Another example of right wingers' blatant hypocrisy

Assault rifles cost $50,000 dollars or more.
The media should attend a gun show. Perhaps they'd learn the difference between an assault rifle and the "Assault" rifles they proclaim in-use by every day by nutters like you on the street.
How many towel-headed, gay-hating Muslims do you know who can afford 50K+ for an assault gun.
Not many.
They're shooting $1,500 "AKs" that the media, and Liberals, are too stupid to understand. It's NOT a fucking assault rifle, idiots.

MORON........what you wrote should be really "comforting" to the families of those killed....."Hey, family members, what are you bitching about.....your loved ones were NOT killed by an assault weapon....go to a gun show and make sure you label the gun that killed your kids correctly"......

Correct. They were NOT killed by an assault rifle. That's a fact. You've also proven my point - Liberals are too fucking naive and/or dumb to know otherwise.
Case closed.

Well that ended quickly :cool:
Yep....that "shall not be infringed" gives the left tards gas.....hilarious
For all their "education" one would think they could grasp such a simple concept.... Oh, but they do when it comes to "free speech" and "freedom of the press"... Interesting, that the "right" is called "hypocrites"...

Liberals support free speech so long as you support their incorrect worldview. If you want to state facts... they dismiss them as "hate facts" and censor them. They might even force you to pay a fine for speaking out. It's called "hate-speech".
Screaming "Its not an ASSAULT Rifle" seems to mean something to some people.

How about calling it a Blammo Stick? All better now?
Correct. They were NOT killed by an assault rifle. That's a fact. You've also proven my point - Liberals are too fucking naive and/or dumb to know otherwise.
Case closed.

In other words, what is MOST IMPORTANT to note in this right wingers not to be "offended" if the rifle used is not labeled correctly....Right fuck head???
That is, right on cue, mindless partisan bigots used the blood of innocents to push their senseless agenda.

IT was YOU and your ilk that made it EASIER for that thug to get the weapons to kill MORE people in the shortest amount of time......LIVE WITH IT (if you have a conscience.)

In this particular case, it was actually the FBI that fucked up. You know - the agency Obama appointed someone to lead that's in a constant state of fuck up? Call the White House and whine asshole.
Correct. They were NOT killed by an assault rifle. That's a fact. You've also proven my point - Liberals are too fucking naive and/or dumb to know otherwise.
Case closed.

In other words, what is MOST IMPORTANT to note in this right wingers not to be "offended" if the rifle used is not labeled correctly....Right fuck head???

It's rather important distinction if you are arguing for an assault rifle ban...

I mean before banning something, you should at least know what it is.
Correct. They were NOT killed by an assault rifle. That's a fact. You've also proven my point - Liberals are too fucking naive and/or dumb to know otherwise.
Case closed.

In other words, what is MOST IMPORTANT to note in this right wingers not to be "offended" if the rifle used is not labeled correctly....Right fuck head???

No stupid. You still don't get it. It's not that it's labeled incorrectly - it's a blatant lie.
It's like calling a car a horse. Two entirely different things, asshole. Educate yourself - you'll appear slightly brighter than the dumb state you're currently in.
And by the way - don't you have a cop killing to cheer?
It's rather important distinction if you are arguing for an assault rifle ban...

NO idiot....I am calling for the ease of selling whatever the fuck you want to label the guns that killed 50 and shot up another 50 innocents....I don't give a crap what you call the weapon....stop HIDING behind the label you want to name the rifle.
As expected, and rightfully so, after the carnage in Orlando sane minds are stating that the current easy access to assault weapons that maximize casualties should be curtailed.....

Equally as expected, right wingers hide behind the 2nd amendment and either (moronically) interpret any ban on assault rifles as wanting to take ALL guns away from the macho community.......OR vehemently object to ANY curtailment to the current laws (as dictated by the NRA) and have no problem with helping to arm terrorists. Sure, some say that terrorists could get their assault weapons ILLEGALLY...yet they just don't want to realize just how EASY they've made the availability.....

HOWEVER, when it comes to their own sorry hides, these same right wingers DO NOT want for anyone to carry their weapons into their convention hall in Cleveland.....Why?
Simple, their afraid of their own scenario where whomever wants to openly carry a weapon should not do so where THEY hang out.

They'll retort that its the "bad" secret service that won't let them carry guns in Cleveland's convention....Or they'll say that the owners of the convention center have banned guns.....So, in this case, they've become "sheep" to governmental authorities....the same exact authorities that they ALSO state they need their guns to protect themselves from.


Ma'am you are an idiot. Every thread you post is a failure. The Secret Service sets the security terms for the convention. Stop posting juvenile thoughts and get ahold yourself. Think before you post.
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NOTICE that NOT ONE of these right wing idiots has addressed WHY the can't carry whatever the fuck they want to label the rifle used in this Orlando carnage.....into their OWN environment in Cleveland....Hypocrites.
Correct. They were NOT killed by an assault rifle. That's a fact. You've also proven my point - Liberals are too fucking naive and/or dumb to know otherwise.
Case closed.

In other words, what is MOST IMPORTANT to note in this right wingers not to be "offended" if the rifle used is not labeled correctly....Right fuck head???

It's rather important distinction if you are arguing for an assault rifle ban...

I mean before banning something, you should at least know what it is.

Well said
It's like signing a bill ones never read
Sound familiar?

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NOTICE that NOT ONE of these right wing idiots has addressed WHY the can't carry whatever the fuck they want to label the rifle used in this Orlando carnage.....into their OWN environment in Cleveland....Hypocrites.

I thought Obama promised hope and change?
What happened idiot?
Was it our fault he failed!?


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NOTICE that NOT ONE of these right wing idiots has addressed WHY the can't carry whatever the fuck they want to label the rifle used in this Orlando carnage.....into their OWN environment in Cleveland....Hypocrites.

Can't help stupid. It was explained to you.
It's rather important distinction if you are arguing for an assault rifle ban...

NO idiot....I am calling for the ease of selling whatever the fuck you want to label the guns that killed 50 and shot up another 50 innocents....I don't give a crap what you call the weapon....stop HIDING behind the label you want to name the rifle.

How about when a police officer is gunned down?
Tear up much?
Doubtful, asshole

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It's rather important distinction if you are arguing for an assault rifle ban...

NO idiot....I am calling for the ease of selling whatever the fuck you want to label the guns that killed 50 and shot up another 50 innocents....I don't give a crap what you call the weapon....stop HIDING behind the label you want to name the rifle.

Yes, we know that you want people not to be able to defend themselves against liberal violence. Thankfully, most people are waking up to the facts:




It's incredible that you are so willing to address a non-issue. But a true issue - the murder rate in the black/muslim community, is a completely foreign topic to a liberal.
Ma'am are an idiot. Every thread you post is a failure. The Secret Service sets the security terms for the convention. Stop posting juvenile thoughts and get ahold yourself. Think before you post.

Hey, moron....isn't the secret service part of that government that you demand to be armed in case you have to fight against???.......You're then a part-time "patriot" but an alll the time pussy.
Ma'am are an idiot. Every thread you post is a failure. The Secret Service sets the security terms for the convention. Stop posting juvenile thoughts and get ahold yourself. Think before you post.

Hey, moron....isn't the secret service part of that government that you demand to be armed in case you have to fight against???.......You're then a part-time "patriot" but an alll the time pussy.
Another guber that believes he can violate the secret service security perimeter. You can't possibly be this dumb.
As expected, and rightfully so, after the carnage in Orlando sane minds are stating that the current easy access to assault weapons that maximize casualties should be curtailed.....

Equally as expected, right wingers hide behind the 2nd amendment and either (moronically) interpret any ban on assault rifles as wanting to take ALL guns away from the macho community.......OR vehemently object to ANY curtailment to the current laws (as dictated by the NRA) and have no problem with helping to arm terrorists. Sure, some say that terrorists could get their assault weapons ILLEGALLY...yet they just don't want to realize just how EASY they've made the availability.....

HOWEVER, when it comes to their own sorry hides, these same right wingers DO NOT want for anyone to carry their weapons into their convention hall in Cleveland.....Why?
Simple, their afraid of their own scenario where whomever wants to openly carry a weapon should not do so where THEY hang out.

They'll retort that its the "bad" secret service that won't let them carry guns in Cleveland's convention....Or they'll say that the owners of the convention center have banned guns.....So, in this case, they've become "sheep" to governmental authorities....the same exact authorities that they ALSO state they need their guns to protect themselves from.


Yo, you are living past your time? You and Hitler would`ve been great friends, or you could`ve been his sexual adviser (gay boy)!

Like your Leader!

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