable weather than nearby Shannon Airport, and less aircraft parking congestion than locations on the European continent that typically support AMC's high priority airlift missions.

The Air Force also said that Prestwick "has been contracted by DoD for fuel at standardized prices," so there goes Maddow's "markup" claims.

Read more here: Maddow's Hot Story on Trump-Dealing Military 'Markups' Fell Apart
The fake story about US military flights landing in Ireland fell apart right before our eyes:


Rachel Maddow touted another Trump scandal on September 6, that the Air Force was putting "taxpayer money directly into the president's pocket" by using Glasgow Prestwick Airport near his Turnberry resort in Scotland. These were the "facts" she presented:

MADDOW: But now, in addition he's got this money-losing goal resort in Scotland that was about to lose the money-losing airport that serviced it. I mean, the golf course is already having really tough times. If they lose the nearest airport, too?

But now miraculously, now that Donald Trump is president, American military cargo planes have started refueling at that airport, at a significant price markup Right? It's much cheaper for them to get their fuel at military bases. That's part of the reason they always stop at military bases.

Also, they're the military. They're no longer stopping at military bases. Instead, they're stopping at the airport that Trump needs to prop up in order to keep his Scottish golf resort going, and paying full freight commercial airport rates for that fuel.

Maddow was touting a Politico story by Natasha Bertrand, who is also an MSNBC contributor. Bertrand told Maddow "I think we at Politico were still trying to absorb it as we finished the story. I mean, it was probably one of the most remarkably brazen, you know, instances of this kind of self-dealing and grift that we have seen in the Trump era."

Don't believe the hype. Byron York of the Washington Examiner challenged this story on September 9, which was based on a single anecdote of one flight: "The only problem with the Politico story was that it was not the whole story. In fact, it omitted so much important information that it hardly qualified as a story at all."

The first thing to note is that a public database shows the Air Force signed a contract for refuelings at Prestwick in 2016, before the Trump administration entered office. In addition, Air Force planes made many stops at Prestwick before President Trump. According to information provided by Air Force officials, planes stopped at Prestwick 95 times in 2015, 145 times in 2016, 180 times in 2017, 257 times in 2018, and 259 times through August 2019.

In a statement, the Air Force stressed efficiency:

Prestwick's 24-hour-a-day operations make it a more viable option for aircraft traveling to and from the U.S. Central Command Area of Responsibility compared to other military stopover locations that have imposed increasingly restrictive operating hours. Additionally, Air Mobility Command [AMC] issued a flight directive to mobility crews in June 2017 designed to increase efficiencies by standardizing routing locations, with Prestwick being among the top five locations recommended for reasons such as more favorable weather than nearby Shannon Airport, and less aircraft parking congestion than locations on the European continent that typically support AMC's high priority airlift missions.

The Air Force also said that Prestwick "has been contracted by DoD for fuel at standardized prices," so there goes Maddow's "markup" claims.

Read more here: Maddow's Hot Story on Trump-Dealing Military 'Markups' Fell Apart
Did anyone expect MadCow to do any fact checking on any story this liar does?

Standard DNC bull shit... Lie your ass off and hope no one checks.... More lies from the left..
Well, she's a winger.

As an important part of a winger's personality is that they'll highlight, expand on, focus on, and even distort all information that supports their agenda. They will also avoid, ignore, minimize, dismiss and distort all information that does NOT support their agenda.

You can't believe anything they tell you, because it's likely you're not getting the full, straight, complete, intellectually honest story.

Wingers have zero credibility, none.
CNN and MSDNC..... Liars on the left...


These people are clueless.... There are no Journalists at these propaganda machines.. Just propagandists...
These lies are so obvious....but the only purpose for them is to keep people hating Trump.
Doesn't matter is most of the shit they say about him is's just another excuse to not vote for him.
Democrats are in full lying mode. About everything. It's getting out of control. This kind of lying is nomally found in the delusional in insane asylums.
Democrats are in full lying mode. About everything. It's getting out of control. This kind of lying is nomally found in the delusional in insane asylums.
Internal polling must be showing them losing all branches of power... They will become more and more unhinged as the election grows closer...
Judging from the insane attack on Justice Kavanaugh, you are probably correct.
Democrats are in full lying mode. About everything. It's getting out of control. This kind of lying is nomally found in the delusional in insane asylums.
Internal polling must be showing them losing all branches of power... They will become more and more unhinged as the election grows closer...
Judging from the insane attack on Justice Kavanaugh, you are probably correct.
The smear in the NYTimes is going to bit them in the ass. The case has already been shown a fraud. Now it needs to have real life consequences for those spreading the lie.
Well, she's a winger.

As an important part of a winger's personality is that they'll highlight, expand on, focus on, and even distort all information that supports their agenda. They will also avoid, ignore, minimize, dismiss and distort all information that does NOT support their agenda.

You can't believe anything they tell you, because it's likely you're not getting the full, straight, complete, intellectually honest story.

Wingers have zero credibility, none.
Democrats are in full lying mode. About everything. It's getting out of control. This kind of lying is nomally found in the delusional in insane asylums.

And the low IQ saps run to this board to repeat it all. As they have done my years here. Never do I fell such hatred, wish of painful death on the MSM or the stupid leftist maggots posting here.
Well, she's a winger.

As an important part of a winger's personality is that they'll highlight, expand on, focus on, and even distort all information that supports their agenda. They will also avoid, ignore, minimize, dismiss and distort all information that does NOT support their agenda.

You can't believe anything they tell you, because it's likely you're not getting the full, straight, complete, intellectually honest story.

Wingers have zero credibility, none.
Democrats are in full lying mode. About everything. It's getting out of control. This kind of lying is nomally found in the delusional in insane asylums.

And the low IQ saps run to this board to repeat it all. As they have done my years here. Never do I fell such hatred, wish of painful death on the MSM or the stupid leftist maggots posting here.
My post was about wingers in general, not just left wingers.

Peas in a pod.
Well, she's a winger.

As an important part of a winger's personality is that they'll highlight, expand on, focus on, and even distort all information that supports their agenda. They will also avoid, ignore, minimize, dismiss and distort all information that does NOT support their agenda.

You can't believe anything they tell you, because it's likely you're not getting the full, straight, complete, intellectually honest story.

Wingers have zero credibility, none.
Democrats are in full lying mode. About everything. It's getting out of control. This kind of lying is nomally found in the delusional in insane asylums.

And the low IQ saps run to this board to repeat it all. As they have done my years here. Never do I fell such hatred, wish of painful death on the MSM or the stupid leftist maggots posting here.
My post was about wingers in general, not just left wingers.

Peas in a pod.

We know Mac. You voted Killary but you are better than everybody on the boards.
Well, she's a winger.

As an important part of a winger's personality is that they'll highlight, expand on, focus on, and even distort all information that supports their agenda. They will also avoid, ignore, minimize, dismiss and distort all information that does NOT support their agenda.

You can't believe anything they tell you, because it's likely you're not getting the full, straight, complete, intellectually honest story.

Wingers have zero credibility, none.
Democrats are in full lying mode. About everything. It's getting out of control. This kind of lying is nomally found in the delusional in insane asylums.

And the low IQ saps run to this board to repeat it all. As they have done my years here. Never do I fell such hatred, wish of painful death on the MSM or the stupid leftist maggots posting here.
My post was about wingers in general, not just left wingers.

Peas in a pod.

We know Mac. You voted Killary but you are better than everybody on the boards.
Why thank you!

But from what I can tell, it's you wingers who think you're better than everyone else.

You and your tribe have all the answers, don't you? Every answer to every issue?

The fake story about US military flights landing in Ireland fell apart right before our eyes:


Rachel Maddow touted another Trump scandal on September 6, that the Air Force was putting "taxpayer money directly into the president's pocket" by using Glasgow Prestwick Airport near his Turnberry resort in Scotland. These were the "facts" she presented:

MADDOW: But now, in addition he's got this money-losing goal resort in Scotland that was about to lose the money-losing airport that serviced it. I mean, the golf course is already having really tough times. If they lose the nearest airport, too?

But now miraculously, now that Donald Trump is president, American military cargo planes have started refueling at that airport, at a significant price markup Right? It's much cheaper for them to get their fuel at military bases. That's part of the reason they always stop at military bases.

Also, they're the military. They're no longer stopping at military bases. Instead, they're stopping at the airport that Trump needs to prop up in order to keep his Scottish golf resort going, and paying full freight commercial airport rates for that fuel.

Maddow was touting a Politico story by Natasha Bertrand, who is also an MSNBC contributor. Bertrand told Maddow "I think we at Politico were still trying to absorb it as we finished the story. I mean, it was probably one of the most remarkably brazen, you know, instances of this kind of self-dealing and grift that we have seen in the Trump era."

Don't believe the hype. Byron York of the Washington Examiner challenged this story on September 9, which was based on a single anecdote of one flight: "The only problem with the Politico story was that it was not the whole story. In fact, it omitted so much important information that it hardly qualified as a story at all."

The first thing to note is that a public database shows the Air Force signed a contract for refuelings at Prestwick in 2016, before the Trump administration entered office. In addition, Air Force planes made many stops at Prestwick before President Trump. According to information provided by Air Force officials, planes stopped at Prestwick 95 times in 2015, 145 times in 2016, 180 times in 2017, 257 times in 2018, and 259 times through August 2019.

In a statement, the Air Force stressed efficiency:

Prestwick's 24-hour-a-day operations make it a more viable option for aircraft traveling to and from the U.S. Central Command Area of Responsibility compared to other military stopover locations that have imposed increasingly restrictive operating hours. Additionally, Air Mobility Command [AMC] issued a flight directive to mobility crews in June 2017 designed to increase efficiencies by standardizing routing locations, with Prestwick being among the top five locations recommended for reasons such as more favorable weather than nearby Shannon Airport, and less aircraft parking congestion than locations on the European continent that typically support AMC's high priority airlift missions.

The Air Force also said that Prestwick "has been contracted by DoD for fuel at standardized prices," so there goes Maddow's "markup" claims.

Read more here: Maddow's Hot Story on Trump-Dealing Military 'Markups' Fell Apart
Did anyone expect MadCow to do any fact checking on any story this liar does?

Standard DNC bull shit... Lie your ass off and hope no one checks.... More lies from the left..
Democrats are in full lying mode. About everything. It's getting out of control. This kind of lying is nomally found in the delusional in insane asylums.

Spot on!

Rachel Maddow is a dishonest skank. Everything about her stinks .She is a woman completely void of integrity; a shameless, hollow, self-indulging, hate-filled, sanctimonious, bigoted waste of human potential. Her uninformed and biased opinions are as relevant as tits on a boar hog.

A reporter? She wouldn't make a pimple on a good reporter's derriere.

The saddest thing of all is that there are no consequences for all the lies she spews. She has job security because the people she works for are just as corrupt, just as anti-Trump delusional as she is.
Last edited:
The fake story about US military flights landing in Ireland fell apart right before our eyes:


Rachel Maddow touted another Trump scandal on September 6, that the Air Force was putting "taxpayer money directly into the president's pocket" by using Glasgow Prestwick Airport near his Turnberry resort in Scotland. These were the "facts" she presented:

MADDOW: But now, in addition he's got this money-losing goal resort in Scotland that was about to lose the money-losing airport that serviced it. I mean, the golf course is already having really tough times. If they lose the nearest airport, too?

But now miraculously, now that Donald Trump is president, American military cargo planes have started refueling at that airport, at a significant price markup Right? It's much cheaper for them to get their fuel at military bases. That's part of the reason they always stop at military bases.

Also, they're the military. They're no longer stopping at military bases. Instead, they're stopping at the airport that Trump needs to prop up in order to keep his Scottish golf resort going, and paying full freight commercial airport rates for that fuel.

Maddow was touting a Politico story by Natasha Bertrand, who is also an MSNBC contributor. Bertrand told Maddow "I think we at Politico were still trying to absorb it as we finished the story. I mean, it was probably one of the most remarkably brazen, you know, instances of this kind of self-dealing and grift that we have seen in the Trump era."

Don't believe the hype. Byron York of the Washington Examiner challenged this story on September 9, which was based on a single anecdote of one flight: "The only problem with the Politico story was that it was not the whole story. In fact, it omitted so much important information that it hardly qualified as a story at all."

The first thing to note is that a public database shows the Air Force signed a contract for refuelings at Prestwick in 2016, before the Trump administration entered office. In addition, Air Force planes made many stops at Prestwick before President Trump. According to information provided by Air Force officials, planes stopped at Prestwick 95 times in 2015, 145 times in 2016, 180 times in 2017, 257 times in 2018, and 259 times through August 2019.

In a statement, the Air Force stressed efficiency:

Prestwick's 24-hour-a-day operations make it a more viable option for aircraft traveling to and from the U.S. Central Command Area of Responsibility compared to other military stopover locations that have imposed increasingly restrictive operating hours. Additionally, Air Mobility Command [AMC] issued a flight directive to mobility crews in June 2017 designed to increase efficiencies by standardizing routing locations, with Prestwick being among the top five locations recommended for reasons such as more favorable weather than nearby Shannon Airport, and less aircraft parking congestion than locations on the European continent that typically support AMC's high priority airlift missions.

The Air Force also said that Prestwick "has been contracted by DoD for fuel at standardized prices," so there goes Maddow's "markup" claims.

Read more here: Maddow's Hot Story on Trump-Dealing Military 'Markups' Fell Apart

No one said that they weren't re-fueling there before, it's just that NOW they're refueling there at three times the rate as in past.
Well, she's a winger.

As an important part of a winger's personality is that they'll highlight, expand on, focus on, and even distort all information that supports their agenda. They will also avoid, ignore, minimize, dismiss and distort all information that does NOT support their agenda.

You can't believe anything they tell you, because it's likely you're not getting the full, straight, complete, intellectually honest story.

Wingers have zero credibility, none.
Democrats are in full lying mode. About everything. It's getting out of control. This kind of lying is nomally found in the delusional in insane asylums.

And the low IQ saps run to this board to repeat it all. As they have done my years here. Never do I fell such hatred, wish of painful death on the MSM or the stupid leftist maggots posting here.

Here we are again, the right wishing death on leftists. What is wrong with you people that you are so filled with hatred of your fellow Americans. How have you allowed yourselves to be manipulated in this way?

Get help!
Democrats are in full lying mode. About everything. It's getting out of control. This kind of lying is nomally found in the delusional in insane asylums.

It doesn't matter that their lies are outed. The left's strategy is to run the lie and do as much damage as possible, bury the retraction on page 29 and be running the new lie before the retraction for the old lie hits the news stand.
The fake story about US military flights landing in Ireland fell apart right before our eyes:


Rachel Maddow touted another Trump scandal on September 6, that the Air Force was putting "taxpayer money directly into the president's pocket" by using Glasgow Prestwick Airport near his Turnberry resort in Scotland. These were the "facts" she presented:

MADDOW: But now, in addition he's got this money-losing goal resort in Scotland that was about to lose the money-losing airport that serviced it. I mean, the golf course is already having really tough times. If they lose the nearest airport, too?

But now miraculously, now that Donald Trump is president, American military cargo planes have started refueling at that airport, at a significant price markup Right? It's much cheaper for them to get their fuel at military bases. That's part of the reason they always stop at military bases.

Also, they're the military. They're no longer stopping at military bases. Instead, they're stopping at the airport that Trump needs to prop up in order to keep his Scottish golf resort going, and paying full freight commercial airport rates for that fuel.

Maddow was touting a Politico story by Natasha Bertrand, who is also an MSNBC contributor. Bertrand told Maddow "I think we at Politico were still trying to absorb it as we finished the story. I mean, it was probably one of the most remarkably brazen, you know, instances of this kind of self-dealing and grift that we have seen in the Trump era."

Don't believe the hype. Byron York of the Washington Examiner challenged this story on September 9, which was based on a single anecdote of one flight: "The only problem with the Politico story was that it was not the whole story. In fact, it omitted so much important information that it hardly qualified as a story at all."

The first thing to note is that a public database shows the Air Force signed a contract for refuelings at Prestwick in 2016, before the Trump administration entered office. In addition, Air Force planes made many stops at Prestwick before President Trump. According to information provided by Air Force officials, planes stopped at Prestwick 95 times in 2015, 145 times in 2016, 180 times in 2017, 257 times in 2018, and 259 times through August 2019.

In a statement, the Air Force stressed efficiency:

Prestwick's 24-hour-a-day operations make it a more viable option for aircraft traveling to and from the U.S. Central Command Area of Responsibility compared to other military stopover locations that have imposed increasingly restrictive operating hours. Additionally, Air Mobility Command [AMC] issued a flight directive to mobility crews in June 2017 designed to increase efficiencies by standardizing routing locations, with Prestwick being among the top five locations recommended for reasons such as more favorable weather than nearby Shannon Airport, and less aircraft parking congestion than locations on the European continent that typically support AMC's high priority airlift missions.

The Air Force also said that Prestwick "has been contracted by DoD for fuel at standardized prices," so there goes Maddow's "markup" claims.

Read more here: Maddow's Hot Story on Trump-Dealing Military 'Markups' Fell Apart
please do not tell Lakhota this
The fake story about US military flights landing in Ireland fell apart right before our eyes:


Rachel Maddow touted another Trump scandal on September 6, that the Air Force was putting "taxpayer money directly into the president's pocket" by using Glasgow Prestwick Airport near his Turnberry resort in Scotland. These were the "facts" she presented:

MADDOW: But now, in addition he's got this money-losing goal resort in Scotland that was about to lose the money-losing airport that serviced it. I mean, the golf course is already having really tough times. If they lose the nearest airport, too?

But now miraculously, now that Donald Trump is president, American military cargo planes have started refueling at that airport, at a significant price markup Right? It's much cheaper for them to get their fuel at military bases. That's part of the reason they always stop at military bases.

Also, they're the military. They're no longer stopping at military bases. Instead, they're stopping at the airport that Trump needs to prop up in order to keep his Scottish golf resort going, and paying full freight commercial airport rates for that fuel.

Maddow was touting a Politico story by Natasha Bertrand, who is also an MSNBC contributor. Bertrand told Maddow "I think we at Politico were still trying to absorb it as we finished the story. I mean, it was probably one of the most remarkably brazen, you know, instances of this kind of self-dealing and grift that we have seen in the Trump era."

Don't believe the hype. Byron York of the Washington Examiner challenged this story on September 9, which was based on a single anecdote of one flight: "The only problem with the Politico story was that it was not the whole story. In fact, it omitted so much important information that it hardly qualified as a story at all."

The first thing to note is that a public database shows the Air Force signed a contract for refuelings at Prestwick in 2016, before the Trump administration entered office. In addition, Air Force planes made many stops at Prestwick before President Trump. According to information provided by Air Force officials, planes stopped at Prestwick 95 times in 2015, 145 times in 2016, 180 times in 2017, 257 times in 2018, and 259 times through August 2019.

In a statement, the Air Force stressed efficiency:

Prestwick's 24-hour-a-day operations make it a more viable option for aircraft traveling to and from the U.S. Central Command Area of Responsibility compared to other military stopover locations that have imposed increasingly restrictive operating hours. Additionally, Air Mobility Command [AMC] issued a flight directive to mobility crews in June 2017 designed to increase efficiencies by standardizing routing locations, with Prestwick being among the top five locations recommended for reasons such as more favorable weather than nearby Shannon Airport, and less aircraft parking congestion than locations on the European continent that typically support AMC's high priority airlift missions.

The Air Force also said that Prestwick "has been contracted by DoD for fuel at standardized prices," so there goes Maddow's "markup" claims.

Read more here: Maddow's Hot Story on Trump-Dealing Military 'Markups' Fell Apart

No one said that they weren't re-fueling there before, it's just that NOW they're refueling there at three times the rate as in past.
Liar.....prove it.

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